15 research outputs found

    Role of satellite communications in 5G ecosystem: perspectives and challenges

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    The next generation of mobile radio communication systems – so-called 5G – will provide some major changes to those generations to date. The ability to cope with huge increases in data traffic at reduced latencies and improved quality of user experience together with a major reduction in energy usage are big challenges. In addition, future systems will need to embody connections to billions of objects – the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) which raises new challenges.Visions of 5G are now available from regions across the world and research is ongoing towards new standards. The consensus is a flatter architecture that adds a dense network of small cells operating in the millimetre wave bands and which are adaptable and software controlled. But what is the place for satellites in such a vision? The chapter examines several potential roles for satellites in 5G including coverage extension, IoT, providing resilience, content caching and multi-cast, and the integrated architecture. Furthermore, the recent advances in satellite communications together with the challenges associated with the use of satellite in the integrated satellite-terrestrial architecture are also discussed

    Technology Assessment for the Future Aeronautical Communications System

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    To address emerging saturation in the VHF aeronautical bands allocated internationally for air traffic management communications, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has requested development of a common global solution through its Aeronautical Communications Panel (ACP). In response, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Eurocontrol initiated a joint study, with the support of NASA and U.S. and European contractors, to provide major findings on alternatives and recommendations to the ICAO ACP Working Group C (WG-C). Under an FAA/Eurocontrol cooperative research and development agreement, ACP WG-C Action Plan 17 (AP-17), commonly referred to as the Future Communications Study (FCS), NASA Glenn Research Center is responsible for the investigation of potential communications technologies that support the long-term mobile communication operational concepts of the FCS. This report documents the results of the first phase of the technology assessment and recommendations referred to in the Technology Pre-Screening Task 3.1 of AP-17. The prescreening identifies potential technologies that are under development in the industry and provides an initial assessment against a harmonized set of evaluation criteria that address high level capabilities, projected maturity for the time frame for usage in aviation, and potential applicability to aviation. A wide variety of candidate technologies were evaluated from several communications service categories including: cellular telephony; IEEE-802.xx standards; public safety radio; satellite and over-the-horizon communications; custom narrowband VHF; custom wideband; and military communications

    Identification of Technologies for Provision of Future Aeronautical Communications

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    This report describes the process, findings, and recommendations of the second of three phases of the Future Communications Study (FCS) technology investigation conducted by NASA Glenn Research Center and ITT Advanced Engineering & Sciences Division for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FCS is a collaborative research effort between the FAA and Eurocontrol to address frequency congestion and spectrum depletion for safety critical airground communications. The goal of the technology investigation is to identify technologies that can support the longterm aeronautical mobile communication operating concept. A derived set of evaluation criteria traceable to the operating concept document is presented. An adaptation of the analytical hierarchy process is described and recommended for selecting candidates for detailed evaluation. Evaluations of a subset of technologies brought forward from the prescreening process are provided. Five of those are identified as candidates with the highest potential for continental airspace solutions in L-band (P-34, W-CDMA, LDL, B-VHF, and E-TDMA). Additional technologies are identified as best performers in the unique environments of remote/oceanic airspace in the satellite bands (Inmarsat SBB and a custom satellite solution) and the airport flight domain in C-band (802.16e). Details of the evaluation criteria, channel models, and the technology evaluations are provided in appendixes

    OFDM based air interfaces for future mobile satellite systems

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    This thesis considers the performance of OFDM in a non-linear satellite channel and mechanisms for overcoming the degradations resulting from the high PAPR in the OFDM signal in the specific satellite architecture. It was motivated by new S-DMB applications but its results are applicable to any OFDM system via satellites. Despite many advantages of OFDM, higher PAPR is a major drawback. OFDM signals are therefore very sensitive to non-linear distortion introduced by the power amplifiers and thus, significantly reduce the power efficiency of the system, which is already crucial to satellite system economics. Simple power amplifier back-off to cope with high OFDM PAPR is not possible. Two transmitter based techniques have been considered: PAPR reduction and amplifier linearization.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Etude des performances et optimisation d'un réseau d'accès par satellite pour les communications

