121 research outputs found

    Distributed-memory large deformation diffeomorphic 3D image registration

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    We present a parallel distributed-memory algorithm for large deformation diffeomorphic registration of volumetric images that produces large isochoric deformations (locally volume preserving). Image registration is a key technology in medical image analysis. Our algorithm uses a partial differential equation constrained optimal control formulation. Finding the optimal deformation map requires the solution of a highly nonlinear problem that involves pseudo-differential operators, biharmonic operators, and pure advection operators both forward and back- ward in time. A key issue is the time to solution, which poses the demand for efficient optimization methods as well as an effective utilization of high performance computing resources. To address this problem we use a preconditioned, inexact, Gauss-Newton- Krylov solver. Our algorithm integrates several components: a spectral discretization in space, a semi-Lagrangian formulation in time, analytic adjoints, different regularization functionals (including volume-preserving ones), a spectral preconditioner, a highly optimized distributed Fast Fourier Transform, and a cubic interpolation scheme for the semi-Lagrangian time-stepping. We demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm on images with resolution of up to 102431024^3 on the "Maverick" and "Stampede" systems at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). The critical problem in the medical imaging application domain is strong scaling, that is, solving registration problems of a moderate size of 2563256^3---a typical resolution for medical images. We are able to solve the registration problem for images of this size in less than five seconds on 64 x86 nodes of TACC's "Maverick" system.Comment: accepted for publication at SC16 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; November 201

    Acceleration of Deep Learning on FPGA

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    In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks (ConvNet) have shown their popularity in various real world applications. To provide more accurate results, the state-of-the-art ConvNet requires millions of parameters and billions of operations to process a single image, which represents a computational challenge for general purpose processors. As a result, hardware accelerators such as Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), have been adopted to improve the performance of ConvNet. However, GPU-based solution consumes a considerable amount of power and a traditional RTL design on FPGA requires tedious development that is very time-consuming. In this work, we propose a scalable and parameterized end-to-end ConvNet design using Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL. To validate the design, we implement VGG 16 model on two different FPGA boards. Consequently, our designs achieve 306.41 GOPS on Intel Stratix A7 and 318.94 GOPS on Intel Arria 10 GX 10AX115. To the best of our knowledge, this outperforms previous FPGA-based accelerators. Compared to the CPU (Intel Xeon E5-2620) and a mid-range GPU (Nvidia K40), our design is 24.3X and 1.7X more energy efficient respectively

    Characterization and Acceleration of High Performance Compute Workloads

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    Characterization and Acceleration of High Performance Compute Workloads

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    Efficient algorithms for the fast computation of space charge effects caused by charged particles in particle accelerators

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    In this dissertation, a Poisson solver is improved with three parts: the efficient integrated Green's function; the discrete cosine transform of the efficient integrated Green's function values; the implicitly zero-padded fast Fourier transform for charge density. In addition, the high performance computing technology is utilized for the further improvement of efficiency, such as: OpenMP API, OpenMP+CUDA, MPI, and MPI+OpenMP parallelizations. The examples and simulation results are matched with the results of the commonly used Poisson solver to demonstrate the accuracy performance

    Multilayered Heterogeneous Parallelism Applied to Atmospheric Constituent Transport Simulation

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    Heterogeneous multicore chipsets with many levels of parallelism are becoming increasingly common in high-performance computing systems. Effective use of parallelism in these new chipsets constitutes the challenge facing a new generation of large scale scientific computing applications. This study examines methods for improving the performance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional atmospheric constituent transport simulation on the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture (CBEA). A function offloading approach is used in a 2D transport module, and a vector stream processing approach is used in a 3D transport module. Two methods for transferring incontiguous data between main memory and accelerator local storage are compared. By leveraging the heterogeneous parallelism of the CBEA, the 3D transport module achieves performance comparable to two nodes of an IBM BlueGene/P, or eight Intel Xeon cores, on a single PowerXCell 8i chip. Module performance on two CBEA systems, an IBM BlueGene/P, and an eight-core shared-memory Intel Xeon workstation are given

    Algorithmische und Code-Optimierungen Molekulardynamiksimulationen fĂĽr Verfahrenstechnik

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    The focus of this work lies on implementational improvements and, in particular, node-level performance optimization of the simulation software ls1-mardyn. Through data structure improvements, SIMD vectorization and, especially, OpenMP parallelization, the world’s first simulation of 2*1013 molecules at over 1 PFLOP/sec was enabled. To allow for long-range interactions, the Fast Multipole Method was introduced to ls1-mardyn. The algorithm was optimized for sequential, shared-memory, and distributed-memory execution on up to 32,768 MPI processes.Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf Code-Optimierungen und insbesondere Leistungsoptimierung auf Knoten-Ebene für die Simulationssoftware ls1-mardyn. Durch verbesserte Datenstrukturen, SIMD-Vektorisierung und vor allem OpenMP-Parallelisierung wurde die weltweit erste Petaflop-Simulation von 2*1013 Molekülen ermöglicht. Zur Simulation von langreichweitigen Wechselwirkungen wurde die Fast-Multipole-Methode in ls1-mardyn eingeführt. Sequenzielle, Shared- und Distributed-Memory-Optimierungen wurden angewandt und erlaubten eine Ausführung auf bis zu 32768 MPI-Prozessen
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