205 research outputs found

    Strong Memory Consistency For Parallel Programming

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    Correctly synchronizing multithreaded programs is challenging, and errors can lead to program failures (e.g., atomicity violations). Existing memory consistency models rule out some possible failures, but are limited by depending on subtle programmer-defined locking code and by providing unintuitive semantics for incorrectly synchronized code. Stronger memory consistency models assist programmers by providing them with easier-to-understand semantics with regard to memory access interleavings in parallel code. This dissertation proposes a new strong memory consistency model based on ordering-free regions (OFRs), which are spans of dynamic instructions between consecutive ordering constructs (e.g. barriers). Atomicity over ordering-free regions provides stronger atomicity than existing strong memory consistency models with competitive performance. Ordering-free regions also simplify programmer reasoning by limiting the potential for atomicity violations to fewer points in the program’s execution. This dissertation explores both software-only and hardware-supported systems that provide OFR serializability

    Cache Serializability: Reducing Inconsistency in Edge Transactions

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    Read-only caches are widely used in cloud infrastructures to reduce access latency and load on backend databases. Operators view coherent caches as impractical at genuinely large scale and many client-facing caches are updated in an asynchronous manner with best-effort pipelines. Existing solutions that support cache consistency are inapplicable to this scenario since they require a round trip to the database on every cache transaction. Existing incoherent cache technologies are oblivious to transactional data access, even if the backend database supports transactions. We propose T-Cache, a novel caching policy for read-only transactions in which inconsistency is tolerable (won't cause safety violations) but undesirable (has a cost). T-Cache improves cache consistency despite asynchronous and unreliable communication between the cache and the database. We define cache-serializability, a variant of serializability that is suitable for incoherent caches, and prove that with unbounded resources T-Cache implements this new specification. With limited resources, T-Cache allows the system manager to choose a trade-off between performance and consistency. Our evaluation shows that T-Cache detects many inconsistencies with only nominal overhead. We use synthetic workloads to demonstrate the efficacy of T-Cache when data accesses are clustered and its adaptive reaction to workload changes. With workloads based on the real-world topologies, T-Cache detects 43-70% of the inconsistencies and increases the rate of consistent transactions by 33-58%.Comment: Ittay Eyal, Ken Birman, Robbert van Renesse, "Cache Serializability: Reducing Inconsistency in Edge Transactions," Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), IEEE 35th International Conference on, June~29 2015--July~2 201

    Automated Detection of Serializability Violations Under Weak Consistency

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    While a number of weak consistency mechanisms have been developed in recent years to improve performance and ensure availability in distributed, replicated systems, ensuring the correctness of transactional applications running on top of such systems remains a difficult and important problem. Serializability is a well-understood correctness criterion for transactional programs; understanding whether applications are serializable when executed in a weakly-consistent environment, however remains a challenging exercise. In this work, we combine a dependency graph-based characterization of serializability and leverage the framework of abstract executions to develop a fully-automated approach for statically finding bounded serializability violations under any weak consistency model. We reduce the problem of serializability to satisfiability of a formula in First-Order Logic (FOL), which allows us to harness the power of existing SMT solvers. We provide rules to automatically construct the FOL encoding from programs written in SQL (allowing loops and conditionals) and express consistency specifications as FOL formula. In addition to detecting bounded serializability violations, we also provide two orthogonal schemes to reason about unbounded executions by providing sufficient conditions (again, in the form of FOL formulae) whose satisfiability implies the absence of anomalies in any arbitrary execution. We have applied the proposed technique on TPC-C, a real-world database program with complex application logic, and were able to discover anomalies under Parallel Snapshot Isolation (PSI), and verify serializability for unbounded executions under Snapshot Isolation (SI), two consistency mechanisms substantially weaker than serializability

    Language Constructs for Distributed Real-Time Consistency

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    In this paper, we present a model and language constructs for a distributed real-time system with the goal of allowing the structured specification of functional and timing constraints, along with explicit, early error recovery from timing faults. To do this, we draw on ideas from (non-distributed) real-time programming and distributed transaction-based systems [81]. A complete language is not specified; the constructs described are assumed to be embedded in a block-structured procedural host programming language such as C [9] or C++ [10] (our current preliminary implementation is in C). The model consists of resources, processes, and a global scheduler. Resources are abstractions that export operations to processes, and specify acceptable concurrency of operations to the scheduler. Processes manipulate resources using the exported operations, and specify synchronization and restrictions on concurrency (at the exported operation level) to the scheduler. Examples of the types of information given to the scheduler are that a set of operations should be performed simultaneously , or that a sequence of operations should be performed without interference by another process. The global scheduler embodies the entity or entities that schedule the CPU, memory, devices and other resources in the system. It performs preemptive scheduling of all resources based on dynamic priorities associated with the processes, preserves restrictions on concurrency stated by resources and processes, and is capable of giving guarantees to processes that they will receive resources during a specified future time interval. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we present language constructs for an expression of timing constraints called temporal scopes, and described resources and processes. Section 3 describes what is required of the global scheduler to support these constructs, and what is entailed in guaranteeing functional consistency.\u27 We conclude in Section 4

    Abstraction and mining of traces to explain concurrency bugs

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    Safe open-nested transactions through ownership

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    A Method and Tool for Finding Concurrency Bugs Involving Multiple Variables with Application to Modern Distributed Systems

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    Concurrency bugs are extremely hard to detect due to huge interleaving space. They are happening in the real world more often because of the prevalence of multi-threaded programs taking advantage of multi-core hardware, and microservice based distributed systems moving more and more applications to the cloud. As the most common non-deadlock concurrency bugs, atomicity violations are studied in many recent works, however, those methods are applicable only to single-variable atomicity violation, and don\u27t consider the specific challenge in distributed systems that have both pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control. This dissertation presents a tool using model checking to predict atomicity violation concurrency bugs involving two shared variables or shared resources. We developed a unique method inferring correlation between shared variables in multi-threaded programs and shared resources in microservice based distributed systems, that is based on dynamic analysis and is able to detect the correlation that would be missed by static analysis. For multi-threaded programs, we use a binary instrumentation tool to capture runtime information about shared variables and synchronization events, and for microservice based distributed systems, we use a web proxy to capture HTTP based traffic about API calls and the shared resources they access including distributed locks. Based on the detected correlation and runtime trace, the tool is powerful and can explore a vast interleaving space of a multi-threaded program or a microservice based distributed system given a small set of captured test runs. It is applicable to large real-world systems and can predict atomicity violations missed by other related works for multi-threaded programs and a couple of previous unknown atomicity violation in real world open source microservice based systems. A limitation is that redundant model checking may be performed if two recorded interleaved traces yield the same partial order model
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