21 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional cold-air cascade study of a film-cooled turbine stator blade. 1: Experimental results of pressure-surface film cooling tests

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    The effect of film coolant ejection from the pressure side of a stator blade was determined in a two-dimensional cascade. Stator exit surveys were made for each of six rows of coolant holes. Successive multirow tests were made with two, three, four, five, and six rows of coolant holes open. The results of the multirow tests are compared with the predicted multirow performance obtained by adding the single-row data. Results are presented in terms of stator primary-air efficiency as a function of coolant fraction

    Advanced communications technology satellite high burst rate link evaluation terminal power control and rain fade software test plan, version 1.0

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    The Power Control and Rain Fade Software was developed at the NASA Lewis Research Center to support the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite High Burst Rate Link Evaluation Terminal (ACTS HBR-LET). The HBR-LET is an experimenters terminal to communicate with the ACTS for various experiments by government, university, and industry agencies. The Power Control and Rain Fade Software is one segment of the Control and Performance Monitor (C&PM) Software system of the HBR-LET. The Power Control and Rain Fade Software automatically controls the LET uplink power to compensate for signal fades. Besides power augmentation, the C&PM Software system is also responsible for instrument control during HBR-LET experiments, control of the Intermediate Frequency Switch Matrix on board the ACTS to yield a desired path through the spacecraft payload, and data display. The Power Control and Rain Fade Software User's Guide, Version 1.0 outlines the commands and procedures to install and operate the Power Control and Rain Fade Software. The Power Control and Rain Fade Software Maintenance Manual, Version 1.0 is a programmer's guide to the Power Control and Rain Fade Software. This manual details the current implementation of the software from a technical perspective. Included is an overview of the Power Control and Rain Fade Software, computer algorithms, format representations, and computer hardware configuration. The Power Control and Rain Fade Test Plan provides a step-by-step procedure to verify the operation of the software using a predetermined signal fade event. The Test Plan also provides a means to demonstrate the capability of the software

    Epidemiology and clonality of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii from an intensive care unit in Palermo, Italy.

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    BACKGROUND: Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, initially considered as having a poor clinical relevance, is frequently isolated from infection cases in intensive care units. We describe the epidemiology of carbapenem resistant A. baumannii (CRAB) in a general ICU in Palermo, Italy, from October 2010 to March 2011. FINDINGS: 58 of 61 isolates exhibited MICs for meropenem or imipenem ≥16 mg/L. Forty-nine carried blaOXA-23 and two blaOXA-58 genes.Five subtype clusters were detected by rep-PCR. Clusters D and E included 10 isolates that tested negative for the carbapenem resistance genes. MLST attributed all isolates, but two, with sequence type (ST)2, whereas the two remaining isolates with ST78.The respiratory tract was the most common site of infection (26 out of 36 cases. 72.2%). A high infection related mortality rate was observed (18 out of 35 patients, 51.4%). Nineteen patients tested positive for other multidrug resistant organisms in addition to CRAB. In eight cases isolates belonging to distinct subtype clusters and/or with distinct carbapenemase profiles were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Carbapenem resistance was prominently driven by the dissemination of CRAB isolates belonging to ST2, carrying the carbapenemase gene blaOXA-23. The colonization/infection of some patients by multiple strains is suggestive of an endemic circulation of CRAB

    Estado de direito social - orçamento público com sentido de humanidade - eco-sustentabilidade

