1,413 research outputs found

    Vestibular schwannoma and ipsilateral endolymphatic hydrops: an unusual association

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    Vestibular schwannoma and endolymphatic hydrops are two conditions that may present with similar audio-vestibular symptoms. The association of the two in the same patient represents an unusual nding that may lead clinicians to errors and delays in diagnosis and clinical management of affected subjects. We discuss the case of a patient with an intrameatal vestibular schwannoma reporting symptoms suggestive for ipsilateral endolymphatic hydrops. The patient presented with uctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and acute rotatory vertigo episodes, and underwent a full audiological evaluation and imaging of the brain with contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Clinical audio-vestibular and radiological examination con rmed the presence of coexisting vestibular schwannoma and endolymphatic hydrops. Hydrops was treated pharmacologically; vestibular schwannoma was monitored over time with a wait and scan protocol through conventional MRI. The association of vestibular schwannoma and endolymphatic hydrops is rare, but represents a possible nding in clinical practice. It is therefore recommended investigating the presence of inner ear disorders in patients with vestibular schwannoma and, similarly, to exclude the presence of this condition in patients with symptoms typical of inner ear disorders

    Hyperacusis in children: a preliminary study on the effects of hypersensitivity to sound on speech and language

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    There is a growing awareness that children may experience hyperacusis, a condition that is often associated with behavioral and developmental disorders. This preliminary study was aimed to investigate the effects of hyperacusis alone on various components of speech and language in children without developmental disorders. This study was conducted on 109 children aged between 4 and 7 years attending kindergarten and primary school. Hyperacusis was assessed through behavioral observation of children and questionnaires for parents. Different components of speech and language were assessed through specific tests. Hyperacusis was diagnosed in fifteen children (13.8%); ten (66.7%) were attending primary school and five (33.3%) kindergarten. A significant difference between children with and without hyperacusis was found for tests evaluating the average number of words in a sentence and phonemic fluency; older children appeared to have more difficulties. Several differences in education profiles were found: parents of children with hyperacusis spent less time with their children compared to parents of children without hyperacusis. Our preliminary results suggest some difficulties in lexical access and the use of shorter sentences by children with hypersensitivity to sound; however, the small size of our sample and the largely unknown interactions between hyperacusis and developmental disorders suggest caution when interpreting these results. Further studies on larger samples are necessary to gain additional knowledge on the effects of hyperacusis on speech and language in children without developmental disorders

    Muito além do negacionismo: desinformação durante a pandemia de Covid-19

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    An analysis of an archive formed by editorials from two of the most important Brazilian newspapers during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic identified the predominance of a framing that attributed decisions of the Bolsonaro government to a denial of science. Based on historical and sociological sources, this paper discusses what this normative framing about science and health ignored, especially how the extreme-right adapted use of the paradigm of disinformation created by the tobacco industry to the new mediatic ecosystem. The paper concludes that the journalistic framing of science denialism emphasized criticisms that accused the state of incompetence, giving less visibility to the role of the federal Unified Healthcare System during the health emergency.Un análisis de un archivo formado por editoriales de dos de los periódicos brasileños más importantes durante los dos primeros años de la pandemia de Covid-19 identificó el predominio de un enfoque que atribuía decisiones del gobierno de Bolsonaro a la negación de la ciencia. A partir de fuentes históricas y sociológicas, este artículo analiza qué este enfoque normativo sobre ciencia y salud ha ignorado, en especial, cómo la extrema derecha adaptó el uso del paradigma de la desinformación creado por la industria tabacalera al nuevo ecosistema mediático. El artículo concluye que el enfoque periodístico del negacionismo científico enfatizó las críticas que acusaban al estado de incompetencia, haciendo menos visible el papel del Sistema Único de Salud federal durante la emergencia sanitaria.  A análise de um arquivo formado por editoriais de dois dos mais importantes jornais brasileiros durante os dois primeiros anos da pandemia de Covid-19 identificou a predominância de um enquadramento que atribuiu as decisões do governo Bolsonaro ao negacionismo científico. A partir de fontes históricas e sociológicas, este artigo discute o que ficou de fora desse enquadramento normativo sobre ciência e saúde, em especial como a extrema-direita adaptou para o novo ecossistema midiático o uso do paradigma da desinformação criado por indústrias cancerígenas. O artigo conclui que o enquadramento jornalístico do negacionismo priorizou críticas à incompetência do Estado, dando menor visibilidade ao papel do Sistema Único de Saúde na urgência sanitária

    Doença de Whipple e giardíase

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    The Importance of the Mormon Trail

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    O protesto social no Brasil: um enfrentamento tático e estratégico

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    GT 2, GT3, GT4 – Calidad de la democracia, comprensión crítica de los derechos humanos y descolonización del derecho y de la polítca em América Latina. “Anais do I Encuentro de Estudios Sociales desde América Latina y el Caribe: cenários linguístico-culturais contemporâneos” - 07, 08 e 09 de novembro de 2013 – UNILA - Coordenação geral: Félix Pablo FriggeriA onda de protesto social vivenciada no Brasil neste primeiro semestre de 2013 é a expressão desarticulada da retomada do questionamento político diante do esgotamento das táticas e estratégias adotadas pela esquerda institucional, desde o processo denominado de redemocratização da sociedade brasileira. As ruas e avenidas de centenas de centros urbanos no país presenciam a gestação de táticas ofensivas, combinadas com mecanismos de ação direta, crítica da representativade e profundamente desconfiada com as formas convencionais de decisão política. Neste contexto, a criminalização do protesto vem sendo um dos principais instrumentos da reação governamental. Black Blocs, Mídia Ninja, Unidade Vermelha, Frente Popular Independente, Frente de Lutas, Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário, são algumas das organizações que protagonizam o efervescente cenário das lutas sociais em nosso país. A comunicação proposta tem como objetivo apresentar uma leitura interpretativa das recentes manifestações no Brasil, tendo como referencial teórico o debate em torno da caracterização do conteúdo do estado brasileiro e as diferentes concepções táticas e estratégicas apresentadas pelas ruas.Universidad Federal de Integración Latino Americana (UNILA) ; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC