137 research outputs found

    Summary report: A preliminary investigation into the use of fuzzy logic for the control of redundant manipulators

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    The Rice University Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences' Robotics Group designed and built an eight degree of freedom redundant manipulator. Fuzzy logic was proposed as a control scheme for tasks not directly controlled by a human operator. In preliminary work, fuzzy logic control was implemented for a camera tracking system and a six degree of freedom manipulator. Both preliminary systems use real time vision data as input to fuzzy controllers. Related projects include integration of tactile sensing and fuzzy control of a redundant snake-like arm that is under construction

    Integrating sensors and actuators for robotic assembly

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    This thesis addresses the problem of integrating sensors and actuators for closed-loop control of a robotic assembly cell. In addition to the problems of interfacing the physical components of the work-cell, the difficulties of representing sensory feedback at a high level within the robot control program are investigated. A new level of robot programming, called sensor-level programming, is introduced. In this, the movements of the actuators are not given explicitly, but rather are inferred by the programming system to achieve new sensor conditions given by the programmer.Control of each sensor and actuator is distributed through a master-slave hierarchy, with each sensor and actuator having its own slave controller. A protocol for information interchange between each controller and the master is defined. If possible, the control of the kinematics of a robot arm is achieved through the manufacturer's existing control system. Under these circumstances, the actuator slave would be acting as aninterface between the generic command codes issued from the central controller, and the syntax of the corresponding control instructions required by the commercial system.Sensor information is preprocessed in the sensor slaves and a set of high-level descriptors, called attributes, are sent to the central controller. Closed-loop control is achieved on the basis of these attributes.The processing of sensor information which is corrupted by noise is investigated. Sources of sensor noise are identified and new algorithms are developed to quantify the noise based on information obtained from the closed-loop servoing. Once the relative magnitudes of the system andmeasurement noise have been estimated, a Kalman filter is used to weight the sensor information and hence reduce the credibility given to noisy sensors; in the limit ignoring the information completely. The improvements in system performance by processing the sensor information in this way are demonstrated.The sensor-level representation and automatic error processing are embedded in a software control system, which can be used to interface commercial systems as well as purpose-built devices. An'industrial research project associated with the lay-up of carbon-fibre provides anexample of its operation.A list of publications resulting from the work in this thesis is given in Appendix E

    Multi-object recognition and retrieval using Puma560 robot

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    The objective of the research described here is to develop efficient algorithm and software tools for multiobject recognition and retrieval. This research project addresses two major issues: The first issue is the identification of features and efficient methods for feature extraction which can completely describe an object. These features can be acquired using visual and ultra-sonic sensors. The second issue is the development of efficient algorithms for the retrieval of multi-objects based on their features; The methods and algorithms developed in this research are verified on a Unimation PUMA 560 robot. Non contact sensors (a vision and a range sensor) are employed for feature detection. The information from both sensors will be combined for feature extraction and feature mapping (sensor fusion). The sensors and the robot have been integrated for this purpose with a Pentium 133 Mhz Personal Computer

    Design and implementation of haptic interactions

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    This thesis addresses current haptic display technology where the user interacts with a virtual environment by means of specialized interface devices. The user manipulates computer generated virtual objects and is able to feel the sense of touch through haptic feedback. The objective of this work is to design high performance haptic interactions by developing multi-purpose virtual tools and new control schemes to implement a PUMA 560 robotic manipulator as the haptic interface device. The interactions are modeled by coupling the motions of the virtual tool with those of the PUMA 560 robotic manipulator;The work presented in this dissertation uses both kinematic and dynamic based virtual manipulators as virtual simulators to address problems associated in both free and constrained motions. Both implementations are general enough to allow researchers with any six degree-of-freedom robot to apply the approaches and continue in this area of research. The results are expected to improve on the current haptic display technology by a new type of optimal position controller and better algorithms to handle both holonomic and nonholonomic constraints;Kane\u27s method is introduced to model dynamics of multibody systems. Multibody dynamics of a virtual simulator, a dumbbell, is developed and the advantages of the Kane\u27s method in handling the non-holonomic constraints are presented. The resulting model is used to develop an approach to dynamic simulation for use in interacting haptic display, including switching constraints. Experimental data is collected to show various contact configurations;A two-degree of freedom virtual manipulator is modeled to feel the surface of a taurus shape. An optimal position controller is designed to achieve kinematic coupling between the virtual manipulator and the haptic display device to impose motion constraints and the virtual interactions. Stability of the haptic interface is studied and proved using Lyapunov\u27s direct method. Experimental data in various positions of the robotic manipulator is obtained to justify theoretical results. A shift mechanism is then implemented on the taurus shape, thus the motions of the robotic manipulator is further constrained. The difficulties in handling the motion constraints are discussed and an alternative approach is presented

