7 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for String-Based Negative Selection

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    Abstract. String-based negative selection is an immune-inspired classi-fication scheme: Given a self-set S of strings, generate a set D of detectors that do not match any element of S. Then, use these detectors to parti-tion a monitor set M into self and non-self elements. Implementations of this scheme are often impractical because they need exponential time in the size of S to construct D. Here, we consider r-chunk and r-contiguous detectors, two common implementations that suffer from this problem, and show that compressed representations of D are constructible in poly-nomial time for any given S and r. Since these representations can them-selves be used to classify the elements in M, the worst-case running time of r-chunk and r-contiguous detector based negative selection is reduced from exponential to polynomial.

    A practical study on shape space and its occupancy in negative selection

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    Artificial Immune System–Negative Selection Classification Algorithm (NSCA) for Four Class Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals

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    Artificial immune systems (AIS) are intelligent algorithms derived from the principles inspired by the human immune system. In this study, electroencephalography (EEG) signals for four distinct motor movements of human limbs are detected and classified using a negative selection classification algorithm (NSCA). For this study, a widely studied open source EEG signal database (BCI IV–Graz dataset 2a, comprising nine subjects) has been used. Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are extracted as selected features from recorded EEG signals. Dimensionality reduction of data is carried out by applying two hidden layered stacked auto-encoder. Genetic algorithm (GA) optimized detectors (artificial lymphocytes) are trained using negative selection algorithm (NSA) for detection and classification of four motor movements. The trained detectors consist of four sets of detectors, each set is trained for detection and classification of one of the four movements from the other three movements. The optimized radius of detector is small enough not to mis-detect the sample. Euclidean distance of each detector with every training dataset sample is taken and compared with the optimized radius of the detector as a nonself detector. Our proposed approach achieved a mean classification accuracy of 86.39% for limb movements over nine subjects with a maximum individual subject classification accuracy of 97.5% for subject number eight

    Immune inspired approaches to fault and intrusion detection in ad hoc wireless networks

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    The suitability of the dendritic cell algorithm for robotic security applications

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    The implementation and running of physical security systems is costly and potentially hazardous for those employed to patrol areas of interest. From a technial perspective, the physical security problem can be seen as minimising the probability that intruders and other anomalous events will occur unobserved. A robotic solution is proposed using an artificial immune system, traditionally applied to software security, to identify threats and hazards: the dendritic cell algorithm. It is demonstrated that the migration from the software world to the hardware world is achievable for this algorithm and key properties of the resulting system are explored empirically and theoretically. It is found that the algorithm has a hitherto unknown frequency-dependent component, making it ideal for filtering out sensor noise. Weaknesses of the algorithm are also discovered, by mathematically phrasing the signal processing phase as a collection of linear classifiers. It is concluded that traditional machine learning approaches are likely to outperform the implemented system in its current form. However, it is also observed that the algorithm’s inherent filtering characteristics make modification, rather than rejection, the most beneficial course of action. Hybridising the dendritic cell algorithm with more traditional machine learning techniques, through the introduction of a training phase and using a non-linear classification phase is suggested as a possible future direction

    The suitability of the dendritic cell algorithm for robotic security applications

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    The implementation and running of physical security systems is costly and potentially hazardous for those employed to patrol areas of interest. From a technial perspective, the physical security problem can be seen as minimising the probability that intruders and other anomalous events will occur unobserved. A robotic solution is proposed using an artificial immune system, traditionally applied to software security, to identify threats and hazards: the dendritic cell algorithm. It is demonstrated that the migration from the software world to the hardware world is achievable for this algorithm and key properties of the resulting system are explored empirically and theoretically. It is found that the algorithm has a hitherto unknown frequency-dependent component, making it ideal for filtering out sensor noise. Weaknesses of the algorithm are also discovered, by mathematically phrasing the signal processing phase as a collection of linear classifiers. It is concluded that traditional machine learning approaches are likely to outperform the implemented system in its current form. However, it is also observed that the algorithm’s inherent filtering characteristics make modification, rather than rejection, the most beneficial course of action. Hybridising the dendritic cell algorithm with more traditional machine learning techniques, through the introduction of a training phase and using a non-linear classification phase is suggested as a possible future direction