64,625 research outputs found

    Verification of Timed Automata Using Rewrite Rules and Strategies

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    ELAN is a powerful language and environment for specifying and prototyping deduction systems in a language based on rewrite rules controlled by strategies. Timed automata is a class of continuous real-time models of reactive systems for which efficient model-checking algorithms have been devised. In this paper, we show that these algorithms can very easily be prototyped in the ELAN system. This paper argues through this example that rewriting based systems relying on rules and strategies are a good framework to prototype, study and test rather efficiently symbolic model-checking algorithms, i.e. algorithms which involve combination of graph exploration rules, deduction rules, constraint solving techniques and decision procedures

    fektivitas Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Integrasi Nilai-nilai Keislaman dan Kasundaan dalam Pengajaran Mata Kuliah Penglingsosbudtek pada Program Studi PPKN FKIP Universitas Pasundan

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    Nilai-nilai keislaman dan kasundaan sangat tepat sekali dijadikan sebagai bagian dari isi pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan sosial yang disampaikan secara integratif melalui pengajaran Penglingsosbudtek. Metode dalam penelitian ini mengguganakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa: 1) Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (PIPS) dalam hal ini pendidikan nilai, moral dan agama merupakan suatu program pendidikan yang harus dikenal, diresapi, diinternalisasi dan diamalkan oleh seluruh guru dan siswa, agar menjadi manusia yang utuh dan berjiwa sosial. Sehingga manusia yang utuh adalah manusia kaffah, dalam arti satunya niat, ucap, fikir, perilaku dan tujuan yang direalisasikan dalam hidup bermasyarakat dan itu semua diperhadapkan kepada Allah SWT. 2)  Terjadi integrasi nilai-nilai keislaman ke dalam materi penglingsosbudtek. 3) Materi penglingsosbudtek tidak gersang dari nilai-nilai keislaman, materi penglingsosbudtek sesuai dengan central values. 4) Proses kegiatan belajar-mengajar integrasi nilai-nilai keislaman ke dalam materi penglingsosbudtek di samping memperhatikan perencanaan, juga memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut ini sehingga kegiatan belajar mengajar tersebut menjadi lebih efektif. 5) Hambatan pada mahasiswa yang kesulitan berinteraksi dengan dosen yang mengintegrasikan nilai keislaman ke dalam materi penglingsosbudtek karena adanya kesulitan memahami tafsir Al-Qur'an dan lain-lain, maka dosen memberikan kursus singkat tafsir Al-Qur'an untuk memudahkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap nilai keislaman yang terintegrasi.Islamic values ​​and sundanese very aptly used as part of a social science education content delivered in an integrative way through teaching Penglingsosbudtek. The method in this research is qualitative approach. This study revealed that: 1) Education Social Studies (PIPS) in this case the value of education, morals, and religion is an educational program that should be known, impregnated, internalized and practiced by all teachers and students, in order to be fully human and social spirit , So that the whole human being is in fact a true man, in the sense that the only intent, said, think, behavior and objectives are realized in civic life and confronted it all to God. 2) There was an integration of Islamic values ​​into penglingsosbudtek material. 3) Material penglingsosbudtek not barren of Islamic values, according to the central penglingsosbudtek material values. 4) The process of teaching and learning activities integration of Islamic values ​​into penglingsosbudtek material in addition to pay attention to planning, also pay attention to the following points so that teaching and learning activities become more effective. 5) Barriers to students who have difficulty interacting with professors who integrate Islamic values ​​into penglingsosbudtek material for their difficulty to understand the interpretation of the Qur'an and others, the lecturer giving a short course commentator of the Qur'an to facilitate students' understanding of the value Islamic integrate

    Does Heterogeneity in Program Intensity Matter? Supplementary Feeding Program Evaluation in Indonesia

