15 research outputs found

    Computer-Assisted Programmed Instruction Revisited: A Study on Teaching Typewriting in Nigerian Higher Institution.

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    In the last few decades, technology has been a significant tool in almost all human endeavour (Hancer & Tiizemen, 2008). The integration of technology into education is a growing phenomenon; hence huge amount of money is being invested into Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) in education across the globe in order to ensure improved students’ academic performance (Trautman & Klemp, n.d.). Since the development of various ICTs, computer technology has come to play significant roles in instructional process, thereby transforming the learning environment (Efendioghi & Yelken, 2010; Rosenberg, Grad & Matear, 2003). The hope and quality of achievements of nations nowadays is dependent on the science of technology innovations and the integration of appropriate technological devices in education. To improve the standard of education, adequate attention must be given to instructional techniques employed by the teacher. Instructional methods are process of cognitive, affective and psychomotor development targeted at contributing to students’ performance (Uhumuavbi & Mamudu, 2009)


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    The basic aimed of this study is to investigate the effects of Computer Assisted Learning on the achievements of the educational statistic students the measurements related to the experimental and control groups. The result showed that, the difference is on behalf of the experiment group. This fact shows that the Computer-assisted learning method and traditional education methods have a clear different effect on the student’s educational statistics achievements. This result leads that experiment group’s students with computer-assisted learning methods increase their achievement level and show a higher performance more than the control group students

    The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on Students’ Cognitive Achievement in Chemical Bonding. A Case Study of Schools in the Kwahu East District of Ghana

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    The study was conducted in the Kwahu East District of the Eastern Region of Ghana to investigate the effect of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on the cognitive achievement of students in chemical bonding. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design implemented by a pre-test post-test control group containing intact, non-equivalent groups of students. The sample size of the study was forty-six (46) students - Twenty-Two (22) in the experimental group and twenty-four (24) in the control group. A researcher-developed instrument, Chemical Bonding Achievements Test (CBAT) was used for the collection of data. The instrument contained twenty (20) questions with a reliability coefficient of 0.72. The experimental and control groups were taught with CAI and Lecture teaching methods, respectively. Quantitative data collected were analysed descriptively and inferentially. The findings of the study revealed that teaching with CAI significantly enhanced the achievement of students in chemical bonding than those taught with the lecture method. The study further revealed that the performance of low achievers was improved when they had lessons with CAI. The study recommends the immediate implementation of CAI in Chemistry lessons since it could increase students’ attendance to class, motivation, attitude and their cognitive achievement in the subject. Keywords: Computer Assisted Instruction, Chemical Bonding Achievements Test, Chemical bonds, Cognitive Achievement DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-20-02 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Tutkimuksesta luokkahuoneisiin

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    Digitaaliset opetusmenetelmät on otettu käyttöön lyhyessä ajassa, vaikka niiden soveltuvuutta biologian opetukseen ja oppimiseen on tutkittu vähän. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen pohjalta selvitetään: a) Mitä digitaalisia opetusmenetelmiä tarkastelluissa artikkeleissa biologian opetuksessa käytetään? b) Mitä biologisia aiheita niiden avulla opiskellaan? c)  Mitä tukea ja hyötyä digitaalisista opetusmenetelmistä on biologian oppimiselle? d) Mitä tiedon ja ajattelun tasoja biologian oppimista tukevat menetelmät kehittävät? Kansainvälisissä sarjoissa 2000-luvulla julkaistut 10 biologian oppimista painottavaa artikkelia tutkittiin sisältöanalyysillä. Eniten käytettyjä digitaalisia opetusmenetelmiä olivat virtuaalinen kenttäretki, laboratorio ja oppimisohjelma. Aiheet vaihtelivat lajintunnistuksesta biologisiin ilmiöihin. Oppimista tukivat vuorovaikutteisuus, liikuteltavuus ja turvallisuus. Digitaaliset opetusmenetelmät kehittivät oppijoiden yksilöllistä tiedon hallintaa ja ajattelua etenkin asiatietojen ja käsitteiden osalta. Tulokset puoltavat digitaalisten opetusmenetelmien sisällyttämistä biologian opetussuunnitelmiin ja opetukseen

