5 research outputs found

    Efficient illumination independent appearance-based face tracking

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    One of the major challenges that visual tracking algorithms face nowadays is being able to cope with changes in the appearance of the target during tracking. Linear subspace models have been extensively studied and are possibly the most popular way of modelling target appearance. We introduce a linear subspace representation in which the appearance of a face is represented by the addition of two approxi- mately independent linear subspaces modelling facial expressions and illumination respectively. This model is more compact than previous bilinear or multilinear ap- proaches. The independence assumption notably simplifies system training. We only require two image sequences. One facial expression is subject to all possible illumina- tions in one sequence and the face adopts all facial expressions under one particular illumination in the other. This simple model enables us to train the system with no manual intervention. We also revisit the problem of efficiently fitting a linear subspace-based model to a target image and introduce an additive procedure for solving this problem. We prove that Matthews and Baker’s Inverse Compositional Approach makes a smoothness assumption on the subspace basis that is equiva- lent to Hager and Belhumeur’s, which worsens convergence. Our approach differs from Hager and Belhumeur’s additive and Matthews and Baker’s compositional ap- proaches in that we make no smoothness assumptions on the subspace basis. In the experiments conducted we show that the model introduced accurately represents the appearance variations caused by illumination changes and facial expressions. We also verify experimentally that our fitting procedure is more accurate and has better convergence rate than the other related approaches, albeit at the expense of a slight increase in computational cost. Our approach can be used for tracking a human face at standard video frame rates on an average personal computer

    Efficient Model-Based 3D Tracking of Deformable Objects

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    Efficient incremental image alignment is a topic of renewed interest in the computer vision community because of its applications in model fitting and model-based object tracking. Successful compositional procedures for aligning 2D and 3D models under weak-perspective imaging conditions have already been proposed. Here we present a mixed compositional and additive algorithm which is applicable to the full projective camera case

    Modeling Pedestrian Behavior in Video

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to address the problem of predicting pedestrian movement and behavior in and among crowds. Specifically, we will focus on an agent based approach where pedestrians are treated individually and parameters for an energy model are trained by real world video data. These learned pedestrian models are useful in applications such as tracking, simulation, and artificial intelligence. The applications of this method are explored and experimental results show that our trained pedestrian motion model is beneficial for predicting unseen or lost tracks as well as guiding appearance based tracking algorithms. The method we have developed for training such a pedestrian model operates by optimizing a set of weights governing an aggregate energy function in order to minimize a loss function computed between a model\u27s prediction and annotated ground-truth pedestrian tracks. The formulation of the underlying energy function is such that using tight convex upper bounds, we are able to efficiently approximate the derivative of the loss function with respect to the parameters of the model. Once this is accomplished, the model parameters are updated using straightforward gradient descent techniques in order to achieve an optimal solution. This formulation also lends itself towards the development of a multiple behavior model. The multiple pedestrian behavior styles, informally referred to as stereotypes , are common in real data. In our model we show that it is possible, due to the unique ability to compute the derivative of the loss function, to build a new model which utilizes a soft-minimization of single behavior models. This allows unsupervised training of multiple different behavior models in parallel. This novel extension makes our method unique among other methods in the attempt to accurately describe human pedestrian behavior for the myriad of applications that exist. The ability to describe multiple behaviors shows significant improvements in the task of pedestrian motion prediction

    Face tracking with active models for a driver monitoring application

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    La falta de atención durante la conducción es una de las principales causas de accidentes de tráfico. La \ud \ud monitorización del conductor para detectar inatención es un problema complejo, que incluye elementos fisiológicos y de \ud \ud comportamiento. Un sistema de Visión Computacional para detección de inatención se compone de varios etapas de procesado, y \ud \ud esta tesis se centra en el seguimiento de la cara del conductor. La tesis doctoral propone un nuevo conjunto de vídeos de \ud \ud conductores, grabados en un vehículo real y en dos simuladores realistas, que contienen la mayoría de los comportamientos \ud \ud presentes en la conducción, incluyendo gestos, giros de cabeza, interacción con el sistema de sonido y otras distracciones, \ud \ud y somnolencia. Esta base de datos, RS-DMV, se emplea para evaluar el rendimiento de los métodos que propone la tesis y \ud \ud otros del estado del arte. La tesis analiza el rendimiento de los Modelos Activos de Forma (ASM), y de los Modelos Locales \ud \ud Restringidos (CLM), por considerarlos a priori de interés. En concreto, se ha evaluado el método Stacked Trimmed ASM \ud \ud (STASM), que integra una serie de mejoras sobre el ASM original, mostrando una alta precisión en todas las pruebas cuando \ud \ud la cara es frontal a la cámara, si bien no funciona con la cara girada y su velocidad de ejecución es muy baja. CLM es \ud \ud capaz de ejecutarse con mayor rapidez, pero tiene una precisión mucho menor en todos los casos. El tercer método a evaluar \ud \ud es el Modelado y Seguimiento Simultáneo (SMAT), que caracteriza la forma y la textura de manera incremental, a partir de \ud \ud muestras encontradas previamente. La textura alrededor de cada punto de la forma que define la cara se modela mediante un \ud \ud conjunto de grupos (clusters) de muestras pasadas. El trabajo de tesis propone 3 métodos de clustering alternativos al \ud \ud original para la textura, y un modelo de forma entrenado off-line con una función de ajuste robusta. Los métodos \ud \ud alternativos propuestos obtienen una amplia mejora tanto en la precisión del seguimiento como en la robustez de éste frente \ud \ud a giros de cabeza, oclusiones, gestos y cambios de iluminación. Los métodos propuestos tienen, además, una baja carga \ud \ud computacional, y son capaces de ejecutarse a velocidades en torno a 100 imágenes por segundo en un computador de sobremesa

    Efficient Appearance-Based Tracking

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    One of the major challenges that visual tracking algorithms face nowadays is being able to cope with changes in the appearance of the target during tracking. Linear subspace models have been extensively studied recently and are possibly the most popular way of modeling target appearance. Unfortunately, efficiency is one of the limitations of present linear subspace models, and this is a key feature for a good tracker. In this paper we present an efficient procedure for tracking based on a linear subspace model of target appearance (grey levels). A set of motion templates is built from the subspace base, which is used to efficiently compute target motion and appearance parameters. It differs from previous works in that we impose no restrictions on the subspace used for modeling appearance. In the experiments conducted we have built a modular PCA-based face tracker which shows that video-rate tracking performance can be achieved with a non optimized implementation of our algorithm