24 research outputs found

    Effective and efficient Semantic Table Interpretation using TableMiner(+)

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    This article introduces TableMiner+, a Semantic Table Interpretation method that annotates Web tables in a both effective and efficient way. Built on our previous work TableMiner, the extended version advances state-of-the-art in several ways. First, it improves annotation accuracy by making innovative use of various types of contextual information both inside and outside tables as features for inference. Second, it reduces computational overheads by adopting an incremental, bootstrapping approach that starts by creating preliminary and partial annotations of a table using ‘sample’ data in the table, then using the outcome as ‘seed’ to guide interpretation of remaining contents. This is then followed by a message passing process that iteratively refines results on the entire table to create the final optimal annotations. Third, it is able to handle all annotation tasks of Semantic Table Interpretation (e.g., annotating a column, or entity cells) while state-of-the-art methods are limited in different ways. We also compile the largest dataset known to date and extensively evaluate TableMiner+ against four baselines and two re-implemented (near-identical, as adaptations are needed due to the use of different knowledge bases) state-of-the-art methods. TableMiner+ consistently outperforms all models under all experimental settings. On the two most diverse datasets covering multiple domains and various table schemata, it achieves improvement in F1 by between 1 and 42 percentage points depending on specific annotation tasks. It also significantly reduces computational overheads in terms of wall-clock time when compared against classic methods that ‘exhaustively’ process the entire table content to build features for inference. As a concrete example, compared against a method based on joint inference implemented with parallel computation, the non-parallel implementation of TableMiner+ achieves significant improvement in learning accuracy and almost orders of magnitude of savings in wall-clock time

    Visualizing semantic table annotations with TableMiner+

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    This paper describes an extension of the TableMiner+ sys- tem, an open source Semantic Table Interpretation system that annotates Web tables using Linked Data in an effective and e�fficient approach. It adds a graphical user interface to TableMiner+, to facilitate the visualization and correction of automatically generated annotations. This makes TableMiner+ an ideal tool for the semi-automatic creation of high-quality semantic annotations on tabular data, which facilitates the publication of Linked Data on the Web

    A tool for creating and visualizing semantic annotations on relational tables

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    Semantically annotating content from relational tables on the Web is a crucial task towards realizing the vision of the Semantic Web. However, there is a lack of open source, user-friendly tools to facilitate this. This paper describes an extension of the TableMiner+ system, an open source Semantic Table Interpretation system that automatically annotates Web tables using Linked Data in an effective and effi�cient approach. It adds a graphical user interface to TableMiner+, to facilitate the visualization and correction of automatically generated annotations. This makes TableMiner+ an ideal tool for the semi-automatic creation of high-quality semantic annotations on relational tables, which facilitates the publication of Linked Data on the Web

    TAKCO: A platform for extracting novel facts from tables

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    Web tables contain a large amount of useful knowledge. Takco is a new large-scale platform designed for extracting facts from tables that can be added to Knowledge Graphs (KGs) like Wikidata. Focusing on achieving high precision, current techniques are biased towards extracting redundant facts, i.e., facts already in the KG. Takco aims to find more novel facts, still at high precision. Our demonstration has two goals. The first one is to illustrate the main features of Takco's novel interpretation algorithm. The second goal is to show to what extent other state-of-the-art systems are biased towards the extraction of redundant facts using our platform, thus raising awareness on this important problem

    Extracting novel facts from tables for Knowledge Graph completion

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    We propose a new end-to-end method for extending a Knowledge Graph (KG) from tables. Existing techniques tend to interpret tables by focusing on information that is already in the KG, and therefore tend to extract many redundant facts. Our method aims to find more novel facts. We introduce a new technique for table interpretation based on a scalable graphical model using entity similarities. Our method further disambiguates cell values using KG embeddings as additional ranking method. Other distinctive features are the lack of assumptions about the underlying KG and the enabling of a fine-grained tuning of the precision/recall trade-off of extracted facts. Our experiments show that our approach has a higher recall during the interpretation process than the state-of-the-art, and is more resistant against the bias observed in extracting mostly redundant facts since it produces more novel extractions