378 research outputs found

    The effects measurement of hand massage by the autonomic activity and psychological indicators

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    This study examined the effects of hand massage on autonomic activity, anxiety, relaxation and sense of affinity by performing it to healthy people before applying the technic in actual clinical practice. Findings were showed below : 1) the significant increase in the pNN50 and the significant decrease in the heart rate meant the intervention of massage increased the autonomic nervous activity, improved the parasympathetic nerve activity and reduced the sympathetic nerve activity. This means the subjects were considered to be in a state of relaxation. 2) Salivary α amylase has been reported as a possible indicator for sympathetic nerve activity. In this study, there was no significant difference in the salivary α amylase despite a decrease after massage. 3) State anxiety score is temporal situational reactions while being in the state of anxiety and this score decreased significantly after massage. 4) The level of willingness to communicate with other person and the sense of affinity toward the massage-performer had a positive change of 70 percent. From this, it can be considered that a comfortable physical contact between a patient and a nursing profession, who are in a supported-supportive relationship, leads to an effect of shortening the gap in their psychological distance

    Beneficial Effects of Fragrances in Beverages on Human Health

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    Psychological and endocrine indicators of stress : health and management implications

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    Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: This is a multidisciplinary investigation of stress in working males. The physiological aspect of the stress response is focused primarily on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; the health outcomes focus on cardiovascular risk and the psychological aspect focuses on both personality and state. Aims: To assess psychological and physiological measures of stress and determine if they are associated. To assess the effect of massage as a relaxation intervention on these measures. Abstract: Section 1 This study consisted of 16 working, stressed males. Certain measures of allostatic load were determined, on 2 occasions 1 week apart with appropriate control (serum cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEAs), total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein) as well as perceived stress levels (State Anxiety, Profile of Mood (POMS), Job Satisfaction (JS), Symptoms of Stress (SYMP». Measurements of personality (Trait Anxiety and Hardiness, with subs cores Commitment, Control and Challenge) and anthropometric measurements were obtained. Repeatability was assessed and then data was averaged. Correlation analysis was done between baseline physiological and psychological parameters. (All r values reported in this abstract have P<0.05, unless otherwise stated). Section 2 11 of the 16 subjects then had 1 week of intensive massage (5 x Ihr each), after which a 3rd measurement was taken. Findings: Section 1 Certain personalities had differing perceptions of stress (Commitment correlated positively with Vigour, r= 0.59; and negatively with Fatigue and POMS, r= -0.51 and r= -0.54 respectively). Certain personalities influenced JS (Commitment correlated positively to JS, r= 0.55; Trait Anxiety correlated negatively to JS, r= -0.54). Certain personalities manifested stress physiologically (Control correlated negatively with CortisollDHEAs, r= -0.53). Increased perception of stress also resulted in an increased likelihood of experiencing physiological symptoms of stress (e.g. State Anxiety correlated with SYMP, r= 0.50). In contrast, lower perceived stress was associated with increased job satisfaction (POMS correlated with JS, r= -0.64; P<O.OI) and those who experienced more JS had decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) OS correlated negatively to LDL, r= -0.53). Physiological measures of CVD were also higher in subjects with antropometrically evaluated risk profiles. Section 2 Baseline variability of various parameters ranged form moderate to high (CV 4.4% to 73%). The intervention had no significant measured effect. 45% of subjects increased state-related stress. These subjects had had significant lower scores for Commitment (P<0.05). Conclusion: Section 1 Certain personality types are associated with decreased perception of stress, decreased stress symptomology and improved endocrine markers of allostatic load. Certain personality dispositions are associated with improved job satisfaction and decreased risk of CVD. These characteristics include e.g. high commitment, low anxiety and a sense of control i.e. all inherent predispositions. To improve sensitivity to intervention, 3 baseline samples should be considered in future studies. Section2 Contrary to what was hypothesized, massage had no effect. This is possibly due to the large daily variations in these variables and outside influences, which are necessarily a part of real-life as opposed to laboratory studies. Possibly I week of intensive relaxation therapy is insufficient and longer-term, lifestyle changing intervention is recommended for future studies.