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    This paper evaluates an almost universally distributed supplementary feeding program. The use of simple binary program may not reveal sufficient variation to identify program effect. So, taking advantage from detailed information on program implementation in the data set, this paper uses proportion of childs life exposed to the program to reveal variation in program intensity. This enables us to proceed further to deal with endogenous program placement: excluding the non-treated children and focusing estimation of program effect on treated children. The main findings follow. First, although the program was almost universally distributed, there was high variation in program intensity across communities. In addition, the distribution of program intensity appeared to be non-random as indicated by the importance of several observed community characteristics as well as regional unobserved heterogeneity. Second, program appeared to be effective in maintaining nutritional status of children including those with worst initial nutritional status. Its effectiveness however benefited only some segments of the group.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Analysis of Claims and Reimbursements made under Mediclaim Policy of the General Insurance Corporation of India

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    Mediclaim insurance run by government owned insurance company General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) is the only private voluntary health insurance scheme available in India currently. This scheme has been in operation since 1986 and from time to time a number of revisions have been carried out to address the needs of their clients. The documentation on claims and reimbursement of this scheme is scanty. This paper analyses 621 claims and reimbursements data pertaining to policy initiation years 1997-98 and 1998-99 of Ahmedabad branch of one of the subsidiary companies of the General Insurance Corporation of India. The analysis suggests that the number of policies and premiums collected have grown at significant rates, more than 30 per cent during 1998-99 and 50 per cent during the year 1999-00. The growth had implications for the management of scheme in terms of problems of adverse selection or provider induced demand and falling premiums per insured person. It was found that the number of claims increased by about 93 per cent during the year 1998-99 when polices sold grew at 32 per cent. The study estimates that about 1/3rd of claim amount increase is because of the problems of adverse selection or provider induced demand. The analysis of break-up of reimbursements suggests that about 40 per cent of reimbursements are made towards doctors fees. This is followed by diagnostic charges, which accounts for about 30 per cent. This makes the insurance claims highly vulnerable to provider-induced use of resources. The findings also suggest that the insurance company took on an average 121 days to settle the claim. It is pointed out given the demand side and supply side imperfections in the healthcare markets and absence of appropriate regulatory mechanisms in place, the Insurance and Development Regulatory Authoritys proposal to ensure payment settlement within 7 days is highly ambitious. The study also analyses reasons for the delay and cases where reimbursements have been less than claims submitted.

    Israel Education Through Encounters With Israelis

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    This guide probes the broad subject of contact between Diaspora Jews and Israelis both in Israel and in your Jewish community. It describes the instances in which encounters currently occur, present some of the issues which need to be addressed by those wishing to enhance the experience, and recommend specific ways for expanding and increasing the effectiveness of such a potentially rich form of Israel education


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    Human voice can be preserved and analysed through realised sound waves with the help of ELAN software. This ELAN software supports language or language analysis segment sound into tangibles and saves them in a file in the ELAN feature itself. The method used in this training is triangulation, with the umbrella being descriptive qualitative. Observation technique to find out what the participants’ desire. The interview technique used by the servant to determine the representation of the respondent's mind after attending this training. Finally, the documentation used to document the movement that has been carried out is by taking photos along with the activity. The results and discussion obtained from the observation are that respondents, especially students and language activists, are enthusiastic about learning more deeply about the operation of this ELAN device. Meanwhile, based on the results of interviews, it is known that the ELAN software is a new thing and can be integrated into matters relating to language documentation in the Balongsari area itself. Documentation of this training is photos during the training event. After this training, the devotee observed that the respondents were interested in learning language transcription technologies such as ELAN

    Electrostatic attraction of nanoobjects - a versatile strategy towards mesostructured transition metal compounds

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    This highlight summarizes current challenges of mesostructuring and focuses on the scope and the potential of the ELAN – (electrostatic attraction of nanoobjects) strategy in mesostructuring of transition metal compounds. It discusses the limitations of this concept and highlights prominent examples. ELAN exploits the Coulomb attraction between inorganic precursors and polymeric templates in order to prevent macrophase separation. Essential requirements for ELAN are tailor-made, mesoscopic polyelectrolytic templates and charged molecular oligo-ions or stable colloids carrying a surface charge. The ELAN-strategy is highly reliable and opens the way to crystalline, mesoporous transition metal compounds with predefined polymorphism. It also provides the possibility to adjust wall chemistry and reactivity as well as the flexibility to synthesise different mesostructures (spheres, non-woven arrays or hexagonally ordered phases)