13 research outputs found

    Requirements Traceability: Recovering and Visualizing Traceability Links Between Requirements and Source Code of Object-oriented Software Systems

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    Requirements traceability is an important activity to reach an effective requirements management method in the requirements engineering. Requirement-to-Code Traceability Links (RtC-TLs) shape the relations between requirement and source code artifacts. RtC-TLs can assist engineers to know which parts of software code implement a specific requirement. In addition, these links can assist engineers to keep a correct mental model of software, and decreasing the risk of code quality degradation when requirements change with time mainly in large sized and complex software. However, manually recovering and preserving of these TLs puts an additional burden on engineers and is error-prone, tedious, and costly task. This paper introduces YamenTrace, an automatic approach and implementation to recover and visualize RtC-TLs in Object-Oriented software based on Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). The originality of YamenTrace is that it exploits all code identifier names, comments, and relations in TLs recovery process. YamenTrace uses LSI to find textual similarity across software code and requirements. While FCA employs to cluster similar code and requirements together. Furthermore, YamenTrace gives a visualization of recovered TLs. To validate YamenTrace, it applied on three case studies. The findings of this evaluation prove the importance and performance of YamenTrace proposal as most of RtC-TLs were correctly recovered and visualized.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Naïve Transient Cast Insertion Isn’t (That) Bad

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    Transient gradual type systems often depend on type-based cast insertion to achieve good performance: casts are inserted whenever the static checker detects that a dynamically-typed value may flow into a statically-typed context. Transient gradually typed programs are then often executed using just-in-time compilation, and contemporary just-in-time compilers are very good at removing redundant computations. In this paper we present work-in-progress to measure the ability of just-in-time compilers to remove redundant type checks. We investigate worst-case performance and so take a na'ive approach, annotating every subexpression to insert every plausible dynamic cast. Our results indicate that the Moth VM still manages to eliminate much of the overhead, by relying on the state-of-the-art SOMns substrate and Graal just-in-time compiler. We hope these results will help language implementers evaluate the tradeoffs between dynamic optimisations (which can improve the performance of both statically and dynamically typed programs) and static optimisations (which improve only statically typed code)

