37 research outputs found

    Efficient High-Dimensional Inference in the Multiple Measurement Vector Problem

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    In this work, a Bayesian approximate message passing algorithm is proposed for solving the multiple measurement vector (MMV) problem in compressive sensing, in which a collection of sparse signal vectors that share a common support are recovered from undersampled noisy measurements. The algorithm, AMP-MMV, is capable of exploiting temporal correlations in the amplitudes of non-zero coefficients, and provides soft estimates of the signal vectors as well as the underlying support. Central to the proposed approach is an extension of recently developed approximate message passing techniques to the amplitude-correlated MMV setting. Aided by these techniques, AMP-MMV offers a computational complexity that is linear in all problem dimensions. In order to allow for automatic parameter tuning, an expectation-maximization algorithm that complements AMP-MMV is described. Finally, a detailed numerical study demonstrates the power of the proposed approach and its particular suitability for application to high-dimensional problems.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Model Selection for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization by Support Union Recovery

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has been widely used in machine learning and signal processing because of its non-subtractive, part-based property which enhances interpretability. It is often assumed that the latent dimensionality (or the number of components) is given. Despite the large amount of algorithms designed for NMF, there is little literature about automatic model selection for NMF with theoretical guarantees. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that first calculates an empirical second-order moment from the empirical fourth-order cumulant tensor, and then estimates the latent dimensionality by recovering the support union (the index set of non-zero rows) of a matrix related to the empirical second-order moment. By assuming a generative model of the data with additional mild conditions, our algorithm provably detects the true latent dimensionality. We show on synthetic examples that our proposed algorithm is able to find an approximately correct number of components

    Grant-Free Massive MTC-Enabled Massive MIMO: A Compressive Sensing Approach

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    A key challenge of massive MTC (mMTC), is the joint detection of device activity and decoding of data. The sparse characteristics of mMTC makes compressed sensing (CS) approaches a promising solution to the device detection problem. However, utilizing CS-based approaches for device detection along with channel estimation, and using the acquired estimates for coherent data transmission is suboptimal, especially when the goal is to convey only a few bits of data. First, we focus on the coherent transmission and demonstrate that it is possible to obtain more accurate channel state information by combining conventional estimators with CS-based techniques. Moreover, we illustrate that even simple power control techniques can enhance the device detection performance in mMTC setups. Second, we devise a new non-coherent transmission scheme for mMTC and specifically for grant-free random access. We design an algorithm that jointly detects device activity along with embedded information bits. The approach leverages elements from the approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm, and exploits the structured sparsity introduced by the non-coherent transmission scheme. Our analysis reveals that the proposed approach has superior performance compared to application of the original AMP approach.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    A Generalized Framework for Learning and Recovery of Structured Sparse Signals

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    Engineering: 1st Place (The Ohio State University Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum)We report on a framework for recovering single- or multi-timestep sparse signals that can learn and exploit a variety of probabilistic forms of structure. Message passing-based inference and empirical Bayesian parameter learning form the backbone of the recovery procedure. We further describe an object-oriented software paradigm for implementing our framework, which consists of assembling modular software components that collectively define a desired statistical signal model. Lastly, numerical results for an example structured sparse signal model are provided.A one-year embargo was granted for this item

    Image Reconstruction for Multi-frequency Electromagnetic Tomography based on Multiple Measurement Vector Model

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    Imaging the bio-impedance distribution of a biological sample can provide understandings about the sample's electrical properties which is an important indicator of physiological status. This paper presents a multi-frequency electromagnetic tomography (mfEMT) technique for biomedical imaging. The system consists of 8 channels of gradiometer coils with adjustable sensitivity and excitation frequency. To exploit the frequency correlation among each measurement, we reconstruct multiple frequency data simultaneously based on the Multiple Measurement Vector (MMV) model. The MMV problem is solved by using a sparse Bayesian learning method that is especially effective for sparse distribution. Both simulations and experiments have been conducted to verify the performance of the method. Results show that by taking advantage of multiple measurements, the proposed method is more robust to noisy data for ill-posed problems compared to the commonly used single measurement vector model.Comment: This is an accepted paper which has been submitted to I2MTC 2020 on Nov. 201