299 research outputs found

    BER and outage probability of DPSK subcarrier intensity modulated free space optics in fully developed speckle.

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    In this paper a differential phase shift keying (DPSK) subcarrier intensity modulated (SIM) free space optical (FSO) link is considered in negative exponential atmospheric turbulence environment. To mitigate the scintillation effect, the selection combining spatial diversity scheme (SelC) is employed at the receiver. Bit error rate (BER) and outage probability (Pout) analysis are presented with and without the SelC spatial diversity. It is shown that at a BER of 10-6, a maximum diversity gain 25 dB is predicted. And about 60 dBm signal power is required to achieve an outage probability of 10-6, based on a threshold BER of 10-4

    Tecnologias coerentes para redes ópticas flexíveis

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    Next-generation networks enable a broad range of innovative services with the best delivery by utilizing very dense wired/wireless networks. However, the development of future networks will require several breakthroughs in optical networks such as high-performance optical transceivers to support a very-high capacity optical network as well as optimization of the network concept, ensuring a dramatic reduction of the cost per bit. At the same time, all of the optical network segments (metro, access, long-haul) need new technology options to support high capacity, spectral efficiency and data-rate flexibility. Coherent detection offers an opportunity by providing very high sensitivity and supporting high spectral efficiency. Coherent technology can still be combined with polarization multiplexing. Despite the increased cost and complexity, the migration to dual-polarization coherent transceivers must be considered, as it enables to double the spectral efficiency. These dual-polarization systems require an additional digital signal processing (DSP) subsystem for polarization demultiplexing. This work seeks to provide and characterize cost-effective novel coherent transceivers for the development of new generation practical, flexible and high capacity transceivers for optical metro-access and data center interconnects. In this regard, different polarization demultiplexing (PolDemux) algorithms, as well as adaptive Stokes will be considered. Furthermore, low complexity and modulation format-agnostic DSP techniques based on adaptive Stokes PolDemux for flexible and customizable optical coherent systems will be proposed. On this subject, the performance of the adaptive Stokes algorithm in an ultra-dense wavelength division multiplexing (U-DWDM) system will be experimentally evaluated, in offline and real-time operations over a hybrid optical-wireless link. In addition, the efficiency of this PolDemux algorithm in a flexible optical metro link based on Nyquist pulse shaping U-DWDM system and hybrid optical signals will be assessed. Moreover, it is of great importance to find a transmission technology that enables to apply the Stokes PolDemux for long-haul transmission systems and data center interconnects. In this work, it is also proposed a solution based on the use of digital multi-subcarrier multiplexing, which improve the performance of long-haul optical systems, without increasing substantially, their complexity and cost.As redes de telecomunicações futuras permitirão uma ampla gama de serviços inovadores e com melhor desempenho. No entanto, o desenvolvimento das futuras redes implicará vários avanços nas redes de fibra ótica, como transcetores óticos de alto desempenho capazes de suportar ligações de muito elevada capacidade, e a otimização da estrutura da rede, permitindo uma redução drástica do custo por bit transportado. Simultaneamente, todos os segmentos de rede ótica (metropolitanas, acesso e longo alcance) necessitam de novas opções tecnológicas para suportar uma maior capacidade, maior eficiência espetral e flexibilidade. Neste contexto, a deteção coerente surge como uma oportunidade, fornecendo alta sensibilidade e elevada eficiência espetral. A tecnologia de deteção coerente pode ainda ser associada à multiplexação na polarização. Apesar de um potencial aumento ao nível do custo e da complexidade, a migração para transcetores coerentes de dupla polarização deve ser ponderada, pois permite duplicar a eficiência espetral. Esses sistemas de dupla polarização requerem um subsistema de processamento digital de sinal (DSP) adicional para desmultiplexagem da polarização. Este trabalho procura fornecer e caracterizar novos transcetores coerentes de baixo custo para o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de transcetores mais práticos, flexíveis e de elevada capacidade, para interconexões óticas ao nível das futuras redes de acesso e metro. Assim, serão analisados diferentes algoritmos para a desmultiplexagem da polarização, incluindo uma abordagem adaptativa baseada no espaço de Stokes. Além disso, são propostas técnicas de DSP independentes do formato de modulação e de baixa complexidade baseadas na desmultiplexagem de Stokes adaptativa para sistemas óticos coerentes flexíveis. Neste contexto, o desempenho do algoritmo adaptativo de desmultiplexagem na polarização baseado no espaço de Stokes é avaliado experimentalmente num sistema U-DWDM, tanto em análises off-line como em tempo real, considerando um percurso ótico hibrido que combina um sistema de transmissão suportado por fibra e outro em espaço livre. Foi ainda analisada a eficiência do algoritmo de desmultiplexagem na polarização numa rede ótica de acesso flexível U-DWDM com formatação de pulso do tipo Nyquist. Neste trabalho foi ainda analisada a aplicação da técnica de desmultiplexagem na polarização baseada no espaço de Stokes para sistemas de longo alcance. Assim, foi proposta uma solução de aplicação baseada no uso da multiplexagem digital de múltiplas sub-portadoras, tendo-se demonstrado uma melhoria na eficiência do desempenho dos sistemas óticos de longo alcance, sem aumentar significativamente a respetiva complexidade e custo.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Advanced DSP Techniques for High-Capacity and Energy-Efficient Optical Fiber Communications

