2,704 research outputs found

    Two-layer adaptive signal control framework for large-scale dynamically-congested networks: Combining efficient Max Pressure with Perimeter Control

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    Traffic-responsive signal control is a cost-effective and easy-to-implement network management strategy with high potential in improving performance in congested networks with dynamic characteristics. Max Pressure (MP) distributed controller gained significant popularity due to its theoretically proven ability of queue stabilization and throughput maximization under specific assumptions. However, its effectiveness under saturated conditions is questionable, while network-wide application is limited due to high instrumentation cost. Perimeter control (PC) based on the concept of the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) is a state-of-the-art aggregated strategy that regulates exchange flows between regions, in order to maintain maximum regional travel production and prevent over-saturation. Yet, homogeneity assumption is hardly realistic in congested states, thus compromising PC efficiency. In this paper, the effectiveness of network-wide, parallel application of PC and MP embedded in a two-layer control framework is assessed with mesoscopic simulation. Aiming at reducing implementation cost of MP without significant performance loss, we propose a method to identify critical nodes for partial MP deployment. A modified version of Store-and-forward paradigm incorporating finite queue and spill-back consideration is used to test different configurations of the proposed framework, for a real large-scale network, in moderately and highly congested scenarios. Results show that: (i) combined control of MP and PC outperforms separate MP and PC applications in both demand scenarios; (ii) MP control in reduced critical node sets leads to similar or even better performance compared to full-network implementation, thus allowing for significant cost reduction; iii) the proposed control schemes improve system performance even under demand fluctuations of up to 20% of mean.Comment: Submitted to Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologie

    Macroscopic fundamental diagram with volume-delay relationship: model derivation, empirical validation and invariance property

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    This paper presents a macroscopic fundamental diagram model with volume-delay relationship (MFD-VD) for road traffic networks, by exploring two new data sources: license plate cameras (LPCs) and road congestion indices (RCIs). We derive a first-order, nonlinear and implicit ordinary differential equation involving the network accumulation (the volume) and average congestion index (the delay), and use empirical data from a 266 km2^2 urban network to fit an accumulation-based MFD with R2>0.9R^2>0.9. The issue of incomplete traffic volume observed by the LPCs is addressed with a theoretical derivation of the observability-invariant property: The ratio of traffic volume to the critical value (corresponding to the peak of the MFD) is independent of the (unknown) proportion of those detected vehicles. Conditions for such a property to hold is discussed in theory and verified empirically. This offers a practical way to estimate the ratio-to-critical-value, which is an important indicator of network saturation and efficiency, by simply working with a finite set of LPCs. The significance of our work is the introduction of two new data sources widely available to study empirical MFDs, as well as the removal of the assumptions of full observability, known detection rates, and spatially uniform sensors, which are typically required in conventional approaches based on loop detector and floating car data.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure

    Joint route guidance and demand management for multi-region traffic networks

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    Traffic congestion occurs as demand surpasses the available capacity of a road network, resulting to lower speeds and longer journey times; with route guidance constituting the primary control strategy to alleviate the problem. However, the effectiveness of route guidance is limited in high-demand conditions. In this work, we proposed a Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework that combines multi-regional route guidance with a novel demand management method. Route guidance is used to minimize the network's density imbalance while demand management is utilized to reduce the conditions that cause congestion. This can be achieved by manipulating vehicle routes (i.e., using route guidance) and/or by instructing a portion of the vehicles to wait at their origin before commencing their journey (demand management). Simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed MPC optimization indicating the substantial improvements that can be achieved in traffic flow performance. Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development and through the Research Promotion Foundation (Project: CULTURE/BR-NE/0517/14) © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, in-cluding reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to serv-ers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Menelaou, C., Timotheou, S., Kolios, P. and Panayiotou, C.G., 2019, June. "Joint route guidance and demand management for multi-region traffic networks," 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), Naples, pp. 2183-2188, IEEE. doi:10.23919/ECC.2019.8795819 Document type: Conference objec

