17 research outputs found

    Digital reading : practices and challenges

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    Today it is widely recognized that there is a profound change, caused by the digital revolution, in the way we read, in the means of access and in the reproduction of network information. The multiplication of screens and mobile learning allows the construction of innovative teaching models and represents an opportunity and a challenge for the promotion of reading and the development of reading competence of the students. The existence of this new types of access to reading requires the development of new strategies so that the students can experience the new dimensions of digital reading. We consider that one of the important things in school is the training of readers. That is why teachers and educators must respond to the challenge of this new reality by integrating e-readers in the classroom but also in informal learning environments, such as family, clubs and individual contexts in order to build networks of readers. However, the school still has (in our view) an irreplaceable role. In this article: i) we present the theoretical framing of the problem of reading in digital form; ii) we describe reading practices with digital form in kindergarten and secondary education; iii) we conclude about the role of mobile technologies in the development of reading

    Children's Books in the Digital World: The Bigger Picture for Our Graduates

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    This paper highlights a unique pilot program to test the utility of providing award-winning children’s literature in e-book format at an academic library. A high demand for quality PreK–12 literature exists at many institutions offering teacher education programs. Books whose authors or illustrators win one of the two oldest American children’s book awards are often assigned as class readings and many are placed on reserve each semester. In a time of tight budgets, it became an issue of how best to supply the demand for certain titles. E-books were considered as a viable, low-cost solution to provide the greatest access to these high demand materials. The Access Services Librarian analyzed circulation statistics of the award-winning titles, evaluated e-book vendors, and purchased e-book copies. In collaboration with the Education Librarian, e-books were tested in the School of Education, and the participants surveyed to determine their overall experience with e-books and their reactions to children’s picture books, in e-book form. The findings describe the effectiveness, convenience, and practicality of accessing and reading juvenile books in this format, as well as patron preferences for print versus electronic and the benefits of the technology experience for university students. What had initially started as a practical plan to stretch budget dollars while improving access, yielded greater lessons and unexpected insights into teaching and learning with technology

    Experiencia del proyecto para la implementación de préstamo de libros electrónicos y lectores de libros electrónicos en la División de Bibliotecas de la Universidad del Valle

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    This proceeding shows the achievements in the “proyecto para la implementación de préstamo de libros electrónicos y lectores de libros electrónicos en la División de Bibliotecas de la Universidad del Valle” (e-books and e-readers lending service at "División de Bibliotecas de la Universidad del Valle" project) starting from the approach of the particular academic community "Universidad del Valle"'s requirements; resources and devices marketing for e-books and e-readers analysis; similar experiences in the world referencing, and finally the accomplishments highlighting the importance of include e-readers to colombian public university libraries

    And They Were There -- Reports of Meetings -- 30th Annual Charleston Conference

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    Issues related to the adoption of e-books in academic libraries: a literature review

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    While e-journals have successfully be integrated into library collections, the same cannot be said about e-books. In this paper, the obstacles to e-book adoption in academic libraries is discussed using a review of the English-language literature published over the period 2007 to 2013. Issues identified are the changing roles of libraries in the digital age; collection development strategies; complex e-book purchase models offered to libraries; questions of copyright, licensing and digital rights management; format considerations; and availability of hardware and software on which to read e-books. Libraries continue to face these challenges today

