9,293 research outputs found

    Land Cover Change Image Analysis for Assateague Island National Seashore Following Hurricane Sandy

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    The assessment of storm damages is critically important if resource managers are to understand the impacts of weather pattern changes and sea level rise on their lands and develop management strategies to mitigate its effects. This study was performed to detect land cover change on Assateague Island as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Several single-date classifications were performed on the pre and post hurricane imagery utilized using both a pixel-based and object-based approach with the Random Forest classifier. Univariate image differencing and a post classification comparison were used to conduct the change detection. This study found that the addition of the coastal blue band to the Landsat 8 sensor did not improve classification accuracy and there was also no statistically significant improvement in classification accuracy using Landsat 8 compared to Landsat 5. Furthermore, there was no significant difference found between object-based and pixel-based classification. Change totals were estimated on Assateague Island following Hurricane Sandy and were found to be minimal, occurring predominately in the most active sections of the island in terms of land cover change, however, the post classification detected significantly more change, mainly due to classification errors in the single-date maps used

    Characterizing degradation gradients through land cover change analysis in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    CITATION: Munch, Z., et al. 2017. Characterizing degradation gradients through land cover change analysis in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa. Geosciences, 7(1):7, doi:10.3390/geosciences7010007.The original publication is available at http://www.mdpi.comLand cover change analysis was performed for three catchments in the rural Eastern Cape, South Africa, for two time steps (2000 and 2014), to characterize landscape conversion trajectories for sustained landscape health. Land cover maps were derived: (1) from existing data (2000); and (2) through object-based image analysis (2014) of Landsat 8 imagery. Land cover change analysis was facilitated using land cover labels developed to identify landscape change trajectories. Land cover labels assigned to each intersection of the land cover maps at the two time steps provide a thematic representation of the spatial distribution of change. While land use patterns are characterized by high persistence (77%), the expansion of urban areas and agriculture has occurred predominantly at the expense of grassland. The persistence and intensification of natural or invaded wooded areas were identified as a degradation gradient within the landscape, which amounted to almost 10% of the study area. The challenge remains to determine significant signals in the landscape that are not artefacts of error in the underlying input data or scale of analysis. Systematic change analysis and accurate uncertainty reporting can potentially address these issues to produce authentic output for further modelling.http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/7/1/7Publisher's versio

    The tasks of the crowd : a typology of tasks in geographic information crowdsourcing and a case study in humanitarian mapping

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    In the past few years, volunteers have produced geographic information of different kinds, using a variety of different crowdsourcing platforms, within a broad range of contexts. However, there is still a lack of clarity about the specific types of tasks that volunteers can perform for deriving geographic information from remotely sensed imagery, and how the quality of the produced information can be assessed for particular task types. To fill this gap, we analyse the existing literature and propose a typology of tasks in geographic information crowdsourcing, which distinguishes between classification, digitisation and conflation tasks. We then present a case study related to the “Missing Maps” project aimed at crowdsourced classification to support humanitarian aid. We use our typology to distinguish between the different types of crowdsourced tasks in the project and choose classification tasks related to identifying roads and settlements for an evaluation of the crowdsourced classification. This evaluation shows that the volunteers achieved a satisfactory overall performance (accuracy: 89%; sensitivity: 73%; and precision: 89%). We also analyse different factors that could influence the performance, concluding that volunteers were more likely to incorrectly classify tasks with small objects. Furthermore, agreement among volunteers was shown to be a very good predictor of the reliability of crowdsourced classification: tasks with the highest agreement level were 41 times more probable to be correctly classified by volunteers. The results thus show that the crowdsourced classification of remotely sensed imagery is able to generate geographic information about human settlements with a high level of quality. This study also makes clear the different sophistication levels of tasks that can be performed by volunteers and reveals some factors that may have an impact on their performance

    Consulting Services to Determine the Effectiveness of Vegetation Classification Using WorldView 2 Satellite Data for the Greater Everglades

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    The purpose of this project was to evaluate the use of remote sensing 1) to detect and map Everglades wetland plant communities at different scales; and 2) to compare map products delineated and resampled at various scales with the intent to quantify and describe the quantitative and qualitative differences between such products. We evaluated data provided by Digital Globe’s WorldView 2 (WV2) sensor with a spatial resolution of 2m and data from Landsat’s Thematic and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (TM and ETM+) sensors with a spatial resolution of 30m. We were also interested in the comparability and scalability of products derived from these data sources. The adequacy of each data set to map wetland plant communities was evaluated utilizing two metrics: 1) model-based accuracy estimates of the classification procedures; and 2) design-based post-classification accuracy estimates of derived maps

    Remote Sensing and Data Fusion for Eucalyptus Trees Identification

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    Satellite remote sensing is supported by the extraction of data/information from satellite images or aircraft, through multispectral images, that allows their remote analysis and classification. Analyzing those images with data fusion tools and techniques, seem a suitable approach for the identification and classification of land cover. This land cover classification is possible because the fusion/merging techniques can aggregate various sources of heterogeneous information to generate value-added products that facilitate features classification and analysis. This work proposes to apply a data fusion algorithm, denoted FIF (Fuzzy Information Fusion), which combines computational intelligence techniques with multicriteria concepts and techniques to automatically distinguish Eucalyptus trees, in satellite images To assess the proposed approach, a Portuguese region, which includes planted Eucalyptus, will be used. This region is chosen because it includes a significant number of eucalyptus, and, currently, it is hard to automatically distinguish them from other types of trees (through satellite images), which turns this study into an interesting experiment of using data fusion techniques to differentiate types of trees. Further, the proposed approach is tested and validated with several fusion/aggregation operators to verify its versatility. Overall, the results of the study demonstrate the potential of this approach for automatic classification of land types.A deteção remota de imagens de satélite é baseada na extração de dados / informações de imagens de satélite ou aeronaves, através de imagens multiespectrais, que permitem a sua análise e classificação. Quando estas imagens são analisadas com ferramentas e técnicas de fusão de dados, torna-se num método muito útil para a identificação e classificação de diferentes tipos de ocupação de solo. Esta classificação é possível porque as técnicas de fusão podem processar várias fontes de informações heterogéneas, procedendo depois à sua agregação, para gerar produtos de valor agregado que facilitam a classificação e análise de diferentes entidades - neste caso a deteção de eucaliptos. Esta dissertação propõe a utilização de um algoritmo, denominado FIF (Fuzzy Information Fusion), que combina técnicas de inteligência computacional com conceitos e técnicas multicritério. Para avaliar o trabalho proposto, será utilizada uma região portuguesa, que inclui uma vasta área de eucaliptos. Esta região foi escolhida porque inclui um número significativo de eucaliptos e, atualmente, é difícil diferenciá-los automaticamente de outros tipos de árvores (através de imagens de satélite), o que torna este estudo numa experiência interessante relativamente ao uso de técnicas de fusão de dados para diferenciar tipos de árvores. Além disso, o trabalho desenvolvido será testado com vários operadores de fusão/agregação para verificar sua versatilidade. No geral, os resultados do estudo demonstram o potencial desta abordagem para a classificação automática de diversos tipos de ocupação de solo (e.g. água, árvores, estradas etc)

    Monitoring global vegetation

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    An attempt is made to identify the need for, and the current capability of, a technology which could aid in monitoring the Earth's vegetation resource on a global scale. Vegetation is one of our most critical natural resources, and accurate timely information on its current status and temporal dynamics is essential to understand many basic and applied environmental interrelationships which exist on the small but complex planet Earth