8 research outputs found

    Multiclass data plane recovery using different recovery schemes in SDN: a simulation analysis

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    To provide dependable services SDN networks need to be resilient to link or switching node failures. This entails, when faults occur, ensuring differentiated types of recovery, according to carried traffic, to routing paths. However, the choice of the recovery scheme best suited to each traffic class is not direct, nor is obvious the impact of the combination of various recovery schemes, according to traffic classes. We explore the usage of different recovery schemes for traffic with distinct requirements Simulation analysis confirms that using different recovery schemes for distinct types of traffic does create differentiated effects in terms of traffic carried and bandwidth usage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A decentralized multi-agent based network management system for ICT4D networks

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    Network management is fundamental for assuring high quality services required by each user for the effective utilization of network resources. In this research, we propose the use of a decentralized, flexible and scalable Multi-Agent based system to monitor and manage rural broadband networks adaptively and efficiently. This mechanism is not novel as it has been used for high-speed, large-scale and distributed networks. This research investigates how software agents could collaborate in the process of managing rural broadband networks and developing an autonomous decentralized network management mechanism. In rural networks, network management is a challenging task because of lack of a reliable power supply, greater geographical distances, topographical barriers, and lack of technical support as well as computer repair facilities. This renders the network monitoring function complex and difficult. Since software agents are goal-driven, this research aims at developing a distributed management system that efficiently diagnoses errors on a given network and autonomously invokes effective changes to the network based on the goals defined on system agents. To make this possible, the Siyakhula Living Lab network was used as the research case study and existing network management system was reviewed and used as the basis for the proposed network management system. The proposed network management system uses JADE framework, Hyperic-Sigar API, Java networking programming and JESS scripting language to implement reasoning software agents. JADE and Java were used to develop the system agents with FIPA specifications. Hyperic-Sigar was used to collect the device information, Jpcap was used for collecting device network information and JESS for developing a rule engine for agents to reason about the device and network state. Even though the system is developed with Siyakhula Living Lab considerations, technically it can be used in any small-medium network because it is adaptable and scalable to various network infrastructure requirements. The proposed system consists of two types of agents, the MasterAgent and the NodeAgent. The MasterAgent resides on the device that has the agent platform and NodeAgent resides on devices connected to the network. The MasterAgent provides the network administrator with graphical and web user interfaces so that they can view network analysis and statistics. The agent platform provides agents with the executing environment and every agent, when started, is added to this platform. This system is platform independent as it has been tested on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. The implemented system has been found to provide a suitable network management function to rural broadband networks that is: scalable in that more node agents can be added to the system to accommodate more devices in the network; autonomous in the ability to reason and execute actions based on the defined rules; fault-tolerant through being designed as a decentralized platform thereby reducing the Single Point of Failure (SPOF) in the system

    Risk-based Survivable Network Design

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    Communication networks are part of the critical infrastructure upon which society and the economy depends; therefore it is crucial for communication networks to survive failures and physical attacks to provide critical services. Survivability techniques are deployed to ensure the functionality of communication networks in the face of failures. The basic approach for designing survivable networks is that given a survivability technique (e.g., link protection, or path protection) the network is designed to survive a set of predefined failures (e.g., all single-link failures) with minimum cost. However, a hidden assumption in this design approach is that the sufficient monetary funds are available to protect all predefined failures, which might not be the case in practice as network operators may have a limited budget for improving network survivability. To overcome this limitation, this dissertation proposed a new approach for designing survivable networks, namely; risk-based survivable network design, which integrates risk analysis techniques into an incremental network design procedure with budget constraints. In the risk-based design approach, the basic design problem considered is that given a working network and a fixed budget, how best to allocate the budget for deploying a survivability technique in different parts of the network based on the risk. The term risk measures two related quantities: the likelihood of failure or attack, and the amount of damage caused by the failure or attack. Various designs with different risk-based design objectives are considered, for example, minimizing the expected damage, minimizing the maximum damage, and minimizing a measure of the variability of damage that could occur in the network. In this dissertation, a design methodology for the proposed risk-based survivable network design approach is presented. The design problems are formulated as Integer Programming (InP) models; and in order to scale the solution of models, some greedy heuristic solution algorithms are developed. Numerical results and analysis illustrating different risk-based designs are presented