    Robust high-performance control for robotic manipulators

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    Model-based and performance-based control techniques are combined for an electrical robotic control system. Thus, two distinct and separate design philosophies have been merged into a single control system having a control law formulation including two distinct and separate components, each of which yields a respective signal component that is combined into a total command signal for the system. Those two separate system components include a feedforward controller and a feedback controller. The feedforward controller is model-based and contains any known part of the manipulator dynamics that can be used for on-line control to produce a nominal feedforward component of the system's control signal. The feedback controller is performance-based and consists of a simple adaptive PID controller which generates an adaptive control signal to complement the nominal feedforward signal

    A Distributed System for Robot Manipulator Control

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    This is the final report representing three years of work under the current grant. This work was directed to the development of a distributed computer architecture to function as a force and motion server to a robot system. In the course of this work we developed a compliant contact sensor to provide for transitions between position and force control; we have developed an end-effector capable of securing a stable grasp on an object and a theory of grasping; we have built a controller which minimizes control delays, and are currently achieving delays of the order of five milliseconds, with sample rates of 200 hertz; we have developed parallel kinematics algorithms for the controller; we have developed a consistent approach to the definition of motion both in joint coordinates and in Cartesian coordinates; we have developed a symbolic simplification software package to generate the dynamics equations of a manipulator such that the calculations may be split between background and foreground

    Aspects of parallel processing and control engineering

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    The concept of parallel processing is not a new one, but the application of it to control engineering tasks is a relatively recent development, made possible by contemporary hardware and software innovation. It has long been accepted that, if properly orchestrated several processors/CPUs when combined can form a powerful processing entity. What prevented this from being implemented in commercial systems was the adequacy of the microprocessor for most tasks and hence the expense of a multi-processor system was not justified. With the advent of high demand systems, such as highly fault tolerant flight controllers and fast robotic controllers, parallel processing became a viable option. Nonetheless, the software interfacing of control laws onto parallel systems has remained somewhat of an impasse. There are no software compilers at present which allow a programmer to specify a control law in pure mathematical terminology and then decompose it into a flow diagram of concurrent processes which may then be implemented on, say, a target Transputer system, liiere are several parallel programming languages with which a programmer can generate parallel processes but, generally, in order to realise a control algorithm in parallel the programmer must have intimate knowledge of the algorithm. Therefore, efficiency is based on the ability of the programmer to recognise inherent parellelism. Some attempts are being made to create intelligent partition and scheduling compilers but this usually means significantly extra overheads on the multiprocessor system. In the absence of an automated technique control algorithms must be decomposed by inspection. The research presented in this thesis is founded upon the application of both parallel and pipelining techniques to particular control strategies. Parallelism is tackled objectively and by creating a tailored terminology it is defined mathematically, and consequently related concepts, such as bounded parallelism and algorithm speedup, are also quantified in a numerical sense. A pipelined explicit Self Tuning Regulator (STR) controller is developed and tested on systems of different order. Under the governance of the parallelism terminology the effectiveness of the parallel STR is evaluated and numerically quantified in terms of relevant performance indices. A parallel simulator is presented for the Puma 560 robotic manipulator. By exploiting parallelism and pipelinability in the robot model a significant increase in execution speed is achieved over the sequential model. The use of Transputers is examined and graphical results obtained for several performance indices, including speedup, processor efficiency and bounded parallelism. By the same analytical technique a parallel computed torque feedforward controller incorporating proportional derivative feedback control for the Puma 560 manipulator is developed and appraised. The performance of a Transputer system in hosting the controller is graphically analysed and as in the case of the parallel simulator the more important performance indices are examined under both optimal conditions and conditions of varying hardware constraints