20 research outputs found

    Social Media Literacy as an IEP Intervention for Social and Emotional Learning

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    Media literacy and special education communities have largely ignored the impact of digital media useonspecial education students with Autism spectrum disorder and Emotional and Behavioral Disorder. This paper investigates the possibility of using social media literacy education as part of an individualized education plan (IEP) intervention for improving the social and emotional learning outcomes of students with disabilities. Using the example of a “provocative selfie” as a form of media production and consumption, this paper provides a framework for using the NAMLE key questions to teach specific CASEL Social and Emotional (SEL) competencies and address IEP goals and objectives of students with social and emotional deficits. By using the key questions of media literacy to teach the CASEL competencies, educators can provide special education students with strategies for analyzing, evaluating, creating, and acting responsibly in the digital world whileremediatingpoor social and emotional skills commonly associated with many social, emotional, and behavioral disorders

    Cultural Similarities and Differences of Social Comparison on Instagram

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    Instagram is a photo-sharing application that has gained great popularity among young adults. Its affordances of visibility and connectivity can simulate social comparison behaviors and thus influence its users. Using in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis, the current study sought to investigate cultural similarities and differences of social comparison on Instagram and identify possible factors that shape people’s comparison behaviors. Responses showed that during social comparison, (a) American participants were mainly motivated by the needs of strengthening connections and enhancing self-images while Chinese participants were motivated by the desires of self-evaluation and following popular trends. (b) American participants tended to engage in similar comparison with close friends and downward comparison with acquaintances. Chinese participants were likely to do similar comparison with close friends but upward comparison with acquaintances and Instagram influencers. (c) After comparing with others, American participants experienced self-adjustment and self-enhancement. Chinese participants engaged in self-adjustment but self-improvement.No embargoAcademic Major: Communicatio

    Inspired by Friends: Adolescents' Network Homophily Moderates the Relationship between Social Comparison, Envy, and Inspiration on Instagram

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    © Copyright 2019, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Research on the negative psycho-emotional implications of social comparisons on social network sites such as Instagram has rapidly accumulated in recent years. However, little research has considered the extent to which such comparisons can elicit positive motivational outcomes for adolescent users, specifically inspiration. Furthermore, little is known about whether it matters whom young people compare themselves to on Instagram (i.e., network composition) and how this may modulate the emotional outcomes of Instagram social comparisons. The present study thus sought to determine how adolescents' Instagram comparisons of ability associate with inspiration through the mechanism of benign and malicious envy. We further examined whether two key aspects of network composition - perceived similarity and the amount of strangers followed - moderated these relationships. Results from a paper survey among n = 266 British adolescents confirm the hypothesis that those adolescents who compare more strongly on Instagram also report more inspiration from Instagram use. While benign envy positively mediated this relationship, malicious envy worked in the opposite direction, indicating the need to distinguish these two types of envy in future research. In addition, while the amount of strangers followed did not significantly affect the relationships between social comparison, envy, and inspiration, higher perceived network homophily positively moderated the relationship between social comparison and inspiration by eliciting more benign and less malicious envy. Results overall suggest that social comparisons on Instagram may be more inspiring when adolescents compare themselves to similar others and avoid unachievable false role models in their online networks

    A influência do Instagram na criação e reprodução do ideal de beleza feminina

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    [ES] Las redes sociales hacen gala de una gran presencia en la sociedad contemporánea, afectando incluso cómo percibimos los cánones de belleza. Este trabajo estudia la posible influencia del fenómeno de los influencer en la reproducción del ideal de belleza femenino, analizando los contenidos publicados en Instagram por algunas de estas figuras públicas e indagando en el tipo de uso que hacen las personas anónimas de esta red social. Para ello, se ha recurrido a una metodología mixta compuesta por un análisis de contenido cualitativo de las publicaciones y una encuesta en línea (n= 509). La presente investigación ha permitido comprobar, entre otros aspectos, cuál es el patrón de belleza que impera en Instagram y las posibles evoluciones sobre el canon de belleza “tradicional”, dictaminando si existen implicaciones de género en dichos estereotipos. El trabajo advierte sobre el impacto de los influencers en la creación o mantenimiento de estereotipos que afectan a la autoimagen. [EN] Social media has such a strong presence in contemporary society, even affecting how we perceive beauty standards. For this reason, this paper analyses significant phenomena such as influencers, by studying the content published by some of these public figures. To this end, an online survey (n = 509 people) and a qualitative content analysis were carried out as tools for observing the beauty standards represented in the publications shared by users on social media. This research has made it possible to verify, among other elements, what is the prevailing pattern of beauty on Instagram, as well as possible evolutions of the “traditional” beauty standard, determining whether there are gender implications in these stereotypes. The work warns about the impact of influencers in the creation or maintenance of stereotypes that affect self-image. [PO] As redes sociais têm grande presença na sociedade contemporânea, afetando inclusive a forma como percebemos os padrões de beleza. Este trabalho estuda a possível influência do fenômeno dos influenciadores na reprodução do ideal de beleza feminina, analisando o conteúdo publicado no Instagram por algumas dessas figuras públicas e investigando o tipo de uso que os anônimos fazem dessa rede social. Para tanto, foi utilizada uma metodologia mista, que consiste em uma análise qualitativa de conteúdo das publicações e uma pesquisa online (n = 509). Este trabalho permitiu-nos verificar, entre outros aspectos, qual é o padrão de beleza que prevalece no Instagram, as possíveis evoluções no cânone da beleza «tradicional», determinando se existem implicações de género nos referidos estereótipos. O trabalho adverte sobre o impacto dos influencers na criação ou manutenção de estereótipos que afetam a autoimagem

    Compare and despair or compare and explore? Instagram social comparisons of ability and opinion predict adolescent identity development

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    © 2007-2020 Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace. Whilst there is an emerging literature concerning social comparisons on social networking sites (SNSs), very little is known about the extent to which such behaviours inform adolescent identity. Drawing upon the three-factor model of identity development (Crocetti, Rubini & Meeus, 2008), this study seeks to determine the relationship between Instagram comparisons of ability and opinion and three identity processes: commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration of commitment. 177 British adolescents responded to a paper survey (Mage = 15.45; Female, 54.8%) between December 2018 and February 2019. Instagram social comparisons of ability were positively associated with commitment and in-depth exploration, whilst their relationship with reconsideration of commitment was moderated by gender. In contrast, Instagram social comparisons of opinion were positively related with in-depth exploration and reconsideration of commitment. Findings suggest that although both forms of social comparison behaviour may evoke adolescents to explore their identity, Instagram social comparisons of ability may have less maladaptive identity implications for adolescent males

    Efeitos da Comparação Social, Inveja de Viagens e Autoapresentação na Intenção de Visitar o Destino Turístico

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    Sharing travel experiences through social networks has become a very common practice today. Access and exposure to posted content can generate, in users, behavioral and emotional reactions capable of affecting their intention to travel. Based on this, the objective of the present work is to verify the effects of behavioral characteristics (social comparison, envy and self-presentation) on the intention to visit destinations, as displayed by users on social networks--more specifically, on Instagram. The study methodology consists of a survey applied online from May to June 2018 with Instagram users, in which we obtained 547 valid responses. For data analysis, we used descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and logistic regression to test and confirm the hypotheses of the presented theoretical model. The results indicate that envy and social comparison increase the odds of intention to visit a destination, with the strongest effect being related to the social comparison variable.O compartilhamento de experiências de viagens por meio das redes sociais tornou-se uma prática bastante comum nos dias atuais. O acesso e a exposição ao conteúdo postado podem gerar reações comportamentais e emocionais nos usuários capazes de afetar sua intenção de viagem. Com base nisso, o objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar os efeitos de características comportamentais (comparação social, inveja e autoapresentação) na intenção de visitar destinos exibidos pelos usuários nas redes sociais, mais especificamente, no Instagram. A metodologia do estudo consistiu em um survey aplicado online no período de maio a junho de 2018 com usuários de Instagram no qual se obtiveram 547 respostas válidas. Para análise dos dados, utilizaram-se estatística descritiva, análise fatorial e regressão logística para testar e confirmar as hipóteses do modelo teórico apresentado. Os resultados indicam que inveja e comparação social aumentam as razões de chances de intenção de visita ao destino, sendo que o efeito mais forte foi verificado para a variável comparação social

