397 research outputs found

    A New Surrogating Algorithm by the Complex Graph Fourier Transform (CGFT)

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    [EN] The essential step of surrogating algorithms is phase randomizing the Fourier transform while preserving the original spectrum amplitude before computing the inverse Fourier transform. In this paper, we propose a new method which considers the graph Fourier transform. In this manner, much more flexibility is gained to define properties of the original graph signal which are to be preserved in the surrogates. The complex case is considered to allow unconstrained phase randomization in the transformed domain, hence we define a Hermitian Laplacian matrix that models the graph topology, whose eigenvectors form the basis of a complex graph Fourier transform. We have shown that the Hermitian Laplacian matrix may have negative eigenvalues. We also show in the paper that preserving the graph spectrum amplitude implies several invariances that can be controlled by the selected Hermitian Laplacian matrix. The interest of surrogating graph signals has been illustrated in the context of scarcity of instances in classifier training.This research was funded by the Spanish Administration and the European Union under grant TEC2017-84743-P.Belda, J.; Vergara Domínguez, L.; Safont Armero, G.; Salazar Afanador, A.; Parcheta, Z. (2019). A New Surrogating Algorithm by the Complex Graph Fourier Transform (CGFT). Entropy. 21(8):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21080759S118218Schreiber, T., & Schmitz, A. (2000). Surrogate time series. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 142(3-4), 346-382. doi:10.1016/s0167-2789(00)00043-9Miralles, R., Vergara, L., Salazar, A., & Igual, J. (2008). Blind detection of nonlinearities in multiple-echo ultrasonic signals. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 55(3), 637-647. doi:10.1109/tuffc.2008.688Mandic, D. ., Chen, M., Gautama, T., Van Hulle, M. ., & Constantinides, A. (2008). On the characterization of the deterministic/stochastic and linear/nonlinear nature of time series. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 464(2093), 1141-1160. doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0154Rios, R. A., Small, M., & de Mello, R. F. (2015). Testing for Linear and Nonlinear Gaussian Processes in Nonstationary Time Series. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25(01), 1550013. doi:10.1142/s0218127415500133Borgnat, P., Flandrin, P., Honeine, P., Richard, C., & Xiao, J. (2010). Testing Stationarity With Surrogates: A Time-Frequency Approach. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58(7), 3459-3470. doi:10.1109/tsp.2010.2043971Shuman, D. I., Narang, S. K., Frossard, P., Ortega, A., & Vandergheynst, P. (2013). The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3), 83-98. doi:10.1109/msp.2012.2235192Sandryhaila, A., & Moura, J. M. F. (2013). Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(7), 1644-1656. doi:10.1109/tsp.2013.2238935Sandryhaila, A., & Moura, J. M. F. (2014). Big Data Analysis with Signal Processing on Graphs: Representation and processing of massive data sets with irregular structure. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 31(5), 80-90. doi:10.1109/msp.2014.2329213Pirondini, E., Vybornova, A., Coscia, M., & Van De Ville, D. (2016). A Spectral Method for Generating Surrogate Graph Signals. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(9), 1275-1278. doi:10.1109/lsp.2016.2594072Sandryhaila, A., & Moura, J. M. F. (2014). Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs: Frequency Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(12), 3042-3054. doi:10.1109/tsp.2014.2321121Shuman, D. I., Ricaud, B., & Vandergheynst, P. (2016). Vertex-frequency analysis on graphs. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 40(2), 260-291. doi:10.1016/j.acha.2015.02.005Dong, X., Thanou, D., Frossard, P., & Vandergheynst, P. (2016). Learning Laplacian Matrix in Smooth Graph Signal Representations. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(23), 6160-6173. doi:10.1109/tsp.2016.2602809Perraudin, N., & Vandergheynst, P. (2017). Stationary Signal Processing on Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(13), 3462-3477. doi:10.1109/tsp.2017.2690388Yu, G., & Qu, H. (2015). Hermitian Laplacian matrix and positive of mixed graphs. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 269, 70-76. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2015.07.045Gilbert, G. T. (1991). Positive Definite Matrices and Sylvester’s Criterion. The American Mathematical Monthly, 98(1), 44-46. doi:10.1080/00029890.1991.11995702Merris, R. (1994). Laplacian matrices of graphs: a survey. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 197-198, 143-176. doi:10.1016/0024-3795(94)90486-3Shapiro, H. (1991). 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    Measurement of heart rate variability using correlation dimension and entropy