    E-knjige u znanstvenim i narodnim knjižnicama u Švedskoj

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    Introducing e-books into Swedish libraries has been influenced by the idea of equal access to all media for all Swedish citizens as well as by librarians’ wish to provide the best possible service to their users. Libraries perceived this new resource and service as a way of fulfilling their specific function in a democratic society, which is usually described as mediation (or transfer) of knowledge and culture to all. This is a common basis for the incorporation of new media and information resources (including e-books) into Swedish academic and public libraries. Apart from this common platform, we see other similarities in working with e-books in both types of libraries, but also a number of differences. Most of them relate to the position of libraries within their respective context and in relation to their specific role. Academic libraries are quite influential players in the global scholarly communication and supporters of both research and study processes. As such they are embedded in a mainly international market of scientific information and scholarly materials. They have significant resources provided by their parent universities for the acquisition of scholarly material and a wide choice of commercially available material from different providers. They are also incorporated into a national library consortium with great negotiation power. Thus, they have more freedom to experiment with a variety of business and pricing models offered on the international market. They also have a high competence in publishing and are often publishers themselves. Their involvement in research processes and in open access initiatives puts them in a position to provide expertise to researchers in the areas of publishing and intellectual property protection. Public libraries are part of the local cultural and educational landscape. As such, they depend on the production of media and content in national languages which helps cater to the needs and demands of the local population. They are also customers on the limited market of publishing, entertainment and education-related materials which help fulfil their function as educators. As public libraries offer open and free access to their resources to the entire population of a certain area, eventually covering the whole country, they are regarded as a disruptive element in the market economy. This perceived threat from public libraries was reborn with the emergence of e-books. Despite their differences, both academic and public libraries face similar challenges and problems relating to the management of their collections, creating metadata, and providing access to their content. So far, there haven’t been any mutually satisfactory solutions.Ulazak e-knjiga u švedske knjižnice ponajprije je potaknut idejom omogućavanja jednakog pristupa svim medijima za sve švedske građane, kao i željom knjižničara da osiguraju najbolje usluge svojim korisnicima u okviru vlastitog područja odgovornosti. Novi resursi i nove usluge promatrani su u svjetlu ispunjavanja specifične uloge knjižnica u demokratskom društvu, a u Švedskoj se pod tom ulogom podrazumijeva posredovanje (ili prijenos) znanja i kulture svim građanima. Na takvim su osnovama novi mediji i informacijski izvori (uključujući e-knjige) uključeni u švedske znanstvene i narodne knjižnice. Uz zajedničke osnove, postoji i niz drugih sličnosti u odnosu prema e-knjigama u dva navedena oblika knjižnica, ali i niz razlika, od kojih većina proizlazi iz specifičnosti same knjižnične kolekcije i njezine specifične uloge. Znanstvene su knjižnice iznimno važne u globalnoj znanstvenoj komunikaciji kao podupiratelji istraživanja te su kao takve uključene u međunarodnu razmjenu znanstvenih informacija i akademskih tekstova. Raspolažu sa znatnim resursima za nabavu građe koje im osiguravaju sveučilišta uz koja djeluju, te su im na raspolaganju brojni i različiti sadržaji nakladnika i drugih posrednika. Organizirane su u konzorciji nacionalnih knjižnica što im ojačava pregovaračke pozicije, te stoga imaju više slobode za eksperimentiranje s različitim poslovnim modelima koji se nude na međunarodnom tržištu, često se i same bave nakladništvom, a njihova uloga u istraživačkim procesima, pokretu otvorenog pristupa i sl. stavlja ih u poziciju da samim znanstvenicima često pomažu pri objavljivanju radova ili ih savjetuju u području intelektualnog vlasništva. S druge strane, narodne su knjižnice dio lokalnog kulturnog i obrazovnog miljea. Kao takve, ovisne su o medijima i sadržajima na nacionalnom jeziku kojima se zadovoljavaju zahtjevi i potrebe lokalnog stanovništva. Koriste se manjim nakladničkim područjem, usmjerenim na objavljivanje zabavnih i obrazovnih materijala. Budući da narodne knjižnice nude slobodan i besplatan pristup svojim uslugama i sadržajima svim stanovnicima nekog područja, a da mreža narodnih knjižnica eventualno može pokriti teritorij cijele države, smatra ih se igračima koji remete tržišnu ekonomiju, a takva se prijetnja aktualizira s jačanjem tržišta e-knjiga. Bez obzira na navedene razlike, i znanstvene i narodne knjižnice suočavaju se sa sličnim izazovima i problemima u upravljanu i organizaciji kolekcije, izradi metapodataka i osiguravanju pristupa resursima. Za sada još nije pronađeno rješenje koje bi u cijelosti zadovoljilo sve uključene strane

    McGill Library Makes E-books Portable: E-reader Loan Service in a Canadian Academic Library

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    E-readers are increasingly popular personal devices, but can they be effectively used for the needs of academic libraries’ clients? This paper employs an evidence-based approach that examines the role and efficacy of implementing an E-reader Loan Service at McGill University Library. Suggestions are offered as to what lending model and device features best meet client needs. Observations are made based on the lessons learned from active use. The paper also examines relevant issues, such as electronic formats, Digital Rights Management, and the role of e-readers as library technology that facilitates the ideals of mobile learning

    The current situation of e-books in academic and public libraries in Sweden

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    Not All on the Same Page: E-Book Adoption and Technology Exploration by Seniors

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    This paper aims to understand the adoption of e-books and e-readers by persons aged sixty and above. This includes an investigation into where seniors are in the stages of e-book adoption. Method: Data were collected through semi-structured interviews in a mid-size city in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Analysis: Interviews were transcribed, and coded using grounded theory. Rogers\u27s model of the innovation-decision process was used to inform the data analysis process. Results: The results show three key factors affecting adoption: longing for materiality, technology confidence, and technology exploration. While seniors are interested in e-books and e-readers, see many benefits to their use, and are curious about how they function, the majority perceive this technology as being primarily appropriate for younger generations. Conclusion: The findings have implications for our understanding of the diffusion of innovations amongst the senior population and the development of services geared toward them. E-books and e-readers are technologies that could prove beneficial, aiding with issues related to both portability and convenience. However, e-books do not allow for the sharing of books that this population is accustomed to, and many of them are still on the fence about fully adopting this tool into their reading practices

    Acquisition of e-books in libraries : with the special emphasis on Digital Rights Management (DRM)

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    Hrvatske knjižnice još nisu započele nabavljati elektroničke knjige, međutim, interes postoji. Ovaj rad daje pregled iskustava knjižnica u svijetu (narodnih i visokoškolskih) u nabavi elektroničkih knjiga. Posebna se pozornost posvećuje modelima posudbe ove vrste građe i ograničenjima koja se pojavljuju uz njihovo korištenje. Uz modele posudbe/korištenja elektroničkih knjiga, usko su povezana i pitanja vlasničkih prava (Digital Rights Management ili DRM) koja mogu predstavljati značajna ograničenja vezano uz posudbu ove vrste građe. Knjižnice prije nabave elektroničkih knjiga moraju biti dobro upoznate s razinom ograničenja korištenja te vrste elektroničke građe koja određuju pojedini nakladnici ili distributeri.Croatian libraries have not yet started acquiring e-books, although the interest for this new medium does exist. This paper gives an overview of the experiences with the acquisition of e-books in the libraries around the world (public and academic). Special attention is given to the models of circulation of this new medium, as well as the limitations that occur in the process. Namely, the models of orrowing/usage of e-books are strongly connected with significant limitations imposed by the publishing sector through Digital Rights Management (DRM) which affect the use and circulation of e-books. Therefore, libraries must be well acquainted with these regulations before acquiring e-books