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    La croissance rapide du trafic aérien et les besoins en nouveaux services notamment pour les passagers imposent l'introduction de nouveaux moyens de communication pour les avions avec une bande passante globale fortement accrue. Les satellites sont appelés à jouer un rôle important dans ce contexte, non seulement en complément des systèmes terrestres pour les services « cockpit » (services ATM, Air Traffic Management) mais aussi pour les services « cabine » (In-Flight Entertainment). L'objectif de la thèse est d'étudier l'architecture d'un système satellite supportant l'ensemble de ces services, en se focalisant sur l'architecture du terminal embarqué à bord des aéronefs. L'architecture retenue repose sur des liaisons DVB-S2/DVB-RCS normalisées par l'ETSI. Cette option permet d'utiliser efficacement l'importante bande passante disponible en bande Ka pour les services mobiles aéronautiques (allocation primaire) ou en bande Ku (allocation secondaire). Ces normes ont été conçues pour les applications multimédia (Broadband Satellite Multimedia). Le défi est alors d'utiliser de telles liaisons satellite pour des services aux caractéristiques et besoins fortement hétérogènes. Par ailleurs, l'utilisation de la bande Ka n'est pas concevable sans l'activation de techniques de lutte contre les affaiblissements (FMT – Fade Mitigation Techniques). L'utilisation d'une marge statique conduit à une perte importante de capacité. Les techniques FMT reposent sur une évaluation dynamique du bilan de liaison et permettent une modification de la forme d'onde. Le système utilise ainsi la forme d'onde la plus efficace spectralement pour chaque terminal et maximise la capacité globale du système. Par contre, chaque terminal observe une modification de la ressource allouée au fil du temps. L'objectif de la thèse est de concevoir une architecture au niveau terminal qui permette d'exploiter les liaisons DVB-S2/RCS afin de fournir les services passagers (Internet et téléphonie mobile de type GSM/UMTS) et un canal haute fiabilité pour les services aéronautiques. Deux approches ont été retenues. La première repose sur une application du modèle ETSI BSM (Broadband Satellite Multimedia) en couches séparant strictement les couches dépendantes satellite et les couches indépendantes satellite. Les simulations de cette architecture montrent que les liaisons ne peuvent être utilisées de façon efficace sans une interaction entre couches afin de tenir compte de l'évolution de la capacité disponible. La seconde approche consiste en la concentration de la gestion de la ressource et la gestion de la qualité de service dans la même couche protocolaire. L'idée de départ est d'utiliser la méthode d'encapsulation générique Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE). GSE a été conçu pour la projection des paquets de couches supérieures à l'intérieur des trames DVB-S2. GSE tient compte de la taille variable des trames DVB-S2 et introduit une capacité de multiplexage entre différents flux (identification de fragments). Sur cette base, une gestion de l'accès est introduite pour gérer la liaison DVB-RCS au format MF-TDMA. Nous introduisons ainsi une utilisation conjointe de GSE, d'une politique de service différentiée et de flux de signalisation inter-couches (« cross-layer »). Les performances des deux approches sont étudiées à l'aide d'un modèle de simulation développé à l'aide du logiciel OPNET Modeler (simulations à événements discrets). Les résultats obtenus démontrent le meilleur comportement de la seconde architecture avec une meilleure utilisation de la ressource et des performances de transmission satisfaisant les objectifs

    The role of communication systems in smart grids: Architectures, technical solutions and research challenges

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    The purpose of this survey is to present a critical overview of smart grid concepts, with a special focus on the role that communication, networking and middleware technologies will have in the transformation of existing electric power systems into smart grids. First of all we elaborate on the key technological, economical and societal drivers for the development of smart grids. By adopting a data-centric perspective we present a conceptual model of communication systems for smart grids, and we identify functional components, technologies, network topologies and communication services that are needed to support smart grid communications. Then, we introduce the fundamental research challenges in this field including communication reliability and timeliness, QoS support, data management services, and autonomic behaviors. Finally, we discuss the main solutions proposed in the literature for each of them, and we identify possible future research directions