31 research outputs found

    The Effect of Flooring Surface Compliance on Plantar Pressures and Discomfort During Prolonged Standing.

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    Prolonged standing is common in the workplace, and is a cause of pain and discomfort in the feet, legs, and lower back. Anti-fatigue mats are often used in industry to reduce discomfort resulting from prolonged standing. However, there are currently no means for predicting the effectiveness of a particular mat in mitigating discomfort, and there is little understanding of how discomfort develops during prolonged standing. The main objective of this research was to investigate the cause of discomfort during prolonged standing, and the role of mats in reducing discomfort. The effect of flooring material properties on discomfort and behavior was investigated during four-hour periods of standing. Touch sensitivity of the foot was also measured before and after standing to test for changes in sensitivity. Plantar pressure was investigated as a potential mechanism for discomfort during standing by testing the pain-pressure threshold at different levels of constant pressures on the foot. Finally, the effects of flooring and shoes on plantar pressure were studied. During prolonged standing, mats reduced discomfort when compared to a hard floor, but no differences in discomfort were observed among mats. During standing, weight-shifting was correlated to discomfort and demonstrated lower statistical variance than subjective ratings of discomfort. These findings suggest that weight-shifting may offer a more sensitive measurement for discomfort than subjective ratings. Finally, as a result of prolonged standing, touch sensitivity of the feet increased, suggesting potential unintended bias in clinical touch sensitivity testing. During pain-pressure threshold testing, elevated levels of constant plantar pressure were associated with an earlier onset of pain, indicating that plantar pressure is a mechanism that contributes discomfort. Flooring significantly affected plantar pressure during barefoot standing and walking, but when shoes were worn the effects of flooring on pressure were very small or not significant. This suggests that for reducing plantar pressure, attention should be focused on the design of footwear rather than the design of mats. Because flooring does not affect plantar pressure, mats must reduce discomfort through some other unknown mechanism.Ph.D.Industrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89649/1/wneal_1.pd

    IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors

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    Background:The typical American worker spends about two-thirds of their work day standing. Prolonged standing has been found to be associated with acute and chronic adverse health outcomes. There is considerable variability among existing methods of analysis for prolonged-standing data, and therefore difficulty interpreting and comparing results across studies.Purpose:The purpose of this study is to develop a bodyweight transfer analysis method that incorporates factors of both time and amplitude of loading. This method was then applied to actual prolonged-standing data, to understand how the results of this method are impacted by time spent standing, and how the results relate to previously-reported methods of analysis for weight shifting data.Methods:Seven subjects (six male, one female) stood with each foot on one of two force plates for 6 h with a 5-min seated rest break between hours. Our new method identified two different types of events: fidgets and weight shifts. Center-of-pressure data were analyzed with the proposed method and three existing methods of analysis.Results:Subjects utilized different quantities of fidgets and weight shifts over the course of the trials. Existing methods of analysis identified a wide range in number of events, with some methods consistently identifying more events than others. These existing methods significantly differed from the proposed method. Fidgets, weight shifts, and fidgets + weight shifts, as identified using the proposed method, had significant interactions with time, while only one of the existing methods showed a significant time interaction.Conclusions:The conclusions drawn from analysis of prolonged standing center-of-pressure data can differ significantly depending on the method of analysis used. The method proposed here accounts for the different sources of discomfort and the tissue characteristics of these sources. Future work should explore the relationships between physiologic parameters and fidgets and weight shifts, so that appropriate clinical interventions can be identified.K01 OH010759/OH/NIOSH CDC HHSUnited States

    Appl Ergon

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    Mechanisms that cause foot discomfort during prolonged standing are poorly understood. There is currently no method for evaluating discomfort associated with low levels of static pressure that are typical during standing. Pain thresholds were measured for 20 healthy participants by applying five levels of static pressure at different plantar foot locations. A survival analysis was performed to determine the effects of pressure magnitude and foot location on the time until pain onset. Time to pain onset was significantly affected by pressure magnitude (P < 0.001); time decreased as pressure increased. Foot location was also significant (P < 0.001); greatest times to pain onset (least sensitive) were observed under the heel and fifth metatarsal head, shortest times (most sensitive) were found under the midfoot. This research presents a novel methodology for evaluating static pressure that may be applicable to product design.T42 OH008455/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United States2016-08-23T00:00:00Z25118168PMC499452

    The Effect of Golf Shoe Characteristics on Static Balance Over an Extended Duration

