3,452 research outputs found

    Towards a General Framework for Formal Reasoning about Java Bytecode Transformation

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    Program transformation has gained a wide interest since it is used for several purposes: altering semantics of a program, adding features to a program or performing optimizations. In this paper we focus on program transformations at the bytecode level. Because these transformations may introduce errors, our goal is to provide a formal way to verify the update and establish its correctness. The formal framework presented includes a definition of a formal semantics of updates which is the base of a static verification and a scheme based on Hoare triples and weakest precondition calculus to reason about behavioral aspects in bytecode transformationComment: In Proceedings SCSS 2012, arXiv:1307.802

    Verification of Java Bytecode using Analysis and Transformation of Logic Programs

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    State of the art analyzers in the Logic Programming (LP) paradigm are nowadays mature and sophisticated. They allow inferring a wide variety of global properties including termination, bounds on resource consumption, etc. The aim of this work is to automatically transfer the power of such analysis tools for LP to the analysis and verification of Java bytecode (JVML). In order to achieve our goal, we rely on well-known techniques for meta-programming and program specialization. More precisely, we propose to partially evaluate a JVML interpreter implemented in LP together with (an LP representation of) a JVML program and then analyze the residual program. Interestingly, at least for the examples we have studied, our approach produces very simple LP representations of the original JVML programs. This can be seen as a decompilation from JVML to high-level LP source. By reasoning about such residual programs, we can automatically prove in the CiaoPP system some non-trivial properties of JVML programs such as termination, run-time error freeness and infer bounds on its resource consumption. We are not aware of any other system which is able to verify such advanced properties of Java bytecode

    Soundly Handling Static Fields: Issues, Semantics and Analysis

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    Although in most cases class initialization works as expected, some static fields may be read before being initialized, despite being initialized in their corresponding class initializer. We propose an analysis which compute, for each program point, the set of static fields that must have been initialized and discuss its soundness. We show that such an analysis can be directly applied to identify the static fields that may be read before being initialized and to improve the precision while preserving the soundness of a null-pointer analysis.Comment: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation (BYTECODE 2009

    Enforcing Secure Object Initialization in Java

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    Sun and the CERT recommend for secure Java development to not allow partially initialized objects to be accessed. The CERT considers the severity of the risks taken by not following this recommendation as high. The solution currently used to enforce object initialization is to implement a coding pattern proposed by Sun, which is not formally checked. We propose a modular type system to formally specify the initialization policy of libraries or programs and a type checker to statically check at load time that all loaded classes respect the policy. This allows to prove the absence of bugs which have allowed some famous privilege escalations in Java. Our experimental results show that our safe default policy allows to prove 91% of classes of java.lang, java.security and javax.security safe without any annotation and by adding 57 simple annotations we proved all classes but four safe. The type system and its soundness theorem have been formalized and machine checked using Coq

    Deadlock detection of Java Bytecode

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    This paper presents a technique for deadlock detection of Java programs. The technique uses typing rules for extracting infinite-state abstract models of the dependencies among the components of the Java intermediate language -- the Java bytecode. Models are subsequently analysed by means of an extension of a solver that we have defined for detecting deadlocks in process calculi. Our technique is complemented by a prototype verifier that also covers most of the Java features.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854

    JooFlux: Hijacking Java 7 InvokeDynamic To Support Live Code Modifications

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    Changing functional and non-functional software implementation at runtime is useful and even sometimes critical both in development and production environments. JooFlux is a JVM agent that allows both the dynamic replacement of method implementations and the application of aspect advices. It works by doing bytecode transformation to take advantage of the new invokedynamic instruction added in Java SE 7 to help implementing dynamic languages for the JVM. JooFlux can be managed using a JMX agent so as to operate dynamic modifications at runtime, without resorting to a dedicated domain-specific language. We compared JooFlux with existing AOP platforms and dynamic languages. Results demonstrate that JooFlux performances are close to the Java ones --- with most of the time a marginal overhead, and sometimes a gain --- where AOP platforms and dynamic languages present significant overheads. This paves the way for interesting future evolutions and applications of JooFlux

    Partial Evaluation of String Obfuscations for Java Malware Detection

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    The fact that Java is platform independent gives hackers the opportunity to write exploits that can target users on any platform, which has a JVM implementation. Metasploit is a well-known source of Javaexploits and to circumvent detection by Anti Virus (AV) software, obfuscation techniques are routinely applied to make an exploit more difficult to recognise. Popular obfuscation techniques for Java include stringobfuscation and applying reflection to hide method calls; two techniques that can either be used together or independently. This paper shows how to apply partial evaluation to remove these obfuscations and thereby improve AV matching. The paper presents a partial evaluator for Jimple, which is an intermediate language for JVM bytecode designed for optimisation and program analysis, and demonstrates how partially evaluated Jimple code, when transformed back into Java, improves the detection rates of a number of commercial AV products

    Test Case Generation for Object-Oriented Imperative Languages in CLP

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    Testing is a vital part of the software development process. Test Case Generation (TCG) is the process of automatically generating a collection of test cases which are applied to a system under test. White-box TCG is usually performed by means of symbolic execution, i.e., instead of executing the program on normal values (e.g., numbers), the program is executed on symbolic values representing arbitrary values. When dealing with an object-oriented (OO) imperative language, symbolic execution becomes challenging as, among other things, it must be able to backtrack, complex heap-allocated data structures should be created during the TCG process and features like inheritance, virtual invocations and exceptions have to be taken into account. Due to its inherent symbolic execution mechanism, we pursue in this paper that Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) has a promising unexploited application field in TCG. We will support our claim by developing a fully CLP-based framework to TCG of an OO imperative language, and by assessing it on a corresponding implementation on a set of challenging Java programs. A unique characteristic of our approach is that it handles all language features using only CLP and without the need of developing specific constraint operators (e.g., to model the heap)
