521 research outputs found

    A Spectrum of TCP-friendly Window-based Congestion Control Algorithms

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    The increasing diversity of Internet application requirements has spurred recent interest in transport protocols with flexible transmission controls. In window-based congestion control schemes, increase rules determine how to probe available bandwidth, whereas decrease rules determine how to back off when losses due to congestion are detected. The control rules are parameterized so as to ensure that the resulting protocol is TCP-friendly in terms of the relationship between throughput and loss rate. This paper presents a comprehensive study of a new spectrum of window-based congestion controls, which are TCP-friendly as well as TCP-compatible under RED

    Transport Architectures for an Evolving Internet

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    In the Internet architecture, transport protocols are the glue between an application’s needs and the network’s abilities. But as the Internet has evolved over the last 30 years, the implicit assumptions of these protocols have held less and less well. This can cause poor performance on newer networks—cellular networks, datacenters—and makes it challenging to roll out networking technologies that break markedly with the past. Working with collaborators at MIT, I have built two systems that explore an objective-driven, computer-generated approach to protocol design. My thesis is that making protocols a function of stated assumptions and objectives can improve application performance and free network technologies to evolve. Sprout, a transport protocol designed for videoconferencing over cellular networks, uses probabilistic inference to forecast network congestion in advance. On commercial cellular networks, Sprout gives 2-to-4 times the throughput and 7-to-9 times less delay than Skype, Apple Facetime, and Google Hangouts. This work led to Remy, a tool that programmatically generates protocols for an uncertain multi-agent network. Remy’s computer-generated algorithms can achieve higher performance and greater fairness than some sophisticated human-designed schemes, including ones that put intelligence inside the network. The Remy tool can then be used to probe the difficulty of the congestion control problem itself—how easy is it to “learn” a network protocol to achieve desired goals, given a necessarily imperfect model of the networks where it ultimately will be deployed? We found weak evidence of a tradeoff between the breadth of the operating range of a computer-generated protocol and its performance, but also that a single computer-generated protocol was able to outperform existing schemes over a thousand-fold range of link rates

    Transport Architectures for an Evolving Internet

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    In the Internet architecture, transport protocols are the glue between an application’s needs and the network’s abilities. But as the Internet has evolved over the last 30 years, the implicit assumptions of these protocols have held less and less well. This can cause poor performance on newer networks—cellular networks, datacenters—and makes it challenging to roll out networking technologies that break markedly with the past. Working with collaborators at MIT, I have built two systems that explore an objective-driven, computer-generated approach to protocol design. My thesis is that making protocols a function of stated assumptions and objectives can improve application performance and free network technologies to evolve. Sprout, a transport protocol designed for videoconferencing over cellular networks, uses probabilistic inference to forecast network congestion in advance. On commercial cellular networks, Sprout gives 2-to-4 times the throughput and 7-to-9 times less delay than Skype, Apple Facetime, and Google Hangouts. This work led to Remy, a tool that programmatically generates protocols for an uncertain multi-agent network. Remy’s computer-generated algorithms can achieve higher performance and greater fairness than some sophisticated human-designed schemes, including ones that put intelligence inside the network. The Remy tool can then be used to probe the difficulty of the congestion control problem itself—how easy is it to “learn” a network protocol to achieve desired goals, given a necessarily imperfect model of the networks where it ultimately will be deployed? We found weak evidence of a tradeoff between the breadth of the operating range of a computer-generated protocol and its performance, but also that a single computer-generated protocol was able to outperform existing schemes over a thousand-fold range of link rates

    End-to-End Resilience Mechanisms for Network Transport Protocols

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    The universal reliance on and hence the need for resilience in network communications has been well established. Current transport protocols are designed to provide fixed mechanisms for error remediation (if any), using techniques such as ARQ, and offer little or no adaptability to underlying network conditions, or to different sets of application requirements. The ubiquitous TCP transport protocol makes too many assumptions about underlying layers to provide resilient end-to-end service in all network scenarios, especially those which include significant heterogeneity. Additionally the properties of reliability, performability, availability, dependability, and survivability are not explicitly addressed in the design, so there is no support for resilience. This dissertation presents considerations which must be taken in designing new resilience mechanisms for future transport protocols to meet service requirements in the face of various attacks and challenges. The primary mechanisms addressed include diverse end-to-end paths, and multi-mode operation for changing network conditions

