28 research outputs found

    Introducing the VRT gas turbine combustor

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    An innovative annular combustor configuration is being developed for aircraft and other gas turbine engines. This design has the potential of permitting higher turbine inlet temperatures by reducing the pattern factor and providing a major reduction in NO(x) emission. The design concept is based on a Variable Residence Time (VRT) technique which allows large fuel particles adequate time to completely burn in the circumferentially mixed primary zone. High durability of the combustor is achieved by dual function use of the incoming air. The feasibility of the concept was demonstrated by water analogue tests and 3-D computer modeling. The computer model predicted a 50 percent reduction in pattern factor when compared to a state of the art conventional combustor. The VRT combustor uses only half the number of fuel nozzles of the conventional configuration. The results of the chemical kinetics model require further investigation, as the NO(x) predictions did not correlate with the available experimental and analytical data base

    The Anchor, Volume 36.18: May 7, 1924

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    The Anchor began in 1887 and was first issued weekly in 1914. Covering national and campus news alike, Hope College’s student-run newspaper has grown over the years to encompass over two-dozen editors, reporters, and staff. For much of The Anchor\u27s history, the latest issue was distributed across campus each Wednesday throughout the academic school year (with few exceptions). As of Fall 2019 The Anchor has moved to monthly print issues and a more frequently updated website. Occasionally, the volume and/or issue numbering is irregular

    The Anchor, Volume 37.83: June 12, 1929

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    The Anchor began in 1887 and was first issued weekly in 1914. Covering national and campus news alike, Hope College’s student-run newspaper has grown over the years to encompass over two-dozen editors, reporters, and staff. For much of The Anchor\u27s history, the latest issue was distributed across campus each Wednesday throughout the academic school year (with few exceptions). As of Fall 2019 The Anchor has moved to monthly print issues and a more frequently updated website. Occasionally, the volume and/or issue numbering is irregular

    Around the Table : a Project about Food in Dublin

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    A project about food, with Dublin City Council and The National Library, prompted by a bid for European City of Culture 2020, which takes in the area of the city from the mouth of the River Liffey up to Stoneybatter on the Northside, and involves retired Dockworkers, a homework club on Greek Street, a group of women who grew up near the markets, and several other communities we don’t know exist yet but will want to know more about — to be concluded inside three months?” Oh yes. In our role of boisterous intruders in these selfcontained, well-hidden worlds, we will hear remarkable stories: a mislaid elephant in Dublin Port; a small child lowering elevenses into the bowels of a ship to his Father, waist-deep in coal; an unexpected grá of cabbage water among innercity 12-year-olds; thirty-six Flake bars wrapped per minute on the Cadbury production line; three thousand people queuing for food parcels on Christmas week just gone. These things charm, amuse, appal us. There are swarms of facts and anecdotes which will cajole us down ever more worthwhile diversions

    Il contributo del sistema di risoluzione delle controversie OMC all'emergere di principi di diritto amministrativo nell'ordinamento giuridico internazionale

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    Il processo di trasformazione della Comunità Internazionale, avviatosi nella seconda metà del secolo scorso, si caratterizza per l’affermarsi del principio della cooperazione tra soggetti internazionali, in luogo del tradizionale principio dell’equilibrio di potenza. Ciò ha portato allo sviluppo di organizzazioni volte ad implementare tale cooperazione. A sua volta il ruolo assunto dalle organizzazioni internazionali ha favorito l’emergere di interessi riconducibili alla Comunità Internazionale in quanto tale, la cui cura è stata ricondotta all'interno degli ordinamenti giuridici delle diverse organizzazioni. Il parallelo sviluppo dei sistemi giurisdizionali ha favorito la ricognizione di principi giuridici volti ad individuare dei limiti all'azione statale di tutela dei propri interessi ove questa, pur legittimamente esercitata, si ponga in contrasto con interessi riconosciuti a livello internazionale e tutelati attraverso l’azione delle organizzazioni internazionali. Il sistema di risoluzione delle controversie dell’OMC permette di osservare come al fine di rispondere a tali esigenze si faccia ricorso a principi elaborati dal diritto amministrativo statale. Principi che pongono limiti all'azione statale disciplinandone le modalità e le forme di esercizio al fine di rendere tale azione atta al perseguimento dei fini individuati non più a livello statale bensì sovranazionale

    Sytuacja gospodarcza Polski a bariery rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw

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    The main aim of the authors of the article is to underline the relationship between general economic situation of the country (in this article the situation of Polish economy) and the barriers facing the development of the small and medium size enterprises (SME sector). First part of the article is focused on the analyses of the current Polish economy. The authors concentrate on possible menaces which can cause the economic stagnation of the country in few years. Next the authors describe the situation of small and medium size enterprises both in European Union and especially in Poland. The emphasis is put on the indisputable barriers of the development for enterprises from the SME sector. There are: labor cost factors, complex and intricate tax system also strict labour law and competition from the black economy side. Summary and final comments from authors can be treat as an antidote and directives, which could help to improve and straighten Polish economic performance thus restrain or even reduce the barriers facing the development of the small and medium size enterprises

    Fastener load analysis method Final report, 28 Jan. 1970 - Apr. 1971

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    Ultrasonic, pulse echo interferometric method for analyzing bolt preload

    ASMS Directory of Members: 318S-384S, Y Li-W Schulz

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    Estadístiques de salu

    ¿Binario o no binario? Morfología de género en español: diferencias dependientes de la tarea

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    Existe evidencia empírica en distintas lenguas sobre cómo la computación dela morfología de género durante el procesamiento psicolingüístico incide en la conformaciónde representaciones sexo-genéricas. Sin embargo, no existe evidencia empírica sobre elprocesamiento de variantes morfológicas no binarias en español (-x o -e) en contrastecon la variante de masculino genérico (-o). Para analizar este fenómeno, realizamos dosexperimentos: una tarea de juicios de aceptabilidad y una de comprensión de oraciones paraevaluar procesamiento online. Los resultados muestran diferencias dependientes de la tarea,es decir, de los procesos subyacentes que se ponen en juego en cada una. En los juicios deaceptabilidad, que involucran procesos estratégicos mediados por las creencias y la normalingüística, el masculino genérico resulta más aceptable para referir a grupos mixtos. En latarea de comprensión de oraciones, que indaga sobre procesos automáticos y representacionesimplícitas, las formas no binarias provocaron consistentemente una referencia hacia gruposmixtos y los tiempos de respuesta indicaron que estas variantes morfológicas no conllevanun costo de procesamiento mayor que el masculino genérico.Existem evidências empíricas em diferentes línguas sobre como a computação da morfologia de gênero durante o processamento psicolingüístico afeta a conformação das representações do sexo e gênero. Entretanto, não há evidências empíricas sobre o processamento de variantes morfológicas não-binárias em espanhol (-x ou -e) em contraste com a variante genérica masculina (-o). Para analisar este fenômeno, realizamos dois experimentos: uma tarefa de julgamento de aceitabilidade e uma tarefa de compreensão de orações para analisar o processamento online. Os resultados mostram diferenças dependentes das tarefas, ou seja, nos processos subjacentes envolvidos em cada uma delas. Nos julgamentos de aceitabilidade, que envolvem processos estratégicos mediados por crenças e normas linguísticas, o genérico masculino é mais aceitável para se referir a grupos mistos. Na tarefa de compreensão de orações, que investiga processos automáticos e representações implícitas, as formas não binárias provocaram consistentemente uma referência a grupos mistos e os tempos de resposta indicaram que estas variantes morfológicas não implicam um custo de processamento mais alto do que o genérico masculino.There is empirical evidence in different languages on how the computation of gender morphology during psycholinguistic processing affects the conformation of sex-generic representations. However, there is no empirical evidence on the processing of non-binary morphological variants in Spanish (-x or -e) in contrast to the generic masculine variant (-o). To analyze this phenomenon, we conducted two experiments: an acceptability judgment task and a sentence comprehension task. The results show differences depending on the task. This means that the underlying processes put into play in each one generate different effects. In acceptability judgments, which involve strategic processes mediated by beliefs and the linguistic norm, the generic masculine is more acceptable to refer to mixed groups. In the sentence comprehension task, which inquires about automatic processes and implicit representations, the non-binary forms consistently elicited a reference to mixed groups. Furthermore, the response times indicated that these morphological variants do not entail a higher processing cost than the generic masculine.Fil: Zunino, Gabriela Mariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Lingüística; ArgentinaFil: Stetie, Noelia Ayelen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Lingüística; Argentin

    Inpatient utilization of short-stay hospitals, by diagnosis, United States, 1971

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    Statistics are presented on the utilization of non-Federal short-stay hospitals based on data abstracted by the Hospital Discharge Survey from a national sample of hospital records of discharged inpatients. The number of discharges, discharge rates, and average Length of stay are shown for the classes and categories of first-listed diagnoses, by demographic characteristics of inpatients discharged and by geographic region and bed size of the hospitals. For these patient and hospital characteristics, this report also presents the number and percent distribution of all-listed diagnoses (up to five diagnoses per patient) reported for inpatients discharged.[by Abraham L. Ranofsky]Includes bibliographical references