722 research outputs found

    Engaging older adults with age-related macular degeneration in the design and evaluation of mobile assistive technologies

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    Ongoing advances in technology are undoubtedly increasing the scope for enhancing and supporting older adults’ daily living. The digital divide between older and younger adults, however, raises concerns about the suitability of technological solutions for older adults, especially for those with impairments. Taking older adults with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) – a progressive and degenerative disease of the eye – as a case study, the research reported in this dissertation considers how best to engage older adults in the design and evaluation of mobile assistive technologies to achieve sympathetic design of such technologies. Recognising the importance of good nutrition and the challenges involved in designing for people with AMD, this research followed a participatory and user-centred design (UCD) approach to develop a proof–of–concept diet diary application for people with AMD. Findings from initial knowledge elicitation activities contribute to the growing debate surrounding the issues on how older adults’ participation is initiated, planned and managed. Reflections on the application of the participatory design method highlighted a number of key strategies that can be applied to maintain empathic participatory design rapport with older adults and, subsequently, lead to the formulation of participatory design guidelines for effectively engaging older adults in design activities. Taking a novel approach, the final evaluation study contributed to the gap in the knowledge on how to bring closure to the participatory process in as positive a way as possible, cognisant of the potential negative effect that withdrawal of the participatory process may have on individuals. Based on the results of this study, we ascertain that (a) sympathetic design of technology with older adults will maximise technology acceptance and shows strong indicators for affecting behaviour change; and (b) being involved in the design and development of such technologies has the capacity to significantly improve the quality of life of older adults (with AMD)

    Enhancing system acceptance through user-centred design: Integrating patient generated wellness data

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a condition that appears during pregnancy and is expected to be a temporary one. While patients are encouraged to manage it themselves, research findings indicate that GDM may negatively affect the foetus; in addition, there is an increased risk of women with GDM subsequently developing Type 2 diabetes. To alleviate the risks, women with GDM are advised to maintain a record of their diet and blood glucose levels and to attend regular clinical reviews. Rather than using a paper diary, women with GDM can maintain a record of their blood glucose level readings and other relevant data using a wellness mobile application (app). However, such apps are developed for general use and may not meet the specific needs of clinical staff (physicians, dietitians, obstetricians and midwives) involved in managing GDM; for example, an app may record glucose readings but not the details of a meal taken before or after the glucose reading. Second, the apps do not permanently store the data generated by the patient and do not support the transfer of these data to a clinical system or information portal. The mobile health (mHealth) system designed and developed in this research allows one to integrate different types of user generated wellness data into a centralised database. A user-centered design (UCD) approach informed by the technology acceptance model (TAM) was adopted. This paper investigates and evaluates the effectiveness of the approach with regard to facilitating system acceptance and future adoption through an early focus on enhancing system usefulness and ease of use. The functional system requirements of the proposed system were refined through a series of interviews with the perspective of clinical users; ease-of-use and usability issues were resolved through ‘think aloud’ sessions with clinicians and GDM patients

    Evaluating the impact of physical activity apps and wearables: interdisciplinary review

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    Background: Although many smartphone apps and wearables have been designed to improve physical activity, their rapidly evolving nature and complexity present challenges for evaluating their impact. Traditional methodologies, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs), can be slow. To keep pace with rapid technological development, evaluations of mobile health technologies must be efficient. Rapid alternative research designs have been proposed, and efficient in-app data collection methods, including in-device sensors and device-generated logs, are available. Along with effectiveness, it is important to measure engagement (ie, users’ interaction and usage behavior) and acceptability (ie, users’ subjective perceptions and experiences) to help explain how and why apps and wearables work. Objectives: This study aimed to (1) explore the extent to which evaluations of physical activity apps and wearables: employ rapid research designs; assess engagement, acceptability, as well as effectiveness; use efficient data collection methods; and (2) describe which dimensions of engagement and acceptability are assessed. Method: An interdisciplinary scoping review using 8 databases from health and computing sciences. Included studies measured physical activity, and evaluated physical activity apps or wearables that provided sensor-based feedback. Results were analyzed using descriptive numerical summaries, chi-square testing, and qualitative thematic analysis. Results: A total of 1829 abstracts were screened, and 858 articles read in full. Of 111 included studies, 61 (55.0%) were published between 2015 and 2017. Most (55.0%, 61/111) were RCTs, and only 2 studies (1.8%) used rapid research designs: 1 single-case design and 1 multiphase optimization strategy. Other research designs included 23 (22.5%) repeated measures designs, 11 (9.9%) nonrandomized group designs, 10 (9.0%) case studies, and 4 (3.6%) observational studies. Less than one-third of the studies (32.0%, 35/111) investigated effectiveness, engagement, and acceptability together. To measure physical activity, most studies (90.1%, 101/111) employed sensors (either in-device [67.6%, 75/111] or external [23.4%, 26/111]). RCTs were more likely to employ external sensors (accelerometers: P=.005). Studies that assessed engagement (52.3%, 58/111) mostly used device-generated logs (91%, 53/58) to measure the frequency, depth, and length of engagement. Studies that assessed acceptability (57.7%, 64/111) most often used questionnaires (64%, 42/64) and/or qualitative methods (53%, 34/64) to explore appreciation, perceived effectiveness and usefulness, satisfaction, intention to continue use, and social acceptability. Some studies (14.4%, 16/111) assessed dimensions more closely related to usability (ie, burden of sensor wear and use, interface complexity, and perceived technical performance). Conclusions: The rapid increase of research into the impact of physical activity apps and wearables means that evaluation guidelines are urgently needed to promote efficiency through the use of rapid research designs, in-device sensors and user-logs to assess effectiveness, engagement, and acceptability. Screening articles was time-consuming because reporting across health and computing sciences lacked standardization. Reporting guidelines are therefore needed to facilitate the synthesis of evidence across disciplines