    Impact of Mobile Devices on Student Performance in an Agriscience Classroom

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    This study focuses on the impact of a modeled one to one mobile device implementation in an agriscience classroom. Using a pretest posttest method, data is collected on how student performance is impacted. Students complete a class project using either the traditional method or a digital version using mobile devices. The project helps to prepare students for the plant identification posttest

    Mobile educational technologies currently used as a means to enhance teaching and learning in a privileged high school

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    Technology continues to progress due to the enormous growth of wireless technologies and mobile computing. Mobile devices such as handheld computers, smartphones and mobile phones are integrated into the daily lives of many people irrespective of their age, nationality or gender. These devices are embedded with computer functionalities and their ease of use and mobility functionality enable the people to use and move around with the mobile devices everywhere they go; the sophistication of these devices fascinates many learners thus they are fluent in using digital technology. The aim of this thesis is to describe how these devices are being utilised for learning purposes using the qualitative data collection method, to use the FRAME model to evaluate the usefulness of mobile digital technology and to also understand the educator’s role in the mobile age. This thesis explores the relationship between education (what is being taught), society (individual learners and their learning preferences) and technology (mobile tools used for learning), conceptualising the learner’s perspective. The research findings indicate that learners in the case study are enthusiastic about mobile educational technology, fluent in using digital technology and they prefer pen and paper for taking notes. The outcomes of this study suggest that although mobile technology has the potential to enhance teaching and learning, educators need to put more emphasis on providing technology-rich learning activities to empower high level of student involvement and take into consideration the learner’s learning preferences towards learning using mobile technology.College of Engineering, Science and TechnologyM.Tech. (Information Technology

    The use of ALICE, a visual environment for teaching and learning object-oriented programming

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    University students learning object-oriented programming (OOP) encounter many complexities. This study undertook empirical research aimed at analysing learners’ interactions with the Alice visual programming environment, which seeks to engage and motivate learners to grasp concepts of OOP, whilst creating animated movies and video games. A mixed-methods approach was employed, using questionnaire surveys and interviews to investigate learners’ experiences with Alice and their understanding of OOP. Findings indicated that learners lacked problem-solving abilities; were unable to grasp programming concepts on an abstract level and spent insufficient time practicing programming exercises. Alice proved to be an effective tool in helping to address these challenges and in improving learners’ grasp of OOP. Learners found Alice to have good usability. Furthermore, test and exam results revealed a statistically significant difference between performances of learners who had been taught Alice in comparison to similar learners who were not exposed to the Alice intervention.ComputingInformation SystemsM. Sc. (Information systems

    Across the Great Divide: The Effects of Technology in Secondary Biology Classrooms

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    This study investigates the relationship between technology use and student achievement in public high school across North Carolina. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a digital divide (differences in technology utilization based on student demographics of race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and municipality) exists among schools and whether those differences relate to student achievement in high school biology classrooms. The study uses North Carolina end-of-course (EOC) data for biology to analyze student demographic data and assessment results from the 2010-2011 school year from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The data analyses use descriptive and factorial univariate statistics to determine the existence of digital divides and their effects on biology achievement

    The use of computer simulations for cognitive load change and acquisition of knowledge and skills in geometrical optics

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effects of the use of interactive computer simulations for cognitive load change of grade 11 learners in the acquisition of knowledge and a science process skill in geometrical optics. Both the use of computer simulations and traditional teaching was teacher centred. The study was done in a rural area in South Africa, in the Limpopo Province in the district of Vhembe. The theoretical framework was based on the information processing model. Within the non-equivalent quasi experimental design a switching replications design study was used whereby 105 learners in four schools took part. This study found that in terms of the acquisition of knowledge, female learners gained more by the use of simulations than their male counterparts. No significant effect was found in the acquisition of the skill when computer simulations were used. Initial reduction of cognitive load was found when simulations were used and with time this increased. Experienced educators reduced the cognitive load through use of their knowledge and expertise and their role needs to be highlighted. Further studies are suggested to study the effect of a learner centred approach on decreasing the cognitive load and its effect on the acquisition of knowledge and skills.Mathematics, Science and Technology EducationD. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education with specialisation in Physics Education