19,210 research outputs found

    Development of an in-field tree imaging system : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology at Massey University

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    Quality inventory information is essential for optimal resource utilisation in the forestry industry. In-field tree imaging is a method which has been proposed to improve the preharvest inventor assessment of standing trees. It involves the application of digital imaging technology to this task. The method described generates a three dimensional model of each tree through the capture of two orthogonal images from ground level. The images are captured and analysed using the "TreeScan" in-field tree imaging system. This thesis describes the design, development, and evaluation of the TreeScan system. The thesis can also be used as a technical reference for the system and as such contains appropriate technical and design detail. The TreeScan system consists of a portable computer, a custom designed high resolution scanner with integral microcontroller, a calibration rod, and custom designed processing software. Images of trees are captured using the scanner which contains a CCD line scan camera and a precision scanning mechanism. Captured images are analysed on the portable computer using customised image processing software to estimate real world tree dimensions and shape. The TreeScan system provides quantitative estimates of five tree parameters; height, sweep, stem diameter, branch diameter, and feature separation such as internodal distance. In addition to these estimates a three dimensional model is generated which can be further processed to determine the optimal stem breakdown into logs

    Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass and Stem Volume with Airborne Scanning LiDAR

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    Airborne scanning LiDAR is a promising technique for efficient and accuratebiomass mapping due to its capacity for direct measurement of the three-dimensionalstructure of vegetation. A combination of individual tree detection (ITD) and an area-basedapproach (ABA) introduced in Vastaranta et al. [1] to map forest aboveground biomass(AGB) and stem volume (VOL) was investigated. The main objective of this study was totest the usability and accuracy of LiDAR in biomass mapping. The nearest neighbourmethod was used in the ABA imputations and the accuracy of the biomass estimation wasevaluated in the Finland, where single tree-level biomass models are available. The relativeroot-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) in plot-level AGB and VOL imputation were 24.9%and 26.4% when field measurements were used in training the ABA. When ITDmeasurements were used in training, the respective accuracies ranged between 28.5%–34.9%and 29.2%–34.0%. Overall, the results show that accurate plot-level AGB estimates can beachieved with the ABA. The reduction of bias in ABA estimates in AGB and VOL wasencouraging when visually corrected ITD (ITDvisual) was used in training. We conclude that itis not feasible to use ITDvisual in wall-to-wall forest biomass inventory, but it could provide acost-efficient application for acquiring training data for ABA in forest biomass mapping.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Analysis of recreational land using Skylab data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. S192 data collected on 5 August 1973 were processed by computer to produce a classification map of a part of the Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area in south central Michigan. A 10-category map was prepared of an area consisting of diverse terrain types, including forests, wetlands, brush, and herbaceous vegetation. An accuracy check indicated that 54% of the pixels were correctly recognized. When these ten scene classes were consolidated to a 5-category map, the accuracy increased to 72%. S190 A, S190 B, and S192 data can be used for regional surveys of existing and potential recreation sites, for delineation of open space, and for preliminary evaluation of geographically extensive sites