    Practical Bloom filter based epidemic forwarding and congestion control in DTNs: A comparative analysis

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    International audienceEpidemic forwarding has been proposed as a forwarding technique to achieve opportunistic communication in delay tolerant networks (DTNs). Even if this technique is well known and widely referred, one has to address several practical problems before using it. Unfortunately, while the literature on DTNs is full of new techniques, very little has been done in comparing them. In particular, while Bloom filters have been proposed to exchange information about the buffer content prior to sending information in order to avoid redundant retransmissions, up to our knowledge no real evaluation has been provided to study the tradeoffs that exist for using Bloom filters in practice. A second practical issue in DTNs is buffer management (resulting from finite buffers) and congestion control (resulting from greedy sources). This has also been the topic of several papers that had already uncovered the difficulty to acquire accurate information mandatory to regulate the data transmission rates and buffer space. In this paper, we fill this gap. We have been implementing a simulation of different proposed congestion control schemes for epidemic forwarding in ns-3 environment. We use this simulation to compare different proposed schemes and to uncover issues that remain in each one of them. Based on this analysis, we proposed some strategies for Bloom filter management based on windowing and describe implementation tradeoffs. Afterwards, we propose a back-pressure rate control as a well as an aging based buffer managing solution to deal with congestion control. By simulating our proposed mechanisms in ns-3 both with random-waypoint mobility and realistic mobility traces coming from San-Francisco taxicabs, we show that the proposed mechanisms alleviate the challenges of using epidemic forwarding in DTN

    JTP, an energy-aware transport protocol for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Wireless ad-hoc networks are based on a cooperative communication model, where all nodes not only generate traffic but also help to route traffic from other nodes to its final destination. In such an environment where there is no infrastructure support the lifetime of the network is tightly coupled with the lifetime of individual nodes. Most of the devices that form such networks are battery-operated, and thus it becomes important to conserve energy so as to maximize the lifetime of a node. In this thesis, we present JTP, a new energy-aware transport protocol, whose goal is to reduce power consumption without compromising delivery requirements of applications. JTP has been implemented within the JAVeLEN system. JAVeLEN~\cite{javelen08redi}, is a new system architecture for ad hoc networks that has been developed to elevate energy efficiency as a first-class optimization metric at all protocol layers, from physical to transport. Thus, energy gains obtained in one layer would not be offset by incompatibilities and/or inefficiencies in other layers. To meet its goal of energy efficiency, JTP (1) contains mechanisms to balance end-to-end vs. local retransmissions; (2) minimizes acknowledgment traffic using receiver regulated rate-based flow control combined with selected acknowledgments and in-network caching of packets; and (3) aggressively seeks to avoid any congestion-based packet loss. Within this ultra low-power multi-hop wireless network system, simulations and experimental results demonstrate that our transport protocol meets its goal of preserving the energy efficiency of the underlying network. JTP has been implemented on the actual JAVeLEN nodes and its benefits have been demoed on a real system

    An Adaptable Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless networks have become ubiquitous recently and therefore their usefulness has also become more extensive. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) detect environmental information with sensors in remote settings. One problem facing WSNs is the inability to resupply power to these energy-constrained devices due to their remoteness. Therefore to extend a WSN\u27s effectiveness, the lifetime of the network must be increased by making them as energy efficient as possible. An energy efficient medium access control (MAC) can boost a WSN\u27s lifetime. This research creates a MAC protocol called Adaptive sensor Medium Access Control (AMAC) which is based on Sensor Medium Access Control (SMAC) which saves energy by periodically sleeping and not receiving. AMAC adapts to traffic conditions by incorporating multiple duty cycles. Under a high traffic load, AMAC has a short duty cycle and wakes up often. Under a low traffic load, AMAC has a longer duty cycle and wakes up infrequently. The AMAC protocol is simulated in OPNET Modeler using various topologies. AMAC uses 15% less power and 22% less energy per byte than SMAC but doubles the latency. AMAC is promising and further research can decrease its latency and increase its energy efficiency
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