13 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for gcd and Cubic Residuosity in the Ring of Eisenstein Integers

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    We present simple and efficient algorithms for computing gcd and cubic residuosity in the ring of Eisenstein integers, Z[zeta] , i.e. the integers extended with zeta , a complex primitive third root of unity. The algorithms are similar and may be seen as generalisations of the binary integer gcd and derived Jacobi symbol algorithms. Our algorithms take time O(n^2) for n bit input. This is an improvement from the known results based on the Euclidian algorithm, and taking time O(n· M(n)), where M(n) denotes the complexity of multiplying n bit integers. The new algorithms have applications in practical primality tests and the implementation of cryptographic protocols. The technique underlying our algorithms can be used to obtain equally fast algorithms for gcd and quartic residuosity in the ring of Gaussian integers, Z[i]

    Norm-Euclidean Galois fields

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    Let K be a Galois number field of prime degree ℓ\ell. Heilbronn showed that for a given ℓ\ell there are only finitely many such fields that are norm-Euclidean. In the case of ℓ=2\ell=2 all such norm-Euclidean fields have been identified, but for ℓ≠2\ell\neq 2, little else is known. We give the first upper bounds on the discriminants of such fields when ℓ>2\ell>2. Our methods lead to a simple algorithm which allows one to generate a list of candidate norm-Euclidean fields up to a given discriminant, and we provide some computational results

    A Note on Koblitz Curves over Prime Fields

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    Besides the well-known class of Koblitz curves over binary fields, the class of Koblitz curves Eb:y2=x3+b/FpE_b: y^2=x^3+b/\mathbb{F}_p over prime fields with p≡1(mod3)p\equiv 1 \pmod 3 is also of some practical interest. By refining a classical result of Rajwade for the cardinality of Eb(Fp)E_b(\mathbb{F}_p), we obtain a simple formula of #Eb(Fp)\#E_b(\mathbb{F}_p) in terms of the norm on the ring Z[ω]\mathbb{Z}[\omega] of Eisenstein integers, that is, for some π∈Z[ω]\pi \in \mathbb{Z}[\omega] with N(π)=pN(\pi)=p and some unit u∈Z[ω]u\in \mathbb{Z}[\omega], #Eb(Fp)=N(π+u) \#E_b(\mathbb{F}_p)=N(\pi+u) holds. This establishes an interesting relation between the number of points on this class of curves and the number of elements of their underlying fields, they are given by the norm of two integers of Z[ω]\mathbb{Z}[\omega] whose difference is just a unit. It is also interesting to note that such relationship has already been derived for the case of Koblitz curves over binary fields. Some tools that are useful in the computation of cubic residues are also developed

    The Thirteenth Power Residue Symbol

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    This paper presents an efficient deterministic algorithm for computing 1313\textsuperscript{th}-power residue symbols in the cyclotomic field Q(ζ13)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{13}), where ζ13\zeta_{13} is a primitive 1313\textsuperscript{th} root of unity. The new algorithm finds applications in the implementation of certain cryptographic schemes and closes a gap in the \textsl{corpus} of algorithms for computing power residue symbols

    Short undeniable signatures:design, analysis, and applications

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    Digital signatures are one of the main achievements of public-key cryptography and constitute a fundamental tool to ensure data authentication. Although their universal verifiability has the advantage to facilitate their verification by the recipient, this property may have undesirable consequences when dealing with sensitive and private information. Motivated by such considerations, undeniable signatures, whose verification requires the cooperation of the signer in an interactive way, were invented. This thesis is mainly devoted to the design and analysis of short undeniable signatures. Exploiting their online property, we can achieve signatures with a fully scalable size depending on the security requirements. To this end, we develop a general framework based on the interpolation of group elements by a group homomorphism, leading to the design of a generic undeniable signature scheme. On the one hand, this paradigm allows to consider some previous undeniable signature schemes in a unified setting. On the other hand, by selecting group homomorphisms with a small group range, we obtain very short signatures. After providing theoretical results related to the interpolation of group homomorphisms, we develop some interactive proofs in which the prover convinces a verifier of the interpolation (resp. non-interpolation) of some given points by a group homomorphism which he keeps secret. Based on these protocols, we devise our new undeniable signature scheme and prove its security in a formal way. We theoretically analyze the special class of group characters on Z*n. After studying algorithmic aspects of the homomorphism evaluation, we compare the efficiency of different homomorphisms and show that the Legendre symbol leads to the fastest signature generation. We investigate potential applications based on the specific properties of our signature scheme. Finally, in a topic closely related to undeniable signatures, we revisit the designated confirmer signature of Chaum and formally prove the security of a generalized version