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    The rapid proliferation of the Internet has been driving communication networks closer and closer to their limits, while available bandwidth is disappearing due to an ever-increasing network load. Over the past decade, optical fiber communication technology has increased per fiber data rate from 10 Tb/s to exceeding 10 Pb/s. The major explosion came after the maturity of coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has played a critical role in accommodating channel impairments mitigation, enabling advanced modulation formats for spectral efficiency transmission and realizing flexible bandwidth. This book aims to explore novel, advanced DSP techniques to enable multi-Tb/s/channel optical transmission to address pressing bandwidth and power-efficiency demands. It provides state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives of DSP as well

    Adaptive probabilistic shaped modulation for high-capacity free-space optical links

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    Infrared free-space optics (FSO) provide an attractive solution for ultra-high-capacity wireless communications. However, the full potential of FSO is still being hindered by the apparent random fluctuations on the received optical power, which can be triggered by external factors such as atmospheric turbulence, weather instability, and pointing errors. Through the analysis of long-term experimental measurements, we identify the existence of significant time-domain memory in outdoor FSO links, which is found to be particularly strong under rainy weather conditions. Following this observation, we demonstrate that these memory effects can be effectively utilized to design accurate FSO channel estimation algorithms. Taking advantage of the arbitrary bit-rate granularity provided by probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS), and resorting to a simple moving average channel estimator, we demonstrate 400G+ transmission over a seamless fiber-FSO 55-m link with enhanced resilience towards adverse weather conditions. Comparing with unsupervised fixed modulation, we demonstrate a significant increase in average bit-rate (>35 Gbps) after continuous measurement over 3 hours, including raining periods

    Subcarrier intensity modulated free-space optical communication systems

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    This thesis investigates and analyses the performance of terrestrial free-space optical communication (FSO) system based on the phase shift keying pre-modulated subcarrier intensity modulation (SIM). The results are theoretically and experimentally compared with the classical On-Off keying (OOK) modulated FSO system in the presence of atmospheric turbulence. The performance analysis is based on the bit error rate (BER) and outage probability metrics. Optical signal traversing the atmospheric channel suffers attenuation due to scattering and absorption of the signal by aerosols, fog, atmospheric gases and precipitation. In the event of thick fog, the atmospheric attenuation coefficient exceeds 100 dB/km, this potentially limits the achievable FSO link length to less than 1 kilometre. But even in clear atmospheric conditions when signal absorption and scattering are less severe with a combined attenuation coefficient of less than 1 dB/km, the atmospheric turbulence significantly impairs the achievable error rate, the outage probability and the available link margin of a terrestrial FSO communication system. The effect of atmospheric turbulence on the symbol detection of an OOK based terrestrial FSO system is presented analytically and experimentally verified. It was found that atmospheric turbulence induced channel fading will require the OOK threshold detector to have the knowledge of the channel fading strength and noise levels if the detection error is to be reduced to its barest minimum. This poses a serious design difficulty that can be circumvented by employing phase shift keying (PSK) pre-modulated SIM. The results of the analysis and experiments showed that for a binary PSK-SIM based FSO system, the symbol detection threshold level does not require the knowledge of the channel fading strength or noise level. As such, the threshold level is fixed at the zero mark in the presence or absence of atmospheric turbulence. Also for the full and seamless integration of FSO into the access network, a study of SIM-FSO performance becomes compelling because existing networks already contain subcarrier-like signals such as radio over fibre and cable television signals. The use of multiple subcarrier signals as a means of increasing the throughput/capacity is also investigated and the effect of optical source nonlinearity is found to result in intermodulation distortion. The intermodulation distortion can impose a BER floor of up to 10-4 on the system error performance. In addition, spatial diversity and subcarrier delay diversity techniques are studied as means of ameliorating the effect of atmospheric turbulence on the error and outage performance of SIM-FSO systems. The three spatial diversity linear combining techniques analysed are maximum ratio combining, equal gain combining and selection combining. The system performance based on each of these combining techniques is presented and compared under different strengths of atmospheric turbulence. The results predicted that achieving a 4 km SIM-FSO link length with no diversity technique will require about 12 dB of power more than using a 4 × 4 transmitter/receiver array system with the same data rate in a weak turbulent atmospheric channel. On the other hand, retransmitting the delayed copy of the data once on a different subcarrier frequency was found to result in a gain of up to 4.5 dB in weak atmospheric turbulence channel

    New challenges in wireless and free space optical communications

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    AbstractThis manuscript presents a survey on new challenges in wireless communication systems and discusses recent approaches to address some recently raised problems by the wireless community. At first a historical background is briefly introduced. Challenges based on modern and real life applications are then described. Up to date research fields to solve limitations of existing systems and emerging new technologies are discussed. Theoretical and experimental results based on several research projects or studies are briefly provided. Essential, basic and many self references are cited. Future researcher axes are briefly introduced