9,028 research outputs found

    Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks: A Better Model of Biological Object Recognition.

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    Feedforward neural networks provide the dominant model of how the brain performs visual object recognition. However, these networks lack the lateral and feedback connections, and the resulting recurrent neuronal dynamics, of the ventral visual pathway in the human and non-human primate brain. Here we investigate recurrent convolutional neural networks with bottom-up (B), lateral (L), and top-down (T) connections. Combining these types of connections yields four architectures (B, BT, BL, and BLT), which we systematically test and compare. We hypothesized that recurrent dynamics might improve recognition performance in the challenging scenario of partial occlusion. We introduce two novel occluded object recognition tasks to test the efficacy of the models, digit clutter (where multiple target digits occlude one another) and digit debris (where target digits are occluded by digit fragments). We find that recurrent neural networks outperform feedforward control models (approximately matched in parametric complexity) at recognizing objects, both in the absence of occlusion and in all occlusion conditions. Recurrent networks were also found to be more robust to the inclusion of additive Gaussian noise. Recurrent neural networks are better in two respects: (1) they are more neurobiologically realistic than their feedforward counterparts; (2) they are better in terms of their ability to recognize objects, especially under challenging conditions. This work shows that computer vision can benefit from using recurrent convolutional architectures and suggests that the ubiquitous recurrent connections in biological brains are essential for task performance

    Transanal endoscopic operation (TEO) - local experience in a South African setting

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    Background: It is well recognised that the adenoma-carcinoma sequence is the mechanism by which most colorectal malignancies arise. Dysplastic adenomas are the precursor lesions which can progress to adenocarcinoma and premalignant sessile villous adenomas represent a particular challenge. Their early detection and removal can prevent rectal cancer. Local excision of low rectal tumors has become increasingly popular as technical advancement has rendered it easier and more effective. Local tumour excision avoids the complications of radical surgery. Transanal endoscopic operation (TEO) and Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS) are two equivalent techniques that have been widely adopted as the treatments of choice for large rectal adenomas and selected rectal cancers but has been under-employed in South Africa. The aim of this study was to evaluate TEO (the simpler and more affordable platform of the two) by describing the dimensions and anatomical parameters of specimens resected and using this to investigate whether any of these are predictive of recurrence, and to evaluate the incidence of complications of this less radical technique. Methods: In this single surgeon study, data was collected from pre-existing patient files (paper and electronic) during the first half of the time period and during the second half, was prospectively entered into a database. It includes all patients undergoing resection of benign and malignant rectal tumours by TEO at a private (Kingsbury Hospital) and public health institution (Groote Schuur Hospital) from January 2009 - May 2017. Electronic records, including operation notes, histology and radiology were reviewed. Results: Data was collected from January 2009 to May 2017. 110 patients in this study of which 87 (79.1%) were benign. There were 11 (12%) recurrences in this group. In the malignant group, there were 5 (21%) recurrences. The median tumour length was 4.5cm (IQR 2.5) and median tumour area was 16cm2 (IQR 20.11). For benign lesions, there was a significant difference in recurrence in patients presenting with incontinence (χ2 8.21, p-value<0.01, OR 16.7 (1.37-202.7)), lesions with involved surgical margins (χ2 6.29 p-value 0.01, OR 6.75 (95% CI 1.02 - 35.7)) and circumferential tumours (χ2 6.31 p-value 0.04, 6.5 (1.17-36.3)). The multinomial logistic regression model for benign lesions revealed that only incontinence and involved surgical margins were independent predictors of recurrence. Complications occurred in 21 (19.1%) patients with circumferential lesions, length of the tumour, and malignancy being predictive of complications. Conclusion: This study constitutes the only report of TEO or TEMS from a low- or middle-income country (LMIC). The results are in keeping with the published literature, demonstrating its safety and feasibility in a LMIC setting, which will reduce the need for expensive, highly morbid radical surgery for benign and malignant disease. The recommendation is for a wider introduction of TEO in South Africa and other LMIC countries with the provision of adequate training

    Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks: A Better Model of Biological Object Recognition

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    Feedforward neural networks provide the dominant model of how the brain performs visual object recognition. However, these networks lack the lateral and feedback connections, and the resulting recurrent neuronal dynamics, of the ventral visual pathway in the human and non-human primate brain. Here we investigate recurrent convolutional neural networks with bottom-up (B), lateral (L), and top-down (T) connections. Combining these types of connections yields four architectures (B, BT, BL, and BLT), which we systematically test and compare. We hypothesized that recurrent dynamics might improve recognition performance in the challenging scenario of partial occlusion. We introduce two novel occluded object recognition tasks to test the efficacy of the models, digit clutter (where multiple target digits occlude one another) and digit debris (where target digits are occluded by digit fragments). We find that recurrent neural networks outperform feedforward control models (approximately matched in parametric complexity) at recognizing objects, both in the absence of occlusion and in all occlusion conditions. Recurrent networks were also found to be more robust to the inclusion of additive Gaussian noise. Recurrent neural networks are better in two respects: (1) they are more neurobiologically realistic than their feedforward counterparts; (2) they are better in terms of their ability to recognize objects, especially under challenging conditions. This work shows that computer vision can benefit from using recurrent convolutional architectures and suggests that the ubiquitous recurrent connections in biological brains are essential for task performance

    A Gift of Nature and the Source of Violent Conflict: Land and Boundary Disputes in the North West Region of Cameroon The Case of BaliKumbat and Bafanji

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    Balikumbat and Bafanji are the names of two villages in the Northwest Region of Cameroon that have been warring against one another over Bangang, a tract of fertile land. The conflict hinges on perceived differences about who should have access to this fertile land. Both villages claim ownership. This conflict has persisted from colonial times to the present with no tangible resolution. Understanding the place of land within the political, social, and economic fabric of the lives of both villages prior to and after the arrival of the colonial administration is the centerpiece of this research endeavor. This study sheds light on why the conflict persists. The land tenure decree of 1973, which was later promulgated into Cameroon law in 1984, is the most recent attempt at resolving disputes over land. It did not resolve this conflict. A clash of cultures between the indigenous population and the European colonizers may have triggered a legacy of land conflict between these two communities. This study unravels and seeks to explain when the Balikumbat and Bafanji villages transitioned from being two loving neighbors, capable of sharing their use of and kinship to the land, to hostile enemies ready to fight and kill one another at the earliest opportunity. In this study, interviews, observations, journal intakes, field notes, as well as document reviews, are pivotal tools used in justifying the claims highlighted in the research

    Biologically-inspired Neural Networks for Shape and Color Representation

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    The goal of human-level performance in artificial vision systems is yet to be achieved. With this goal, a reasonable choice is to simulate this biological system with computational models that mimic its visual processing. A complication with this approach is that the human brain, and similarly its visual system, are not fully understood. On the bright side, with remarkable findings in the field of visual neuroscience, many questions about visual processing in the primate brain have been answered in the past few decades. Nonetheless, a lag in incorporating these new discoveries into biologically-inspired systems is evident. The present work introduces novel biologically-inspired models that employ new findings of shape and color processing into analytically-defined neural networks. In contrast to most current methods that attempt to learn all aspects of behavior from data, here we propose to bootstrap such learning by building upon existing knowledge rather than learning from scratch. Put simply, the processing networks are defined analytically using current neural understanding and learned where such knowledge is not available. This is thus a hybrid strategy that hopefully combines the best of both worlds. Experiments on the artificial neurons in the proposed networks demonstrate that these neurons mimic the studied behavior of biological cells, suggesting a path forward for incorporating analytically-defined artificial neural networks into computer vision systems
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