    Cybergossip in adolescence: Its relationship with social competency, empathy, emotions in online communication and socio-emotional e-competencies by gender and age

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    Cybergossip involves making evaluative comments about third parties through digital devices, a behaviour accentuated by the use of social networks and associated with the intensification of cyberbullying, especially among adolescents. Certain studies suggest that there may be a relationship between cybergossip and socio-emotional variables. However, few studies have analysed this, and even fewer have considered a further series of variables that are evaluated in the online environment, taking into account gender and age differences. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyse the predictive capacity of social competency, empathy, emotional online content (e-motions), and socio-emotional e-competencies in relation to cybergossip. In order to achieve this, we conducted a large-scale survey among Spanish adolescents (n = 992) aged 12–16 (54.4% girls, M = 13.80, and SD = 1.27). Results showed that cybergossip increases with age, with a similar frequency in boys and girls. Regression analysis showed that the variables we evaluated in the online environment can improve our knowledge about cybergossip in relation to social competency and empathy. Moreover, e-motions, which tend to come into play in the transmission of online messages, increase the frequency of cybergossip. Socio-emotional e-competencies, however, can reduce its occurrence, thereby helping adolescents adapt to online interaction environments. Certain socio-emotional e-competencies stand out: e-regulation of emotions in girls, e-self-control of impulsivity in boys, and emotional e-independence in both genders and in older adolescents. Finally, we highlight the need for adolescents to develop specific online emotional competencies

    Linking Loneliness and Use of Social Media

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    Currently, Internet-based social media have an increased influence on society, and the use of social media has penetrated into every aspect of life. Because of online use of social media, individuals are connected through screen virtually but isolated from each other physically. Previous conventional offline social life is decreasing and a new psychological problem arises: loneliness. Empirical studies found that despite the fact that this generation has more devices and technologies that help people to stay connected, the feeling of loneliness in the 21st century is the highest of all times so far. This thesis will combine past empirical studies of the relevant field with the theory of use and gratification, aiming to identify the relationship between use of social media and loneliness. This exploratory study was carried out in the University of Helsinki through the online survey, Facebook was chosen as an example of social media that is widely used among university students, and 112 valid survey samples were collected. Through quantitative research method, four major findings are found: (1) Loneliness is positively correlated with Facebook motivation, which can be interpreted as loneliness motivates people to use Facebook; (2) Loneliness is negatively correlated with the number of Facebook friends, which indicates that a larger social network size can combat loneliness; (3) Females use Facebook more intensively than males than people who prefer not to say their gender; (4) Asian/Pacific islander ethnicity group shows the highest motivation to use Facebook, followed by white ethnicity and then others

    El papel de los influencers en la creación y reproducción del estereotipo de belleza femenina en Instagram

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster en Investigación en Comunicación Audiovisual. Curso 2020-2021[ES] Las redes sociales tienen una gran presencia en la sociedad contemporánea, afectando incluso a cómo percibimos los cánones de belleza, y a la creación y mantenimiento de estereotipos. Este trabajo se centra en analizar en qué medida las publicaciones de algunos los influencers más destacados de Instagram influyen en la creación y perpetuación del canon de belleza tradicional y de los estereotipos de género. Para ello, se ha utilizado una metodología mixta, formada por un análisis de contenido cualitativo de 240 publicaciones y una encuesta en línea (N = 509 personas) como herramientas con las que observar los cánones de belleza representados en las publicaciones compartidas por los usuarios en las redes sociales. Los resultados indicaron, entre otros aspectos, que las cuentas de influencers reconocidas contribuyen a difundir y mantener el estereotipo de belleza tradicional. Esta investigación pone de relieve la importancia de realizar un uso correcto de las redes sociales.[EN] Social media has a strong presence in contemporary society, even affecting how we perceive beauty standards and the creation and maintenance of certain stereotypes. This study focuses on analysing the extent to which the posts of some of the most prominent Instagram influencers shape the creation and perpetuation of traditional beauty and gender standards. To do so, a mixed methodology was used, consisting of a qualitative content analysis of 240 posts and an online survey (N = 509 people) as tools with which to observe the beauty standards represented in the posts shared by users on social media. The results showed, among other things, that the accounts of well-known influencers contribute to the spread and maintenance of the traditional beauty standard. This research highlights the importance of using social media correctly