23,832 research outputs found

    Educational innovation, learning technologies and Virtual culture potential’

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    Learning technologies are regularly associated with innovative teaching but will they contribute to profound innovations in education itself? This paper addresses the question by building upon Merlin Donald's co‐evolutionary theory of mind, cognition and culture. He claimed that the invention of technologies for storing and sharing external symbol systems, such as writing, gave rise to a ‘theoretic culture’ with rich symbolic representations and a resultant need for formal education. More recently, Shaffer and Kaput have claimed that the development of external and shared symbol‐processing technologies is giving rise to an emerging ‘virtual culture’. They argue that mathematics curricula are grounded in theoretic culture and should change to meet the novel demands of ‘virtual culture’ for symbol‐processing and representational fluency. The generic character of their cultural claim is noted in this paper and it is suggested that equivalent pedagogic arguments are applicable across the educational spectrum. Hence, four general characteristics of virtual culture are proposed, against which applications of learning technologies can be evaluated for their innovative potential. Two illustrative uses of learning technologies are evaluated in terms of their ‘virtual culture potential’ and some anticipated questions about this approach are discussed towards the end of the paper

    Pull and Push: Strengthening Demand for Innovation in Education

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    Examines policy, information, and cultural barriers that minimize the "demand pull" for educational innovation. Calls for encouraging early adopters, bolstering smart adoption, providing better information, and rewarding productivity improvements

    A method to propose good practices of teaching educational innovation

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    The MAIN method for the application of educational innovation was designed to make it easier for teachers to apply educational innovation so as to achieve a good practice of educational innovation. In this work the mentioned method is used not to apply educational innovation but to make a proposal of educational innovation that has great possibilities of becoming a good innovation practice. Twenty-four professors have made proposals for educational innovation following the MAIN method. Once these proposals were presented, teacher’s perception of the processes of the method was studied, as well as the effort to develop the different phases of the proposal following the MAIN method

    Hubungan Perilaku Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Kemampuan Mengajar Guru Dengan Inovasi Pendidikan

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    Relationship of Principal Leadership Behavior and Ability Teaching Teachers with Educational Innovation in SMA se-Malang Raya, this study aims to: describe the leadership behavior of principals, teachers' teaching skills, educational innovation, knowing the relationship between principal leadership behaviors and educational innovation, the relationship between teaching skills of teachers and educational innovation, and determine whether there is relationship Principal leadership behaviors and teaching skills of teachers with educational innovation in SMA Se-Malang Raya. This study uses a quantitative approach to the design of associative research. Its population is a high school teacher State Se-Malang Raya, while sampling using cluster sampling technique. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis techniques and multiple regression. The results showed that: the principal leadership behavior in either category, the level of teaching skills of teachers in the high category, the level of educational innovation in a category well, there is no relationship between leadership behavior of school principals and educational innovation, there is significant correlation between the ability of teachers to teach and educational innovation, and no significant relationship between leadership behavior of principals, teachers' teaching ability and innovative education in high schools as Malang Raya

    TEEM17. Track: Educational innovation

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    The track Educational Innovation1 of the International Conference Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM), brings together, under the covering of the innovation, a diversity of themes from the tracks of the conference. The analysis of the educational innovation should be seen from three types: innovation in the classroom, institutional innovation and innovation in R+D+i projects. This paper presents a grouping of papers, accepted in this track of TEEM''17, under the two first types and classified in three lines of work: information and communication technologies, contents, methodologies and new services

    Tools for educational innovation

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    How does an instructor keep abreast of educational technology changes and developments? What tools, apps and add-ins are available and how can they be used innovatively? This session will cover a variety of resources and tools that answer these two questions plus address how to pick the best tools for your instructional environment

    Logo in mainstream schools: the struggle over the soul of an educational innovation

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    Technologies do not follow some predetermined and inevitable course from their context of production to their context of use, and technologies used in schools are no exception. Rather, technologies and their use in the classroom are socially contextualised. They are often appropriated in ways unanticipated by their developers, locking into institutional arrangements and reflecting elements of the prevailing social relations in and around the particular context(s) of application. Through the discussion of a particular technology (the Logo programming language) as a case study in educational innovation, this article demonstrates how the use of technologies in schools is socially shaped. The paper looks into the place that Logo occupied within the institutional and organisational cultures of US and UK mainstream schools after its introduction in the early 1980s. It discusses the ways in which Logo was received in the educational arena and was implicated in the politics of educational innovation at a time of conservative restoration

    Multiple outcomes and multiple client perspectives in the evaluation of Project Impact : a two year tracer study

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    Attempts to discover the difference in achievement of skills between the IMPACT delivery system and the non-IMPACT schools, and to assess the effect of this type of system on the attitudes of graduates and school leavers

    Reflexive governance of educational innovation

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    У статті аналізуються особливості запровадження освітніх інновацій в українському освітньому просторі. Йдеться також про репрезентації освітніх інновацій у свідомості їх адресатів та можливості рефлексивного управління ними.В статье анализируются особенности внедрения образовательных инноваций в украинском образовательном пространстве. Речь идет также о репрезентации образовательных инноваций в сознании их адресатов и возможности рефлексивного управления ими.Specifics of educational innovations implementing into Ukrainian educational environments are analyzed. Representations of educational innovations in the addressees’ mind, and possibilities of reflective management are discussed