69,176 research outputs found

    Metacognitive Development and Conceptual Change in Children

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    There has been little investigation to date of the way metacognition is involved in conceptual change. It has been recognised that analytic metacognition is important to the way older children acquire more sophisticated scientific and mathematical concepts at school. But there has been barely any examination of the role of metacognition in earlier stages of concept acquisition, at the ages that have been the major focus of the developmental psychology of concepts. The growing evidence that even young children have a capacity for procedural metacognition raises the question of whether and how these abilities are involved in conceptual development. More specifically, are there developmental changes in metacognitive abilities that have a wholescale effect on the way children acquire new concepts and replace existing concepts? We show that there is already evidence of at least one plausible example of such a link and argue that these connections deserve to be investigated systematically

    Experience Spillovers across Corporate Development Activities

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    This study develops a theoretical explanation for the existence of positive, as well as negative, experience spillovers across corporate development activities. We suggest that the similarity in two activities influences both the sign and magnitude of experience spillovers. The argument is used to understand how alliance experience influences the performance of acquisitions in the US commercial banking industry. The empirical evidence indicates that the spillover effect of alliance experience on acquisition performance is a function of the decisions made in the post-acquisition phase regarding the level of integration and the replacement of top management. We also find a U-shaped relationship between alliance experience and acquisition performance, suggesting the presence of negative spillovers across corporate development activities at low experience levels.

    More is more in language learning:reconsidering the less-is-more hypothesis

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    The Less-is-More hypothesis was proposed to explain age-of-acquisition effects in first language (L1) acquisition and second language (L2) attainment. We scrutinize different renditions of the hypothesis by examining how learning outcomes are affected by (1) limited cognitive capacity, (2) reduced interference resulting from less prior knowledge, and (3) simplified language input. While there is little-to-no evidence of benefits of limited cognitive capacity, there is ample support for a More-is-More account linking enhanced capacity with better L1- and L2-learning outcomes, and reduced capacity with childhood language disorders. Instead, reduced prior knowledge (relative to adults) may afford children with greater flexibility in inductive inference; this contradicts the idea that children benefit from a more constrained hypothesis space. Finally, studies of childdirected speech (CDS) confirm benefits from less complex input at early stages, but also emphasize how greater lexical and syntactic complexity of the input confers benefits in L1-attainment

    Seeing is as Good as Doing

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    Given the privileged status claimed for active learning in a variety of domains (visuomotor learning, causal induction, problem solving, education, skill learning), the present study examines whether action-based learning is a necessary, or a suffi cient, means of acquiring the relevant skills needed to perform a task typically described as requiring active learning. To achieve this, the present study compares the effects of action-based and observation-based learning when controlling a complex dynamic task environment (N = 96). Both action- and observation-based individuals learn either by describing the changes in the environment in the form of a conditional statement, or not. The study reveals that for both active and observational learners, advantages in performance (p < .05), accuracy in knowledge of the task (p < .05), and self-insight (p < .05) are found when learning is based on inducing rules from the task environment. Moreover, the study provides evidence suggesting that, given task instructions that encourage rule-based knowledge, both active and observation-based learning can lead to high levels of problem solving skills in a complex dynamic environment

    Internal and external scripts in computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning

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    We investigated how differently structured external scripts interact with learners’ internal scripts concerning individual knowledge acquisition in a Web-based collaborative inquiry learning environment. 90 students from two secondary schools participated. Two versions of an external collaboration script (high vs. low structured) supporting collaborative argumentation were embedded within a Web-based collaborative inquiry learning environment. Students’ internal scripts were classified as either high or low structured, establishing a 2x2-factorial design. Results suggest that the high structured external collaboration script supported the acquisition of domain-general knowledge of all learners regardless of their internal scripts. Learners’ internal scripts influenced the acquisition of domain-specific knowledge. Results are discussed concerning their theoretical relevance and practical implications for Web-based inquiry learning with collaboration scripts

    Learning curve assessment of rule use provides evidence for spared implicit sequence learning in a mouse model of mental retardation

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    Humans with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) have a mental retardation of which a notable characteristic is a weakness in recalling sequences of information. A mouse model of the disorder exists which exhibits behavioral and neurologic changes, but cognitive testing has not revealed learning deficits seemingly comparable in magnitude to that seen in the human condition. A working memory task for olfactory sequences was employed to test learning set acquisition in mice, half of which had a disruption of the gene responsible for FXS in humans. The task protected against reward detection artifact and demonstrated stringency-dependent task acquisition. A comparable image-based sequence learning set task was used to test humans. The performances of human subjects who did and did not report consciously acquiring the task rules were used as positive and negative controls to assess the mouse learning curves. Learning curve plateau error fluctuation for individual mice was comparable to that of human subjects who never acquired an explicit rule to perform the task, but different from those of human subjects who could state a rule to solve the problem. Sliding window error plots and nonparametric statistical analysis discriminated between the consciously rule-based human performances and that of the mice and humans who did not explicitly obtain the rule. Based on comparison to the human results, wild-type and FX mouse learning curves with a continuingly variable terminal plateau error rate in sliding epochs were classified as “implicit”. Although a moderately large difference in performance of the olfactory task was observed among mouse strains, there was no significant effect of FX genotype. The wild-type performance of the FX mice in this sequence task suggests that implicit learning may be relatively spared in FXS

    Effects of immersion in inquiry-based learning on student teachers’ educational beliefs

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    Professional development on inquiry-based learning (IBL) generally draws heavily on the principle of providing instruction in line with what teachers are expected to do in their classroom. So far, however, relatively little is known about how this impacts teachers' educational beliefs, even though these beliefs ultimately determine their classroom behavior. The present study therefore investigates how immersion in inquiry-based learning affects student teachers' beliefs about knowledge goals, in addition to their self-efficacy for inquiry. In total, 302 student history teachers participated in a 4-h long inquiry activity designed within the WISE learning environment, and completed a pre- and posttest right before and after the intervention. Multilevel analyses suggest that the intervention had a significant positive effect on the value that student teachers attributed to procedural knowledge goals, or learning how historical knowledge is constructed, and on student teachers' self-efficacy for conducting inquiries. Despite these general positive results, however, the results also show that the impact of the intervention differed significantly across students. In particular, it appears that immersion in IBL had little effect on a subgroup of 25 student-teachers, who held largely content-oriented beliefs. Based on these findings, the present study discusses a number of implications for professional development on IBL

    Investigation of dyeing based on pandanus amaryllifolius for superhydrophobic coating in cotton-polyester blended in textile application

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    Natural dyes are derived from natural resources. Colouring materials obtained from natural resources of plant, animal, mineral, and microbial origins were used for colouration of various textile materials. Use of natural dyes started fall after the invention of synthetic dyes in the second half of the nineteenth century. The synthetic dyes were rapidly industrialization of textile production resulted in almost complete replacement of natural dyes by synthetic dyes because their easy availability simple application process, better fastness properties and consistency of shades [1]. Recent environmental awareness has again revived interest in natural dyes mainly among environmentally conscious people. Natural pigments are considered eco-friendly as these are renewable and biodegradable which is skin friendly and provide healthier benefits to the wearer [2]. Pandanus amaryllifolius also called as pandan leaf is a tropical plant that under screw pine genus and it can be easily found all around in Malaysia. It is a genus monocotyledon plants with over 750 accepted species. Extraction of green pigments from pandanus amaryllifolius to produce an organic pigment for fabric dyeing can become an alternative of synthetic pigments. Organic pigments also can be classified as a biochrome substance which is produced by living organisms. These biological pigments include flower and plant pigments [3]