623 research outputs found

    A Quantitative Analysis Of Leisure Participation Among Seafarers By Structural Equation Modelling

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016Her denizci gemide çalışırken sosyal izolasyona maruz kalmaktadır. Denizciler karadan, ailelerinden, sevdiklerinden ve arkadaşlarından kontratları boyunca ayrı kalırlar. Gün geçtikçe azalan mürettebat sayısına karşın sorumluluklar, iş yükü ve evrak işleri sürekli artmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, gemi ortamında bir denizcinin arkadaşlık kurabileceği kişi sayısı da oldukça sınırlıdır ve bazen kişisel uyuşmazlıklardan dolayı hiç bir sosyal ilişkisi bile olmayabilir. Ayrıca, gemi ortamı denizciler için hem çalışma, hem dinlenme hem de yaşama ortamıdır. Bütün yaşamsal faaliyetlerini aynı kısıtlı ortamda gerçekleştirmek zorundadırlar. Kısacası, denizciliğin doğasında sosyal izolasyon mevcuttur. İnsan faktörü deniz kazalarına sebep olan ana unsur olarak görülmektedir. İnsan hatalarıda büyük bir oran ile sosyal izolasyondan ve onun insanlar üzerindeki etkilerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Başka bir değiş ile, denizcilerin kontratları süresince sürekli mağruz kaldıkları sosyal izolasyon deniz kazalarına dolaylı olarak sebep olmaktadır. Duygular sosyal ve iletişimsel fonksiyonları içerir ve ayrıca insanların düşüncelerini ve niyetlerini birbirlerine iletir. Duyguların iyi bir düzeyde algılanması, düzenlenmesi ve kullanılması sosyal iletişimi arttırır ve sosyal izolasyonun etkisini azaltır. Ayrıca kişilerin yaşamlarından duydukları tatmin seviyeleri ile sosyal izolasyonun etkisi arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişki vardır. Yani, yaşam tatminleri ve duygusal zekaları yüksek kişiler sosyal izolasyonun etkisini daha az hissederler. Bununla birlikte, serbest zaman aktivitelerinin duygusal zekayı arttırdığı, yaşam tatminini yükselttiği ve sosyal etkileşimi güçlendirdiği bilinmektedir. Buna ek olarak, Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü Denizcilik Çalışma Sözleşmesinde (MLC, 2006) serbest zamana yönelik rekreasyonel imkanların gemide ve sahil tehsislerinde sağlanmasının önemini vurgulamaktadır. Bu bağlamda sosyal izolasyona maruz kalan denizcileri, serbest zaman aktivitelerine yönlendirerek, onların sosyal iletişimlerinin ve duygusal zekalarının artması ve yaşam tatminlerinin yükselmesi ile sosyal izolasyonun ve deniz kazalarında insan faktörünün etkisinin azalabileceği ön görülüp, bu kavramlar arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Serbest zaman katılımcısı olan denizcilerin ciddi ve kayıtsız olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılıp ayrılamadığı incelenmiştir. Daha sonra ciddi ve kayıtsız serbest zaman katılımcılarının tipolojilerini çıkarmak için, bu iki grup kendi aralarında demografik özelliklerine, serbest zaman tatmin düzeylerine, yaşam tatmin düzeylerine ve duygusal zekalarına göre kıyaslanmıştır. Ayrıca, denizciler arasında serbest zaman katılımı, serbest zaman tatmini, yaşam tatmini ve duygusal zeka düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi için Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) kurulmuştur. Araştırmanın çalışma gurubu farklı yeterlilik düzeyindeki, 23’ü kadın, 194’ü erkek olamak üzere 217 Türk denizciden oluşmaktadır. Bütün istatistiksel analizler IBM SPSS Statistics 23, IBM SPSS Amos 23 ve Rstudio’nun en son sürümü kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk olarak, örnekleme ve çalışmanın amacına uygun ölçeklerin seçilmesi için literatür taraması yapılmış ve en uygun ölçekler belirlenmiştir. Sonrasında, seçilmiş olan “Ciddi ve Kayıtsız Serbest Zaman Ölçeği (CKSZ)”, “Serbest Zaman Tatmin Ölçeği”, “Yaşam Tatmin Ölçeği” ve “Duygusal Zeka Ölçeği” nin ölçme modellerinin doğrulanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, kayıp değerler, uç değerler, çoklu doğrusallık, tekillik ve normallik testleri yapılmış, güvenirlilik ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları incelenmiştir. Kayıp değer oranının %3 den az olması sebebiyle serilerin ortalamaları yöntemi ile kayıp değerlere yeni değerler atanmıştır. Uç değerlerin sonucu saptıracağı ve örneklem dışı olabilecekleri düşünüldüğünden bu değerler veri setinden çıkartılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda bütün değişkenler arasında çoklu doğrusallık ve tekillik sorunu bulunmamıştır. Ayrıca parametrik testlerin en önemli önşartlarından biri olan normal dağılım varsayımının sağlanması için kesikli verilerde kullanılan veri iyileştirme/dönüştürme yöntemleri araştırılmış ve veri setine en uygun olan dönüşüm metodu uygulanmıştır. Son olarak herbir ölçeğin alt faktörleri ile birlikte kabul edilir düzeyde iç tutarlılık katsayısına sahip oldukları ve faktör yapılarının bu çalışmanın örneklemi için doğrulandığı görülmüştür. Bu testler sonucunda bütün ölçeklerin ileriki aşamalarda parametrik testlerin uygulanması için kabul edilebilir anlamlılık düzeyinde olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Daha sonra, CKSZ ölçeğinin faktörlerine göre serbest zaman katılımcılarının kaç kümeye ayrıldığının testi için Rstudio istatistik programında NbClust paketi kullanılmıştır. Kesikli veriler için en uygun uzaklık ölçümü olan