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    Forests and trees may play important roles in human health outcomes and choices made by individuals in urban areas. Disruptions to forest amenities and tree canopy coverage caused by shocks to the natural environment may affect urban air quality, behavioral decisions, time use habits, and environmental management. This work exploits two distinct and unrelated shocks to forests in the United States to investigate the environmental and health economic links in urban areas between people and trees, and a proposed deeply ingrained role for environmental health in how people live, interact, optimize in their communities. The first chapter argues that environmental quality and forest amenities are important determinants of health and behavioral patterns in urban areas. The conclusion is that further investigations into the indirect market and nonmarket effects of forests and trees on the urban economy are necessary to better guide self-investments in health and management of natural resources. Chapter 2 examines one mechanism through which shocks to the natural environment caused by forest fires in the Mountain West affect health in high-density communities distant from the flame zone. Using a case study wildfire event in eastern Arizona that brought smoke over Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2011, this chapter advances the methodology by which wildfire smoke damages are assessed by modifying a relatively new US EPA benefit transfer computer program, coupling it with original household survey data, and demonstrating how it can be applied to wildfire smoke events. This chapter concludes that not only are wildfire smoke events costly in urban areas, but that perhaps wildfire smoke is more toxic to health than conventional urban air pollution, necessitating more deliberate and nuanced choices by analysts tasked with estimating the damages of wildfire events. Chapter 3 exploits a different shock to forest cover, caused by the emerald ash borer (EAB), to investigate heterogeneity in urban invasive species management when health is directly accounted for by environmental managers and policymakers. Simulation results show that accounting for health impacts associated with lost tree cover increases net benefits of management by more than 1100% in a combined management model and leads to mortality reductions of 21 persons over 50 years and 5,500 cases of reduced morbidity over the same time period for a representative EAB infested county in the US. Additionally, results indicate that a one size fits all\u27 management approach may be inappropriate for responding to large-scale invasive species infestations due to heterogeneity in county demographics, underlying health incidence, and tree coverage. Chapter 4 further exploits the shock to forest and tree cover caused by EAB to examine behavioral changes in infested areas. Specifically, this chapter investigates how a shock to environmental quality caused by detection of EAB influences labor-leisure tradeoffs made by residents of infested areas using data from the nationally-representative American Time Use Survey. Econometric results from a variety of models indicate a negative relationship between EAB detection and daily outdoor leisure time in addition to a contemporaneous positive relationship between EAB detection and daily time spent on labor supply activities. These findings exist primarily along the extensive margin and persist after controlling for year and area fixed effects and daily weather conditions. Changes are persistent; lasting for 2 years and longer. The overall conclusion presented in chapter 5 is that forests and trees have economically meaningful impacts on health outcomes and individual behavioral patterns in urban areas as a result of shocks to environmental quality. It may be useful for policymakers and environmental managers to consider forest amenities, and disruption to forest quality in particular, when setting environmental and labor market policy. Accounting for the links between nature, health, and optimal choices, may lead to better informed policy, particularly in high-density populated areas where impacts of trees are perhaps the greatest