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    This article presents an approach to the public budget with a sense of humanity, eco-sustainable, which recognizes living species and nature as its subject. The reflections start from the social State under the rule of law, as a concept, as a culture, under humanistic rationality of the philosophy of the economic and budgetary sciences. Globalization, economic opening, and Neoliberalism arequestioned, not only as being responsible for the world crisis of the 1930s and the crises of the last three decades but because it was unable to respond to the crisis unleashed by the COVID 19 pandemic, where the State was finally the intervener, with an investment budget and social public spending with which it is dealing with issues of health, unemployment, poverty, economic recovery, payrollsubsidies, subsidies and budget aid, among others. From the advance, there is also the need to build consensus, in the only form of government of modernity, valid to make effective economic, social, environmental and cultural rights, that is, democracy, understood as culture, as the participation of society. In the social state under the rule of law, budgets must be autonomous, predictable, sufficient, that respect the rights of living species and nature, that is an instrument for decisions with a sense of humanity, in the face of poverty, marginality and inequality.En el presente artículo se adelanta un acercamiento al presupuesto Público con sentido de humanidad, eco sustentable, que reconozca como sujeto a las especies vivas y a la naturaleza. Las reflexiones parten del Estado Social de Derecho, como concepto, como cultura, bajo una racionalidad humanista de la filosofía de las ciencias económicas y presupuestales. Se cuestiona la mundialización, la apertura económica, el Neoliberalismo, no solo como responsable de la crisis mundial de los año 1930 y las crisis de las últimas tres décadas, sino porque no pudo dar respuesta a la crisis desatada por la pandemia del COVID 19, donde finalmente fue el Estado interventor, con un presupuesto de inversión y gasto público social con el que se está haciendo frente a temas de salud, desempleo, pobreza, reactivación económica, subsidio a las nóminas, subvenciones y auxilios presupuestales, entre otros. Igualmente, se colige la necesidad de construir consensos, en la única forma de gobierno de la modernidad, válida para hacer efectivos derechos económicos, sociales, ambientales y culturales, esto es, la democracia, entendida como cultura, como participación de la sociedad. Se concluye que, en el Estado Social de Derecho los presupuestos deben ser autónomos, previsivos, suficientes, que respeten los derechos de las especies vivas y la naturaleza, que sea un instrumento para decisiones con sentido de humanidad, frente a la pobreza, la marginalidad y la desigualdadEste artigo apresenta uma abordagem do orçamento público com um senso de humanidade, eco-sustentável, que reconhece as espécies vivas e a natureza como seu tema. As reflexões são baseadas no Estado social de direito, como um conceito, como uma cultura, sob uma racionalidade humanista da filosofia das ciências econômicas e orçamentárias. A globalização, a abertura econômica e o neoliberalismo são questionados, não apenas porque são responsáveis pela crise mundial dos anos 30 e pelas crises das últimas três décadas, mas também porque foram incapazes de responder à crise desencadeada pela pandemia da COVID 19, na qual o Estado finalmente interveio, com um orçamento de investimentos e gastos sociais públicos que estão sendo utilizados para enfrentar questões de saúde, desemprego, pobreza, reativação econômica, subsídios de folha de pagamento, subsídios e ajuda orçamentária, entre outros. Da mesma forma, existe a necessidade de construir consenso na única forma de governo moderno que é válida para tornar efetivos os direitos econômicos, sociais, ambientais e culturais, ou seja, a democracia, entendida como cultura, como a participação da sociedade. Conclui-se que, no Estado social de direito, os orçamentos devem ser autônomos, previsíveis, suficientes, respeitadores dos direitos das espécies vivas e da natureza, um instrumento para decisões com senso de humanidade diante da pobreza, marginalização e desigualdade

    United States of America, Appellant, v. Abraham Srulowitz, Defendant-appellee, 819 F.2d 37 (2d Cir. 1987)

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    he government appeals from an order entered in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (Glasser, J.) dismissing an indictment charging defendant-appellant Abraham Srulowitz in one count with violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ( RICO ), 18 U.S.C. § 1961 et seq. (1982 & Supp. III 1985). The district court held that the indictment was not found within the five-year limitations period fixed by 18 U.S.C. § 3282 (1982). The court determined that the indictment was found on the date it was unsealed rather than on the date it was filed. This determination was predicated solely upon the lack of a contemporaneous record of the government\u27s application to the Magistrate for sealing. Finding no requirement for a contemporaneous record of proceedings relating to the sealing of an indictment, we reverse and remand to the district court to decide, in accordance with our prior remand, whether the sealing was informed by proper prosecutorial objectives

    Estado social de derecho y criterio de sostenibilidad fiscal

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    With a deductive methodology that starts from the analysis of the economic constitutional doctrine, the aim of this article is to present the consequences that the introduction of the fiscal sustainability criterion generated for the economic constitutional subsystem. It describes the main characteristics of the fiscal impact incident as an instrument of coordination and dialogue of the organs of public power aimed at guaranteeing fiscal sustainability, when it is seriously threatened by a judicial decision issued by the courts of closing jurisdiction. The writing presents the main challenges that the constitutional reform of Legislative Act 3 of 2011 poses for the Social State of Law and the impossibility of recognizing a transformation towards a fiscal State in which the realization of rights is conditioned by the existence of economic resources. With this claim, the article presents a description of the Social Market Economy system, the legal nature of fiscal sustainability and the incident of fiscal impact as an instrument that, apparently, conditions the autonomy and independence of the jurisdictional power.Con una metodología deductiva que parte del análisis de la doctrina constitucional económica, la pretensión de este artículo es presentar las consecuencias que la introducción del criterio de sostenibilidad fiscal generó para el subsistema constitucional económico. Describe las principales características del incidente de impacto fiscal como instrumento de coordinación y dialogo de los órganos del poder público orientado a garantizar la sostenibilidad fiscal, cuando se advierta seriamente amenazada por una decisión judicial proferida por los tribunales de cierre de jurisdicción. El escrito presenta los principales retos que la reforma constitucional del Acto legislativo 3 de 2011 plantea para el Estado Social de Derecho y la imposibilidad de reconocer una transformación hacia un Estado fiscal en el que la realización de derechos este condicionada por la existencia de recursos económicos. Con esta pretensión el artículo presenta una descripción del sistema de Economía Social de Mercado, la naturaleza jurídica de la sostenibilidad fiscal y el incidente de impacto fiscal como instrumento que, en apariencia, condiciona la autonomía e independencia del poder jurisdiccional

    A perspetiva do cuidador do doente crónico face às intervenções dos enfermeiros dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários do Alto Minho