öklid uzaklığı kullanılmış, Ward ve K-means metotları ile en uygun küme sayısı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda, bu ölçeğin dokuz faktörlü yapısı ışığında en uygun küme sayısının 2 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Küme sayısı belirlendikten sonra, serbest zaman katılımcılarını ait oldukları kümelere yerleştirmek için Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algoritması kullanılmıştır. Bu algoritma Rstudio’da “e1071” paketinindeki “cmeans” komutu ile çalıştırılmıştır. FCM analizi sonucunda, 108 serbest zaman katılımcısı ciddi serbest zaman katılımı grubuna, 109 serbest zaman katılımcısı da kayıtsız serbest zaman katılımı grubuna yerleştirilmiştir. Kümelerin faktörler bazında ortalamaları incelendiğinde, ciddi katılımcıların ortalamalarının, kayıtsız katılımcılardan yüksek olduğu gözlemlenerek, kümeleme analizi doğrulanmıştır. Kümeleme analizinden sonra, CKSZ’nin hangi faktörünün daha iyi ayırma yüküne sahip olduğunu ve faktörler arası önem sıralarını belirlemek için ayırma (dikriminant) analizi uygulanmıştır. Kovaryans matrislerinin eşitliği “Box-M” testi ile test edilmiş ve p.05). Öte yandan, serbest zaman tatminlerine, yaşam tatminlerine ve duygusal zekalarına göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık gösterdikleri tespit edilmiştir (pSocial isolation of the seafarers - which induces human factor in marine accidents - is an important problem driver in the ship environment. Seafarers are being away from land, their family, their friends for many months and accordingly they are inherently isolated from social world while they are serving on-board. On the other hand, emotional competencies and subjective well-being are able to break social isolation. Also, it is suggested by some researchers that ordinary participation in leisure activities can enhance individual emotional development, provide physical and mental health as well as an improved social interaction and produce satisfaction with life. Furthermore, Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) points out the significance of providing the recreational facilities both on-board and on-shore. In this context, the aim of this study is to classify participants into two group as serious leisure (SL) or casual leisure (CL), and to compare serious and casual leisure groups each other based on demographic specifications, leisure satisfaction, satisfactions with life and emotional abilities. Besides, this research intends to find out whether there are any relationships between leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, life satisfaction and emotional intelligence among seafarers by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Thus a survey has been conducted among 217 seafarers by means of a questionnaire including "Serious and Casual Leisure Measure (SCLM)", "Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS)", "Shcutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS)" and "Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)", and the results have been evaluated. All calculations have been performed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 23, IBM SPSS Amos 23 and latest version of Rstudio. Fuzzy C-Means cluster analysis is conducted to classify leisure participants by factors of SCLM. After classifying participants as serious or casual, discriminant analysis is applied to evaluate importance level of each factors and to identify which factors make better distinction between clusters. Next, in order to demonstrate the profile of clusters differences between serious and casual groups are identified by crosstabs including demographics, frequency of doing leisure activities, leisure satisfaction, life satisfaction and emotional intelligence and chi-square analysis is utilized to recognize whether results are statistically significant. Finally, Structural Equation Model (SEM) is used to find out the relationship between leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, life satisfaction and emotional intelligence among seafarers. test first conceptual model of research established to break social isolation of seafarers. It is aimed to examine regression and path coefficients between latent factors and observed variables in accordance with established conceptual model. As a result of all findings, seafarers can be divided into two groups as serious and casual have more leisure satisfaction, more emotional intelligent and more satisfaction with their lives than casual ones. Furthermore, there are positive relationship between leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, life satisfaction and emotional intelligence among seafarers. Consequently, providing leisure facilities both on-board and onshore for seafarers, and supporting and encouraging them to join leisure activates as a serious participant can break social isolation by enhancing the emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Therefore, specific training programs for encouraging seafarers to participate recreational and leisure activities could be conducted by authorities.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Validating and assessing Keller\u27s CBBE model for purchasing regional wine

