104 research outputs found

    Near-optimal perfectly matched layers for indefinite Helmholtz problems

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    A new construction of an absorbing boundary condition for indefinite Helmholtz problems on unbounded domains is presented. This construction is based on a near-best uniform rational interpolant of the inverse square root function on the union of a negative and positive real interval, designed with the help of a classical result by Zolotarev. Using Krein's interpretation of a Stieltjes continued fraction, this interpolant can be converted into a three-term finite difference discretization of a perfectly matched layer (PML) which converges exponentially fast in the number of grid points. The convergence rate is asymptotically optimal for both propagative and evanescent wave modes. Several numerical experiments and illustrations are included.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Review. To appear 201

    Asymptotic Uniqueness of Best Rational Approximants to Complex Cauchy Transforms in L2{L}^2 of the Circle

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    For all n large enough, we show uniqueness of a critical point in best rational approximation of degree n, in the L^2-sense on the unit circle, to functions f, where f is a sum of a Cauchy transform of a complex measure \mu supported on a real interval included in (-1,1), whose Radon-Nikodym derivative with respect to the arcsine distribution on its support is Dini-continuous, non-vanishing and with and argument of bounded variation, and of a rational function with no poles on the support of \mu.Comment: 28 page

    Rational RBF-based partition of unity method for efficiently and accurately approximating 3D objects

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing 3D objects via meshfree interpolation methods. In this framework, we usually deal with large data sets and thus we develop an efficient local scheme via the well-known Partition of Unity (PU) method. The main contribution in this paper consists in constructing the local interpolants for the implicit interpolation by means of Rational Radial Basis Functions (RRBFs). Numerical evidence confirms that the proposed method is particularly performing when 3D objects, or more in general implicit functions defined by scattered data, need to be approximated

    Sparse Modelling and Multi-exponential Analysis

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    The research fields of harmonic analysis, approximation theory and computer algebra are seemingly different domains and are studied by seemingly separated research communities. However, all of these are connected to each other in many ways. The connection between harmonic analysis and approximation theory is not accidental: several constructions among which wavelets and Fourier series, provide major insights into central problems in approximation theory. And the intimate connection between approximation theory and computer algebra exists even longer: polynomial interpolation is a long-studied and important problem in both symbolic and numeric computing, in the former to counter expression swell and in the latter to construct a simple data model. A common underlying problem statement in many applications is that of determining the number of components, and for each component the value of the frequency, damping factor, amplitude and phase in a multi-exponential model. It occurs, for instance, in magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy, vibration analysis, seismic data analysis, electronic odour recognition, keystroke recognition, nuclear science, music signal processing, transient detection, motor fault diagnosis, electrophysiology, drug clearance monitoring and glucose tolerance testing, to name just a few. The general technique of multi-exponential modeling is closely related to what is commonly known as the Padé-Laplace method in approximation theory, and the technique of sparse interpolation in the field of computer algebra. The problem statement is also solved using a stochastic perturbation method in harmonic analysis. The problem of multi-exponential modeling is an inverse problem and therefore may be severely ill-posed, depending on the relative location of the frequencies and phases. Besides the reliability of the estimated parameters, the sparsity of the multi-exponential representation has become important. A representation is called sparse if it is a combination of only a few elements instead of all available generating elements. In sparse interpolation, the aim is to determine all the parameters from only a small amount of data samples, and with a complexity proportional to the number of terms in the representation. Despite the close connections between these fields, there is a clear lack of communication in the scientific literature. The aim of this seminar is to bring researchers together from the three mentioned fields, with scientists from the varied application domains.Output Type: Meeting Repor

    Randomized sketching of nonlinear eigenvalue problems

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    Rational approximation is a powerful tool to obtain accurate surrogates for nonlinear functions that are easy to evaluate and linearize. The interpolatory adaptive Antoulas--Anderson (AAA) method is one approach to construct such approximants numerically. For large-scale vector- and matrix-valued functions, however, the direct application of the set-valued variant of AAA becomes inefficient. We propose and analyze a new sketching approach for such functions called sketchAAA that, with high probability, leads to much better approximants than previously suggested approaches while retaining efficiency. The sketching approach works in a black-box fashion where only evaluations of the nonlinear function at sampling points are needed. Numerical tests with nonlinear eigenvalue problems illustrate the efficacy of our approach, with speedups above 200 for sampling large-scale black-box functions without sacrificing on accuracy.Comment: 15 page

    Stable Computations with Flat Radial Basis Functions Using Vector-Valued Rational Approximations

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    One commonly finds in applications of smooth radial basis functions (RBFs) that scaling the kernels so they are \u27flat\u27 leads to smaller discretization errors. However, the direct numerical approach for computing with flat RBFs (RBF-Direct) is severely ill-conditioned. We present an algorithm for bypassing this ill-conditioning that is based on a new method for rational approximation (RA) of vector-valued analytic functions with the property that all components of the vector share the same singularities. This new algorithm (RBF-RA) is more accurate, robust, and easier to implement than the Contour-Padé method, which is similarly based on vector-valued rational approximation. In contrast to the stable RBF-QR and RBF-GA algorithms, which are based on finding a better conditioned base in the same RBF-space, the new algorithm can be used with any type of smooth radial kernel, and it is also applicable to a wider range of tasks (including calculating Hermite type implicit RBF-FD stencils). We present a series of numerical experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of this new method for computing RBF interpolants in the flat regime. We also demonstrate the flexibility of the method by using it to compute implicit RBF-FD formulas in the flat regime and then using these for solving Poisson\u27s equation in a 3-D spherical shell

    Formulas for Continued Fractions. An Automated Guess and Prove Approach

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    We describe a simple method that produces automatically closed forms for the coefficients of continued fractions expansions of a large number of special functions. The function is specified by a non-linear differential equation and initial conditions. This is used to generate the first few coefficients and from there a conjectured formula. This formula is then proved automatically thanks to a linear recurrence satisfied by some remainder terms. Extensive experiments show that this simple approach and its straightforward generalization to difference and qq-difference equations capture a large part of the formulas in the literature on continued fractions.Comment: Maple worksheet attache

    Matrix methods for Pad\'e approximation: numerical calculation of poles, zeros and residues

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    A representation of the Pad\'e approximation of the ZZ-transform of a signal as a resolvent of a tridiagonal matrix JJ is given. Several formulas for the poles, zeros and residues of the Pad\'e approximation in terms of the matrix JJ are proposed. Their numerical stability is tested and compared. Methods for computing forward and backward errors are presented
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