347,468 research outputs found

    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Construction Project Team

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    The secret to a high-performance team is its capacity to formulate and agree on essential goals, objectives, and project plans while using the appropriate tools, techniques, and processes to carry out its work plan. One factor affecting team performance is each member's desire to work hard and be highly productive to achieve efficiency. This study uses a small-scale project in Denpasar City to investigate the relationship between team performance and motivation in building projects. The quantitative descriptive statistics study was carried out using partial least squares with SmartPLS 3.0. The analysis shows that extrinsic motivation, as opposed to self-actualization, communication, and other aspects, has a more substantial impact on increasing the motivation of the project team's workforce. Pay and fair compensation are necessary when handling projects for small contractors. Help increase employee motivation while enhancing team performanc

    Client’s championing characteristics that promote construction innovation

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    Purpose: clients or users of products, processes or services are being identified as potential sources of innovation in construction. There are concerns on the degree of innovation within the construction industry, despite having potential to be innovative. The role that can be played by the construction client to promote innovation in the industry is well documented. However, lack of knowledge on the desirable characteristics of the construction client was identified as one of the barriers for the construction client to be an effective innovation promoter. Accordingly, the paper evaluates the characteristics of the construction client that promotes innovation. Research Methodology: the multiple holistic case studies were used as the research strategy and semi-structured interviews were used as the principal data collection technique. Code-based content analysis and cognitive mapping were used to analyse the interviews. Data analysis was supported by two computer aided software namely NVivo and Decision explorer. Findings: clients can increase the efficiency of work carried out towards the construction process, stimulate team dynamics and team action through the championing characteristics which in turn can strengthen the innovation process that lead to the innovative product. Being a team player, promoting respect for people, and knowledge and information dissemination are identified as constituents of the championing characteristics of clients that promote innovation in construction projects. The personal skills of clients such as competence, value judgement, flexibility, and self motivation will energise the success of the championing characteristics. Originality/value: the client characteristics identified from the study widen the knowledge base of the client to successfully engage in construction innovation

    Role-Reward Congruence for Enhancing Marketing Executives Team Efficiency in the Banking Industry in Nigeria.

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    Team marketing is gaining in prevalence and importance. It requires the joint marketing effort of several marketing executives, often from different functional areas within the bank. As a result, designing compensation plan for a marketing team has been a truly challenging assignment. Therefore, this study was under taken to determine the principles that should be followed in designed a team –based compensation system for marketing executives in the banking industry in Nigeria. Both primary and secondary sources were used to garner data for the study. Questionnaire was the principle source of the primary data, while interview served as complementary. A sample size of 180 marketing executive was determined using a percentage formula. A calculated chi-square result of 208.179 was obtained, using Kendall’s W Test statists. This value is greater than the critical chin-square value of 5.991, which is significant as P-value of 0.000<0.05. Furthermore, with the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance of 0.578, there is an established agreement on role-reward congruence, indicating that each team member contribute in a different way to the team. Therefore, not all of the team member must be measured and paid in the same manner. The specific performance measures used and the percentage which is team based should be chosen in accordance with the tasks performed by the individual marketing executive on the team. This finding is supported by equity theory of motivation that focuses on people’s perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes relatives to their work inputs. Keywords: Role-Reward Congruence, Shared Reward, Team-Members Input, Peer Evaluation, Marketing Executives, Banking Industry, Team Efficiency, Team- Dynamics, Equity theory of Motivation

    Motivation in personnel management of a trading enterprise

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    Purpose: Investigating the problems of personnel motivation efficiency as one of the most significant factors of the success of an enterprise at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the authors consider expedient to consider the theory and practice of the personnel motivation system in a commercial enterprise. Design: General scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison), and special methods of research (economic and statistical, balance sheet, design-calculation and other), document analysis, questioning, and others were used during the study. Findings: The authors revealed that the trading company should focus on the development of a system of motivation in two directions: the improvement of material motivation of staff and the improvement of non-material motivation of staff. Improving the proposed system of staff motivation will allow the company to create a favorable atmosphere in the team, increasing turnover. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used by the head of the enterprise when developing plans to improve the management system and increase investment attractiveness. Originality: This article analyzes the theoretical foundations of motivation in personnel management. Given the organizational and economic characteristics of the trading enterprise, identified the existing system of motivation in the enterprise.peer-reviewe

    Have the Agile Principles Endured? An Empirical Investigation Post 20th Anniversary of the Agile Manifesto (2001)

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    This study investigates whether the Agile principles introduced in the Agile Manifesto (2001) have endured today two decades later and whether they are still relevant to software developers. Further, are they positively correlated with work and affective outcomes of software development projects? We find out by conducting a survey with team members of 58 software development project in one of the largest global IT firms. To our surprise we find that overall, the Agile principles have endured and were positively correlated with team motivation, project effectiveness and project innovation. However, they were negative correlated with project efficiency. As expected, projects using Agile and plan-driven methodologies showed differential findings