    Feedback on Shopping Receipt Data Through a Mobile App: A Pilot Study

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    Mobile applications have become popular tools for supporting healthy nutrition behavior. Current tools are primarily based on the detailed tracking of a user’s direct consumption, thus intervening only during or even after a user has eaten something. With increasing home office hours (especially during the COVID-19 pandemic), people are eating more often at home, which has also led to a decrease in fruit and vegetable consumption. Therefore, we aim to support people in the food-shopping process. We suggest a mobile application that helps people reflect on their purchases and tries to nudge users toward healthier product choices. We conducted a pilot study with 31 participants who used the application for two consecutive weeks. During this time, we observed a decrease in the caloric values per 100 g of purchases. Furthermore, we collected positive feedback on the app regarding acceptance, usability, and user experience

    Integration of a personalised mobile health (mHealth) application into the care of patients with brain tumours: proof-of-concept study (IDEAL stage 1)

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    Objectives: Brain tumours lead to significant morbidity including a neurocognitive, physical and psychological burden of disease. The extent to which they impact the multiple domains of health is difficult to capture leading to a significant degree of unmet needs. Mobile health tools such as Vinehealth have the potential to identify and address these needs through real-world data generation and delivery of personalised educational material and therapies. We aimed to establish the feasibility of Vinehealth integration into brain tumour care, its ability to collect real-world and (electronic) patient-recorded outcome (ePRO) data, and subjective improvement in care. Design: A mixed-methodology IDEAL stage 1 study. Setting: A single tertiary care centre. Participants: Six patients consented and four downloaded and engaged with the mHealth application throughout the 12 weeks of the study. Main outcome measures: Over a 12-week period, we collected real-world and ePRO data via Vinehealth. We assessed qualitative feedback from mixed-methodology surveys and semistructured interviews at recruitment and after 2 weeks. Results: 565 data points were captured including, but not limited to: symptoms, activity, well-being and medication. EORTC QLQ-BN20 and EQ-5D-5L completion rates (54% and 46%) were impacted by technical issues; 100% completion rates were seen when ePROs were received. More brain cancer tumour-specific content was requested. All participants recommended the application and felt it improved care. Conclusions: Our findings indicate value in an application to holistically support patients living with brain cancer tumours and established the feasibility and safety of further studies to more rigorously assess this

    From hospital to home. The application of e-health solutions for monitoring and management of people with epilepsy