    New Cube Root Algorithm Based on Third Order Linear Recurrence Relation in Finite Field

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    In this paper, we present a new cube root algorithm in finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_{q} with qq a power of prime, which extends the Cipolla-Lehmer type algorithms \cite{Cip,Leh}. Our cube root method is inspired by the work of Müller \cite{Muller} on quadratic case. For given cubic residue c∈Fqc \in \mathbb{F}_{q} with q≡1(mod9)q \equiv 1 \pmod{9}, we show that there is an irreducible polynomial f(x)=x3−ax2+bx−1f(x)=x^{3}-ax^{2}+bx-1 with root α∈Fq3\alpha \in \mathbb{F}_{q^{3}} such that Tr(αq2+q−29)Tr(\alpha^{\frac{q^{2}+q-2}{9}}) is a cube root of cc. Consequently we find an efficient cube root algorithm based on third order linear recurrence sequence arising from f(x)f(x). Complexity estimation shows that our algorithm is better than previously proposed Cipolla-Lehmer type algorithms

    Trace Expression of r-th Root over Finite Field

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    Efficient computation of rr-th root in Fq\mathbb F_q has many applications in computational number theory and many other related areas. We present a new rr-th root formula which generalizes Müller\u27s result on square root, and which provides a possible improvement of the Cipolla-Lehmer algorithm for general case. More precisely, for given rr-th power c∈Fqc\in \mathbb F_q, we show that there exists α∈Fqr\alpha \in \mathbb F_{q^r} such that Tr(α(∑i=0r−1qi)−rr2)r=cTr\left(\alpha^\frac{(\sum_{i=0}^{r-1}q^i)-r}{r^2}\right)^r=c where Tr(α)=α+αq+αq2+⋯+αqr−1Tr(\alpha)=\alpha+\alpha^q+\alpha^{q^2}+\cdots +\alpha^{q^{r-1}} and α\alpha is a root of certain irreducible polynomial of degree rr over Fq\mathbb F_q

    The Eleventh Power Residue Symbol

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for computing 11th11^{\mathrm{th}}-power residue symbols in the cyclotomic field Q(ζ11)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{11}), where ζ11\zeta_{11} is a primitive 11th11^{\mathrm{th}} root of unity. It extends an earlier algorithm due to Caranay and Scheidler (Int. J. Number Theory, 2010) for the 7th7^{\mathrm{th}}-power residue symbol. The new algorithm finds applications in the implementation of certain cryptographic schemes

    Efficient algorithms for the gcd and cubic residuosity in the ring of Eisenstein integers

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    AbstractWe present simple and efficient algorithms for computing the gcd and cubic residuosity in the ring of Eisenstein integers, Z[ζ], i.e. the integers extended with ζ, a complex primitive third root of unity. The algorithms are similar and may be seen as generalisations of the binary integer gcd and derived Jacobi symbol algorithms. Our algorithms take time O(n2) for n-bit input. For the cubic residuosity problem this is an improvement from the known results based on the Euclidean algorithm, and taking time O(n⋅M(n)), where M(n) denotes the complexity of multiplying n-bit integers. For the gcd problem our algorithm is simpler and faster than an earlier algorithm of complexity O(n2). The new algorithms have applications in practical primality tests and the implementation of cryptographic protocols