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Hierdie studie is 'n multi-dissiplinêre ondersoek na stres in werkende mans. Die fisiologiese aspek van die stresrespons fokus primêr op die hipotalamo-pituitêre-adrenale as, terwyl die gesondsheidsuitkomste op die kardiovaskulêre risiko, en die psigologiese aspek op beide persoonlikheid en status fokus. Doel: Om psigiese en fisiologiese parameters van stress te bepaal, en om vas te stelof hulle met mekaar korrelleer. Om die effek van massering, as ontspanningsterapie, op hierdie parameters te bepaal. Afdeling 1 Sestien gespanne, werkende mans het aan hierdie studie deelgeneem. Sekere parameters van allostatiese lading (serum kortisol, dehidroepiandrosteroon-sulfaat (DHEAs), totale cholesterol, lae digtheid- (LDL) en hoë digtheid lipoproteïene (HDL) is twee maal bepaal, met 'n tussenpose van een week, met gepaste kontrole. Terselfdertyd is subjektiewe ervaring van stres (Toestand Angs, Profiel van Gemoedstemming (POMS), Werksbevrediging (JS), Simptome van Stres (SYMP», metings van persoonlikheid (Trekangs en Hardiness, i.e. Gebondenheid, Beheer en Uitdaging) en antropometriese metings ook verkry. Herhaalbaarheid is getoets en daarna is die gemiddelde van hierdie twee basislyn bepalings gebruik. Korrelasie analises is gedoen tussen basislyn fisiologiese en psigiese parameters. (Alle r-waardes gerapporteer in hierdie samevatting het P< 0.05, behalwe waar anders aangedui.) Afdeling 2 Elf van die sestien proefpersone het 1 week van intensiewe masseerterapie (5 x 1 uur elk) ondergaan, waarna 'n derde meting geneem is. Resultate: Afdeling 1 Sekere persoonlikhede het verskillende ervarings van stres getoon (Toegewydheid het positief gekorreleer met lewenslus, r= 0.59; en negatief met uitputting en POMS, r= -0.51 en r= -0.54 onderskeidelik). Sekere persoonlikhede het werksbevrediging (JS) beïnvloed (Toegewydheid het positief gekorreleer met JS, r = 0.55; Trait anxiety het negatief gekorreleer met JS, r= -0.54). Sekere persoonlikhede het ook fisiologiese geneigdheid tot stres getoon (Beheer het negatief gekorreleer met CIDHEAs, r= -0.53). Verhoogde ervaring van stres het 'n verhoogde waarskynlikheid vir ervaring van fisiologiese simptome van stres tot gevolg gehad (bv. Toestand Angs het positief gekorreleer met SYMP, r= 0.50). In teenstelling, is laer ervaring van stres geassosieer met verhoogde werksbevrediging (POMS het positief gekorreleer met JS, r= -0.64; P<O.Ol). Die persone wat hoer werksbevrediging ervaar het, het 'n laer risiko om kardiovaskulêre siektes (eVD) op te doen (JS het negatief gekorreleer met LDL, r= -0.53). Fisiologiese mates van CVD was ook hoër in proefpersone met antropometries geëvalueerde risiko profiele. Afdeling 2 Die mate van variasie in die basislyn fisiologiese bepalings het gewissel van gemiddeld tot hoog (KV 4.4 % tot 73 %). Die ingreep het geen meetbare effek getoon nie. 45 % van proefpersone het verhoogde status-verwante stres gerapporteer. Hierdie proefpersone het betekenisvollaer waardes vir Toewyding gehad (P< 0.05). Gevolgtrekking: Afdeling 1 Sekere persoonlikheidstipes word geassosieer met verlaagde ervaring van stres, verlaagde voorkoms van simptome van stres en verbeterde endokriene merkers van allostatiese lading. Sekere persoonlikheidstrekke word geassosieer met verhoogde werksbevrediging en verlaagde risiko vir CVD. Hierdie karaktertrekke sluit hoë toegewydheid, lae angstigheid en die vermoë om beheer uit te oefen in, d.i. alle inherente karaktertrekke. Drie basislyn metings behoort in die toekoms oorweeg te word, om die sensitiwiteit vir die ingreep te verbeter. Afdeling 2 Teenoorgesteld aan die hipotese, het massering geen effek getoon nie. Dit kan moontlik as gevolg van die groot daaglike variasie in hierdie veranderlikes wees, asook buite-invloede, wat noodwendig 'n deel van regte-lewe studies is, in teenstelling met laboratoriumstudies. Een week van intensiewe ontspanningsterapie kon ook moontlik onvoldoende gewees het. Daarom word langer-termyn, leefstyl-veranderende ingrepe aanbeveel

    Physiological evidence in support of music intervention in a clinical environment

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityIntegrative medicine is the synergistic ability of alternative therapy to complement evidence-based medicine. Therapeutic music can induce changes in mood state and physiology and be useful in stressful clinical environments and in the recovery of patients. In an extensive literature review, experiments recounting the various physiological effects of music were analyzed to support the use of music interventions. Results demonstrated a significant influence on IgA, IL-6, epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, growth hormone, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, and prolactin concentrations. By altering autonomic activity and subsequent changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, music influences hemodynamics, alleviates perception of pain and anxiety and reduces the body’s stress response to severe injury. Data retrieved by summarized studies lend support to prescribed music interventions to patients

    Physiological effects of heart rate variability biofeedback during laboratory induced congnitive stress

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    Includes bibliographical references.Heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback is effective in reducing stress as well as managing chronic disease. It facilitates easy manipulation of HRV, and, therefore, potentially provides a valuable intervention for altering the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The aim of this thesis was to examine the effects of a single 10 minute episode of HRV biofeedback on measures of HRV and EEG during and immediately after the intervention, measures of HRV and cognitive performance during laboratory induced cognitive stress and subjective feelings of anxiety and relaxation states after testing. Eighteen healthy male volunteers (34 ± 6 years) exposed to work-related stress, were randomised into an HRV biofeedback intervention (BIO) and a comparative intervention group (COM)

    Efficacy of Clary Sage Oil on Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS): A Controlled Trial

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    AIMS & OBJECTIVE: To assess and evaluate the effects of clary sage oil in Premenstrual syndrome. BACKGROUND: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that presents with distressing physical, behavioral, and psychological symptoms, in the absence of organic or underlying psychiatric disease, which regularly recurs during the luteal phase of each menstrual cycle, and which disappears or significantly regresses by the end of menstruation. It has been estimated from retrospective community surveys that nearly 90% of women have experienced at least some symptoms attributed to the premenstrual phase of menstrual cycle during their life. Aromatherapy is the practice of therapeutic use of essential plant-based oils. Essential oils and aromatherapy have been used in the care of women for centuries. Clary sage is a gift to the female and has a rejuvenating effect on the endocrine system and balances the pituitary and is specifically indicated in treating PMS. In aromatherapy, there are limited studies on Premenstrual syndrome. Moreover most papers are based on other aroma oils. DESIGN AND METHOD: 60 subjects were screened using Premenstrual Syndrome Screening Tool and randomized using convenient sampling method and into Study group (N = 30) and Placebo-control group (N= 30) on 1:1 ratio. The Subjects of Study group and Placebo-control group received their respective treatment three days a week for three months. Data was collected before and after 3 months of treatment using Premenstrual Syndrome Scale. RESULTS: The results show a high level of statistical and clinical significance and highly favours the intervention group in the reduction of all 3 components of the PMSS when compared to the placebo-controlled group. CONCLUSION: This trial suggested that Clary sage oil helps in reducing the physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome


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    The purpose of this study was to understand the essence of becoming a Reiki practitioner and Reiki’s relationship to an individual’s personal health. The phenomenological research perspective utilized in this study allowed the data to speak for itself and represented the essence of Reiki and Reiki practitioners in Missoula, Montana. Ten Reiki practitioners were interviewed about their personal experience with Reiki. Interviewees were all volunteers, over the age of 18, who were trained in Reiki II or higher and had more than three years of experience practicing Reiki. Participants had practiced Reiki either on themselves or someone else regularly, which was defined as at least three times per week. Collection of the data was limited to participant disclosure of the phenomena to the researcher, and by memory recall of given events. Analysis of the interview transcripts produced comprehensive data from which several themes emerged. The themes that emerged were as follows: 1) Reasons for becoming a Practitioner, 2) Balance as Health, 3) Personal Growth, 4) Facilitator & Conduit, 5) Trust & Intuition, 6) Self-care, 7) Addressing Doubts and Validation, 8) Attunements and, 9) Sensations during a Reiki Session. These themes provided a context for examining health and healing outside the biomedical model. Reiki is grounded in Chinese medicine and provides an Eastern perspective to view health and medicine. Results of this study revealed that Reiki enhances the relationship between mind, body and spirit, and initiates a redefinition of health for practitioners. Results were consistent with previous research demonstrating a relationship between Reiki and decreased stress, anxiety, and increased coping skills. Consistent with the literature, results of this study illustrated that Reiki is an effective tool for self-care and primary prevention. Reiki is a health strategy that can be invoked by anyone, anywhere at any time. Reiki would be best modeled by Health Educators as a strategy for self-care and primary prevention in conjunction with Health Behavior theories such as the Health Belief Model. It is the hope of the researcher that through the application of Reiki, the shift in Western society from secondary and tertiary prevention to primary prevention and self-care will increase. Further research is suggested in the area of Reiki and self-care and healing practice

    Effects of lavender on anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Anxiety is one of the uprising psychiatric disorders of the last decades and lavender administration has been traditionally suggested as a possible treatment. The objective of this review is to assess the efficacy of lavender, in any form and way of administration, on anxiety and anxiety-related conditions. Methods The PRISMA guidelines were followed. Retrieved data were qualitatively and quantitatively synthesized. Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and Non-Randomized Studies (NRSs) which investigated the efficacy of lavender, in any form and way of administration, on patients with anxiety, involved in anxiety-inducing settings or undergoing anxiety-inducing activities, compared to any type of control, without language restrictions, were identified through electronic database searches. Medline via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Google Scholar were systematically searched. All databases were screened up to November 2018. Risk of bias was assessed with the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool and the following domains were considered: randomization, allocation sequence concealment, blinding, incomplete outcome data, selective outcome reporting, and other biases. Results 65 RCTs (7993 participants) and 25 NRSs (1200 participants) were included in the qualitative synthesis and 37 RCTs (3964 participants) were included in the quantitative synthesis. Overall, the qualitative synthesis indicated that 54 RCTs and 17 NRSs reported at least a significant result in favor of lavender use for anxiety. The quantitative synthesis showed that lavender inhalation can significantly reduce anxiety levels measured with any validated scale (Hedges' g = −0.73 [95% CI −1.00 to −0.46], p  Discussion The most important limitation of this review is the low average quality of available studies on the topic. The majority of included RCTs were characterized by a high overall risk of bias. Another limitation regards the heterogeneity of study designs, especially with regard to non-oral ways of administration. Overall, oral administration of lavender essential oil proves to be effective in the treatment of anxiety, whereas for inhalation there is only an indication of an effect of reasonable size, due to the heterogeneity of available studies. Lavender essential oil administered through massage appears effective, but available studies are not sufficient to determine whether the benefit is due to a specific effect of lavender. Further high-quality RCTs with more homogeneous study designs are needed to confirm these findings. Available information outlines a safe profile for lavender-based interventions, although more attention should be paid to the collection and reporting of safety data in future studies. Considering these findings, since treatments with lavender essential oil generally seem safe, and, in the case of inhalation, also simple and inexpensive, they are a therapeutic option which may be considered in some clinical contexts. Other The present systematic review was not funded and was registered in PROSPERO under the following number: CRD42019130126

    Epigenetic Changes Associated With Two Different Conceptualisations of Meditation- A Randomised Trial

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    Meditation and its related practices have become increasingly popular over the past 10 years, especially in Western society. As a result, the scientific community has focused its efforts on determining whether meditation exerts a physiological effect that is beyond that of a placebo and the exact mechanisms by which this may occur. The relatively new-found affordability and availability of gene array technologies have provided researchers with a quick method of determining gene expression changes associated with meditation. Gene expression changes provide preliminary insights on the mechanisms by which meditation may exert any specific effects. A literature review of the entire English-speaking database of studies that investigated gene expression changes associated with meditation, although different definitions of meditation were studied, revealed that there were no studies comparing two different definitions of meditation. I took this opportunity to conduct a randomised controlled trial consisting of 50 healthy participants (25 in each treatment arm) and comparing two different definitions of meditation, namely Sahaja yoga (mental silence meditation) and a form of mindfulness known as body scan meditation, with the intention of determining whether there are distinct biological differences between two different definitions of meditation. Also I aimed to determine whether the mental silence approach to meditation could elicit gene expression changes. Blood samples were collected from each participant before and after a 6-week intervention period during which they were asked to attend a 1-hour intensive meditation class per week and practice for 15 minutes twice a day at home. RNA was then extracted from the whole blood using the Tempus Spin RNA isolation kit and submitted to the Ramaciotti Centre for analysis using the Affymetrix Human Genome U219 array plate. Gene data was checked and analysed using Partek Genomic Suite 6.6 and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the significant gene expression changes. iv The results suggested that mental silence and body scan meditations are able to elicit significant gene expression changes. Categories of genes that had significant changes in expression included immune system/inflammation, cancer and cell structure and function. Furthermore, it was found that mental silence and body scan meditation altered the expression of a vastly different number of genes (16 vs 48 respectively). Comparing the gene functions to the literature also led to the speculation that mental silence was associated with potentially more favourable health effects as compared to the body scan meditation group. In conclusion, it is shown that two different definitions of meditation are able to change the expression of genes in distinct ways and that the mental silence definition of meditation may exert its biological effects by altering the expression of genes related to the immune system/inflammation, cancer and cell structure and function. Owing to the differences in gene expression changes between the two definitions of meditation, both definitions may affect the body differently. Future studies are also proposed with a strong focus on large scaled RCTs comparing different definitions of meditation
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