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde Comunitária apresentada na Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloAo longo dos últimos anos, o aumento da esperança média de vida e o desenvolvimento da medicina têm induzido o acréscimo significativo de uma maior prevalência de doenças crónicas, e como tal, ao surgimento de limitações físicas, emocionais e cognitivas, tornando as pessoas progressivamente dependentes de outros. Neste sentido, a família assume um papel fundamental na resposta efetiva às necessidades físicas, psíquicas e sociais da pessoa doente, promovendo a sua qualidade de vida e preservando a sua dignidade numa etapa em que enfrenta a incurabilidade da doença. É de realçar que a escolha de quem será o cuidador principal é difícil, na medida em que envolve a dimensão relacional, afetiva, emocional, psicológica, ética e sociocultural. Efetivamente, o cuidador vai necessitar de apoio/acompanhamento dos profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente dos enfermeiros, para que possam ter respostas adequadas às necessidades existentes e impostas pela situação de doença crónica. Neste sentido, justifica-se a premência dos cuidados de proximidade no domicílio, assumindo particular relevância os cuidados prestados pela família/ cuidador informal. Assim, tendo em conta estes pressupostos pareceu ser primordial realizar a pesquisa numa comunidade no Alto Minho, tendo-se colocado como questão de investigação Qual a perspetiva do cuidador do doente crónico acerca das intervenções dos enfermeiros dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários no Alto Minho potenciadoras do seu cuidar, com o objetivo geral: Conhecer a perspetiva do cuidador do doente crónico acerca das intervenções dos enfermeiros dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários no Alto Minho potenciadoras do seu cuidar, tendo como finalidade contribuir para a promoção da segurança e minimização do sofrimento do cuidador no cuidar do doente crónico e consequentemente contribuir para a redução do internamento hospitalar. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo, exploratório descritivo; recolha de dados: entrevista semiestruturada. Participantes: cuidadores informais de doentes crónicos de uma unidade de cuidados de saúde primários do Alto Minho. Efetuada análise de conteúdo segundo o referencial de Bardin (2011). O estudo respeitou os princípios ético-morais. Resultados: Os cuidadores participantes do estudo têm idades compreendidas entre os 41 e os 81 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino e coabitam com a pessoa a quem prestam cuidados. São várias as dificuldades que experienciam, nomeadamente diminuição do rendimento socioeconómico; desgaste físico e emocional; défice de conhecimentos relativos à execução de cuidados, perda de interação social, diminuição da relação conjugal, falta de tempo para cuidar de si. Como maior necessidade os cuidadores manifestam o apoio financeiro. Percecionam as intervenções dos enfermeiros como potenciadoras do seu cuidar e esperam que estes não os “abandonem” de forma a poderem manter o seu ente querido em casa e a não recorrerem ao internamento. Para cuidar a multidimensionalidade da pessoa com doença crónica e acompanhar o cuidador é fundamental que os enfermeiros se foquem na pessoa doente e cuidador como uma unidade de cuidados.Over the past few years, with the increasing average life expectancy and with the development of medicine, there is a significant increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases that lead to the appearance of physical, emotional and cognitive limitations, making people progressively dependent on others. In this sense, family assumes a fundamental role in effectively responding to the physical, psychological and social needs of the sick person, promoting their quality of life and preserving their dignity at a time that they face the incurability of the disease. It should be emphasized, that the choice of who will be the main caregiver is difficult, insofar as it involves the relational, affective, emotional, psychological, ethical and socio-cultural dimension. Effectively, the informal caregiver will need support / follow-up of health professionals, namely nurses, so that they can have adequate responses to the existing needs and imposed by the chronic illness situation. In this sense, the urgency of proximity care at home is justified, and the care provided by the informal caregiver/ family is of particular relevance. Thus, considering these assumptions, it seemed to us to be paramount to carry out the research in a community in Alto Minho, having placed as a research question What is the perspective of the informal caregiver of the chronic patient about the interventions of primary health care nurses in Alto Minho enhancers of their care, with the general objective: to know the perspective of the informal caregiver of the chronic patient about the interventions of primary health care nurses in Alto Minho empowering their care, aiming to contribute to the promotion of safety and minimization of the suffering of the caregiver in caring for the chronic patient and consequently contribute to the reduction of hospitalization. Methodology: qualitative, exploratory descriptive study; data collecting: semi-structured interview. Participants: informal caregivers of chronic patients from a primary health care unit in Alto Minho. Content analysis according to Bardin's (2011) perspective. The study respected the ethical-moral principles. Results: the informal caregivers that participated in this study are aged between 41 and 81 years, mostly female that cohabit with the person they are caring for. There are several difficulties that they experience, namely a reduction in socioeconomic income; physical and emotional exhaustion; lack of knowledge regarding the execution of care; loss of social interaction; decreased marital relationship and lack of time to take care of themselves. As a major need, caregivers express financial support. They perceive the nurses' interventions as empowerers of their care and expect them not to "abandon" them so that they can keep their loved one at home and not resort to hospitalization