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    Background. In the last 10 years, there has been an explosion in the development of mobile and wearable technologies. Recent events such as Covid 19 emergency, showed the world how clinicians need to focus more on the application of these technologies to monitor and manage their patients. Despite this, the use of innovative technologies is not now a common practice in epilepsy. This thesis aims to demonstrate how people with epilepsy (PWE) are ready to use these mobile and wearable technologies and how data collected from these solutions can have a direct impact on PWE’s life. Methods. A systematic literature search was performed to provide an accurate overview of new non- invasive EEGs and their applications in epilepsy health care and an online survey was performed to fill the literature gap on this topic. To accurately study the PWE’s experience using wearable sensors, and the value of physiological and non-physiological data collected from wearable sensors, we used EEG data collected from the hospital (RADAR-CNS), and we collected original data from an at-home study (EEG@HOME). The data can be divided into two main categories: qualitative data (online survey, semi-structured interviews), and quantitative data analysis (questionnaires, EEG, and additional non-invasive physiological variables). Results. The systematic review showed us how non-invasive portable EEGs could provide valuable data for clinical purposes in epilepsy and become useful tools in different settings (i.e., rural areas, Hospitals, and homes). These are well accepted and tolerated by PWE and health care providers, especially for the easy application, cost, and comfort. The information obtained on the acceptability of repeated long-term non-invasive measures at home (EEG@HOME) showed that the use of the portable EEG cap was in general well tolerated over the 6 months but, the use of a smartwatch and the e-seizure diary was usually preferred. The level of compliance was good in most of the individuals and any barriers or issues which affected their experience or quality of the data were highlighted (i.e., life events, issues with equipment, and hairstyle of patients). Semi-structured interviews showed that participants found the combination of the three solutions very well-integrated and easy to use. The support received and the possibility to be trained and monitored remotely were well accepted and no privacy issues were reported by any of the participants. Most of the participants also suggested how they will be happy to have a mobile solution in the future to help to monitor their condition. The graph theory measures extracted from short and/or repeated EEG segments recorded from hospitals (RADAR-CNS) allowed us to explore the temporal evolution of brain activity prior to a seizure. Finally, physiological data and non-physiological data (EEG@HOME) were combined to understand and develop a model for each participant which explained a higher or lower risk of seizure over time. We also evaluated the value of repeated unsupervised resting state EEG recorded at home for seizure detection. Conclusion. The use of new technologies is well accepted by PWE in different settings. This thesis gives a detailed overview of two main points. First: PWE can be monitored in the hospital or at home using new wearable sensors or smartphone apps, and they are ready to use them after a short training and minimal supervision. Second: repeated data collection could provide a new way of a monitor, managing, and diagnosing people with epilepsy. Future studies should focus on balancing the acceptability of the solutions and the quality of the data collected. We also suggest that more studies focusing on seizure forecasting and detection using data collected from long-term monitoring need to be conducted. Digital health is the future of clinical practice and will increase PWE safety, independency, treatment, and monitoring

    The few touch digital diabetes diary : user-involved design of mobile self-help tools for peoplewith diabetes

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    Paper number 2, 4, 5 and 7 are not available in Munin, due to publishers' restrictions: 2. Årsand E, and Demiris G.: "User-Centered Methods for Designing Patient-Centric Self-Help Tools", Informatics for Health and Social Care, 2008 Vol. 33, No. 3, Pages 158-169 (Informa Healthcare). Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17538150802457562 4. Årsand E, Olsen OA, Varmedal R, Mortensen W, and Hartvigsen G.: "A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes", pages 173-178 in S.K. Andersen, et.al. (eds.) "eHealth Beyond the Horizon - Get IT There", Proceedings of MIE2008, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 136, May 2008, ISBN: 978-1-58603-864-9 5. Årsand E, Tufano JT, Ralston J, and Hjortdahl P.: "Designing Mobile Dietary Management Support Technologies for People with Diabetes", Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 2008 Volume 14, Number 7, Pp. 329-332 (Royal Society of Medicine Press). Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1258/jtt.2008.007001 7. Årsand E, Walseth OA, Andersson N, Fernando R, Granberg O, Bellika JG, and Hartvigsen G.: "Using Blood Glucose Data as an Indicator for Epidemic Disease Outbreaks", pages 199-204 in R. Engelbrecht et.al. (eds.): "Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics", Proceedings of MIE2005, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 116, August 2005, ISBN: 978-1-58603-549-5. Check availabilityParadoxically, the technological revolution that has created a vast health problem due to a drastic change in lifestyle also holds great potential for individuals to take better care of their own health. The first consequence is not addressed in this dissertation, but the second represents the focus of the work presented, namely utilizing ICT to support self-management of individual health challenges. As long as only 35% of the patients in Norway achieve the International Diabetes Federation‟s goal for blood glucose (HbA1c), actions and activities to improve blood glucose control and related factors are needed. The presented work focuses on the development and integration of alternative sensor systems for blood glucose and physical activity, and a fast and effortless method for recording food habits. Various user-interface concepts running on a mobile terminal constitute a digital diabetes diary, and the total concept is referred to as the “Few Touch application”. The overall aim of this PhD project is to generate knowledge about how a mobile tool can be designed for supporting lifestyle changes among people with diabetes. Applying technologies and methods from the informatics field has contributed to improved insight into this issue. Conversely, addressing the concrete use cases for people with diabetes has resulted in the achievement of ICT designs that have been appreciated by the cohorts involved. Cooperation with three different groups of patients with diabetes over several years and various methods and theories founded in computer science, medical informatics, and telemedicine have been combined in design and research on patient-oriented aids. The blood glucose Bluetooth adapter, the step counter, and the nutrition habit registration system that have been developed were all novel and to my knowledge unique designs at the time they were first tested, and this still applies to the latter two. Whether it can be claimed that the total concept presented, the Few Touch application, will increase quality of life, is up to future research and large-scale tests of the system to answer. However, results from the Type 2 diabetes half-year study showed that several of the participants did adjust their medication, food habits and/or physical activity due to use of the application

