27,941 research outputs found

    Dynamic and Multi-functional Labeling Schemes

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    We investigate labeling schemes supporting adjacency, ancestry, sibling, and connectivity queries in forests. In the course of more than 20 years, the existence of logn+O(loglog)\log n + O(\log \log) labeling schemes supporting each of these functions was proven, with the most recent being ancestry [Fraigniaud and Korman, STOC '10]. Several multi-functional labeling schemes also enjoy lower or upper bounds of logn+Ω(loglogn)\log n + \Omega(\log \log n) or logn+O(loglogn)\log n + O(\log \log n) respectively. Notably an upper bound of logn+5loglogn\log n + 5\log \log n for adjacency+siblings and a lower bound of logn+loglogn\log n + \log \log n for each of the functions siblings, ancestry, and connectivity [Alstrup et al., SODA '03]. We improve the constants hidden in the OO-notation. In particular we show a logn+2loglogn\log n + 2\log \log n lower bound for connectivity+ancestry and connectivity+siblings, as well as an upper bound of logn+3loglogn+O(logloglogn)\log n + 3\log \log n + O(\log \log \log n) for connectivity+adjacency+siblings by altering existing methods. In the context of dynamic labeling schemes it is known that ancestry requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) bits [Cohen, et al. PODS '02]. In contrast, we show upper and lower bounds on the label size for adjacency, siblings, and connectivity of 2logn2\log n bits, and 3logn3 \log n to support all three functions. There exist efficient adjacency labeling schemes for planar, bounded treewidth, bounded arboricity and interval graphs. In a dynamic setting, we show a lower bound of Ω(n)\Omega(n) for each of those families.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Turbo-FLASH based arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI at 7 T.

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    Motivations of arterial spin labeling (ASL) at ultrahigh magnetic fields include prolonged blood T1 and greater signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, increased B0 and B1 inhomogeneities and increased specific absorption ratio (SAR) challenge practical ASL implementations. In this study, Turbo-FLASH (Fast Low Angle Shot) based pulsed and pseudo-continuous ASL sequences were performed at 7T, by taking advantage of the relatively low SAR and short TE of Turbo-FLASH that minimizes susceptibility artifacts. Consistent with theoretical predictions, the experimental data showed that Turbo-FLASH based ASL yielded approximately 4 times SNR gain at 7T compared to 3T. High quality perfusion images were obtained with an in-plane spatial resolution of 0.85×1.7 mm(2). A further functional MRI study of motor cortex activation precisely located the primary motor cortex to the precentral gyrus, with the same high spatial resolution. Finally, functional connectivity between left and right motor cortices as well as supplemental motor area were demonstrated using resting state perfusion images. Turbo-FLASH based ASL is a promising approach for perfusion imaging at 7T, which could provide novel approaches to high spatiotemporal resolution fMRI and to investigate the functional connectivity of brain networks at ultrahigh field

    Near-optimal adjacency labeling scheme for power-law graphs

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    An adjacency labeling scheme is a method that assigns labels to the vertices of a graph such that adjacency between vertices can be inferred directly from the assigned label, without using a centralized data structure. We devise adjacency labeling schemes for the family of power-law graphs. This family that has been used to model many types of networks, e.g. the Internet AS-level graph. Furthermore, we prove an almost matching lower bound for this family. We also provide an asymptotically near- optimal labeling scheme for sparse graphs. Finally, we validate the efficiency of our labeling scheme by an experimental evaluation using both synthetic data and real-world networks of up to hundreds of thousands of vertices

    Better, Faster, Stronger Sequence Tagging Constituent Parsers

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    Sequence tagging models for constituent parsing are faster, but less accurate than other types of parsers. In this work, we address the following weaknesses of such constituent parsers: (a) high error rates around closing brackets of long constituents, (b) large label sets, leading to sparsity, and (c) error propagation arising from greedy decoding. To effectively close brackets, we train a model that learns to switch between tagging schemes. To reduce sparsity, we decompose the label set and use multi-task learning to jointly learn to predict sublabels. Finally, we mitigate issues from greedy decoding through auxiliary losses and sentence-level fine-tuning with policy gradient. Combining these techniques, we clearly surpass the performance of sequence tagging constituent parsers on the English and Chinese Penn Treebanks, and reduce their parsing time even further. On the SPMRL datasets, we observe even greater improvements across the board, including a new state of the art on Basque, Hebrew, Polish and Swedish.Comment: NAACL 2019 (long papers). Contains corrigendu

    Personalizing gesture recognition using hierarchical bayesian neural networks

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    Building robust classifiers trained on data susceptible to group or subject-specific variations is a challenging pattern recognition problem. We develop hierarchical Bayesian neural networks to capture subject-specific variations and share statistical strength across subjects. Leveraging recent work on learning Bayesian neural networks, we build fast, scalable algorithms for inferring the posterior distribution over all network weights in the hierarchy. We also develop methods for adapting our model to new subjects when a small number of subject-specific personalization data is available. Finally, we investigate active learning algorithms for interactively labeling personalization data in resource-constrained scenarios. Focusing on the problem of gesture recognition where inter-subject variations are commonplace, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed techniques. We test our framework on three widely used gesture recognition datasets, achieving personalization performance competitive with the state-of-the-art.http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Joshi_Personalizing_Gesture_Recognition_CVPR_2017_paper.htmlhttp://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Joshi_Personalizing_Gesture_Recognition_CVPR_2017_paper.htmlhttp://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Joshi_Personalizing_Gesture_Recognition_CVPR_2017_paper.htmlPublished versio

    An information-driven framework for image mining

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    [Abstract]: Image mining systems that can automatically extract semantically meaningful information (knowledge) from image data are increasingly in demand. The fundamental challenge in image mining is to determine how low-level, pixel representation contained in a raw image or image sequence can be processed to identify high-level spatial objects and relationships. To meet this challenge, we propose an efficient information-driven framework for image mining. We distinguish four levels of information: the Pixel Level, the Object Level, the Semantic Concept Level, and the Pattern and Knowledge Level. High-dimensional indexing schemes and retrieval techniques are also included in the framework to support the flow of information among the levels. We believe this framework represents the first step towards capturing the different levels of information present in image data and addressing the issues and challenges of discovering useful patterns/knowledge from each level