17,446 research outputs found

    Bologna changes in MA degree programmes. Convergence of the public administration programmes in South-Eastern Europe

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    The provisions of Bologna Declaration are ongoing implemented in several South- Eastern European states, members or non members of the European Union. For most states, important restructuring processes for the legal framework and organisation system of higher education were imperative. At the same time, the content of the programmes for all the three cycles was revised in order to follow closely the finalities stipulated in the European documents, substantiating the European Higher Education Area. In this context, the current paper aims to carry out the comparative analysis for the actual level attained by the mentioned states in implementing Bologna Process, with special attention towards higher education in the area of public administration. Research teams, led by the author of this paper have analysed the degree of curricular compatibility of the Bachelor programmes from various European states. This time, the research will focus on describing the process of convergence related to the delivery modalities and the content of the Master programmes in the area of public administration, corresponding to the second cycle of Bologna system. The indicators of convergence will be defined related to the standards of evaluation,used by EAPAA for accreditation of the public administration programmes.Bologna process,M A public administration programmes,convergence

    European Universities Best Practices: The Case of INVEST EU Alliance

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    Established in 2018, the European Universities Initiative (EUI) strives to foster collaboration and integration among higher education institutions across Europe. The EUI's core objectives encompass forging transnational alliances, facilitating mobility, championing multidisciplinary approaches, celebrating linguistic diversity, advancing innovation and research, prioritizing student-centered learning, and nurturing long-term sustainability. Central to this initiative is the enhancement of education quality and the promotion of student-centric learning methodologies. Within the scope of the EUI, the INVEST European University stands out as one of the 47 integrated alliances, endorsed by the European Commission. INVEST is dedicated to crafting distinctive collaborative educational paradigms that contribute significantly to regional progress and sustainability. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the INVEST Joint Education Model, showcasing a range of excellent practices that position the alliance as a key player in the European educational landscape. Specifically, this paper delves into the strategic quality assurance framework, the unified pedagogical approach supporting diverse educational products, the dynamic collaborative platforms like living labs that engage stakeholders and serve as experimentation grounds, the enriching fellowship programs, faculty and student mobility initiatives, eco-friendly digitalization of services, and innovative entrepreneurship and internationalization processes. This study not only offers insightful recommendations but also tangible real-world examples for instructional and support staff navigating the realm of digital transformation within inter-institutional partnerships

    Integrating open and citizen science in higher education

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    Abstract. Integrating Open/Citizen Science in Higher Education is a great way to engage students and general population and help them feel empowered. Open/Citizen Science is a powerful tool for teaching science, but it must be made accessible and easy to use by both faculty members and students. As the world becomes increasingly more connected, how can higher education be prepared to meet the challenges of a new era? One answer might lie in citizen science and open science. Citizen scientists are volunteers who make contributions to scientific research without having a formal position in the field or being paid for their work. Open science lab projects provide students with hands-on opportunities for scientific inquiry and discovery in different areas of research. The purpose of this study was to find out to what extent Open/Citizen science has been integrated in higher education and what are the impacts and challenges regarding to Open and Citizen Science in higher education. The findings of the study suggest that Open/Citizen science has been integrated into higher education in a limited way and there is a need for further development of this field. There are also different challenges faced with Open/Citizen Science in Higher Education such as lack of policy to guide on how it should be implemented

    Preparation of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Secular Countries: A Study in Austria

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    Especially in Austria itself, it is estimated that in 2050 the Muslim population will be around 19.9% of the total population and the population increase will be second in Europe after Sweden with 30.6%. Interestingly again in Austria apart from being a secular country but it provides concern for Muslims to develop Islamic religious education there. Therefore, this study aimed to determine how universities in Austria prepared Islamic religion teachers at undergraduate level both in terms of models and curricula to face increasingly complex challenges and a growing number of Muslim citizens. This study used library research, while the approach used interpretative approach. The main reference source was the content on the university website that offers Islamic Religious Education programs. In addition, various sources lead to discourse and curriculum development in Austria. The number of data were displayed using descriptive statistics and described using descriptive qualitative. Then research design that would be carried out was to reveal the course content contained in the web and then reduced, especially in terms of the preparation curriculum for Islamic Religious Education teachers. Of the various courses presented were analyzed using content analysis where the important point was to take the most fundamental content that was related to the principles of curriculum development, namely contextual and responding to the challenges of the times. The results showed that the preparation of Islamic teachers in one of the colleges in Austria consists of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate degrees. Undergraduate program of Islamic Religious Education consists of two models, namely Bachelor’s Program Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) – Subject: Islamic Religion and the specific name is Bachelor’s Program - Islamic Religious Education. In general, the content emphasis applied in the preparation of Islamic religious education teachers is still material-based


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    The quality of higher education, its value and its realization are among the national priorities in Bulgaria. With the development of society, its needs and expectations, higher education seeks to meet its expectations and business needs. The purpose of this article is to trace the European tendencies for a common European educational space and their reflection in the development of higher education in Bulgaria. A theoretical reading of a number of European and national documents is made to highlight the positive development trend of higher education in Bulgaria. The quality of higher education in Bulgaria is directly tied to and correlated not only with our national traditions, mentality, but also with the European horizons of a united community called Europe.  Article visualizations

    Introduction to \u3ci\u3eDoctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future\u3c/i\u3e

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    [Excerpt] Concern has been expressed, however, that the growing enrollment of foreign students in American PhD programs crowds out potential American citizen PhD holders and discourages them from pursuing PhD study. On the other hand, the aftermath of 9/11, the growth of research infrastructure and research support in other nations, and the growth of other nations\u27 higher education systems all cast doubt on the ability of the United States to continue to rely on foreign PhD holders to meet our nation\u27s need for scientific researchers and to fill future faculty positions. Given all of these issues, in October 2006 the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute brought together a group of researchers from a wide number of science and social science fields, academic administrators, and policymakers for the conference Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future. The sessions at the conference focused on efforts to increase and improve the supply of future faculty, and covered topics ranging from increasing undergraduate interest in doctoral study to improving the doctoral experience and the representation of underrepresented groups in doctoral education. The chapters in this book are revisions of the papers presented at that conference

    Graduate Catalog, 1982-1983

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    Digital Humanities in the iSchool

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    The interdisciplinary field known as digital humanities (DH) is represented in various forms in the teaching and research practiced in iSchools. Building on the work of an iSchools organization committee charged with exploring digital humanities curricula, we present findings from a series of related studies exploring aspects of DH teaching, education, and research in iSchools, often in collaboration with other units and disciplines. Through a survey of iSchool programs and an online DH course registry, we investigate the various education models for DH training found in iSchools, followed by a detailed look at DH courses and curricula, explored through analysis of course syllabi and course descriptions. We take a brief look at collaborative disciplines with which iSchools cooperate on DH research projects or in offering DH education. Next, we explore DH careers through an analysis of relevant job advertisements. Finally, we offer some observations about the management and administrative challenges and opportunities related to offering a new iSchool DH program. Our results provide a snapshot ofthe current state of digital humanities in iSchools which may usefully inform the design and evolution of new DH programs, degrees, and related initiatives
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