4,927,019 research outputs found

    Efficiency of quantum controlled non-Markovian thermalization

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    We study optimal control strategies to optimize the relaxation rate towards the fixed point of a quantum system in the presence of a non-Markovian dissipative bath. Contrary to naive expectations that suggest that memory effects might be exploited to improve optimal control effectiveness, non-Markovian effects influence the optimal strategy in a non trivial way: we present a necessary condition to be satisfied so that the effectiveness of optimal control is enhanced by non-Markovianity subject to suitable unitary controls. For illustration, we specialize our findings for the case of the dynamics of single qubit amplitude damping channels. The optimal control strategy presented here can be used to implement optimal cooling processes in quantum technologies and may have implications in quantum thermodynamics when assessing the efficiency of thermal micro-machines.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Technical efficiency in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector: a comparison study of Italian and Spanish firms

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    [ENG] Abstract –– Introduction. Agricultural cooperatives play an important socio-economic role in European (EU) countries, especially in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector. For this reason, in an economic perspective, the measurement of their efficiency has become an area of investigation which attracts great interest. Given that Spain and Italy are the biggest producers of fresh fruits and vegetables, the aim of this paper was to recognize the evolution of their technical efficiency. Materials and methods. Performance analysis in the economic field is rather controversial. Following Parkan (2002), it is possible to classify three main approaches to measure performance: index numbers; frontier methods and the non-parametric approaches. In this paper, efficiency was evaluated by applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique considering two separate frontiers. Through the AIDA database for Italian agricultural cooperatives and the SABI database for Spanish cooperatives, two different sets of 81 and 106 firms, respectively belonging to the fruit and vegetable sector, were selected over a five-year period (2001–2005). Results. The analysis of the DEA results underlines the higher ability of Italian cooperatives to calibrate and optimize the inputs, and to maximize the results (technical efficiency), as well as the ability of Spanish cooperatives to exploit scale economies. Conclusions. Over the period taken into consideration, the average value of global technical efficiency decreased for Spanish as well as Italian cooperatives. In the case of Spanish cooperatives, this situation is due to the loss of ability to calibrate and optimize the inputs, even if the considered firms reveal ability to develop scale economies. In the case of Italian cooperatives, the results reveal the substantial firm technical efficiency, even if scale inefficiency undermines the global efficiency. [FRE] Résumé –– Introduction. Les coopératives agricoles jouent un rôle socio-économique important dans les pays européens (UE) et, en particulier, dans le secteur des fruits et légumes frais. Pour cette raison, d’un point de vue économique, la mesure de son efficacité est devenue un champ d'investigation qui suscite un grand intérêt. L'Espagne et l'Italie étant les plus grands producteurs de fruits et légumes frais de l’UE, mous avons cherché à étudier l'évolution de leur efficacité technique. Matériel et méthodes. L’évaluation des performances dans le domaine économique est plutôt controversée. Selon Parkan (2002), il est possible d’envisager trois approches principales pour mesurer ces performances : utilisation de nombres-indices ; méthodes des frontières, et méthodes non paramétriques. Dans cet article, l'efficacité du secteur a été évaluée à l’aide d’une analyse d'enveloppement des données (AED) en considérant deux frontières séparées. À partir de la base de données AIDA pour les coopératives agricoles italiennes et de la base de données SABI pour les coopératives espagnoles, deux ensembles différents de 81 et 106 sociétés, appartenant respectivement au secteur des fruits et des légumes, ont été choisis sur une période de cinq ans (2001–2005). Résultats. L'analyse des résultats de l’AED a mis en évidence une capacité plus élevée des coopératives italiennes à calibrer et à optimiser les intrants et à maximiser les résultats (efficacité technique) aussi bien qu’une capacité des coopératives espagnoles à utiliser des économies d'échelle. Conclusions. Au cours de la période prise en compte, la valeur moyenne de l'efficacité technique globale a diminué pour les coopératives espagnoles comme pour les coopératives italiennes. Dans le cas des coopératives espagnoles, cette situation est due à une perte de la capacité à calibrer et optimiser les intrants, même si les sociétés considérées ont la capacité de développer des économies d'échelle. Dans le cas des coopératives italiennes, les résultats indiquent une efficacité technique substantielle des entreprises, même si l'inefficacité d'échelle mine l'efficacité globale. [ESP] Resumen –– Introducción. Las cooperativas agrícolas juegan un importante papel socioeconómico en los países europeos (UE) y, en particular, en el sector de las frutas y hortalizas frescas. Por ello, desde un punto de vista económico, la medida del rendimiento de dichas empresas se viene convirtiendo en un campo de investigación que suscita gran interés. España e Italia son los países productores más importantes de productos hortofrutícolas de la Unión Europea, por lo que el principal objetivo del presente estudio es conocer la evolución de sus niveles de eficiencia técnica. Material y métodos. En el campo económico, la medida de desempeño es un tema bastante controvertido. Según Parkan (2002), se pueden contemplar tres enfoques diferentes para medir el rendimiento: número índices, métodos de frontera y métodos no paramétricos. En este artículo, la eficiencia del sector ha sido evaluada aplicando la técnica del Análisis Envolvente de Datos (AED) considerando dos fronteras separadas. A partir de la base de datos AIDA para las cooperativas agrarias italianas y de la base de datos SABI para las cooperativas españolas, se seleccionaron dos muestras del sector hortofrutícola de 81 y 106 sociedades, respectivamente, para un periodo de cinco años (2001 a 2005). Resultados. El análisis de los resultados DEA evidencia una mayor capacidad de las cooperativas italianas para optimizar sus inputs y maximizar sus resultados (eficiencia técnica), así como la capacidad de las cooperativas españolas para explotar las economías de escala. Conclusión. En relación al periodo temporal evaluado, el valor medio de la eficiencia técnica global disminuye para las cooperativas españolas así como para las italianas. En el caso de las cooperativas españolas, esta situación es debida a la falta de optimización de sus inputs, incluso cuando las sociedades consideradas revelan cierta capacidad para desarrollas economías de escala. En el caso de las cooperativas italianas, los resultados indican la existencia de un firme nivel de eficiencia técnica, si bien se detecta la presencia de importantes ineficiencias de escala.This work is a result of the 05708/PHCS/07 research project financed by the Programa de Generación de Conocimiento Cientifico de Excelencia de la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, in collaboration with the Confederación de Cooperativas Agrarias de España (CCAE) and the Federación de Cooperativas Agrarias de Murcia (FECOAM)