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    This thesis investigates the brand equity associated with region of origin in relation to wine in a holistic conceptual model, using structural equation modelling. Through the empirical validation of two separate linear relationships between the brand building components in Keller’s CBBE framework, and by showing that brand feeling acts as a partial mediator between brand judgement and brand resonance

    Identity Styles, Mediated by Commitment and Syncretism, as Predictors of Undergraduate Students\u27 Attitudes Toward Selected Discipleship Practice at Vally View University in Ghana in 2015: Implications for Religious Education

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    Problem The study of student life on campus has attracted numerous social science enquiries especially in the areas of spirituality, religiosity, and meaning making in life. Of particular interest has been the attempt to restore value-based education in Christian institutions of higher learning, taking cognizance of the need for cultural contextualization and the influence of postmodern ideology. This present study sought to examine the possible predictive role of identity styles, mediated by commitment and syncretism, in the attitudes towards discipleship practices among undergraduate students of Valley View University in Ghana, West Africa in 2015. Method The study employed the principles of a quantitative, non-experimental, crosssectional survey. Non-random convenient sampling method was used to collect data. Eight hundred students were sampled from the second to the fourth year groups. The study used path analysis as the main technique to examine the data. Results All the endogenous variables were significantly predicted (Commitment [R2= .400], Syncretism [R2= .278], Satisfaction [R2= .020], and Involvement [R2= .482]) in their respective hierarchical path models. However, the overall hypothesized model did not fit the data. The total effects of the exogenous variables (i.e., Informational identity style, Normative identity style, and Diffuse-avoidant identity style) on satisfaction (.118; .009; and .028, respectively) and on involvement (.082; .006; and .019, respectively) were weak. However, there were significant relationships between some variables, which have important implications for discipleship and religious education in higher education. Conclusions The results of the study showed that students’ self-reported identity styles did not significantly predict their satisfaction and involvement in discipleship practices at Valley View University. These results are in line with the biblical perspective of discipleship, in that Christian discipleship does not primarily depend on what the prospective disciples are at the point of their calling, but on the way in which they are led to encounter Jesus Christ

    A Structural Equation of Leader-Member Exchange, Employee-Supervisor Relationship, Performance Appraisal, and Career Development

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    Some employees perceive that supervisors do not accurately reflect employees\u27 performance or effectively differentiate among employees\u27 performances during performance appraisals (PAs). Other employees believe the performance feedback they receive is not valuable for supporting their career development (CD). Employing leader-member exchange (LMX) theory and the distributive and interactional justice dimensions of organizational justice theory as the theoretical framework, this correlational study examined the relationships among LMX and employee-supervisor relationships (ESRs) and the relationships\u27 influence on employees\u27 CD through the mediating effect of employees\u27 perceived efficacy of the PA process. Participants consisted of 44 defense contractor employees in the United States who completed a combination of 4 validated survey instruments (LMX-7, Interactional Justice, Appraisal System Satisfaction, Perceived Career Opportunity) and 1 demographic instrument. Results from the structural equation model, using partial least squares analysis, indicated significant (p \u3c .001) positive relationships between the independent variables of LMX and ESR, the dependent mediating variable PA, and the dependent variable CD. The results indicated that a positive relationship between LMX and ESR will influence employees\u27 CD through the mediating effect of employees\u27 PAs. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve communications between employees and supervisors, increase organizational performance by increasing employees\u27 job satisfaction, potential benefiting career development for improving employees\u27 families\u27 quality of life, and contributions to the communities

    ¿Sexualmente empoderada?: validación del Inventario de Subjetividad Sexual Femenina en mujeres hispanohablantes

