4 research outputs found

    Uncertainty Management of Intelligent Feature Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are envisioned to revolutionize the paradigm of monitoring complex real-world systems at a very high resolution. However, the deployment of a large number of unattended sensor nodes in hostile environments, frequent changes of environment dynamics, and severe resource constraints pose uncertainties and limit the potential use of WSN in complex real-world applications. Although uncertainty management in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is well developed and well investigated, its implications in wireless sensor environments are inadequately addressed. This dissertation addresses uncertainty management issues of spatio-temporal patterns generated from sensor data. It provides a framework for characterizing spatio-temporal pattern in WSN. Using rough set theory and temporal reasoning a novel formalism has been developed to characterize and quantify the uncertainties in predicting spatio-temporal patterns from sensor data. This research also uncovers the trade-off among the uncertainty measures, which can be used to develop a multi-objective optimization model for real-time decision making in sensor data aggregation and samplin

    Automatic Test Data Generation Using Constraint Programming and Search Based Software Engineering Techniques

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    RÉSUMÉ Prouver qu'un logiciel correspond Ă  sa spĂ©cification ou exposer des erreurs cachĂ©es dans son implĂ©mentation est une tĂąche de test trĂšs difficile, fastidieuse et peut coĂ»ter plus de 50% de coĂ»t total du logiciel. Durant la phase de test du logiciel, la gĂ©nĂ©ration des donnĂ©es de test est l'une des tĂąches les plus coĂ»teuses. Par consĂ©quent, l'automatisation de cette tĂąche permet de rĂ©duire considĂ©rablement le coĂ»t du logiciel, le temps de dĂ©veloppement et les dĂ©lais de commercialisation. Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont proposĂ© des approches automatisĂ©es pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des donnĂ©es de test. Certains de ces travaux ont montrĂ© que les techniques de gĂ©nĂ©ration des donnĂ©es de test qui sont basĂ©es sur des mĂ©taheuristiques (SB-STDG) peuvent gĂ©nĂ©rer automatiquement des donnĂ©es de test. Cependant, ces techniques sont trĂšs sensibles Ă  leur orientation qui peut avoir un impact sur l'ensemble du processus de gĂ©nĂ©ration des donnĂ©es de test. Une insuffisance d'informations pertinentes sur le problĂšme de gĂ©nĂ©ration des donnĂ©es de test peut affaiblir l'orientation et affecter nĂ©gativement l'efficacitĂ© et l'effectivitĂ© de SB-STDG. Dans cette thĂšse, notre proposition de recherche est d'analyser statiquement le code source pour identifier et extraire des informations pertinentes afin de les exploiter dans le processus de SB-STDG pourrait offrir davantage d'orientation et ainsi d'amĂ©liorer l'efficacitĂ© et l'effectivitĂ© de SB-STDG. Pour extraire des informations pertinentes pour l'orientation de SB-STDG, nous analysons de maniĂšre statique la structure interne du code source en se concentrant sur six caractĂ©ristiques, i.e., les constantes, les instructions conditionnelles, les arguments, les membres de donnĂ©es, les mĂ©thodes et les relations. En mettant l'accent sur ces caractĂ©ristiques et en utilisant diffĂ©rentes techniques existantes d'analyse statique, i.e, la programmation par contraintes (CP), la thĂ©orie du schĂ©ma et certains analyses statiques lĂ©gĂšres, nous proposons quatre approches: (1) en mettant l'accent sur les arguments et les instructions conditionnelles, nous dĂ©finissons une approche hybride qui utilise les techniques de CP pour guider SB-STDG Ă  rĂ©duire son espace de recherche; (2) en mettant l'accent sur les instructions conditionnelles et en utilisant des techniques de CP, nous dĂ©finissons deux nouvelles mĂ©triques qui mesurent la difficultĂ© Ă  satisfaire une branche (i.e., condition), d'o˘ nous tirons deux nouvelles fonctions objectif pour guider SB-STDG; (3) en mettant l'accent sur les instructions conditionnelles et en utilisant la thĂ©orie du schĂ©ma, nous adaptons l'algorithme gĂ©nĂ©tique pour mieux rĂ©pondre au problĂšme de la gĂ©nĂ©ration de donnĂ©es de test; (4) en mettant l'accent sur les arguments, les instructions conditionnelles, les constantes, les membres de donnĂ©es, les mĂ©thodes et les relations, et en utilisant des analyses statiques lĂ©gĂšres, nous dĂ©finissons un gĂ©nĂ©rateur d'instance qui gĂ©nĂšre des donnĂ©es de test candidates pertinentes et une nouvelle reprĂ©sentation du problĂšme de gĂ©nĂ©ration des donnĂ©es de test orientĂ©-objet qui rĂ©duit implicitement l'espace de recherche de SB-STDG. Nous montrons que les analyses statiques aident Ă  amĂ©liorer l'efficacitĂ© et l'effectivitĂ© de SB-STDG. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans cette thĂšse montrent des amĂ©liorations importantes en termes d'efficacitĂ© et d'effectivitĂ©. Ils sont prometteurs et nous espĂ©rons que d'autres recherches dans le domaine de la gĂ©nĂ©ration des donnĂ©es de test pourraient amĂ©liorer davantage l'efficacitĂ© ou l'effectivitĂ©.----------ABSTRACT Proving that some software system corresponds to its specification or revealing hidden errors in its implementation is a time consuming and tedious testing process, accounting for 50% of the total software. Test-data generation is one of the most expensive parts of the software testing phase. Therefore, automating this task can significantly reduce software cost, development time, and time to market. Many researchers have proposed automated approaches to generate test data. Among the proposed approaches, the literature showed that Search-Based Software Test-data Generation (SB-STDG) techniques can automatically generate test data. However, these techniques are very sensitive to their guidance which impact the whole test-data generation process. The insufficiency of information relevant about the test-data generation problem can weaken the SB-STDG guidance and negatively affect its efficiency and effectiveness. In this dissertation, our thesis is statically analyzing source code to identify and extract relevant information to exploit them in the SB-STDG process could offer more guidance and thus improve the efficiency and effectiveness of SB-STDG. To extract information relevant for SB-STDG guidance, we statically analyze the internal structure of the source code focusing on six features, i.e., constants, conditional statements, arguments, data members, methods, and relationships. Focusing on these features and using different existing techniques of static analysis, i.e., constraints programming (CP), schema theory, and some lightweight static analyses, we propose four approaches: (1) focusing on arguments and conditional statements, we define a hybrid approach that uses CP techniques to guide SB-STDG in reducing its search space; (2) focusing on conditional statements and using CP techniques, we define two new metrics that measure the difficulty to satisfy a branch, hence we derive two new fitness functions to guide SB-STDG; (3) focusing on conditional statements and using schema theory, we tailor genetic algorithm to better fit the problem of test-data generation; (4) focusing on arguments, conditional statements, constants, data members, methods, and relationships, and using lightweight static analyses, we define an instance generator that generates relevant test-data candidates and a new representation of the problem of object-oriented test-data generation that implicitly reduces the SB-STDG search space. We show that using static analyses improve the SB-STDG efficiency and effectiveness. The achieved results in this dissertation show an important improvements in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. They are promising and we hope that further research in the field of test-data generation might improve efficiency or effectiveness