    Design and Implementation of Role-based Architectural Event Modules

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    This diploma thesis attempts to improve the language-support for coping with the problem of negative emergence in dynamic Systems-of-Systems (SoS). Negative emergence is understood to be the emergence of unintended behaviour among constituent systems of a SoS in response to certain changes to the composition of constituent systems in the SoS. The architecture description language (ADL) "EventArch 2.0" approaches this problem by allowing the SoS-manager to define certain rules to manipulate the original behaviour of certain constituent systems at certain critical points of execution of the SoS to prevent unintended behaviour ("coordination rules"). This thesis approaches a solution to the following problem: to prevent the introduction of unintended behaviour through overly- or underly-restrictive coordination rules, more- or less-restrictive variants of a coordination rule would have to be applied to the SoS depending on the current composition of constituent systems in the SoS. This thesis has the goal to approach this problem by devising a mechanism to dynamically exchange a coordination rule depending on the current composition of constituent systems in the SoS. To achieve that goal, the ADL "EventArch 2.0" is extended to support the dynamic application of a coordination rule to a System-of-Systems. The dynamic application is achieved by connecting coordinators and constituent systems at runtime. As a special characteristic, each coordinator is dedicated to a specific constituent system and is responsible for achieving compliance of that system with respect to a specific coordination rule. It is shown that this architectural setup can be nicely modeled using concepts from the field of "role-based modeling". The solution does therefore employ concepts that are central to the "role-based modeling"-approach: "Role", "Base", and "Compartment". The applicability of the extended language to practical coordination-problems is shown by applying it to a constructed use case in the field of energy-efficient computing.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1 1.2 Overview 2 2 Background 4 2.1 System of Systems 4 2.2 EventArch 2.0 8 2.2.1 Concepts 8 2.2.2 Implementation 10 2.2.3 Diagrams 15 2.3 Role-based Modeling 19 2.4 Coupling Strategies 22 3 Related Work 25 3.1 Requirements 25 3.2 Features 28 3.3 OT/J 29 3.4 Other Role-based Languages 31 3.5 Areas of Improvement 35 3.5.1 OT/J 35 3.5.2 Other Role-based Languages 40 4 Concepts of EventArch 3.0 45 4.1 Base, Role, and Compartment 45 4.2 Dynamic Composite AEM and Role-Binder 46 4.3 Inner Roles and Atomic Block 48 4.4 Diagrams 49 5 Internal Design of EventArch 3.0 55 5.1 Implementation of the Concepts 55 5.1.1 Base, Role, and Compartment 56 5.1.2 Dynamic Composite AEM and Role-Binder 58 5.1.3 Inner Roles and Atomic Block 60 5.1.4 Other Concepts 62 5.2 Further Discussion and Design Alternatives 63 6 Evaluation of EventArch 3.0 66 6.1 Advantages 66 6.2 Disadvantages 74 6.3 Reflections on the Fulfillment of the Requirements 77 6.4 Use case 81 6.5 Application to the Example Use case 83 6.5.1 Presentation of the implementation 83 6.5.2 Advantages shown by the implementation 90 7 Conclusion 93 7.1 Future Work 95 8 Appendix 99 8.1 Additional Source-Code 99 8.1.1 OT/J source-code 99 8.1.2 “State”-coordination rule 105 8.2 Internal Design of EventArch 2.0 109 8.2.1 Abstract 109 8.2.2 Detailed 116 8.3 Grammar of EventArch 3.0 . 123 8.4 EventArch 3.0 Diagrams 126 Bibliography 134Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit ist mit der Verbesserung der Sprachunterstützung zur Vermeidung negativer Emergenz in dynamischen Systems-of-Systems (SoS) befasst. Negative Emergenz wird dabei als unerwünschtes Verhalten von an einem SoS beteiligten Systemen verstanden, welches auf Grund von Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung des SoS (d.h. auf Grund des Eintritts oder Austritts von konstituierenden Systemen) aufgetreten ist. Die Architekturbeschreibungssprache "EventArch 2.0" unterstützt den SoS-manager bei der Lösung dieses Problems durch die Möglichkeit das Verhalten der beteiligten Systeme in bestimmten Ausführungsmomenten durch die Definition von Koordinationsregeln zu manipulieren und auf diesem Wege das Auftreten negativer Emergenz zu vermeiden. Die Diplomarbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Lösung des folgenden Problems: Um die Einführung von unerwünschtem Verhalten durch übermäßig- oder unzureichend restriktive Koordinationsregeln zu verhindern, müssten unterschiedliche Varianten einer Koordinationsregel, die sich im Grade ihrer Restriktivität unterscheiden, auf das SoS angewendet werden. Diese Anwendung müßte in Abhängigkeit der aktuellen Zusammensetzung des SoS aus konstituierenden Systemen erfolgen. In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wird eine Möglichkeit entwickelt um eine Koordinationsregel zur Laufzeit in Abhängigkeit der aktuellen Zusammensetzung des SoS aus konstituierenden Systemen auszutauschen. Sie leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Lösung des vorgenannten Problems. In der Arbeit wird die Architekturbeschreibungssprache "EventArch 2.0" um die Möglichkeit des dynamischen Austausches von Koordinationsregeln erweitert. Dabei werden Koordinationsregeln angewendet durch die gezielte Verbindung von Koordinatoren und konstituierenden Systemen. Die Besonderheit des Ansatzes besteht darin, dass jedem konstituierenden System ein persönlicher Koordinator zugeordnet wird, d.h. ein Koordinator der ausschließlich für die Anpassung des Verhaltens des jeweiligen Systems an eine bestimmte Koordinationsregel verantwortlich ist. In der Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass dieser architektonische Ansatz durch zentrale Konzepte des Modellierungsansatzes "rollenbasierte Modellierung" modelliert werden kann. In der entwickelten Spracherweiterung werden daher die Konzepte "Rolle", "Basis" und "Compartment" verwendet. Die Anwendbarkeit der erweiterten Sprache, wird durch deren Anwendung auf einen konstruierten Anwendungsfall aus dem Bereich der Energie-effizienten Berechnung gezeigt.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1 1.2 Overview 2 2 Background 4 2.1 System of Systems 4 2.2 EventArch 2.0 8 2.2.1 Concepts 8 2.2.2 Implementation 10 2.2.3 Diagrams 15 2.3 Role-based Modeling 19 2.4 Coupling Strategies 22 3 Related Work 25 3.1 Requirements 25 3.2 Features 28 3.3 OT/J 29 3.4 Other Role-based Languages 31 3.5 Areas of Improvement 35 3.5.1 OT/J 35 3.5.2 Other Role-based Languages 40 4 Concepts of EventArch 3.0 45 4.1 Base, Role, and Compartment 45 4.2 Dynamic Composite AEM and Role-Binder 46 4.3 Inner Roles and Atomic Block 48 4.4 Diagrams 49 5 Internal Design of EventArch 3.0 55 5.1 Implementation of the Concepts 55 5.1.1 Base, Role, and Compartment 56 5.1.2 Dynamic Composite AEM and Role-Binder 58 5.1.3 Inner Roles and Atomic Block 60 5.1.4 Other Concepts 62 5.2 Further Discussion and Design Alternatives 63 6 Evaluation of EventArch 3.0 66 6.1 Advantages 66 6.2 Disadvantages 74 6.3 Reflections on the Fulfillment of the Requirements 77 6.4 Use case 81 6.5 Application to the Example Use case 83 6.5.1 Presentation of the implementation 83 6.5.2 Advantages shown by the implementation 90 7 Conclusion 93 7.1 Future Work 95 8 Appendix 99 8.1 Additional Source-Code 99 8.1.1 OT/J source-code 99 8.1.2 “State”-coordination rule 105 8.2 Internal Design of EventArch 2.0 109 8.2.1 Abstract 109 8.2.2 Detailed 116 8.3 Grammar of EventArch 3.0 . 123 8.4 EventArch 3.0 Diagrams 126 Bibliography 13