    Control algorithm for the urban traffic using a realtime simulation

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    Many types of research have been interesting by real-time control of urban networks. This paper, basing on a simplified urban traffic model, proposes a novel control approach based on model predictive control concept to reduce congestion and improve the safety of cars on the roads. The contributions of this paper are: First, we consider vehicle heterogeneity, represented by a mathematical model called “S Model” and integrate it with a realtime simulator to evaluate the performance of controllers on real traffic conditions. Second, in order to assess each controller's success under particular circumstances, the structured network-wide traffic controller based on model predictive control (MPC) theory is compared to a fixed time controller (FTC). Using two scenarios, different indicators are tested, i.e total time spent, vehicle number, queue length. The results show that the model predictive control quickly converges, with the different scenarios, and further improves social welfare

    Traffic modeling, estimation and control for large-scale congested urban networks

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    Part I of the thesis investigates novel urban traffic state estimation methods utilizing probe vehicle data. Chapter 2 proposes a method to integrate the collective effect of dispersed probe data with traffic kinematic wave theory and data mining techniques to model the spatial and temporal dynamics of queue formation and dissipation in arterials. The queue estimation method captures interdependencies in queue evolutions of successive intersections, and moreover, the method is applicable in oversaturated conditions and includes a queue spillover statistical inference procedure. Chapter 3 develops a travel time reliability model to estimate arterial route travel times distribution (TTD) considering spatial and temporal correlations between traffic states in consecutive links. The model uses link-level travel time data and a heuristic grid clustering method to estimate the state structure and transition probabilities of a Markov chain. By applying the Markov chain procedure, the correlation between states of successive links is integrated and the route-level TTD is estimated. The methods in Part I are tested with various probe vehicle penetration rates on case studies with field measurements and simulated data. The methods are straightforward in implementation and have demonstrated promising performance and accuracy through numerous experiments. Part II studies network-level modeling and control of large-scale urban networks. Chapter 4 is the pioneer that introduces the urban perimeter control for two-region urban cities as an elegant control strategy to decrease delays in urban networks. Perimeter controllers operate on the border between the two regions, and manipulate the percentages of transfer flows between the two regions, such that the number of trips reaching their destinations is maximized. The optimal perimeter control problem is solved by the model predictive control (MPC) scheme, where the prediction model and the plant (reality) are formulated by macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD). Chapter 5 extends the perimeter control strategy and MFD modeling to mixed urban-freeway networks to provide a holistic approach for large-scale integrated corridor management (ICM). The network consists of two urban regions, each one with a well-defined MFD, and a freeway, modeled by the asymmetric cell transmission model, that is an alternative commuting route which has one on-ramp and one off-ramp within each urban region. The optimal traffic control problem is solved by the MPC approach to minimize total delay in the entire network considering several control policies with different levels of urban-freeway control coordination. Chapter 6 integrates traffic heterogeneity dynamics in large-scale urban modeling and control to develop a hierarchical control strategy for heterogeneously congested cities. Two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based MFDs, are introduced to study the effect of link density heterogeneity on the scatter and hysteresis of MFD. A hierarchical perimeter flow control problem is proposed to minimize the network delay and to homogenize the distribution of congestion. The first level of the hierarchical control problem is solved by the MPC approach, where the prediction model is the aggregated parsimonious region-based MFD and the plant is the subregion-based MFD, which is a more detailed model. At the lower level, a feedback controller tries to maximize the network outflow, by increasing regional homogeneity

