16 research outputs found

    A Symbolic Execution Algorithm for Constraint-Based Testing of Database Programs

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    In so-called constraint-based testing, symbolic execution is a common technique used as a part of the process to generate test data for imperative programs. Databases are ubiquitous in software and testing of programs manipulating databases is thus essential to enhance the reliability of software. This work proposes and evaluates experimentally a symbolic ex- ecution algorithm for constraint-based testing of database programs. First, we describe SimpleDB, a formal language which offers a minimal and well-defined syntax and seman- tics, to model common interaction scenarios between pro- grams and databases. Secondly, we detail the proposed al- gorithm for symbolic execution of SimpleDB models. This algorithm considers a SimpleDB program as a sequence of operations over a set of relational variables, modeling both the database tables and the program variables. By inte- grating this relational model of the program with classical static symbolic execution, the algorithm can generate a set of path constraints for any finite path to test in the control- flow graph of the program. Solutions of these constraints are test inputs for the program, including an initial content for the database. When the program is executed with respect to these inputs, it is guaranteed to follow the path with re- spect to which the constraints were generated. Finally, the algorithm is evaluated experimentally using representative SimpleDB models.Comment: 12 pages - preliminary wor

    Testing database applications using coverage analysis and mutation analysis

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    Database applications are built using two different programming language constructs: one that controls the behavior of the application, also referred to as the host language; and the other that allows the application to access/retrieve information from the back-end database, also referred to as the query language. The interplay between these two languages makes testing of database applications a challenging process. Independent approaches have been developed to evaluate test case quality for host languages and query languages. Typically, the quality of test cases for the host language (e.g., Java) is evaluated on the basis of the number of lines, statements and blocks covered by the test cases. High quality test cases for host languages can be automatically generated using recently developed concolic testing techniques, which rely on manipulating and guiding the search of test cases based on carefully comparing the concrete and symbolic execution of the program written in the host language. Query language test case quality (e.g., SQL), on the other hand, is evaluated using mutation analysis, which is considered to be a stronger criterion for assessing quality. In this case, several mutants or variants of the original SQL query are generated and the quality is measured using a metric called mutation score. The score indicates the percentage of mutants that can be identified in terms of their results using the given test cases. Higher mutation score indicates higher quality for the test cases. In this thesis we present novel testing strategy which guides concolic testing using mutation analysis for test case (which includes both program input and synthetic data) generation for database applications. The novelty of this work is that it ensures that the test cases are of high quality not only in terms of coverage of code written in the host language, but also in terms of mutant detection of the queries written in the query language

    Constraint-based generation of database states for testing database applications

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    Testing is essential for quality assurance of database applications. To test the quality of database applications, it usually requires test inputs consisting of both program input values and corresponding database states. However, producing these tests could be very tedious and labor-intensive in a non-automated way. It is thus imperative to conduct automatic test generation helping reduce human efforts. The research focuses on automatic test generation of both program input values and corresponding database states for testing database applications. We develop our approaches based on the Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) technique to achieve various testing requirements. We formalize a problem for program-input-generation given an existing database state to achieve high program code coverage and propose an approach that conducts program-input-generation through auxiliary query construction based on the intermediate information accumulated during DSE's exploration. We develop a technique to generate database states to achieve advanced code coverage criteria such as Boundary Value Coverage and Logical Coverage. We develop an approach that constructs synthesized database interactions to guide the DSE's exploration to collect constraints for both program inputs and associated database states. In this way, we bridge various constraints within a database application: query-construction constraints, query constraints, database schema constraints, and query-result-manipulation constraints. We develop an approach that generates tests for mutation testing on database applications. We use a state-of-the-art white-box testing tool called Pex for .NET from Microsoft Research as the DSE engine. Empirical evaluation results show that our approaches are able to generate effective program input values and sufficient database states to achieve various testing requirements