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    Heart rate variability regulation is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Disorders of the autonomic nervous system may cause the loss of heart rate variability. Two new approaches, correlation dimension and entropy, based on ideas from nonlinear dynamics, have been applied to studying heart rate variability. The correlation dimension measures the extent of correlation between the data points. The entropy measures the amount of information needed to specify the state of a system. The interbeat interval signal (1BI) from eighteen subjects (nine normal controls and nine patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) ) have been analyzed and compared. The results show that the CFS patients have higher correlation dimension and lower entropy than normal subjects, which indicates that the heart rate variability is reduced for these patients. This suggests that there may be an autonomic nervous system imbalance in CFS patients

    Non-parametric Sequential and Adaptive Designs for Survival Trials

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    This thesis deals with fixed samples size, sequential and adaptive survival trials and consists of two major parts. In the first part fixed sample size, sequential and adaptive testing methods are derived that utilize data from a survival as well as a categorical surrogate endpoint in a fully non-parametric way without the need to assume any type of proportional hazards. In the second part extensions to quality-adjusted survival endpoints are discussed. In existing adaptive methods for confirmatory survival trials with flexible adaptation rules strict type-I-error control is only ensured if the interim decisions are based solely on the primary endpoint. In trials with long-term follow-up it is often desirable to base interim decisions also on correlated short-term endpoints, such as a surrogate marker. Surrogate information available at the interim analysis may be used to predict future event times. If interim decisions, such as selection of a subgroup or changes to the recruitment process, depend on this information, control of the type-I-error is no longer formally guaranteed for methods assuming an independent increments structure. In this thesis the weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator, a modification of the classical Kaplan-Meier estimator incorporating discrete surrogate information, is used to construct a non-parametric test statistic for the comparison of survival distributions, a generalization of the average hazard ratio. It is shown in this thesis how this test statistic can be used in fixed design, group-sequential and adaptive trials, such that the type-I-error is controlled. Asymptotic normality of the multivariate average hazard ratio is first verified in the fixed sample size context and then applied to noninferiority testing in a three-arm trial with non-proportional hazards survival data. In the next step the independent increments property is shown to hold asymptotically for the weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator. Consequently, for all test statistics based on it. Standard methods for the calculation of group-sequential rejection boundaries are applicable. For adaptive designs the weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator is modified to support stage-wise left-truncated and right-censored data to ensure independence of the stage-wise test statistics, even when interim decisions are based on surrogate information. Standard combination test methodology can then be used to ensure strict type-I-error control. Quality-adjusted survival is an integrated measure of quality-of-life data, which has gained interest in recent years. In this thesis a novel non-parametric two-sample test for quality-adjusted survival distributions is developed, that allows adjustment for covariate-dependent censoring, whereby the censoring is assumed to follow a proportional hazards model. It is shown how this result can be used to design adaptive trials with a quality-adjusted survival endpoint

    Does an acute Achilles tendon rupture become a patient\u27s Achilles heel in the long-term?

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    It is unknown if deficits in the involved limb following acute Achilles tendon rupture (AATR) persist in the long-term, or differ between patients treated operatively or non-operatively. This study investigated 43 patients 15±1 years post-AATR from a previous randomized controlled trial (RCT) that compared operative and non-operative treatment. Structural characteristics in the Achilles tendon and surrounding musculature were assessed using magnetic resonance imaging. We also performed physical examinations and evaluated performance-based and patient-reported outcomes. Overall, there were substantial differences between the involved and uninvolved limbs in most outcomes. Some outcomes improved over time from the initial RCT to the final follow-up, while others deteriorated. No outcomes favoured operative over non-operative treatment

    Effiziente numerische Methoden zur Lösung von reaktiven Euler-Gleichungen für mehrere Spezies