    A Type System With Containers

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    In this thesis, we will introduce the concept of containers as they apply to programming languages. Encapsulation is a common topic in programming languages with well understood benefits. Here, we will investigate its converse, namely containment. This includes a demonstration of how containers can be integrated into a programming language and what benefits they can bring. To support containment, a dependent type system is developed to enforce container rules. We add the notion of a container label to our types to indicate the container of the referred object. Around this type system we develop a language enhanced with container syntax. We use this language to show how containers can enable pass-by-value semantics, copying of complex objects and object serialization. An interpreter is implemented for this language to demonstrate its capabilities. Included is a container inferencing algorithm intended to minimize the extra syntax needed for container specification. A second formal system is also defined. This includes type rules, operational semantics and a proof of soundness. We show that correctly-typed programs will obey all container restrictions at run-time. We fully type the configuration used by the semantics; this includes concrete containers as run-time constructs which allow us to verify correct containment. Mappings are maintained from the container labels of the language to physical run-time containers. We show that as container labels are translated across scopes (e.g. a function call), the physical containers remain consistent. We conclude with a discussion on ways this system can be enhanced in the future to make containers easier to use, as well as describe additional capabilities such as version control of objects

    Static Computation and Reflection

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    Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2008Most programming languages do not allow programs to inspect their static type information or perform computations on it. C++, however, lets programmers write template metaprograms, which enable programs to encode static information, perform compile-time computations, and make static decisions about run-time behavior. Many C++ libraries and applications use template metaprogramming to build specialized abstraction mechanisms, implement domain-specific safety checks, and improve run-time performance. Template metaprogramming is an emergent capability of the C++ type system, and the C++ language specification is informal and imprecise. As a result, template metaprogramming often involves heroic programming feats and often leads to code that is difficult to read and maintain. Furthermore, many template-based code generation and optimization techniques rely on particular compiler implementations, rather than language semantics, for performance gains. Motivated by the capabilities and techniques of C++ template metaprogramming, this thesis documents some common programming patterns, including static computation, type analysis, generative programming, and the encoding of domain-specific static checks. It also documents notable shortcomings to current practice, including limited support for reflection, semantic ambiguity, and other issues that arise from the pioneering nature of template metaprogramming. Finally, this thesis presents the design of a foundational programming language, motivated by the analysis of template metaprogramming, that allows programs to statically inspect type information, perform computations, and generate code. The language is specified as a core calculus and its capabilities are presented in an idealized setting

    Model refactoring using transformations

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    Modern software is reaching levels of complexity encountered in biological systems; sometimes comprising systems of systems each of which may include tens of millions of lines of code. Model Driven Engineering (MDE) advocates raising the level of abstraction as an instrument to deal with software complexity. It promotes usage of software models as primary artifacts in a software development process. Traditionally, these MDE models are specified by Unified Modeling Language (UML) or by a modeling language created for a specific domain. However, in the vast area of software engineering there are other techniques used to improve quality of software under development. One of such techniques is refactoring which represents introducing structured changes in software in order to improve its readability, extensibility, and maintainability, while preserving behavior of the software. The main application area for refactorings is still programming code, despite the fact that modeling languages and techniques has significantly gained in popularity, in recent years. The main topic of this thesis is making an alliance between the two virtually orthogonal techniques: software modeling and refactoring. In this thesis we have investigated how to raise the level of abstraction of programming code refactorings to the modeling level. This resulted in a catalog of model refactorings each specified as a model transformation rule. In addition, we have investigated synchronization problems between different models used to describe one software system, i.e. when one model is refactored what is the impact on all dependent models and how this impact can be formalized. We have concentrated on UML class diagrams as domain of refactorings. As models dependent on class diagrams, we have selected Object Constraint Language (OCL) annotations, and object diagrams. This thesis formalizes the most important refactoring rules for UML class diagrams and classifies them with respect to their impact on object diagrams and annotated OCL constraints. For refactoring rules that have an impact on dependent artifacts we formalize the necessary changes of these artifacts. Moreover, in this thesis, we present a simple criterion and a proof technique for the semantic preservation of refactoring rules that are defined for UML class and object diagrams, and OCL constraints. In order to be able to prove semantic preservation, we propose a model transformation approach to specify the semantics of constraint languages