47 research outputs found

    Contagious sets in a degree-proportional bootstrap percolation process

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    We study the following bootstrap percolation process: given a connected graph GG, a constant ρ[0,1]\rho \in [0, 1] and an initial set AV(G)A \subseteq V(G) of \emph{infected} vertices, at each step a vertex~vv becomes infected if at least a ρ\rho-proportion of its neighbours are already infected (once infected, a vertex remains infected forever). Our focus is on the size hρ(G)h_\rho(G) of a smallest initial set which is \emph{contagious}, meaning that this process results in the infection of every vertex of GG. Our main result states that every connected graph GG on nn vertices has hρ(G)<2ρnh_\rho(G) < 2\rho n or hρ(G)=1h_\rho(G) = 1 (note that allowing the latter possibility is necessary because of the case ρ12n\rho\leq\tfrac{1}{2n}, as every contagious set has size at least one). This is the best-possible bound of this form, and improves on previous results of Chang and Lyuu and of Gentner and Rautenbach. We also provide a stronger bound for graphs of girth at least five and sufficiently small ρ\rho, which is asymptotically best-possible.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Two Phase Transitions in Two-Way Bootstrap Percolation

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    Consider a graph G and an initial random configuration, where each node is black with probability p and white otherwise, independently. In discrete-time rounds, each node becomes black if it has at least r black neighbors and white otherwise. We prove that this basic process exhibits a threshold behavior with two phase transitions when the underlying graph is a d-dimensional torus and identify the threshold values

    The sharp threshold for bootstrap percolation in all dimensions

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    In r-neighbour bootstrap percolation on a graph G, a (typically random) set A of initially 'infected' vertices spreads by infecting (at each time step) vertices with at least r already-infected neighbours. This process may be viewed as a monotone version of the Glauber dynamics of the Ising model, and has been extensively studied on the d-dimensional grid [n]d[n]^d. The elements of the set A are usually chosen independently, with some density p, and the main question is to determine pc([n]d,r)p_c([n]^d,r), the density at which percolation (infection of the entire vertex set) becomes likely. In this paper we prove, for every pair dr2d \ge r \ge 2, that there is a constant L(d,r) such that pc([n]d,r)=[(L(d,r)+o(1))/log(r1)(n)]dr+1p_c([n]^d,r) = [(L(d,r) + o(1)) / log_(r-1) (n)]^{d-r+1} as nn \to \infty, where logrlog_r denotes an r-times iterated logarithm. We thus prove the existence of a sharp threshold for percolation in any (fixed) number of dimensions. Moreover, we determine L(d,r) for every pair (d,r).Comment: 37 pages, sketch of the proof added, to appear in Trans. of the AM