245 research outputs found

    Multiband Spectrum Access: Great Promises for Future Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio has been widely considered as one of the prominent solutions to tackle the spectrum scarcity. While the majority of existing research has focused on single-band cognitive radio, multiband cognitive radio represents great promises towards implementing efficient cognitive networks compared to single-based networks. Multiband cognitive radio networks (MB-CRNs) are expected to significantly enhance the network's throughput and provide better channel maintenance by reducing handoff frequency. Nevertheless, the wideband front-end and the multiband spectrum access impose a number of challenges yet to overcome. This paper provides an in-depth analysis on the recent advancements in multiband spectrum sensing techniques, their limitations, and possible future directions to improve them. We study cooperative communications for MB-CRNs to tackle a fundamental limit on diversity and sampling. We also investigate several limits and tradeoffs of various design parameters for MB-CRNs. In addition, we explore the key MB-CRNs performance metrics that differ from the conventional metrics used for single-band based networks.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures; published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Journal, Special Issue on Future Radio Spectrum Access, March 201

    Autonomous Compressive-Sensing-Augmented Spectrum Sensing

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    Distributed Compressive Sensing Augmented Wideband Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive IoT

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    Wideband Spectrum Sensing on Real-Time Signals at Sub-Nyquist Sampling Rates in Single and Cooperative Multiple Nodes

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in the UK for their support of this work with Grant No. EP/L024241/1. Mark D. Plumbley was partly supported by a Leadership Fellowship (EP/G007144/1) from the UK EPSR

    Sub-Nyquist Wideband Spectrum Sensing and Sharing

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    PhDThe rising popularity of wireless services resulting in spectrum shortage has motivated dynamic spectrum sharing to facilitate e cient usage of the underutilized spectrum. Wideband spectrum sensing is a critical functionality to enable dynamic spectrum access by enhancing the opportunities of exploring spectral holes, but entails a major implemen- tation challenge in compact commodity radios that have limited energy and computation capabilities. The sampling rates speci ed by the Shannon-Nyquist theorem impose great challenges both on the acquisition hardware and the subsequent storage and digital sig- nal processors. Sub-Nyquist sampling was thus motivated to sample wideband signals at rates far lower than the Nyquist rate, while still retaining the essential information in the underlying signals. This thesis proposes several algorithms for invoking sub-Nyquist sampling in wideband spectrum sensing. Speci cally, a sub-Nyquist wideband spectrum sensing algorithm is proposed that achieves wideband sensing independent of signal sparsity without sampling at full bandwidth by using the low-speed analog-to-digital converters based on sparse Fast Fourier Transform. To lower signal spectrum sparsity while maintaining the channel state information, the received signal is pre-processed through a proposed permutation and ltering algorithm. Additionally, a low-complexity sub-Nyquist wideband spectrum sensing scheme is proposed that locates occupied channels blindly by recovering the sig- nal support, based on the jointly sparse nature of multiband signals. Exploiting the common signal support shared among multiple secondary users, an e cient coopera- tive spectrum sensing scheme is developed, in which the energy consumption on signal acquisition, processing, and transmission is reduced with the detection performance guar- antee. To further reduce the computation complexity of wideband spectrum sensing, a hybrid framework of sub-Nyquist wideband spectrum sensing with geolocation database is explored. Prior channel information from geolocation database is utilized in the sens- ing process to reduce the processing requirements on the sensor nodes. The models of the proposed algorithms are derived and veri ed by numerical analyses and tested on both real-world and simulated TV white space signals

    Over-the-air computation for cooperative wideband spectrum sensing and performance analysis

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    For sensor network aided cognitive radio, cooperative wideband spectrum sensing can distribute the sampling and computing pressure of spectrum sensing to multiple sensor nodes (SNs) in an efficient way. However, this may incur high latency due to distributed data aggregation, especially when the number of SNs is large. In this paper, we propose a novel cooperative wideband spectrum sensing scheme using over-the-air computation. Its key idea is to utilize the superposition property of wireless channel to implement the summation of Fourier transform. This avoids distributed data aggregation by computing the target function directly. The performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed with imperfect synchronization between different SNs. Furthermore, a synchronization phase offset (SPO) estimation and equalization method is proposed. The corresponding performance after equalization is also derived. A working prototype based on universal software radio periphera (USRP) and Monte Carlo simulation is built to verify the performance of the proposed scheme

    Compressive Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive IoT

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    PhDWith the rising of new paradigms in wireless communications such as Internet of things (IoT), current static frequency allocation policy faces a primary challenge of spectrum scarcity, and thus encourages the IoT devices to have cognitive capabilities to access the underutilised spectrum in the temporal and spatial dimensions. Wideband spectrum sensing is one of the key functions to enable dynamic spectrum access, but entails a major implementation challenge in terms of sampling rate and computation cost since the sampling rate of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) should be higher than twice of the spectrum bandwidth based on the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. By exploiting the sparse nature of wideband spectrum, sub-Nyquist sampling and sparse signal recovery have shown potential capabilities in handling these problems, which are directly related to compressive sensing (CS) from the viewpoint of its origin. To invoke sub-Nyquist wideband spectrum sensing in IoT, blind signal acquisition with low-complexity sparse recovery is desirable on compact IoT devices. Moreover, with cooperation among distributed IoT devices, the complexity of sampling and reconstruc- tion can be further reduced with performance guarantee. Specifically, an adaptively- regularized iterative reweighted least squares (AR-IRLS) reconstruction algorithm is proposed to speed up the convergence of reconstruction with less number of iterations. Furthermore, a low-complexity compressive spectrum sensing algorithm is proposed to reduce computation complexity in each iteration of IRLS-based reconstruction algorithm, from cubic time to linear time. Besides, to transfer computation burden from the IoT devices to the core network, a joint iterative reweighted sparse recovery scheme with geo-location database is proposed to adopt the occupied channel information from geo- location database to reduce the complexity in the signal reconstruction. Since numerous IoT devices access or release the spectrum randomly, the sparsity levels of wideband spec-trum signals are varying and unknown. A blind CS-based sensing algorithm is proposed to enable the local secondary users (SUs) to adaptively adjust the sensing time or sam- pling rate without knowledge of spectral sparsity. Apart from the signal reconstruction at the back-end, a distributed sub-Nyquist sensing scheme is proposed by utilizing the surrounding IoT devices to jointly sample the spectrum based on the multi-coset sam- pling theory, in which only the minimum number of low-rate ADCs on the IoT devices are required to form coset samplers without the prior knowledge of the number of occu- pied channels and signal-to-noise ratios. The models of the proposed algorithms are derived and verified by numerical analyses and tested on both real-world and simulated TV white space signals
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