24 research outputs found

    The assessment of information technology maturity in emergency response organizations

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    [EN] In emergency response organizations, information technologies are not adequately explored. Sometimes, the mere adoption of new information technologies is not productive, as their efficient use depends on other interrelated technologies and the environment where they are installed. This work describes a model to help organizations understand their capability in respect to the adoption of these technologies. The model also helps the performing of the evaluation from different perspectives, making it suitable to collaborative evaluation. Using the proposed model, an organization can measure its maturity level in different aspects of the evaluation and guide the investment on its capabilities. Part of the model has been developed for emergency response organizations and the information technology dimension of the model has been applied to two fire department installations.Marcos R. S. Borges was partially supported by grants No. 560223/2010-2 and 480461/2009-0 from CNPq (Brazil). Work of José H. Canós is partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio. de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) under grant TIPEX (TIN2010–19859-C03-03). The cooperation between the Brazilian and the Spanish research groups was partially sponsored by the CAPES/MECD Cooperation Program, Project #169/ PHB2007-0064-PC.Santos, RS.; Borges, MRS.; Canos Cerda, JH.; Gomes, JO. (2011). The assessment of information technology maturity in emergency response organizations. Group Decision and Negotiation. 20(5):593-613. doi:10.1007/s10726-011-9232-zS593613205Bigley G, Roberts KH (2001) The incident command system: high reliability organizing for complex and volatile task environments. Acad Manag J 44(6): 1281–1299Chinowsky P, Molenaar K, Realph A (2007) Learning organizations in construction. J Manag Eng 23(1): 27–34Diniz VB, Borges MRS, Gomes JO, Canós JH (2008) Decision making support in emergency response. 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In: Proceedings of the international workshop on groupware, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Groupware: design, implementation and use. Lecture notes in computer science, vol 5411. Springer, Berlin, pp 135–150Schoenharl T, Szabo G, Madey G, Barabasi AL (2006) WIPER: a multi-agent system for emergency response. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international ISCRAM conference, Newark, New JerseyTuroff M (2002) Past and future emergency response information systems. Commun ACM 45(4): 29–33Turoff M, Chumer M, Hiltz R, Clasher R, Alles M, Vasarhelyi M, Kogan A (2004a) Assuring homeland security: continuous monitoring, control and assurance of emergency preparedness. J Inf Technol Theor Appl (JITTA) 6(3): 1–24Turoff M, Chumer M, Vande Walle B, Yao X (2004b) The design of a dynamic emergency response management information system (DERMIS). J Inf Technol Theor Appl (JITTA) 5(4): 1–35Van der Lee MDE, Van Vugt M (2004) IMI—An information system for effective multidisciplinary incident management. In: Proceedings of the 1st international ISCRAM conference, Brussels, BelgiumYuan Y, Deltor B (2005) Intelligent mobile crisis response systems. Commun ACM 28(2): 95–98Zimmerman R, Restrepo CE (2006) Information technology (IT) and critical infrastructure interdependencies for emergency response. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international ISCRAM conference, Newark, New Jerse

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    A model for a successful implementation of knowledge management in engineering organizations

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    Knowledge management (KM) is an emerging discipline that promises tocapitalize on organizations intellectual capital. KM refers to the process ofmanaging the life-cycle of knowledge relevant to areas that are mission criticalto the organization. This includes efforts to capture, store, and deployknowledge using a combination of information technology and businessprocesses. In recent years, KM has become a critical subject of discussion inthe business literature. Both business and academic communities believe thatby leveraging knowledge, an organization can sustain its long-term competitiveadvantage. Approaches to KM varied form emphasizing the capabilities ofinformation and communication technologies to the focus on social systemssuch as employee training and motivation. Engineering organizations led the way in KM initiatives realizing the potential ofsuccessful KM implementation in decreasing production time and cost,increasing quality, making better decisions as well as improve organizations'performance and provide a competitive advantage. Although some engineeringorganizations reported early KM success, other organizations have tried andfailed to implement KM. These failures have been linked to the lack of agenerally accepted framework and methodology to guide successfulimplementation of KM in organizations. This primary aim of this research is to produce a model for a successfulimplementation of KM in engineering organizations which integrates the various approaches and key factors to implementing KM. The study has produced amodel which provides a framework that identifies the different types ofknowledge available in engineering organizations, the KM life-cycle which isneeded to manage this knowledge, and the key factors that facilitate thisprocess. The model also provides management with guidance for implementingKM in their organizations.In order to achieve the aims and objectives of this research, a triangulation nonexperimentalapproach is adopted using qualitative in-depth case study withtriangulation of data collection methods that uses observation, structuredinterviews, unstructured interviews, historical data collection, and documentreview. This is followed by a quantitative approach with the use of aquestionnaire to further validate and generalize the proposed KM model. Inbuilding the KM model a thorough review of previous related literature fromdifferent disciplines was conducted. The literature reviewed included variousissues relating to KM, such as KM approaches, perspectives, frameworks, andmethodologies as well as strategic planning, human resources, instructionaldesign theories, organizational learning, information technology, etc

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    Texas EMS Magazine

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    Bimonthly magazine containing news and information that pertains to Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers. "The magazine's goals are to help organizations function professionally as EMS providers, to educate individuals so they can perform lifesaving prehospital skills under stressful conditions, and to help the public get into the EMS system when they need it" (p. 4)