440 research outputs found

    Investigation of Refractory Carbide Behavior in Flowing Hydrogen at Very High Temperatures Relevant for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Applications

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    Nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) is an in-space propulsion technology capable of high specific impulse (850 – 1100 s) and thrust (10 – 250 klbf). Due to their high melting temperature and favorable nuclear properties, refractory carbides (RCs) are attractive matrix candidates for NTP applications. In this thesis, the performance of SiC, TiC, and ZrC in NTP relevant environments (high temperature, flowing hydrogen) was investigated through thermodynamic modelling and hot hydrogen testing. Intrinsic RC compatibility with hot hydrogen was investigated through testing of high purity sample coupons in unpressurized, flowing hydrogen at relevant temperatures (2000 – 2500 K) and time scales (\u3c120 minutes). Nano-infiltrated transient eutectic (NITE) SiC samples were tested to identify deviations in corrosion behavior due to relevant manufacture parameters required for fabrication.Thermodynamic calculations predicted ZrC to be most stable, followed by TiC, and SiC. Experimental observations confirmed this trend and active attack of all materials observed. SiC exhibited acceptable hydrogen compatibility up to 2150 K. NITE SiC exhibited greater weight loss than pure SiC, due to preferential attack of sintering additives (Al2O3 and Y2O3). High purity TiC and ZrC coupons exhibited acceptable hydrogen compatibility for all temperatures. Use of SiC, produced with current NITE manufacture technology, as a fuel matrix should be limited to temperatures below 2250 K due to high temperature incompatibility of sintering aids and the matrix. Identification of alternative sintering aids capable of higher temperature compatibility or development of TiC or ZrC matrices derivative of current manufacture technologies can enable higher performing NTP systems

    Neutronic Analysis on Potential Accident Tolerant Fuel-Cladding Combination U3_3Si2_2-FeCrAl

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    Neutronic performance is investigated for a potential accident tolerant fuel (ATF),which consists of U3_3Si2_2 fuel and FeCrAl cladding. In comparison with current UO2_2-Zr system, FeCrAl has a better oxidation resistance but a larger thermal neutron absorption cross section. U3_3Si2_2 has a higher thermal conductivity and a higher uranium density, which can compensate the reactivity suppressed by FeCrAl. Based on neutronic investigations, a possible U3_3Si2_2-FeCrAl fuel-cladding systemis taken into consideration. Fundamental properties of the suggested fuel-cladding combination are investigated in a fuel assembly.These properties include moderator and fuel temperature coefficients, control rods worth, radial power distribution (in a fuel rod), and different void reactivity coefficients. The present work proves that the new combination has less reactivity variation during its service lifetime. Although, compared with the current system, it has a little larger deviation on power distribution and a little less negative temperature coefficient and void reactivity coefficient and its control rods worth is less important, variations of these parameters are less important during the service lifetime of fuel. Hence, U3_3Si2_2-FeCrAl system is a potential ATF candidate from a neutronic view

    Measurement of residual stresses in surrogate coated nuclear fuel particles using ring-core focussed ion beam digital image correlation

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    Coated fuel particles, most commonly tri-structural isotropic (TRISO), are intended for application in several designs of advanced nuclear reactors. A complete understanding of the residual stresses and local properties of these particles through their entire lifecycle is required to inform fuel element manufacturing, reactor operation, accident scenarios, and reprocessing. However, there is very little experimental data available in the literature on the magnitude of residual stresses in the individual coating layers of these particles. This work applies ring-core focussed ion beam milling combined with digital image correlation analysis (FIB-DIC) to cross-sections of TRISO and pyrolytic carbon coatings in surrogate coated fuel particles to evaluate the residual stresses. Tensile residual hoop stresses are identified in both pyrolytic carbon layers, while silicon carbide experiences a compressive residual hoop stress. Note that these residual stresses, which were not accounted for in the models reported in open literature, have magnitudes comparable to the stresses predicted to arise in real fuel particles during service. A 2D linear-elastic continuum-based finite element analysis has been conducted to investigate the stress relaxation phenomena caused by sectioning stressed coatings on spherical particles. The FIB-DIC method established here is independent of radiation defects and can be applied to irradiated TRISO particles to retrieve first-hand information regarding the residual stress evolution during service

    A comprehensive review on sub-zero temperature cold thermal energy storage materials, technologies, and applications:state of the art and recent developments