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    Golf performance is greatly impacted by balance ability, specifically during a golfer’s swinging and putting motion. Previous studies have found that certain shoe characteristics can affect balance; however, no such study has been conducted for golf shoes. This study’s objective was to compare balance scores between three different golf shoe styles and determine which style or characteristics serve golfers best in improving balance under quiet standing conditions over time. Twelve adults (age: 23.4 ± 2.2 years; height: 181.5 ± 9.0 cm; mass: 95.8 ± 18.6 kg) participated in this study. Each participant made four visits, one for each footwear condition: barefoot, tennis shoe style, dress shoe style, or minimalist shoe style. The participants walked continuously on artificial turf for four hours and completed the Sensory Organizational Test (SOT) on the NeuroCom Equitest System at every hour mark to assess static balance. The SOT utilizes four testing conditions: eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC), eyes open sway referenced vision (EOSRV), and eyes open sway referenced platform (EOSRP). From the SOT scores, anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) sway root mean square (RMS) and AP/ML sway velocity (VEL) were calculated. The results were analyzed using a 4x5 repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), crossing the four footwear conditions with the five SOT times (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 minutes). If footwear or time main effects were found, a post hoc pairwise comparison using a Bonferroni correction was completed. It was discovered that static balance began to decrease after two hours, and the barefoot condition scored better than the three golf shoes. At the three-hour mark, the three shoe conditions scored superior to the barefoot condition, but no significant differences in balance performance were found between the three golf shoe styles. This indicates that of the three golf shoes, none would be advantageous or detrimental compared to one another for balance performance

    Prolonged occupational standing : the impact of time and footwear

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    Prolonged occupational standing is strongly related to musculoskeletal disorders. Despite being the main external load bearing interface between the floor and musculoskeletal system, and easy to manipulate, footwear is often ignored as an intervention for standing related disorders. This study aimed to record the effect of prolonged standing on the body and determine the impact of footwear material. Two pairs of surgical clogs were tested, varying only in material hardness. Participants (n=12) undertook 3 hours of standing in each shoe whilst they completed a repetitive series of simulated work tasks. Biomechanical and subjective data were recorded at the start, end and every 30 minutes during the three hours of standing. There was an increase in discomfort of the low back and all lower extremity regions alongside an increase in calf circumference, selected kinematic and kinetic variables, and changes in plantar pressure distribution over the three hours. Altering the footwear material impacted on low back discomfort and plantar pressures. Shoe preference varied amongst individuals, but was consistently associated with an increased medial midfoot contact area. Overall, this study has demonstrated the effect of prolonged standing on the body, has shown footwear impacts both subjective and biomechanical measures and provides information regarding individual differences and footwear preferences

    The Effect on Postural Balance as a Result of Different Types of Golf-Specific Footwear Over an Extended Duration

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    The sport of golf is increasingly popular within the United States, with an estimated 35 million participants worldwide. To be successful, the golf swing, regarded as a difficult biomechanical motion to accomplish, needs to be accurate and powerful. A proper swing incorporates a weight shift from the rear foot to the leading foot, which indicates that balance is crucial to maintain. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of golf-specific footwear on static balance over an extended duration in order to relate it to golf performance. Twelve recreationally trained males (age: 23.4±2.2 years; height: 181.5±9.0cm; mass 95.8±18.6 kg) with no history of injuries or disorders participated in the study. The study lasted about four days, which included a familiarization day, and experimental days lasting around four hours each. Static balance was assessed by equilibrium scores using the NeuroCom Equitest Sensory Organizational Test (EO, EC, EOSRV, EOSRP). The conditions were counterbalanced prior to the start of the experimental days, which included a dress shoe style (DS), a minimalist shoe style (MIN), and a tennis shoe style (TS), with a barefoot condition (BF) as the control variable. A predetermined alpha level of 0.05 was used, and results were analyzed using a 4x5 repeated measures ANOVA [4 footwear conditions (BF, DS, MIN, TS) x 5 measurement times (pre, 60, 120, 180, 240)]. There was a significant interaction, within the EC condition, detected at the three-hour mark, where the DS condition indicated an impairment in balance control compared to the BF condition. However, there was no indication of significance among the golf-specific footwear. This expresses the fact that may have the ability to choose golf-specific footwear according to preference without worrying about static balance detriments

    Discomfort, fatigue and work-related musculoskeletal disorders associated with prolonged standing among Malaysian manufacturing workers: A mini review

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    Prolonged standing is one of the crucial occupational risk factors that contributes to discomfort, fatigue, and in the long-term can cause work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among workers. The objective of this article is to disseminate information about the effect of prolonged standing, which can cause muscle discomfort, fatigue, and WMSDs. Prolonged standing without sufficient rest can lead to muscle discomfort, and eventually to fatigue, especially in the back and lower extremities of a worker’s body. Prolonged standing without any form of intervention could lead to musculoskeletal disorders among workers. This review shows that the level of body comfort among workers in Malaysia is inadequate due to several factors of which prolonged standing is one. Therefore, ergonomic interventions are crucial to ensure the safety, welfare, and health of workers in the workplace