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    The Female Sexual Subjectivity Inventory (FSSI) consists of 20 items that represent three principal elements distributed into five factors that assess: Sexual body-esteem, Pleasure- self, Pleasure-partner, Self-efficacy, and Sexual Self-reflection. The goal was to adapt and examine the psychometric properties of the FSSI. The sample consisted of 278 Ecuadorian adult women. Item analysis, confirmatory factorial analysis, reliability, and evidence for validity were provided by examining associations with socio-demographic variables as well as with body image dissatisfaction and sexual self-consciousness. Using a confirmatory factor analysis, we confirmed a five-factor structure in which items 1 and 6 were deleted. Regarding socio-demographic factors, older women indicated greater sexual self-efficacy, while the women involved in longer relationships indicated less sexual self-efficacy and more entitlement from their partners. The FSSI-factors were associated with body image dissatisfaction and self-consciousness, which revealed that the women reporting greater sexual subjectivity also reported less body dissatisfaction and lower self-consciousness. The reliability of this 18-item version was good, and Cronbach’s alpha values ranged from .74 to .86. This study emphasises the need to re-examine the structure and psychometric properties of measures when applied to another context or culture. We provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the FSSI for Ecuadorian women.El Inventario de Subjetividad Sexual Femenina (ISSF) consta de 20 ítems distribuidos en cinco factores que evalúan: la autoestima sexual, placer propio, placer con pareja, autoeficacia y autorreflexión sexual. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y examinar las propiedades psicométricas del ISSF. La muestra consistió en 278 mujeres adultas ecuatorianas. Los cuestionarios se administraron en formato online. Se realizaron análisis de ítems, análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), se proporcionaron evidencias de fiabilidad y evidencias de validez al examinar las asociaciones con variables sociodemográficas, así como con la autoconciencia sexual y la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal. A través del AFC, se confirmó una estructura de cinco factores en el que se eliminaron los ítems 1 y 6. En relación a las variables sociodemográficas, las mujeres de mayor edad indicaron mayor autoeficacia sexual, en tanto que las mujeres que se encontraban en una relación indicaron menor autoeficacia sexual y mayor placer obtenido de la pareja. Los factores del ISSF se asociaron con la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal y la autoconciencia, en concreto, quienes informaron de mayor subjetividad sexual estaban más satisfechas con su cuerpo e informaron de menor autoconsciencia sexual. La fiabilidad fue adecuada, oscilando los valores alfa de Cronbach entre .74 y .86. Este estudio enfatiza la necesidad de reexaminar la estructura y las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos cuando son aplicados en otro contexto o cultura. Se ofrecen evidencias de validez y fiabilidad para el uso del ISSF en mujeres ecuatorianas

    Dispositional Forgiveness and Health in Romantic Relationships: An Exploration of Sex Differences, Actor Effects, and Partner Effects

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    The individual and dyadic associations between dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations and mental and physical health in individuals involved in romantic relationships were examined. Sex differences in the relationship between dispositional forgiveness and health were examined. Sex differences in the dyadic relationship between forgiveness and health were also examined. The dispositional forgiveness scores of 297 partners involved in a romantic relationship were used to predict their own as well as their partners' physical and mental health. Both members of the relationship separately completed an Internet-based questionnaire assessing personality traits, relationship variables, and physical and mental health. The couple was provided with monetary compensation. Analyses revealed that women's dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations were positively associated with their own physical and mental health. Similarly, men's dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations were positively associated with their own mental and physical health. At the individual level, there were no sex differences in the relationship between dispositional forgiveness and health, nor were there sex differences in men and women's reports of dispositional forgiveness. Analyses revealed that men's forgiveness of others and situations were positively associated with their female partners' mental health. There were no partner effects for women or for physical health. The implications of these results for research in the forgiveness-health literature and research on forgiveness in romantic relationships were discussed as were directions for future research

    Value Focused Thinking Approach Using Multivariate Validation for Junior Enlisted Performance Reporting in the United States Air Force

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    From United States Air Force (USAF) doctrine, Air Force Instruction 1-1 lists three purposes for the USAF Enlisted Evaluation System. The first purpose is to provide feedback to individuals on how well they are meeting expectations. The second purpose is to provide a cumulative record of performance and potential based on observations. The third purpose is to identify the best qualified personnel. However, current Air Force leadership has expressed a need to revamp the enlisted appraisal process, requesting consistency in identifying the best performers, reduction in ratings inflation, and better delineation between ?near peer? performers. This research proposes utilizing Value-Focused Thinking to perform junior enlisted performance reports, to better align with Air Force doctrine and values. Moreover, the multivariate Management Science techniques of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis are applied to statistically validate the accuracy and defensibility of the design. Finally, Artificial Neural Networks are employed to showcase the classification accuracy of the proposed system. In addition to providing consistency, inflation reduction, and delineation during appraisals, this research advocates the use of a web-based design to reduce administrative demands and to provide query capability of appraisal data to the Air Force Personnel Center for trend and force management decisions