    Have the Agile Values endured? An empirical investigation on the 20th anniversary of the Agile Manifesto (2001)

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    This study investigates whether the Agile Values introduced in the Agile Manifesto (2001) have endured today two decades later and whether they are still relevant to software developers. Further, are they positively correlated with work and affective outcomes of software development projects? We find out by conducting a survey with team members of 58 software development project in one of the largest global IT firms. To our surprise we find all the four Agile values have endured. The agile values still resonated with software developers. Additionally, overall, the values were positively correlated with team motivation, project effectiveness and project innovation. However, they were negative correlated with project efficiency and had no correlation with work exhaustion of team members. As expected, projects using Agile and plan-driven methodologies showed differential findings

    Improving the handover process in a psychiatry liaison setting

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    Efficient handover of patient care is integral to clinical safety. Barriers in communication can lead to adverse outcomes. The Integrated Liaison Assessment Team (ILAT) has a daily handover meeting which presents several challenges to the multidisciplinary liaison team (MDT including high patient turnover, differing staff shift-work patterns, presence of visitors/students and lack of a unified approach to structured discussion at times. Areas identified for improvement included optimising efficiency, structure and handover documentation. Lack of teaching and learning opportunities were also identified. The primary aim was to reduce handover time to 30 min. The secondary aims were to improve communication by introducing the Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) tool, improve team satisfaction and introduce a teaching programme in the time saved. The Model for Improvement methodology was used with MDT focus groups and questionnaires to explore change ideas. This informed our 'Plan, Do, Study, Act' cycles to design a structured handover. Daily measures looked at handover length and individual team member satisfaction. Weekly measures included semiqualitative questionnaires highlighting areas for improvement. Feedback was gathered from emails and MDT discussions. A structured handover format incorporating SBAR, key task allocation and a shift handover lead was introduced. A regular MDT teaching programme was initiated. Over 4 weeks, 'Good' handover ratings increased from 22% to 65%; 'Poor' ratings decreased from 25% to 8%. Mean handover time decreased from 47 min to 31.25 min; a decrease of 33.5%. Overall, the team viewed SBAR positively as an efficiency-promoting tool. Structured handover has promoted staff competencies, team morale and information sharing practices among ILAT. MDT teaching improved team communication and confidence. Sustaining motivation to keep up interventions and documentation of handover were identified as key areas for sustained improvement

    The Necessary Architecture of Self-Regulating Teams

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    In this paper we present the meaning of self-regulation in Self- Regulating Teams (SRTs) and show the importance of self- regulating teams in a learning organisation. Self-regulating (also known as self-managing) teams guide and perform their own tasks without a visible leader. In the present dynamic business environment, SRTs promise to deliver higher motivation and empowerment to the individuals that participate in them as well as elevated performance and efficiency to the organisations that implement them. However, as management support and change in business culture are prerequisites for the success of SRTs, their implementation is not an easy task. Often, unsuccessful SRTs have been (in our opinion, wrongly) criticized as a source of ambiguity for organisations and as yet another management technique that does not deliver its promises. We start exploring the validity of such a criticism by discussing the shift from a training paradigm to a self- development paradigm in order to draw the picture of a learning organisation as an entity that facilitates learning of all its members and continuously transforms itself as a whole. We continue by showing the contribution that SRTs could make to the process of an organisation that aims to become a learning organisation. In this paper we adopt a cybernetic approach to describe the role of SRTs and to identify the necessary conditions for SRTs to work at all. We present the necessary architecture of SRTs; the architecture that is needed to deliver their promised advantages. We show how Gordon Pasks Conversation Theory could be applied to self-regulating teams and present how learning conversation could provide the framework for successful organisational evolution through team development and team self- regulation. We show how the establishment of such an architecture can lead to a better understanding of self-regulating teams and thus to their successful evolution and development within an organisation. We conclude by stating the implications of our analysis

    Successful Leadership in VIrtual Teams

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    Virtual teams are an emerging corporate trend in international companies worldwide. Heightened expectations of revenue gain, demanded quick reactions to market and geographically scattered clientele of companies have forced organizations to restructure their way of working and out of these needs, virtual teams are born. Virtual teams are teams that interact mainly by using technology-mediated communication devices and platforms. Employees operating in such a setting typically face geographical dispersion among team members, various time zones, different cultures and possibly a remote leader. Cost savings and enhanced efficiency, along with quick knowledge transfer and flexibility form the benefit base of virtual teams. On the other hand, issues are faced concerning communication, trust, technology usage, clarity of roles and processes, motivation and team spirit. Leading virtual teams is demanding, as these teams possess similar needs as conventional teams, but require additional efforts from the team head as face-to- face interaction with and among team members is rare. In this thesis I aim to find out the key aspects and qualities of successful virtual leaders by conducting an online survey for 18 current virtual team members and leaders from various backgrounds and industries.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format