    Making the best use of new technologies in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey: a review

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    .Background Dietary assessment is of paramount importance for public health monitoring. Currently in the UK, the population’s diets are examined by the National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (NDNS RP). In the survey, diet is assessed by a four-day paper-based dietary diary, with accompanying interviews, anthropometric measurements and blood and urine sampling. However, there is growing interest worldwide in the potential for new technologies to assist in data collection for assessment of dietary intake. Published literature reviews have identified the potential of new technologies to improve accuracy, reduce costs, and reduce respondent and researcher burden by automating data capture and the nutritional coding process. However, this is a fast-moving field of research, with technologies developing at a rapid pace, and an updated review of the potential application of new technologies in dietary assessment is warranted. This review was commissioned to identify the new technologies employed in dietary assessment and critically appraise their strengths and limitations in order to recommend which technologies, if any, might be suitable to develop for use in the NDNS RP and other UK population surveys. Objectives The overall aim of the project was to inform the Department of Health of the range of new technologies currently available and in development internationally that have potential to improve, complement or replace the methods used in the NDNS RP. The specific aims were: to generate an itinerary of new and emerging technologies that may be suitable; to systematically review the literature and critically appraise new technologies; and to recommend which of these new technologies, if any, would be appropriate for future use in the NDNS RP. To meet these aims, the project comprised two main facets, a literature review and qualitative research. Literature review data sources The literature review incorporated an extensive search of peer-reviewed and grey literature. The following sources were searched: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE), Web of Science Core Collection, Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid MEDLINE In-Process, Embase, NHS EED (Economic Evaluation Database), National Cancer Institute (NCI) Dietary Assessment Calibration/Validation Register, OpenGrey, EPPI Centre (TRoPHI), conference proceedings (ICDAM 2012, ISBNPA 2013, IEEE Xplore, Nutrition Society Irish Section and Summer Meetings 2014), recent issues of journals (Journal of Medical Internet Research, International Journal of Medical Informatics), grants registries (ClinicalTrials.gov, BBSRC, report), national surveys, and mobile phone application stores. In addition, hand-searching of relevant citations was performed. The search also included solicitation of key authors in the field to enquire about Making the best use of new technologies in the NDNS: a review 4 as-yet unpublished articles or reports, and a Bristol Online Survey publicised via social media, society newsletters and meetings. Literature review eligibility criteria Records were screened for eligibility using a three-stage process. Firstly, keyword searches identified obviously irrelevant titles. Secondly, titles and abstracts were screened against the eligibility criteria, following which full-text copies of papers were obtained and, in the third stage of screening, examined against the criteria. Two independent reviewers screened each record at each stage, with discrepancies referred to a third reviewer. Eligibility criteria were pre-specified and agreed by the project Steering Group (Section 1.6). Eligible records included: studies involving technologies, new to the NDNS RP, which can be used to automate or assist the collection of food consumption data and the coding of foods and portion sizes, currently available or beta versions, public domain or commercial; studies that address the development, features, or evaluation of new technology; technologies appropriate for the requirements of the NDNS RP in terms of nutritional analysis, with capacity to collect quantifiable consumption data at the food level; primary sources of information on a particular technology; and journal articles published since the year 2000 or grey literature available from 2011 onwards. The literature search was not limited to Englishlanguage publications, which are included in the itinerary, although data were not extracted from non-English studies. Literature synthesis and appraisal New technologies were categorised into eleven types of technology, and an itinerary was generated of tools falling under each category type. Due to the volume of eligible studies identified by the literature searches, data extraction was limited to the literature focussing on selected exemplar tools of five technology categories (web-based diet diary, web-based 24- hour recall, handheld devices (personal digital assistants and mobile phones), nonautomated cameras to complement traditional methods, and non-automated cameras to replace traditional methods). For each category, at least two exemplars were chosen, and all studies involving the exemplar were included in data extraction and synthesis. Exemplars were selected on the basis of breadth of evidence available, using pre-specified criteria agreed by the Steering Group. Data were extracted by a single reviewer and an evidence summary collated for each exemplar. A quality appraisal checklist was developed to assess the quality of validation studies. The checklist was piloted and applied by two independent reviewers. Studies were not excluded on the basis of quality, but study quality was taken into account when judging the strength of evidence. Due to the heterogeneity of the literature, meta-analyses were not performed. References were managed and screened using the EPPI Reviewer 4 systematic review software. EPPI Reviewer was also used to extract data