    Assessing wood properties in standing timber with laser scanning

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    Managed forests play crucial roles in ongoing climatic and environmental changes. Among other things, wood is capable of sinking and storing carbon in both standing timber and wood products. To promote these positive effects, more precise planning is required that will ensure sustainable forest management and maximal deposition of harvested wood for long-term applications. Information on wood properties plays a key role; i.e. the wood properties can impact the carbon stocks in forests and the suitability of wood for structural timber. With respect to the theoretical background of wood formation, stem, crown, and branching constitute potential inputs (i.e. wood quality indicators) to allometric wood property, tree biomass, and wood quality models. Due to the complex nature of wood formation, measurements of wood quality indicators that could predict wood properties along the relevant directions of variation have previously been elusive in forest inventories. However, developments in laser scanning from aerial and terrestrial platforms support more complex mapping and modeling regimes based on dense three-dimensional point clouds. The aim here was to determine how wood properties could be estimated in remote-sensing-aided forest inventories. For this purpose, methods for characterizing select wood quality indicators in standing timber, using airborne and terrestrial laser scanning (ALS and TLS, respectively) were developed and evaluated in managed boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests. Firstly, the accuracies of wood quality indicators resolved from TLS point clouds were assessed. Secondly, the results were compared with x-ray tomographic references from sawmills. Thirdly, the accuracies of tree-specific crown features delineated from the ALS data in predictive modeling of the wood quality indicators were evaluated. The results showed that the quality and density of point clouds significantly impacted the accuracies of the extracted wood quality indicators. In the assessment of wood properties, TLS should be considered as a tool for retrieving as dense stem and branching data as possible from carefully selected sample trees. Accurately retrieved morphological data could be applied to allometric wood property models. The models should use tree traits predictable with aerial remote sensing (e.g. tree height, crown dimensions) to enable extrapolations. As an outlook, terrestrial and aerial remote sensing can play an important role in filling in the knowledge gaps regarding the behavior of wood properties over different spatial and temporal extents. Further interdisciplinary cooperation will be needed to fully facilitate the use of remote sensing and spatially transferable wood property models that could become useful in tackling the challenges associated with changing climate, silviculture, and demand for wood.Hoidetuilla metsillä on useita tärkeitä rooleja muuttuvassa ilmastossa ja ympäristössä. Puu sitoo ja varastoi hiiltä niin kasvaessaan, kuin pitkäikäisiksi puutuotteiksi jalostettuna. Näiden vaikutusten huomioiminen metsänhoidossa vaatii tarkkaa suunnittelua, jolla varmistetaan metsänhoidon ja puunkäytön kestävyys. Tieto puuaineen ominaisuuksista on keskeisessä osassa, sillä ne vaikuttavat hiilivarastojen suuruuteen metsissä, sekä puun käytettävyyteen pitkäikäisenä rakennesahatavarana. Puunmuodostuksen teoreettisen taustan mukaisesti, runko, latvus ja oksarakenne ovat potentiaalisia selittäviä muuttujia (eli puun laatuindikaattoreita), kun mallinnetaan puuaineen ominaisuuksia, puubiomassaa ja puun laatua. Puunmuodostuksen monimutkaisuudesta ja moniulotteisesta vaihtelusta johtuen, tarvittavien laatuidikaattorien mittaaminen osana metsävarojen inventointia ja riittävällä yksityiskohtaisuudella on ollut aiemmin mahdotonta. Monialustaisen laserkeilauksen kehittyminen kuitenkin tukee aiempaa monipuolisempien kartoitus- ja mallinnusjärjestelmien rakentamista, jotka perustuvat tiheisiin kolmiulotteisiin pistepilviin. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli määritellä, kuinka puuaineen ominaisuuksia voidaan arvioida kaukokartoitusta hyödyntävässä metsävarojen inventoinnissa. Tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitettiin menetelmiä puun laatuindikaattorien mittaamiseksi hoidetuissa männiköissä (Pinus sylvestris L.) lento- ja maastolaserkeilauksen avulla, ja arvioitiin niiden toimivuutta. Ensin arvioitiin laatuindikaattorien mittatarkkuus pistepilvissä. Toiseksi verrattiin pistepilvimittauksia röntgentomografiamittauksiin teollisilla sahoilla. Kolmanneksi arvioitiin lentolaserkeilauksella tuotettujen latvuspiirteiden tarkkuutta laatuindikaattorien ennustamisessa. Tuloksien perusteella pistepilvien laatu ja pistetiheys vaikuttivat merkittävästi mitattujen laatuindikaattorien tarkkuuteen. Puuaineen ominaisuuksien arvioimisessa, maastolaserkeilausta tulisi käyttää työkaluna mahdollisimman yksityiskohtaisten runko- ja oksikkuustietojen keräämiseen tarkkaan valikoiduista näytepuista. Tarkasti mitatut laatuindikaattorit voivat selittää puuaineen ominaisuuksia mallinnuksessa. Käytettyjen mallien tulisi perustua laatuindikaattoreille, jotka voidaan ennustaa lentolaserkeilausaineistosta (esim. puun pituus ja latvuksen mittasuhteet), jotta ennusteet ovat yleistettävissä laajoille alueille. Tulevaisuudessa, maasta ja ilmasta tehtävällä kaukokartoituksella voi olla tärkeä rooli puuaineen ominaisuuksien aikaan ja paikkaan sidotun vaihtelun tutkimuksessa. Lisää poikkitieteellistä työtä tarvitaan, jotta kaukokartoitusta ja puuaineen ominaisuuksia ennustavia spatiaalisia malleja voidaan täysimittaisesti hyödyntää kiihtyvän ilmastonmuutoksen, muuttuvan metsänhoidon ja lisääntyvän puunkäytön tuomien haasteiden kohtaamisessa