    Optical performance monitoring in optical packet-switched networks

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    Para poder satisfacer la demanda de mayores anchos de banda y los requisitos de los nuevos servicios, se espera que se produzca una evolución de las redes ópticas hacia arquitecturas reconfigurables dinámicamente. Esta evolución subraya la importancia de ofrecer soluciones en la que la escalabilidad y la flexibilidad sean las principales directrices. De acuerdo a estas características, las redes ópticas de conmutación de paquetes (OPS) proporcionan altas capacidades de transmisión, eficiencia en ancho de banda y excelente flexibilidad, además de permitir el procesado de los paquetes directamente en la capa óptica. En este escenario, la solución all-optical label switching (AOLS) resuelve el cuello de botella impuesto por los nodos que realizan el procesado en el dominio eléctrico. A pesar de los progresos en el campo del networking óptico, las redes totalmente ópticas todavía se consideran una solución lejana . Por tanto, es importante desarrollar un escenario de migración factible y gradual desde las actuales redes ópticas basadas en la conmutación de circuitos (OCS). Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis se centra en la propuesta de escenarios de migración basados en redes híbridas que combinan diferentes tecnologías de conmutación. Además, se analiza la arquitectura de una red OPS compuesta de nodos que incorporan nuevas funcionalidades relacionadas con labores de monitorización y esquemas de recuperación. Las redes ópticas permiten mejorar la transparencia de la red, pero a costa de aumentar la complejidad de las tareas de gesión. En este escenario, la monitorización óptica de prestaciones (OPM) surge como una tecnología capaz de facilitar la administración de las redes OPS, en las que cada paquete sigue su propia ruta en la red y sufre un diferente nivel de degradación al llegar a su destino. Aquí reside la importancia de OPM para garantizar los requisitos de calidad de cada paquete.Vilar Mateo, R. (2010). Optical performance monitoring in optical packet-switched networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8926Palanci

    Mitigating hidden node problem in an IEEE 802.16 failure resilient multi-hop wireless backhaul

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    Backhaul networks are used to interconnect access points and further connect them to gateway nodes which are located in regional or metropolitan centres. Conventionally, these backhaul networks are established using metallic cables, optical fibres, microwave or satellite links. With the proliferation of wireless technologies, multi-hop wireless backhaul networks emerge as a potential cost effective and flexible solution to provide extended coverage to areas where the deployment of wired backhaul is difficult or cost-prohibitive, such as the difficult to access and sparsely populated remote areas, which have little or no existing wired infrastructure.Nevertheless, wireless backhaul networks are vulnerable to node or link failures. In order to ensure undisrupted traffic transmission even in the presence of failures, additional nodes and links are introduced to create alternative paths between each source and destination pair. Moreover, the deployment of such extra links and nodes requires careful planning to ensure that available network resources can be fully utilised, while still achieving the specified failure resilience with minimum infrastructure establishment cost.The majority of the current research efforts focus on improving the failure resilience of wired backhaul networks but little is carried out on the wireless counterparts. Most of the existing studies on improving the failure resilience of wireless backhaul networks concern energy-constrained networks such as the wireless sensor and ad hoc networks. Moreover, they tend to focus on maintaining the connectivity of the networks during failure, but neglecting the network performance. As such, it calls for a better approach to design a wireless backhaul network, which can meet the specified failure resilience requirement with minimum network cost, while achieving the specified quality of service (QoS).In this study, a failure resilient wireless backhaul topology, taking the form of a ladder network, is proposed to connect a remote community to a gateway node located in a regional or metropolitan centre. This topology is designed with the use of a minimum number of nodes. Also, it provides at least one backup path between each node pair. With the exception of a few failure scenarios, the proposed ladder network can sustain multiple simultaneous link or node failures. Furthermore, it allows traffic to traverse a minimum number of additional hops to arrive at the destination during failure conditions.WiMax wireless technology, based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, is applied to the proposed ladder network of different hop counts. This wireless technology can operate in either point-to-multipoint single-hop mode or multi-hop mesh mode. For the latter, coordinated distributed scheduling involving a three-way handshake procedure is used for resource allocation. Computer simulations are used to extensively evaluate the performance of the ladder network. It is shown that the three-way handshake suffers from severe hidden node problem, which restrains nodes from data transmission for long period of time. As a result, data packets accumulate in the buffer queue of the affected nodes and these packets will be dropped when the buffer overflows. This in turn results in the degradation of the network throughput and increase of average transmission delay.A new scheme called reverse notification (RN) is proposed to overcome the hidden node problem. With this new scheme, all the nodes will be informed of the minislots requested by their neighbours. This will prevent the nodes from making the same request and increase the chance for the nodes to obtain all their requested resources, and start transmitting data as soon as the handshake is completed. Computer simulations have verified that the use of this RN can significantly reduce the hidden terminal problem and thus increase network throughput, as well as reduce transmission delay.In addition, two new schemes, namely request-resend and dynamic minislot allocation, are proposed to further mitigate the hidden node problem as it deteriorates during failure. The request-resend scheme is proposed to solve the hidden node problem when the RN message failed to arrive in time at the destined node to prevent it from sending a conflicting request. On the other hand, the dynamic minislot allocation scheme is proposed to allocate minislots to a given node according to the amount of traffic that it is currently servicing. It is shown that these two schemes can greatly enhance the network performance under both normal and failure conditions.The performance of the ladder network can be further improved by equipping each node with two transceivers to allow them to transmit concurrently on two different frequency channels. Moreover, a two-channel two-transceiver channel assignment (TTDCA) algorithm is proposed to allocate minislots to the nodes. When operating with this algorithm, a node uses only one of its two transceivers to transmit control messages during control subframe and both transceivers to transmit data packets during data subframe. Also, the frequency channels of the nodes are pre-assigned to more effectively overcome the hidden node problem. It is shown that the use of the TTDCA algorithm, in conjunction with the request-resend and RN schemes, is able to double the maximum achievable throughput of the ladder network, when compared to the single channel case. Also, the throughput remains constant regardless of the hop counts.The TTDCA algorithm is further modified to make use of the second transceiver at each node to transmit control messages during control subframe. Such an approach is referred to as enhanced TTDCA (ETTDCA) algorithm. This algorithm is effective in reducing the duration needed to complete the three-way handshake without sacrificing network throughput. It is shown that the application of the ETTDCA algorithm in ladder networks of different hop counts has greatly reduced the transmission delay to a value which allows the proposed network to not only relay a large amount of data traffic but also delay-sensitive traffics. This suggests that the proposed ladder network is a cost effective solution, which can provide the necessary failure resilience and specified QoS, for delivering broadband multimedia services to the remote rural communities

    Differentiated quality-of-recovery and quality-of-protection in survivable WDM mesh networks

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    In the modern telecommunication business, there is a need to provide different Quality-of-Recovery (QoR) and Quality-of-Protection (QoP) classes in order to accommodate as many customers as possible, and to optimize the protection capacity cost. Prevalent protection methods to provide specific QoS related to protection are based on pre-defined shape protection structures (topologies), e.g., p -cycles and p -trees. Although some of these protection patterns are known to provide a good trade-off among the different protection parameters, their shapes can limit their deployment in some specific network conditions, e.g., a constrained link spare capacity budget and traffic distribution. In this thesis, we propose to re-think the design process of protection schemes in survivable WDM networks by adopting a hew design approach where the shapes of the protection structures are decided based on the targeted QoR and QoP guarantees, and not the reverse. We focus on the degree of pre-configuration of the protection topologies, and use fully and partially pre-cross connected p -structures, and dynamically cross connected p -structures. In QoR differentiation, we develop different approaches for pre-configuring the protection capacity in order to strike different balances between the protection cost and the availability requirements in the network; while in the QoP differentiation, we focus on the shaping of the protection structures to provide different grades of protection including single and dual-link failure protection. The new research directions proposed and developed in this thesis are intended to help network operators to effectively support different Quality-of-Recovery and Quality-of-Protection classes. All new ideas have been translated into mathematical models for which we propose practical and efficient design methods in order to optimize the inherent cost to the different designs of protection schemes. Furthermore, we establish a quantitative relation between the degree of pre-configuration of the protection structures and their costs in terms of protection capacity. Our most significant contributions are the design and development of Pre-Configured Protection Structure (p-structure) and Pre-Configured Protection Extended-Tree (p -etree) based schemes. Thanks to the column generation modeling and solution approaches, we propose a new design approach of protection schemes where we deploy just enough protection to provide different quality of recovery and protection classe

    Monitoring Devices for Providing Network Intelligence in Optical Packet Switched Networks

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    The development of all-Optical Packet Switching (OPS) networks brings about new challenges in the topic of Optical Performance Monitoring (OPM). The objectives of this chapter are addressed to the proposal of new monitoring techniques capable of packet-by-packet monitoring in the optical domain to preserve packet transparency. Moreover, new optical layer functionalities such as dynamic reconfiguration and link level restoration also introduce a level of complexity that may require advanced OPM capabilities. In this chapter, an OSNR monitoring technique and its application for providing network intelligence are explained in detail. In particular, the integration of the monitoring system with the control and management planes is investigated to perform other functions such as quality of service implementation, OSNR-assisted routing, and backup route selection.Vilar Mateo, R.; Ramos Pascual, F. (2013). Monitoring Devices for Providing Network Intelligence in Optical Packet Switched Networks. En Intelligent Systems for Optical Networks Design: Advancing Techniques. IGI Global. 73-103. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3652-1.ch004S73103Anderson, D. Z., Mizrahi, V., Erdogan, T., & White, A. E. (1993). Production of in-fibre gratings using a diffractive optical element. Electronics Letters, 29(6), 566. doi:10.1049/el:19930379Bendilli, G. (2000). Optical performance monitoring techniques. Paper presented at 26th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC’00). Munich, Germany.Blumenthal, D. J., Olsson, B.-E., Rossi, G., Dimmick, T. E., Rau, L., Masanovic, M., … Barton, J. (2000). All-optical label swapping networks and technologies. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 18(12), 2058-2075. doi:10.1109/50.908817Boudriga, N., Lazzez, A., Khlifi, Y., & Zghal, M. (2008). All optical network switching: A new scheme for QoS provision and virtual memory control. 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