5 research outputs found

    The Implementation E-Government to Increase Democratic Participation: The Use of Mobile Government

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    As information and technology develop the use of technology in various sectors has increased, including in the governance sector. Electronic governance was on the rise, especially with the limited mobility and social interaction restrictions during international health crises. Electronic government studies the use of information and communication technology within the public sector and holds the potentials of transformational government. The adoption of electronic governance in the public sector has created a revolution in the government’s administration and contributed to the improvement of accountability, efficiency, and transparency. The rationality of electronic governance is often associated with the increase of democratic participation through electronic government framework, involving a series of large-scale innovation projects and system that is technology-oriented. Through literature study, the researcher tried to analyze the implementation of electronic government to increase democratic participation through the use of mobile government by elaborating the functions electronic government can offers. The study reveals that electronic governance could provide open government data that opened a forum for citizens to debate over the issue concerning the government’s system that may solve several issues such as the low number of democratic participation and corruption

    Modelo de gestión del conocimiento en el área de atención de usuarios de un organismo público especializado

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    Esta investigación propone un modelo conceptual de gestión del conocimiento reflejado en un sistema informático para ser aplicado al sector público como parte de una innovación gubernamental, la cual tiene potencial de ser replicada en otras instituciones del Estado. Para tal objetivo, a través del estudio de caso en una institución pública, se analizó cómo se aplicaría la gestión del conocimiento en su área de atención de usuarios, presentando como resultado un instrumento que permitirá brindar servicios más eficientes y confiables. De esta forma, se evaluó el procedimiento de atención para brindar el servicio de información a los usuarios, poniéndose en valor el conocimiento de los funcionarios públicos y la vinculación que tienen con los administrados, identificando las fuentes de conocimiento que tienen para brindar el servicio y las oportunidades advertidas para crear nuevo conocimiento, lo cual es la base de la investigación. En ese sentido, el análisis del conocimiento tácito y explícito en el servicio de información para la atención de usuarios concluye con una propuesta de un modelo que plantea una alternativa para gestionar el conocimiento en beneficio de la población que recibirá el servicio y para la misma administración pública que haría más eficientes y eficaces sus procedimientos de atención.Tesi

    E-közszolgálatfejlesztés: Elméleti alapok és tudományos módszerek

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    Transforming Governance and Organizational Form in Collaborative E-government

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    The increasing digitalization in the process and the end-result of public service, a phenomenon widely known as e-government, is changing the range and ways of collaboration among governments and their stakeholders. Especially with the pervasive use of social media for knowledge sharing, today’s local governments are teaming up with their non-government stakeholders in an unprecedented width and depth to exchange knowledge and resources to build digital public services together. While these collaborative initiatives benefit from the complementation of knowledge and resources that are associated with extensive participation, these initiatives also exist under a shadow of confusion and conflict when organizing the changing range and relationships of stakeholders, aligning technology uses with divergent objectives of knowledge sharing, as well as coordinating different distributions of decision-making power and accountability. To tackle these issues, in this dissertation I develop an understanding of the co-evolution of governance, organizational form of e-government collaboration through the mediation of social media. Here I define governance as the attempts to address the issue of coordination, and organizational form as the structural features of the e-government collaboration. And I define social media as the Internet-based collaborative technologies that are accessible to both government and non-government stakeholders for creating, circulating, sharing and exchanging knowledge. My primary research inquiry is thus how do the governance and organizational form of e-government collaboration occur through the mediation of social media? To pursue this line of inquiry, I further explore the relationship between social media and the governance and organizational form of e-government collaboration. Specifically, I ask: • How does the governance of e-government collaboration occur through the mediation of social media? • How does the organizational form of e-government collaboration occur through the mediation of social media? Conceptually I take an ensemble view to understand the relationship between social media and organizational changes (i.e., governance and organizational form) and argue that while social media has the potential to change social arrangements, these arrangements also influence the use of social media. In particular, I use the technology enactment framework as a conceptual map to identify the embeddedness of technology adoption in institutional, organizational and cognitive arrangements. Furthermore, I complement the framework with the theory of institutional logics, technology frames of references, and temporary organization, to operationalize the understanding of the institutional, organizational as well as cognitive arrangements. I choose e-government in China as the empirical setting to address the research questions for its unique environment, including its recent strong policy push for e-government initiatives and public-private collaboration, its complex public administration environment, as well as the pervasiveness of social media (i.e., WeChat) for work communication in both public and private spheres. Such an environment provides a good number of e-government collaboration cases that are characterized by the heterogeneity of stakeholders, mediation of social media, innovative administration arrangements, and that can be followed and studied from their early stages. The dataset for this dissertation is collected from four cases of e-government collaboration in China. To better understand the development of e-government collaboration through the mediation of social media over time, I conducted a longitudinal study on one of the cases, of which the communication between the stakeholders is primarily mediated through the Chinese social media WeChat. For data collection, I used qualitative methods including interviews, participant observations, as well as document analysis. For the first research question, the findings indicate the key dimensions in the governance of e-government collaboration center around the distribution of decision-making power and accountability between government and non-government stakeholders. And social media, as a knowledge-sharing platform, is crucial for achieving balances as such in an undefined collaboration, as it provides ambiguity between stakeholders’ interests and needs, while still allowing stakeholders to develop a sense of consensus and informedness. For the second research question, the findings indicate that e-government collaboration can be organized differently through the mediation of social media. Nevertheless, a long-term examination shows the organizational form of e-government collaboration has to accord with the institutional logics at play. The form changes as the dynamics of institutional logics change. During the transition of these organizational settlements, social media plays an important role as a sandbox for experimenting with configurations of organizational structures, as well as a repository for shared knowledge and experiences. This dissertation makes three central contributions: First, it contributes to the conceptualization of governance in the era of e-government by highlighting the role of social media and its enactment in the occurrence of governance, and proposing an empirically driven typology of adaptive governance. Second, it contributes to the understanding of the organizational form of e-government collaboration by identifying the social media mediated hybridization process, and the characteristics of a social media enabled organizational form. Third, the findings extend the understanding of social media adoption in the context of e-government collaboration by providing a longitudinal account of social media enactment, and insights in the relationship between social media and government transformation

    E-Government – New Challenges Ahead

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