5,837 research outputs found

    Channel polarization: A method for constructing capacity-achieving codes for symmetric binary-input memoryless channels

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    A method is proposed, called channel polarization, to construct code sequences that achieve the symmetric capacity I(W)I(W) of any given binary-input discrete memoryless channel (B-DMC) WW. The symmetric capacity is the highest rate achievable subject to using the input letters of the channel with equal probability. Channel polarization refers to the fact that it is possible to synthesize, out of NN independent copies of a given B-DMC WW, a second set of NN binary-input channels {WN(i):1iN}\{W_N^{(i)}:1\le i\le N\} such that, as NN becomes large, the fraction of indices ii for which I(WN(i))I(W_N^{(i)}) is near 1 approaches I(W)I(W) and the fraction for which I(WN(i))I(W_N^{(i)}) is near 0 approaches 1I(W)1-I(W). The polarized channels {WN(i)}\{W_N^{(i)}\} are well-conditioned for channel coding: one need only send data at rate 1 through those with capacity near 1 and at rate 0 through the remaining. Codes constructed on the basis of this idea are called polar codes. The paper proves that, given any B-DMC WW with I(W)>0I(W)>0 and any target rate R<I(W)R < I(W), there exists a sequence of polar codes {Cn;n1}\{{\mathscr C}_n;n\ge 1\} such that Cn{\mathscr C}_n has block-length N=2nN=2^n, rate R\ge R, and probability of block error under successive cancellation decoding bounded as P_{e}(N,R) \le \bigoh(N^{-\frac14}) independently of the code rate. This performance is achievable by encoders and decoders with complexity O(NlogN)O(N\log N) for each.Comment: The version which appears in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July 200

    Masking of errors in transmission of VAPC-coded speech

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    A subjective evaluation is provided of the bit error sensitivity of the message elements of a Vector Adaptive Predictive (VAPC) speech coder, along with an indication of the amenability of these elements to a popular error masking strategy (cross frame hold over). As expected, a wide range of bit error sensitivity was observed. The most sensitive message components were the short term spectral information and the most significant bits of the pitch and gain indices. The cross frame hold over strategy was found to be useful for pitch and gain information, but it was not beneficial for the spectral information unless severe corruption had occurred

    Speech rhythms and multiplexed oscillatory sensory coding in the human brain

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    Cortical oscillations are likely candidates for segmentation and coding of continuous speech. Here, we monitored continuous speech processing with magnetoencephalography (MEG) to unravel the principles of speech segmentation and coding. We demonstrate that speech entrains the phase of low-frequency (delta, theta) and the amplitude of high-frequency (gamma) oscillations in the auditory cortex. Phase entrainment is stronger in the right and amplitude entrainment is stronger in the left auditory cortex. Furthermore, edges in the speech envelope phase reset auditory cortex oscillations thereby enhancing their entrainment to speech. This mechanism adapts to the changing physical features of the speech envelope and enables efficient, stimulus-specific speech sampling. Finally, we show that within the auditory cortex, coupling between delta, theta, and gamma oscillations increases following speech edges. Importantly, all couplings (i.e., brain-speech and also within the cortex) attenuate for backward-presented speech, suggesting top-down control. We conclude that segmentation and coding of speech relies on a nested hierarchy of entrained cortical oscillations