8,693 research outputs found

    Another construction of edge-regular graphs with regular cliques

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    We exhibit a new construction of edge-regular graphs with regular cliques that are not strongly regular. The infinite family of graphs resulting from this construction includes an edge-regular graph with parameters (24,8,2)(24,8,2). We also show that edge-regular graphs with 11-regular cliques that are not strongly regular must have at least 2424 vertices.Comment: 7 page

    Asymptotic Delsarte cliques in distance-regular graphs

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    We give a new bound on the parameter λ\lambda (number of common neighbors of a pair of adjacent vertices) in a distance-regular graph GG, improving and generalizing bounds for strongly regular graphs by Spielman (1996) and Pyber (2014). The new bound is one of the ingredients of recent progress on the complexity of testing isomorphism of strongly regular graphs (Babai, Chen, Sun, Teng, Wilmes 2013). The proof is based on a clique geometry found by Metsch (1991) under certain constraints on the parameters. We also give a simplified proof of the following asymptotic consequence of Metsch's result: if kμ=o(λ2)k\mu = o(\lambda^2) then each edge of GG belongs to a unique maximal clique of size asymptotically equal to λ\lambda, and all other cliques have size o(λ)o(\lambda). Here kk denotes the degree and μ\mu the number of common neighbors of a pair of vertices at distance 2. We point out that Metsch's cliques are "asymptotically Delsarte" when kμ=o(λ2)k\mu = o(\lambda^2), so families of distance-regular graphs with parameters satisfying kμ=o(λ2)k\mu = o(\lambda^2) are "asymptotically Delsarte-geometric."Comment: 10 page

    The Structure and Properties of Clique Graphs of Regular Graphs

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    In the following thesis, the structure and properties of G and its clique graph clt (G) are analyzed for graphs G that are non-complete, regular with degree δ , and where every edge of G is contained in a t -clique. In a clique graph clt (G), all cliques of order t of the original graph G become the clique graph’s vertices, and the vertices of the clique graph are adjacent if and only if the corresponding cliques in the original graph have at least 1 vertex in common. This thesis mainly investigates if properties of regular graphs are carried over to clique graphs of regular graphs. In particular, the first question considered is whether the clique graph of a regular graph must also be regular. It is shown that while line graphs, cl2(G), of regular graphs are regular, the degree difference of the clique graph cl3(R) can be arbitrarily large using δ -regular graphs R with δ ≥ 3. Next, the question of whether a clique graph can have a large independent set is considered (independent sets in regular graphs can be composed of half the vertices in the graph at the most). In particular, the relation between the degree difference and the independence number of clt (G) will be analyzed. Lastly, we close with some further questions regarding clique graphs

    The smallest strictly Neumaier graph and its generalisations

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    A regular clique in a regular graph is a clique such that every vertex outside of the clique is adjacent to the same positive number of vertices inside the clique. We continue the study of regular cliques in edge-regular graphs initiated by A. Neumaier in the 1980s and attracting current interest. We thus define a Neumaier graph to be an non-complete edge-regular graph containing a regular clique, and a strictly Neumaier graph to be a non-strongly regular Neumaier graph. We first prove some general results on Neumaier graphs and their feasible parameter tuples. We then apply these results to determine the smallest strictly Neumaier graph, which has 1616 vertices. Next we find the parameter tuples for all strictly Neumaier graphs having at most 2424 vertices. Finally, we give two sequences of graphs, each with ithi^{\text{th}} element a strictly Neumaier graph containing a 2i2^{i}-regular clique (where ii is a positive integer) and having parameters of an affine polar graph as an edge-regular graph. This answers questions recently posed by G. Greaves and J. Koolen