    Automated Realistic Test Input Generation and Cost Reduction in Service-centric System Testing

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    Service-centric System Testing (ScST) is more challenging than testing traditional software due to the complexity of service technologies and the limitations that are imposed by the SOA environment. One of the most important problems in ScST is the problem of realistic test data generation. Realistic test data is often generated manually or using an existing source, thus it is hard to automate and laborious to generate. One of the limitations that makes ScST challenging is the cost associated with invoking services during testing process. This thesis aims to provide solutions to the aforementioned problems, automated realistic input generation and cost reduction in ScST. To address automation in realistic test data generation, the concept of Service-centric Test Data Generation (ScTDG) is presented, in which existing services used as realistic data sources. ScTDG minimises the need for tester input and dependence on existing data sources by automatically generating service compositions that can generate the required test data. In experimental analysis, our approach achieved between 93% and 100% success rates in generating realistic data while state-of-the-art automated test data generation achieved only between 2% and 34%. The thesis addresses cost concerns at test data generation level by enabling data source selection in ScTDG. Source selection in ScTDG has many dimensions such as cost, reliability and availability. This thesis formulates this problem as an optimisation problem and presents a multi-objective characterisation of service selection in ScTDG, aiming to reduce the cost of test data generation. A cost-aware pareto optimal test suite minimisation approach addressing testing cost concerns during test execution is also presented. The approach adapts traditional multi-objective minimisation approaches to ScST domain by formulating ScST concerns, such as invocation cost and test case reliability. In experimental analysis, the approach achieved reductions between 69% and 98.6% in monetary cost of service invocations during testin

    Automated Reasoning

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    This volume, LNAI 13385, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2022, held in Haifa, Israel, in August 2022. The 32 full research papers and 9 short papers presented together with two invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The papers focus on the following topics: Satisfiability, SMT Solving,Arithmetic; Calculi and Orderings; Knowledge Representation and Jutsification; Choices, Invariance, Substitutions and Formalization; Modal Logics; Proofs System and Proofs Search; Evolution, Termination and Decision Prolems. This is an open access book