302 research outputs found

    Missing data in multiplex networks: a preliminary study

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    A basic problem in the analysis of social networks is missing data. When a network model does not accurately capture all the actors or relationships in the social system under study, measures computed on the network and ultimately the final outcomes of the analysis can be severely distorted. For this reason, researchers in social network analysis have characterised the impact of different types of missing data on existing network measures. Recently a lot of attention has been devoted to the study of multiple-network systems, e.g., multiplex networks. In these systems missing data has an even more significant impact on the outcomes of the analyses. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has focused on this problem yet. This work is a first step in the direction of understanding the impact of missing data in multiple networks. We first discuss the main reasons for missingness in these systems, then we explore the relation between various types of missing information and their effect on network properties. We provide initial experimental evidence based on both real and synthetic data.Comment: 7 page

    The impact of partially missing communities~on the reliability of centrality measures

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    Network data is usually not error-free, and the absence of some nodes is a very common type of measurement error. Studies have shown that the reliability of centrality measures is severely affected by missing nodes. This paper investigates the reliability of centrality measures when missing nodes are likely to belong to the same community. We study the behavior of five commonly used centrality measures in uniform and scale-free networks in various error scenarios. We find that centrality measures are generally more reliable when missing nodes are likely to belong to the same community than in cases in which nodes are missing uniformly at random. In scale-free networks, the betweenness centrality becomes, however, less reliable when missing nodes are more likely to belong to the same community. Moreover, centrality measures in scale-free networks are more reliable in networks with stronger community structure. In contrast, we do not observe this effect for uniform networks. Our observations suggest that the impact of missing nodes on the reliability of centrality measures might not be as severe as the literature suggests

    Longitudinal high school research revealed: using surveys to assess student motivation and social networks

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    This case describes a longitudinal study of high school students’ academic and social motivation and social networks at school. When working together as a PhD student and advisor, we built a university-school partnership and conducted a student survey project that spanned five years. A portion of the project data was used for a dissertation on students’ social networks and their academic and social motivation. The case study describes the project context and development of the partnership, the research design and procedure, and an overview of the analysis and dissemination of complex data to school staff. Particular attention is paid to the use of social network analysis (SNA) as a methodological tool for assessing social relationships in schools. The longitudinal nature of the study required maintenance of a sustainable relationship with the school, which is discussed throughout. We conclude the case with lessons learned

    Uncovering missing links with cold ends

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    To evaluate the performance of prediction of missing links, the known data are randomly divided into two parts, the training set and the probe set. We argue that this straightforward and standard method may lead to terrible bias, since in real biological and information networks, missing links are more likely to be links connecting low-degree nodes. We therefore study how to uncover missing links with low-degree nodes, namely links in the probe set are of lower degree products than a random sampling. Experimental analysis on ten local similarity indices and four disparate real networks reveals a surprising result that the Leicht-Holme-Newman index [E. A. Leicht, P. Holme, and M. E. J. Newman, Phys. Rev. E 73, 026120 (2006)] performs the best, although it was known to be one of the worst indices if the probe set is a random sampling of all links. We further propose an parameter-dependent index, which considerably improves the prediction accuracy. Finally, we show the relevance of the proposed index on three real sampling methods.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 6 table
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