9 research outputs found

    Scheduling and efficient energy utilization in cloud system

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    Cloud computing is an emerging topic on software and distributed computing based on Internet, which means users can access storages and applications from remote servers by web browsers or other fixed or mobile terminals. In a cloud framework different services such as servers, storage in the form of data as well as Big data, resources etc are given to a management's computers and different devices on interest through the Internet. Multiple clients want to run their jobs or cloudlets in the cloud at a particular instant of time. The tasks are executed depending on the number of processors available and the scheduling policy of the cloud. In a cloud simulation software such as CloudSim a two level scheduling in the form of Space-shared and Time-shared can be used in collaboration with First Come First Serve(FCFS). An efficient way of job scheduling in cloud is to assign weightage or priority to the various parameters coming along with the job also taking into consideration the priority value set by the client to the task. In this thesis an attempt has been made to develop an efficient priority algorithm for the jobs running in the cloud. Also an attempt has been made to reduce the energy consumption at a particular over utilized node as well as switching idle nodes to the sleep mode thereby optimizing resource usage and reducing energy consumption


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    The expected growth in air traffic stressed their relevance regarding the environmental impacts on the world stage. The aviation industry now has the challenge of reconciling the restrictive environmental requirements imposed by certificate authorities with the market desire for products with lower cost of acquisition and operation. The aim of this paper is to present the gains from technological development in propulsion to overcome this challenge. For this, bibliographic and documentary references related to the topic were used

    Joint relay selection and bandwidth allocation for cooperative relay network

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    Cooperative communication that exploits multiple relay links offers significant performance improvement in terms of coverage and capacity for mobile data subscribers in hierarchical cellular network. Since cooperative communication utilizes multiple relay links, complexity of the network is increased due to the needs for efficient resource allocation. Besides, usage of multiple relay links leads to Inter- Cell Interference (ICI). The main objective of this thesis is to develop efficient resource allocation scheme minimizes the effect of ICI in cooperative relay network. The work proposed a joint relay selection and bandwidth allocation in cooperative relay network that ensures high achievable data rate with high user satisfaction and low outage percentage. Two types of network models are considered: single cell network and multicell network. Joint Relay Selection and Bandwidth Allocation with Spatial Reuse (JReSBA_SR) and Optimized JReSBA_SR (O_JReSBA_SR) are developed for single cell network. JReSBA_SR considers link quality and user demand for resource allocation, and is equipped with spatial reuse to support higher network load. O_JReSBA_SR is an enhancement of JReSBA_SR with decision strategy based on Markov optimization. In multicell network, JReSBA with Interference Mitigation (JReSBA_IM) and Optimized JReSBA_IM (O_JReSBA_IM) are developed. JReSBA_IM deploys sectored-Fractional Frequency Reuse (sectored- FFR) partitioning concept in order to minimize the effect of ICI between adjacent cells. The performance is evaluated in terms of cell achievable rate, Outage Percentage (OP) and Satisfaction Index (SI). The result for single cell network shows that JReSBA_SR has notably improved the cell achievable rate by 35.0%, with reduced OP by 17.7% compared to non-joint scheme at the expense of slight increase in complexity at Relay Node (RN). O_JReSBA_SR has further improved the cell achievable rate by 13.9% while maintaining the outage performance with reduced complexity compared to JReSBA_SR due to the effect of optimization. The result for multicell network shows that JReSBA_IM enhances the cell achievable rate up to 65.1% and reduces OP by 35.0% as compared to benchmark scheme. Similarly, O_JReSBA_IM has significantly reduced the RN complexity of JReSBA_IM scheme, improved the cell achievable rate up to 9.3% and reduced OP by 1.3%. The proposed joint resource allocation has significantly enhanced the network performance through spatial frequency reuse, efficient, fair and optimized resource allocation. The proposed resource allocation is adaptable to variation of network load and can be used in any multihop cellular network such as Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) network

    Optimal energy-efficient predictive controllers in automotive air-conditioning/refrigeration systems

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.09.086 © 2016. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper presents several robust model predictive controllers that improve the temperature performance and minimize energy consumption in an automotive air-conditioning/refrigeration (A/C-R) system with a three-speed and continuously-varying compressor. First, a simplified control-oriented model of the A/C-R system is briefly introduced. Accordingly, a discrete Model Predictive Controller (MPC) is designed based on the proposed model for an A/C-R system with a three-speed compressor. A proper terminal weight is chosen to guarantee its robustness under both regular and frost conditions. A case study is conducted under various heating load conditions. Two hybrid controllers are made, which combine the advantages of both the on/off controller and discrete MPC such that they will be more efficient under any ambient heating condition. In addition, a continuous MPC is developed for systems with continuous variable components. Finally, the experimental and simulation results of the new controllers and the conventional on/off controller are provided and compared to show that the proposed controllers can save up to 23% more energy.Automotive Partnership Canada (APC) || Cool-it Grou

    Strategic plan for the travel mobile app: The NoQ

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    This Master thesis pretends to develop a detailed strategic plan for the innovative idea of the NoQ mobile travel application. The main purpose of this plan is to examine the feasibility and viability of the project. In order to achieve this, several fundamental steps have been taken. First, the key concepts for this thesis, such as tourism, visitor attractions and smart tourism, were identified and explained for their better understanding and unification. After that, a micro and macro analysis of the market in which the project will be implemented was conducted. To deepen the investigation, an internal evaluation of the company was carried out and the level of its competitiveness was examined. The knowledge and data obtained in the first part of the thesis were used in the following functional part. This section defines the future objectives of the strategic plan, as well as, the development strategy that includes the mission, vision, values and critical success factor of the NoQ. The final chapter contains the project implementation plan, including marketing activities shown by means of the Marketing Mix, along with the company organizational structure and schedule of operations for setting up the business. Furthermore, this section specifies the NoQ’s key resources, which have been broken down into human, physical, intellectual and financial resources. Finally, the implementation requirements for establishing a company and additional legal requirements have been defined.A presente dissertação de mestrado pretende desenvolver um plano estratégico detalhado para a aplicação móvel de viagens NoQ. O principal objetivo deste plano é estudar a viabilidade deste projeto. Para isso, várias etapas fundamentais foram tomadas. Primeiramente, os conceitos-chave para elaborar esta tese, como o turismo, as atrações turísticas e o turismo inteligente, foram identificados e explicados em detalhe para uma melhor compreensão. Seguidamente, foram realizadas uma micro e macro análise do mercado em que o projeto estará integrado. Para aprofundar a análise, foi realizada uma avaliação interna da empresa e foi também analisado o seu nível de competitividade. Os conhecimentos e dados obtidos na primeira parte da tese foram utilizados na parte subsequente da tese. Esta secção define os objetivos futuros do plano estratégico, bem como a estratégia de desenvolvimento que inclui a missão, visão, valores e fator crítico de sucesso do NoQ. O capítulo final contém o plano de implementação do projeto, incluindo as ações de marketing apresentadas por meio do Marketing Mix, juntamente com a estrutura organizacional da empresa e o cronograma de operações para a implantação do negócio. Além disso, esta seção especifica os recursos-chave do NoQ, que foram divididos em recursos humanos, físicos, intelectuais e financeiros. Por último, foram definidos os requisitos de implementação para o estabelecimento de uma empresa e os requisitos legais adicionais