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    The energy industry needs to take action against climate change by improving efficiency and increasing the share of renewable sources in the energy mix. On top of that, refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat pump equipment account for 25-30% of the global electricity consumption and will increase dramatically in the next decades. However, some waste cold energy sources have not been fully used. These challenges triggered an interest in developing the concept of cold thermal energy storage, which can be used to recover the waste cold energy, enhance the performance of refrigeration systems, and improve renewable energy integration. This paper comprehensively reviews the research activities about cold thermal energy storage technologies at sub-zero temperatures (from around 270 ◦C to below 0 ◦C). A wide range of existing and potential storage materials are tabulated with their properties. Numerical and experimental work conducted for different storage types is systematically summarized. Current and potential applications of cold thermal energy storage are analyzed with their suitable materials and compatible storage types. Selection criteria of materials and storage types are also presented. This review aims to provide a quick reference for researchers and industry experts in designing cold thermal energy systems. Moreover, by identifying the research gaps where further efforts are needed, the review also outlines the progress and potential development directions of cold thermal energy storage technologies.The authors would like to acknowledge the funding support from SJ-NTU Corporate Lab. This work was partically funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España (RTI2018-093849-B-C31 - MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (RED2018-102431-T). The authors at the University of Lleida would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2017 SGR 1537). GREiA is certified agent TECNIO in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. This work is partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia program

    Material Performance of Fully-Ceramic Micro-Encapsulated Fuel under Selected LWR Design Basis Scenarios: Final Report

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    The extension to LWRs of the use of Deep-Burn coated particle fuel envisaged for HTRs has been investigated. TRISO coated fuel particles are used in Fully-Ceramic Microencapsulated (FCM) fuel within a SiC matrix rather than the graphite of HTRs. TRISO particles are well characterized for uranium-fueled HTRs. However, operating conditions of LWRs are different from those of HTRs (temperature, neutron energy spectrum, fast fluence levels, power density). Furthermore, the time scales of transient core behavior during accidents are usually much shorter and thus more severe in LWRs. The PASTA code was updated for analysis of stresses in coated particle FCM fuel. The code extensions enable the automatic use of neutronic data (burnup, fast fluence as a function of irradiation time) obtained using the DRAGON neutronics code. An input option for automatic evaluation of temperature rise during anticipated transients was also added. A new thermal model for FCM was incorporated into the code; so-were updated correlations (for pyrocarbon coating layers) suitable to estimating dimensional changes at the high fluence levels attained in LWR DB fuel. Analyses of the FCM fuel using the updated PASTA code under nominal and accident conditions show: (1) Stress levels in SiC-coatings are low for low fission gas release (FGR) fractions of several percent, as based on data of fission gas diffusion in UO{sub 2} kernels. However, the high burnup level of LWR-DB fuel implies that the FGR fraction is more likely to be in the range of 50-100%, similar to Inert Matrix Fuels (IMFs). For this range the predicted stresses and failure fractions of the SiC coating are high for the reference particle design (500 {micro}mm kernel diameter, 100 {micro}mm buffer, 35 {micro}mm IPyC, 35 {micro}mm SiC, 40 {micro}mm OPyC). A conservative case, assuming 100% FGR, 900K fuel temperature and 705 MWd/kg (77% FIMA) fuel burnup, results in a 8.0 x 10{sup -2} failure probability. For a 'best-estimate' FGR fraction of 50% and a more modest burnup target level of 500 MWd/kg ,the failure probability drops below 2.0 x 10{sup -5}, the typical performance of TRISO fuel made under the German HTR research program. An optimization study on particle design shows improved performance if the buffer size is increased from 100 to 120 {micro}mm while reducing the OPyC layer. The presence of the latter layer does not provide much benefit at high burnup levels (and fast fluence levels). Normally the shrinkage of the OPyC would result in a beneficial compressive force on the SiC coating. However, at high fluence levels the shrinkage is expected to turn into swelling, resulting in the opposite effect. However, this situation is different when the SiC-matrix, in which the particles are embedded, is also considered: the OPyC swelling can result in a beneficial compressive force on the SiC coating since outward displacement of the OPyC outer surface is inhibited by the presence of the also-swelling SiC matrix. Taking some credit for this effect by adopting a 5 {micro}mm SiC-matrix layer, the optimized particle (100 {micro}mm buffer and 10 {micro}mm OPyC), gives a failure probability of 1.9 x 10{sup -4} for conservative conditions. During a LOCA transient, assuming core re-flood in 30 seconds, the temperature of the coated particle can be expected to be about 200K higher than nominal temperature (900K). For this event the particle failure fraction for a conservative case is 1.0 x 10{sup -2}, for the optimized particle design. For a FGR-fraction of 50% this value reduces to 6.4 x 10{sup -4}

    Advanced fuels campaign 2013 accomplishments

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    Advanced Fuels Campaign FY 2011 Accomplishments Report

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