84 research outputs found

    Determinant Factors in Applying Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Healthcare

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    Abstract Objectives: Meaningful use of picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) can change the workflow for accessing digital images, lead to faster turnaround time, reduce tests and examinations, and increase patient throughput. This study was carried out to identify determinant factors that affect the adoption of PACS by physicians. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 190 physicians working in a teaching hospital affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected. Physicians’ perceptions concerning the adoption of PACS were assessed by the conceptual path model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Collected data were analyzed with regression analysis. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the final model that was developed. Results: The results show that the UTAUT model can explain about 61 percent of the variance on in the adoption of PACS (R2 = 0.61). The findings also showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, and behavior intention have a direct and significant effect on the adoption of PACS. However, facility condition showed to have no significant effect on physicians’ behavior intentions. Conclusions: Implementation of new technology such as PACS in the healthcare sector is unavoidable. Our study clearly identified significant and nonsignificant factors that may affect the adoption of PACS. Also, this study acknowledged that physicians’ perception is a key factor to manage the implementation of PACS optimally, and this fact should be considered by healthcare managers and policy makers. Keywords: picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), physician, structural equation modelin


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    The main focus of this paper is to contrast and combine results from different studies using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT) and its extensions, in the hope of identifying patterns among studied results, sources of discrepancy among those results, or other existing relationships that may come to light in the context of these study. Studies from which this paper was prepared were basically derived from Emerald, Science Direct, EBSCOhost databases. Out of 20 studies gleaned 4 were on telecommunication, 5 on banking, 12 were on Education and 5 were on Health. Results from these studies are varying. This paper tabulate thematically and chronologically literature where the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology have been applied. The review identified the Topic, Author, Sample Size, Location where the study was carried and theoretical model used. It also includes the Statistical techniques applied, the objectives of the study and the result

    Religious Education and Empowerment: Study on Pesantren in Muslim Minority West Papua

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    : Islamic education in Indonesia is one pilar in national education whis has a long history. In the course of time with development dynamics, pesantren (Islamic boarding school) proves as a nation-wide important element. Therefore, this paper will explore dicsuccion on activity and madrasah movement in Muslim minority in term capacity building through enterprenurship learning. This study was employed qualitative approach with miscellaneous case study. Observation and in-depth interview were conducted on collecting data. This research shows that daily-need based training and learning encourages students to enhance their skills during day after day activities. Pesantren Roudhatul Khuffadz enlarges learning cycle according to students\u27 environment. Finally, it can be concluded that Islamic education can develop students\u27 skill acquicition, although it is practiced with community limitation in Muslim minority area

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Commerce (A Study on SMEs in Malang)

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    This study aims at analyzing and explaining factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce by integrating the variables of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Task Technology Fit (TTF). The subjects of the study are owners of SMEs being members of the Chamber of Trade and Industry Malang. The population of the study is 103 owners of SMEs while the sample consists of 97 owners of SMEs. The inferential analysis technique used in this study is Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The results of the study show that out of 8 hypotheses, 5 of which are significant and 3 of which are non-significant. The hypotheses resulting in significant effect are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and fit toward behavioral intention, as well astask characteristic toward fit and behavioral intention toward adoption. The hypotheses with non-significant effect are social influence and facilitating condition toward behavioral intention as well as technology characteristic toward fit. Keywords: SMEs, Mobile Commerce, UTAUT 1, and TT


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    According to the state program “Informational Society 2030”, it is planned to develop education on the basis of new progressive concepts of introducing the latest information technologies and scientific and methodological achievements into the educational process. In order to achieve goals, it is necessary to implement mobilization and effective use of staff and property and technical resources of the university. It is possible if there is purposeful modeling of the information and educational portal of the university. The choice and design of teaching technology are primarily determined by the type of students’ competencies and the characteristics of the planned learning outcomes for each level of competence (knowledge, skills, and experience). Constant improvement of EP content and educational technologies as a key factor of education services quality is a vital demand. The article considers the issues of the concept of ontology, IDEF-technologies and, based on the ontological model proposed in the article, the architecture of the database of the information and educational portal of the university is developed and classes and properties for the implementation of this model are defined, and a functional model of the university in IDEF0 is developed, which covers all types of university activities, integrates all information flows and forms a single information space

    Factors influencing the adoption of E-learning in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

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    Background: Electronic Learning (E-learning), is the use of electronic technology in education via computer and the internet. Despite its slow adoption by faculty members, e-learning provides several benefits to individuals and organizations. This study was conducted to determine the factors influencing the adoption of e-learning by faculty members in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This was a cross- sectional study, in which a sample of 190 faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences was randomly selected, using stratified sampling. A Conceptual Path Model of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was applied to assess the faculty members’ attitude towards e-learning. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS16, using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The model was tested by structural equation modeling (SEM) and was finally represented by Analysis of Moment Structures. Results: The results evidenced that UTAUT model explains about 56% of the variance for adoption of elearning. The findings also revealed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences and behavior indentation had direct and significant effects on faculty members’ behavior towards the use of e-learning. However, facilitated condition had no significant effects on the use of e-learning. Conclusion: The authorized model provides considerable insight for perception and anticipation of faculty members’ behaviors in adopting e-learning. The survey clearly identified significant and non-significant factors that may affect the adoption of e-learning. The results of this study could help the policy makers when successful adoption of e-learning is in their agenda

    Lecturers of Fine-Arts’ Digital Technology Utilization in Tertiary Institutions of North-Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria

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    Investigation on utilization of Digital Technology by lecturers of Fine-Arts in North-Central tertiary institutions in Nigeria was studied. Descriptive survey research type was used with researchers’ designed questionnaire; the population were Fine-Arts lecturers in Colleges of Education and Universities in North-Central, Nigeria. Purposive as well as simple random sampling techniques were used to select 100 lecturers of 50 male and 50 female. Three research questions were raised and two hypotheses formulated for the study. Simple percentage and means were used to answer the research questions, while hypotheses were tested with t-test and ANOVA at level 0.05 of significance. The findings revealed that the lecturers utilized some digital tools for their instructional delivery. Therefore, it is recommended that tertiary institutions in general and North-Central Nigeria in particular, should procure digital technology devices for lecturers’ utilization in instruction and that they should make use of them accordingly. Keywords: digital, technology, digital technologies, utilization, fine-arts, gende

    Exploring User Expectancy With Regard to the Use of Institutional Repositories Among University Academics in Indonesia: A Case Study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

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    Academic works produced by university members are valuable resources that should be managed properly. The development of Institutional repositories (IRs) was purposed to preserve and disseminated these resources so that benefit to the university in enhancing university scholarship and performances.. However, the existing of repository system is less used. It is alleged that lecturers are not aware and reluctant due to the lack of their motivation. User expectancy is regarded as motivational factor that lead invidual to use insitutitional repositories. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between user expectancy and the use of institutional repositories in higher education institutions in Indonesia. A study is conducted with 50 university lecturers at Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) is used for data analysis. SmartPLs 2.0 software is employed in the analysis. The result indicated that since the measuring instruments are valid and reliable, user expectancy have influence to the use of IRs. Based on the structural model, it was found that user expectancy contributes to the use of IRs up to 57,6 %
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