    Rehabil Nurs

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    PurposeProlonged standing at work has been shown to be associated with a number of potentially serious health outcomes, such as lower back and leg pain, cardiovascular problems, fatigue, discomfort, and pregnancy related health outcomes. Recent studies have been conducted examining the relationship between these health outcomes and the amount of time spent standing while on the job. The purpose of this article was to provide a review of the health risks and interventions for workers and employers that are involved in occupations requiring prolonged standing. A brief review of recommendations by governmental and professional organizations for hours of prolonged standing is also included.FindingsBased on our review of the literature, there seems to be ample evidence showing that prolonged standing at work leads to adverse health outcomes. Review of the literature also supports the conclusion that certain interventions are effective in reducing the hazards associated with prolonged standing. Suggested interventions include the use of floor mats, sit-stand workstations/chairs, shoes, shoe inserts and hosiery or stockings. Studies could be improved by using more precise definitions of prolonged standing (e.g., duration, movement restrictions, and type of work), better measurement of the health outcomes and more rigorous study protocols.Conclusion and Clinical RelevanceUse of interventions and following suggested guidelines on hours of standing from governmental and professional organizations should reduce the health risks from prolonged standing.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2015-10-02T00:00:00Z25041875PMC459192

    The Effect of Extended Durations of Walking in Different Footwear on Measures of Muscle Activity

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    In 2010, nearly 3.1 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported among private industry employers resulting in an incidence rate of 3.5 cases per 100 full time workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of the fatal occupational injuries in 2010, 14% were attributed to falls. Forty-five percent of falls have been attributed to inappropriate footwear, and occupationally induced muscle fatigue has been identified as a contributing factor to falls. Different footwear types have been shown to effect muscle fatigue levels during walking and standing. In an occupational setting, workers generally endure relatively small workloads for extended durations. The puipose of this study was to examine the amount of muscle activation of the ankle musculature over an extended duration of walking and standing in two types of commonly worn occupational footwear. Fourteen healthy male adults with no history of orthopedic, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, neurological or vestibular abnormalities completed the study. The experimental session included an extended duration of walking (4 hours) with muscle activation of the ankle musculature during a maximal voluntary contraction measured at 30 minute intervals. The footwear included work boots that met .ANSI standards and low top shoes. A minimum of 72 hours of rest between conditions was provided. Repeated measures analyses of variance determined there were no significant differences between the time points for footwear or the time-shoe interaction. Significance was found with shoe type with the low top shoe eliciting greater activation for both muscles. Shaft height of the shoe may have been the significant influencing factor affecting muscle activity of the lower extremities. The work boots with the higher shaft showed more potential for resisting fatigue over extended durations. The results of this study may be beneficial in the aid of efficient design of future footwear to be worn in occupational settings

    Making solutions for choosing industrial concrete floors and expedience of reliability evaluation

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    The rapid growth of economy and the recent development of industry in Lithuania have considerably increased, and therefore the need for industrial concrete floors also has a tendency to growing. The floor is used in almost all industrial companies because of differently modified concrete and a number of coating materials. It is more difficult to make an effective solution for choosing the required coating due to the supply of many different coating materials, an improvement in technological solutions, stiffening economic and ergonomic requirements. The article focuses on the complex problems of working towards a solution for selecting coating, presents the evaluation of conditions for floor exploitation and analyses mistakes and economic outcomes. The paper describes the expedience and problems of evaluating solutions for choosing floor covering in terms of reliability, makes the complex model of factors that influence reliability and presents a practical example of calculating statistical reliability. Santrauka Spartejant ekonominiam ūkio vystymuisi ir plečiantis pramonei per pastaruosius metus Lietuvoje smarkiai išaugo ir ateityje turi tendencija augti pramoniniu betoniniu grindu poreikis. Šios grindys del ivairiai modifikuojamo betono ir gausaus skirtingu dangu medžiagu pasirinkimo šiuo metu naudojamos beveik visose pramones imonese. Esant gausiai ivairiu dangu medžiagu pasiūlai, tobulejant technologiniams sprendimams, griežtinant ekologinius, ergonominius reikalavimus, priimti efektyvu dangos sprendima vis sunkiau. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinejamos sudetingos dangu sprendimu priemimo problemos, pateikiamas eksploatacines dangu būkles ivertinimas, analizuojamos daromos klaidos ir ekonomines padarytu klaidu pasekmes grindis naudojančioms imonems. Nagrinejamas tikslingumas ir problematika priimtu grindu sprendimu vertinimo patikimumo aspektu, pateikiamas sudarytas patikimuma veikiančiu veiksniu kompleksinis modelis bei praktinis statistinio patikimumo skaičiavimo pavyzdys. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: dangu sprendimu vertinimo aspektai, sprendimu priemimo klaidos, patikimumo vertinimo lygmenys, patikimuma veikiančiu veiksniu kompleksinis modelis, statistinis patikimuma