    Traffic modeling, forecasting and assignment in large-scale networks

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    Today, the development and evaluation of traffic management strategies heavily relies on microscopic traffic simulation models. In case detailed input (i.e. od matrix, signal timings, etc.) is extracted and incorporated in these simulators, they can provide valuable traffic state predictions. However, as this type of information is almost never available at the large-scale and traffic represents chaotic behavior in saturated networks, microscopic simulation models remain intractable and unstable. An alternative is a recently discovered network traffic model; macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD). Nevertheless, large-scale traffic management strategies remain a big challenge partly due to unpredictability of choices of travelers (e.g. route, departure time and mode choice). Part I of the thesis is an attempt to fill this gap. Chapter 2, 3 and 4 elaborate new aspects of large-scale traffic modeling, and integrate route choice behavior into the modeling. Chapter 2 proposes a dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model to establish equilibrium conditions in multi-region urban networks where the modeling is done through MFD dynamics. The method handles the stochastic components of the aggregated model through a sampling approach. In addition, the assignment model enables us to consider the response of drivers to changing traffic conditions in an aggregated modeling framework. Chapter 3 extends the DTA model presented in Chapter 2 to a route guidance system, where drivers are given a sequence of subregions to follow. Two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based models, are introduced to develop the guidance scheme and to test its effect, respectively. Notably, the challenge here is to translate certain variables across the traffic models without a loss of significance and assure certain degree of consistency. Chapter 4 extracts and reconstructs aggregated route choice patterns through an extensive GPS data set from taxis in a mega city. Observed GPS trajectories are first grouped together to provide a physical evidence for consistent route patterns. Second, in order to investigate the consistency of equilibrium assumptions considered in Chapter 2, observed trajectories are replaced with shortest path trajectories, and aggregated route choice patterns are reconstructed. Part II introduces novel travel time prediction and variability models. Travel time is a crucial performance measure in assessing the efficiency of transportation systems, and it provides a common index for both practitioners and travelers. Chapter 5 develops a travel time prediction model that jointly exploits traffic flow fundamentals and advanced data mining techniques. The prediction method detects the congestion patterns through the identification of active bottlenecks, and clusters the days with similar traffic patterns. This approach basically allows the model to train its predictions with relevant historical data sets. The method is applicable in oversaturated conditions and consistent with physics of traffic flow. Nevertheless, travelers not only consider travel time on average, but also value its variation. Day-to-day travel time variability, addressing the travel time variations of vehicles crossing the same route at the same period of time on different days, reveals interesting patterns. Departure time periods with similar mean travel times in the onset and offset of congestion exhibit quite different variance values. This phenomenon causes counter-clockwise hysteresis loops on the mean-variance curves. Chapter 6 investigates the empirical implications of hysteresis shape within the context of day-to-day travel time variability

    2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems (MFTS 2018): Booklet of abstracts: Ispra, 11-12 June 2018

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    The Symposium focuses on future traffic management systems, covering the subjects of traffic control, estimation, and modelling of motorway and urban networks, with particular emphasis on the presence of advanced vehicle communication and automation technologies. As connectivity and automation are being progressively introduced in our transport and mobility systems, there is indeed a growing need to understand the implications and opportunities for an enhanced traffic management as well as to identify innovative ways and tools to optimise traffic efficiency. In particular the debate on centralised versus decentralised traffic management in the presence of connected and automated vehicles has started attracting the attention of the research community. In this context, the Symposium provides a remarkable opportunity to share novel ideas and discuss future research directions.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Modelling mixed autonomy traffic networks with pricing and routing control

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are expected to change the way people travel in cities. Before human-driven vehicles (HVs) are completely phased out, the urban traffic flow will be heterogeneous of HVs, CAVs, and public transport vehicles commonly known as mixed autonomy. Mixed autonomy networks are likely to be made up of different route choice behaviours compared with conventional networks with HVs only. While HVs are expected to continue taking individually and selfishly selected shortest paths following user equilibrium (UE), a set of centrally controlled AVs could potentially follow the system optimal (SO) routing behaviour to reduce the selfish and inefficient behaviour of UE-seeking HVs. In this dissertation, a mixed equilibrium simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment (SBDTA) model is developed in which two classes of vehicles with different routing behaviours (UE-seeking HVs and SO-seeking AVs) are present in the network. The dissertation proposes a joint routing and incentive-based congestion pricing scheme in which SO-seeking CAVs are exempt from the toll while UE-seeking HVs have their usual shortest-path routing decisions are subject to a spatially differentiated congestion charge. This control strategy could potentially boost market penetration rate of CAVs while encouraging them to adopt SO routing behaviour and discouraging UE-seeking users from entering congested areas. The dissertation also proposes a distance-based time-dependent optimal ratio control scheme (TORCS) in which an optimal ratio of CAVs is identified and selected to seek SO routing. The objective of the control scheme is to achieve a reasonable compromise between the system efficiency (i.e., total travel time savings) and the control cost that is proportional to the total distance travelled by SO-seeking AVs. The proposed modelling frameworks are then extended to bi-modal networks considering three competing modes (bus, SO-seeking CAVs, and UE-seeking HVs). A nested logit-based mode choice model is applied to capture travellers’ preferences toward three available modes and elasticity in travel demand. A dynamic transit assignment model is also deployed and integrated into the mixed equilibrium SBDTA model to generate equilibrium traffic flow under different scenarios. The applicability and performance of the proposed models are demonstrated on a real large-scale network of Melbourne, Australia. The research outcomes are expected to improve the performance of mixed autonomy traffic networks with optimal pricing and routing control
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