    Wind Powering America Initiative: The Wind and Water Power Program (WWPP)

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    The U.S. Department of Energy\u27s Wind Powering America initiative engages in technology market acceptance, barrier reduction, and technology deployment support activities. This fact sheet outlines ways in which the Wind Powering America team works to reduce barriers to appropriate wind energy deployment, primarily by focusing on six program areas: workforce development, communications and outreach, stakeholder analysis and resource assessment, wind technology technical support, wind power for Native Americans, and federal sector support and collaboration


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    The previous two activities in this module have shown us the importance of conservation laws. These laws provide extra “tools” that allow us to analyze certain aspects of physical systems and to be able to predict the motion of objects in the systems without using more complicated analysis. Even in situations wherein we cannot exactly solve the motion, these laws are incredibly useful. For instance, if someone shows us an incredibly complicated device that can seemingly produce electricity with no energy input whatsoever, we know not to invest money in this device, as it must be a sham since it violates the conservation of energy principle. However, both of these conservation laws are theoretical constructs that rarely, if ever, hold 100% true in the real world. The experiments that were run showed proof of this, as the experimental results did not match the theoretical model. Energy is lost as it is transferred from kinetic to potential, and vice-versa. Momentum was not conserved during the collisions, as they turned out to be neither perfectly elastic or perfectly inelastic. It turns out that there is another law at work that limits these other conservation laws: the Second Law of Thermodynamics

    Hearing on DWP Proposal on Toxic Stripping Towers

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    The Impact on the Health of Area Residents of A Toxic Water Stripping Tower Proposed For A North Hollywood Residential District

    Measuring the Efficiency of Pesantren Cooperatives: Evidence in Indonesia

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    The Cooperative (Koperasi) as a non-Bank financial institution has the purpose of improving the welfare of its members as Koperasi Hidmat and the staffs of Latifah Mubarokiyah Koperasi Ponses Suryalaya that have been since decades ago. Over time, the ideal cooperative can show a significant development and increase the welfare of its members. This study aims to determine the efficiency of cooperative as a benchmark, because by known the performance value of a cooperation, it will known the weeknesses and advantages so that it can be improved the weaknesses and maintain the advantages.The method used is apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Inputs used from principal savings, mandatory savings, and fixed assets while the output used from savings in the cooperative, savings in other cooperative and SHU. As for result of this research indicates there are 9 perfect efficient DMUs (100 %) and inefficient DMU is 11 DMUs, consisting of 7 (IRS conditions) and 4 (DRS condition). The most inefficient cooperative is Koperasi Hidmat (2014) of 30.66% efficiency level.Kopkar IAILM is able to maintain its grade efficiency level from 2009 to 2015 when compared to other DMUs cooperatives in the observation, except in 2014. The calculation of efficiency level in this research is relative and it is not absolute, so that it is possible when the cooperative sample is added or the observation year is expanded, so it will get different result. The necessity of any cooperative or BMT based on Pondok Pesantren to make annual financial statements in order to increase accountability and transparency of fund management