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    This cumulative thesis is devoted to the efficient simulation of compressible chemically reactive flows with multiple species and reactions being involved. In addition, the mass-fraction based reactive Euler equations with multiple species can be used to describe two-phase flows with multiple 'components' (corresponding to 'species') in a diffuse-interface manner, with suitable equations of state or thermodynamical models being employed. Three numerical methods towards computational high-efficiency solution of the above equation system are proposed.Diese kumulative Doktorarbeit widmet sich der effizienten Simulation kompressibler chemisch reaktiver Strömungen, wo mehrere Arten und Reaktionen beteiligt sind. Darüber hinaus können die auf Massenfraktionen basierenden reaktiven Euler-Gleichungen für mehrere Spezies mit geeigneten Zustandsgleichungen oder thermodynamischen Modellen verwendet werden, um zweiphasige Strömungen mit mehreren "Komponenten" (entsprechend "Spezies") auf diffuse Weise zu beschreiben. Drei numerische Methoden zur numerischen hocheffizienten Lösung des obigen Gleichungssystems warden vorgeschlagen

    Inference for change-plane regression

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    A key challenge in analyzing the behavior of change-plane estimators is that the objective function has multiple minimizers. Two estimators are proposed to deal with this non-uniqueness. For each estimator, an n-rate of convergence is established, and the limiting distribution is derived. Based on these results, we provide a parametric bootstrap procedure for inference. The validity of our theoretical results and the finite sample performance of the bootstrap are demonstrated through simulation experiments. We illustrate the proposed methods to latent subgroup identification in precision medicine using the ACTG175 AIDS study data

    不確実性下での設計に対するMulti-Fidelity不確定性定量化とSurrogate-Based Memeticアルゴリズム

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 土屋 武司, 東京大学教授 鈴木 真二, 東京大学教授 李家 賢一, 東京大学准教授 大山 聖, 東北大学准教授 下山 幸治University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Methods and Algorithms for Cardiovascular Hemodynamics with Applications to Noninvasive Monitoring of Proximal Blood Pressure and Cardiac Output Using Pulse Transit Time

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    Advanced health monitoring and diagnostics technology are essential to reduce the unrivaled number of human fatalities due to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Traditionally, gold standard CVD diagnosis involves direct measurements of the aortic blood pressure (central BP) and flow by cardiac catheterization, which can lead to certain complications. Understanding the inner-workings of the cardiovascular system through patient-specific cardiovascular modeling can provide new means to CVD diagnosis and relating treatment. BP and flow waves propagate back and forth from heart to the peripheral sites, while carrying information about the properties of the arterial network. Their speed of propagation, magnitude and shape are directly related to the properties of blood and arterial vasculature. Obtaining functional and anatomical information about the arteries through clinical measurements and medical imaging, the digital twin of the arterial network of interest can be generated. The latter enables prediction of BP and flow waveforms along this network. Point of care devices (POCDs) can now conduct in-home measurements of cardiovascular signals, such as electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmogram (PPG), ballistocardiogram (BCG) and even direct measurements of the pulse transit time (PTT). This vital information provides new opportunities for designing accurate patient-specific computational models eliminating, in many cases, the need for invasive measurements. One of the main efforts in this area is the development of noninvasive cuffless BP measurement using patient’s PTT. Commonly, BP prediction is carried out with regression models assuming direct or indirect relationships between BP and PTT. However, accounting for the nonlinear FSI mechanics of the arteries and the cardiac output is indispensable. In this work, a monotonicity-preserving quasi-1D FSI modeling platform is developed, capable of capturing the hyper-viscoelastic vessel wall deformation and nonlinear blood flow dynamics in arbitrary arterial networks. Special attention has been dedicated to the correct modeling of discontinuities, such as mechanical properties mismatch associated with the stent insertion, and the intertwining dynamics of multiscale 3D and 1D models when simulating the arterial network with an aneurysm. The developed platform, titled Cardiovascular Flow ANalysis (CardioFAN), is validated against well-known numerical, in vitro and in vivo arterial network measurements showing average prediction errors of 5.2%, 2.8% and 1.6% for blood flow, lumen cross-sectional area, and BP, respectively. CardioFAN evaluates the local PTT, which enables patient-specific calibration and its application to input signal reconstruction. The calibration is performed based on BP, stroke volume and PTT measured by POCDs. The calibrated model is then used in conjunction with noninvasively measured peripheral BP and PTT to inversely restore the cardiac output, proximal BP and aortic deformation in human subjects. The reconstructed results show average RMSEs of 1.4% for systolic and 4.6% for diastolic BPs, as well as 8.4% for cardiac output. This work is the first successful attempt in implementation of deterministic cardiovascular models as add-ons to wearable and smart POCD results, enabling continuous noninvasive monitoring of cardiovascular health to facilitate CVD diagnosis