230,564 research outputs found

    Sustainable Agriculture: Case Study in Barebbo Village, Bone Regency

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    Ecological sustainability refers to the maintenance of the environmental order on earth so that its sustainability can be maintained. Three aspects must be considered to maintain the integrity of the environmental order, namely; carrying capacity, assimilative capacity and sustainable use of recoverable resources. Environmental development management is essential for ecosystem sustainability. Macroeconomic sustainability guarantees sustainable economic progress and encourages economic efficiency through structural and national reforms. Food security is defined as a condition for the fulfillment of food for households which is reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, safe, equitable, and affordable

    Psychology and Sustainability, Homo Technicusand Slow Tech

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    Psychology and Sustainability, Homo Technicus and Slow TechIn previous issues of Visions for Sustainabilitywe have often published papers that consider the relationship between psychology and sustainability. On the one hand, researchers have examined various aspects of the incompatibility between how human societies and individuals behave in order to satisfy their needs and their desires and the natural processes that are essential for maintaining ecological balance and integrity, both for the people themselves and the environments they inhabit. Problems of sustainability are clearly related to human behaviours and therefore are a part of the psychological sphere. Studies have often focused on examining ways of promoting pro-environmental and reducing anti-environmental behaviours

    Evaluation of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria

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    Abstract. This article presents a holistic approach for assessing agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria based on its economic, social and ecological aspects on sectoral macro-level. It is based on official statistical and other information as well as on expert evaluation. Our study has found that the Bulgarian agriculture on macro-level has good sustainability. Some of the sustainability aspects have higher levels such as the economic aspect, while others like social and environmental aspects are inferior. Study results could help in focusing the political efforts, so that the agrarian sustainability, in its social and ecological aspect, could be increased. However, a further research is needed to evaluate the level of sustainability at micro-level, so that the major issues and problem areas are addressed accordingly.Keywords. Agrarian sustainability, Sustainability indicators, Ecological aspects, Bulgarian agriculture.JEL. Q10, Q56, R33

    Sustainable consumption: from escape strategies towards real alternatives

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    Better sustainability policy is supposed to lead to better sustainability performance. Nonetheless, recent research predicts further growth of the ecological footprint and stable ecological deficit in Europe and North America despite their impressive policy efforts (Lenzen et al. 2007) [1]. Similarly, individual strategies result in somewhat reduced load for committed consumers, but this reduction cannot offset the total impact of the socio-economic configuration: consumers in higher income countries tend to pollute more. Comitted consumers "offset" a part of their environmental load by carrying out green purchases. A radical change assumes a change in lifestyle (Shove, 2004) [2]. The conference paper is the first step of the study that aims at measuring the significance of attitude elements as compared to the significance of the socio-economic system on different elements of consumption and environmental aspects This paper focuses on measuring the ecological footprint impacts of consumption in different product groups as well as in different income groups of the society

    Sustainability and Food: a Text Analysis of the Scientific Literature

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    The paper analyses the evolution of the research debate related to sustainability and to the relation between food and sustainability. A number of text analysis techniques were combined for the investigation of scientific papers. The results stress how discourse analysis of sustainability in the pre-Rio period is mostly associated with agriculture and with a vision where the ecological and environmental aspects are dominant. In the post-Rio phase, the discussion about sustainability, though still strongly linked to environmental issues, enters a holistic dimension that includes social elements. The themes of energy and the sustainability of urban areas become central, and the scientific debate stresses the importance of indicators within an assessment approach linked to the relevance of planning and intervention aspects. The focus on the role of food within the debate on sustainability highlights a food security oriented approach in the pre-Rio phase, with a particular attention towards agriculture and third world Countries. In the post-Rio period, the focus of the analysis moves towards developed Countries. Even though food security remains a strongly significant element of the debate, the attention shifts towards consumers and food choices

    Sustainability analysis of Chinese transport policy

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    Whilst the world economy is developed, the life and development of human beings have been threatened by the imbalance among environmental and ecological aspects. Thus sustainability is becoming increasingly the focus of various social fields. For most developing countries, a strategy with good sustainability for social development is of long-term significance to keep the economy in expansion. This paper first reviews the conceptual framework and up-to-date development of sustainability. Second, it reviews the current transport situation of China and its future demands. Third, the paper analyses transport policy from the viewpoints of energy consumption and environment pollution caused by transportation. It finally summarises suggestions for transport policy that China should consider in the future

    Environmental, sustainability and ecological aspects of cork products for building

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    This paper summarizes the environmental and ecological aspects, sustainability aspects related to the production and utilization of cork products in the field of building. Cork based products still lack the desired level of information and diffusion within stakeholders in the design and selection of materials for construction, compared with other competing products. However, they potentially offer aspects of sustainability and energy efficiency are in the order of the day. Also considered are green building and sustainable materials which are concepts that are increasingly considered by engineers, architects and other technicians and even by consumers. This paper refers to cork materials for building and their relation with all these concepts

    What is sustainability economics?

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    While economists have been contributing to the discussion of various aspects of sustainability for decades, it is just recently that the term “sustainability economics” was used explicitly in the ecological, environmental, and resource economics community. Yet, the contributions that use the term “sustainability economics” do not refer to any explicit definition of the term, and are not obviously joined by common or unifying characteristics, such as subject focus, methodology, or institutional background. The question thus arises: What is “sustainability economics”? In this essay, we make an attempt at systematically defining and delineating what “sustainability economics” could be in terms of its normative foundation, aims, subject matter, ontology, epistemology, and genuine research agenda.economics, efficiency, epistemology, fairness, future, justice, human-nature-relationship, ontology, philosophy of science, sustainability, uncertainty

    A Matter of Opinion: How Ecological and Neoclassical Environmental Economists Think about Sustainability and Economics

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    The differing paradigms of ecological and neoclassical environmental economics have been described in various articles and books and are also embedded in different institutional settings. However, we cannot take for granted that the paradigm debates described in the literature are actually mirrored in exactly the same way in the perceptions and opinions of researchers looking at sustainability from an economic perspective. This paper presents empirical results from a German case study on how economists and others involved in economic sustainability research from different schools of thought think about the issues of sustainability and economics, how they group around these issues, how they feel about the current scientific divide, and what they expect to be future topics of sustainability research. Knowing that sustainability research is highly and still increasingly internationally intertwined, and assuming that the opinions of German economic sustainability researchers do not dramatically differ from those in other countries, we think that these results will be of interest to the international scientific community. We analyze the data using cluster analysis. Based on a literature survey, we generated forty sustainability-related statements and asked 196 economic sustainability researchers about their degree of agreement or disagreement with these statements. In evaluating our survey results, we discuss to what extent the clusters that we identified do - or do not - represent the two schools of thought of ecological and neoclassical environmental economics. We also propose some research concepts that can help to bridge the gaps amongst economic sustainability researchers as well as others more suitable for a scientific 'competition of ideas'. Key results of the study are: We identify two primary scientific clusters, one clearly confirming the existence of the ecological economics schools of thought, and the other largely capturing the neoclassical environmental view. Yet, there are some surprising exceptions: Both schools of thought share a conceptual definition of sustainability that is integrative in considering ecological, societal and economic dimensions ('three pillar concept') and is based on preserving the development potentials of society. We also find a shared critique of 'pure economic growth' strategies in our sample. These agreed opinions may provide bridging concepts between the schools of thought. Also both clusters agree with respect to a wide range of future fields of sustainability research. Yet, the research agenda of the ecological economics cluster contains a large number of additional topics, primarily related to social, distributional and evolutionary aspects of sustainable development as well as a strong microeconomic focus. Strong divides between the clusters that seem to be more suitable for a kind of scientific competition of ideas are primarily related to the question of how to achieve sustainability, including suitable environmental policy measures.

    The influence of renewable energy and economic freedom aspects on ecological sustainability in the G7 countries

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    With the exemption of Canada, the G-7 countries have largely flourished at the detriment of their ecological sustainability bearing in mind that these countries' have remained ecologically deficit for several decades. Given the potential effect of environmental degradation associated with the trend of ecological deficit of these countries, this study attempts to understand the contribution of renewable energy dimensions through the measure of renewable energy efficiency and renewable energy use alongside evaluating the role of the four main aspects of economic freedom. By using empirical tools, the findings revealed that renewable energy aspects contribute to environmental sustainability among the countries through a significant mitigation of their ecological footprint. Importantly, the aspects of economic freedom, that is, government size, legal system and property rights, freedom to trade internationally, and regulation hampers environmental sustainability by increasing the countries ecological footprint. The elasticity of impact of this dimension of economic freedom is in the range of 0.19–0.21 at 1% statistically significant level. However,population of these countries does not show a detrimental effect, rather the finding revealed that population improves environmental quality by a statistically significant degree. Given these revelations, there are deducible policy take home from this study.© 2022 The Authors. Sustainable Development published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed